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Nejlepší román na téma alternativní historie
The Dragon Awards
The Dragon Awards.
WWW stránky ocenění: The Dragon Awards.
The Dragon Awards (Dračí ceny) vznikla jako reakce části fandomu na spekulace kolem udílení cen Hugo v roce 2015, kde se určité skupiny snažili protlačit názorově jim blízká díla či autory, což ve výsledku nakonec znamenalo, že v několika kategoriích nebyla cena Hugo vůbec udělena. The Dragon Awards je cena udělovaná na základě hlasování mezi fanoušky.
Nejlepší román na téma alternativní historie
originální název: Best Alternate History Novel
- 2016
- Naomi Novik
- League of Dragons, Naomi Novik (Del Rey)
- Jonathan Maberry
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Eric Flint
- Eric Flint
- Deadlands: Ghostwalkers, Jonathan Maberry (Tor)
- Bombs Away: The Hot War, Harry Turtledove (Del Rey)
- 1635: A Parcel of Rogues, Eric Flint & Andrew Dennis (Baen)
- 1636: The Cardinal Virtues, Eric Flint & Walter H. Hunt (Baen)
- Germanica, Robert Conroy (Baen)
- 2017
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Fallout: The Hot War, Harry Turtledove (Del Rey)
- Eric Flint
- China Miéville
- 1636: The Ottoman Onslaught, Eric Flint (Baen)
- The Last Days of New Paris, China Miéville (Del Rey)
- Another Girl, Another Planet, Lou Antonelli (WordFire)
- Witchy Eye, D.J. Butler (Baen)
- Breath of Earth, Beth Cato (Harper Voyager)
- No Gods, Only Daimons, Kai Wai Cheah (Castalia House)
- A Change in Crime, D.R. Perry (Self-published)
- 2018
- Kevin J. Anderson
- Sarah A. Hoyt
- Uncharted, Kevin J. Anderson & Sarah A. Hoyt (Baen)
- Stephen Michael Stirling
- Charles Stross
- The Sea Peoples, S.M. Stirling (Ace)
- Dark State, Charles Stross (Tor)
- Witchy Winter, D.J. Butler (Baen)
- Minds of Men, Kacey Ezell (Theogony)
- The Dream of the Iron Dragon, Robert Kroese (self-published)
- 2019
- Stephen Michael Stirling
- Black Chamber by S.M. Stirling
- David Mack
- Lavie Tidhar
- McEwan, Ian - Stroje jako já 66% / 5
- Kowal, Mary Robinette - Počítání hvězd 85% / 4
- The Iron Codex by David Mack
- Unholy Land by Lavie Tidhar
- The World Asunder by Kacey Ezell
- 2020
- Witchy Kingdom by D. J. Butler
- The Girl with No Face by M. H. Boroson
- Revolution by W. L. Goodwater
- As Our World Ends by Jack Hunt
- Up-time Pride and Down-time Prejudice by Mark H. Huston
- A Nation Interrupted by Kevin McDonald
- 2021
- Eric Flint
- 1637: No Peace Beyond the Line, Eric Flint & Charles E. Gannon (Baen)
- Charlaine Harris
- Stephen Michael Stirling
- Clark, Phenderson Djèlí - Vládce džinů 79% / 8
- Kowal, Mary Robinette - Neúprosný Měsíc
- Ellis, Lindsay - Konec axiomu
- The Russian Cage, Charlaine Harris (Saga)
- Daggers in Darkness, S.M. Stirling (1632, Inc.)
- 2022
- Mercedes Lackey
- The Silver Bullets of Annie Oakley, Mercedes Lackey (DAW)
- Charles Stross
- Vonda N. McIntyre
- Kelly Barnhill
- Parker-Chan, Shelley - Jež se stala sluncem
- Invisible Sun, Charles Stross (Tor)
- The King's Daughter, Vonda N. McIntyre (Open Road Media) (aka The Moon and the Sun, 1997)
- When Woman Were Dragons, Kelly Barnhill (Doubleday)
- 1637: Dr. Gribbleflotz and the Soul of Stone, Kerryn Offord & Rick Boatright (Baen)
- 2023
- A. G. Riddle
- Lost in Time, A. G. Riddle (Head of Zeus)
- Halcyon, Elliot Ackerman (Knopf)
- Hidden Voices, Dan Willis (self-published)
- The Mother, B. L. Blanchard (47North)
- The Revolutionary War, Christopher G. Nuttall (Elsewhen)