Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award
Cena je každoročně od roku 1987 udělována za nejlepší science – fiction povídku roku. Cena nese jméno amerického spisovatele Theodora Sturgeona. Byla založena v roce 1987 Jamesem Gunnem, ředitelem Centra pro studium science – fiction na universitě v Kansasu, kde Sturgeon přednášel a vyučoval.
Nejlepší povídka
originální název: Short Stories
- 1987
- Judith Moffett
- Judith Moffett - Surviving
- Waldrop, Howard - Dnes v noci lvi spí 54% / 5
- Cadigan, Pat - Hezounkova transformace 40% / 8
- Susan Palwick - Elephant
- Richard Kearns - Grave Angels
- 1988
- Murphy, Pat - Zamilovaná Ráchel 84% / 22
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Jsou dva druhy lidí 57% / 9
- Williams, Walter Jon - Dinosauři 79% / 10
- Octavia Estelle Butler
- James Patrick Kelly
- Octavia E. Butler - The Evening and the Morning and the Night
- James Patrick Kelly - Heroics
- Pat Forde - The Gift
- 1989
- Howard Waldrop
- Neal Barrett, jr.
- John Kessel
- Howard Waldrop - Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna Dance?
- Neal Barrett, Jr. - Stairs
- John Kessel - Mrs. Shummel Exits a Winner
- Steven Popkes - The Color Winter
- 1990
- Michael Swanwick
- Michael Swanwick - The Edge of the World
- Sterling, Bruce - Dori Bangsová 76% / 9
- James Patrick Kelly
- James Patrick Kelly
- Megan Lindholm
- Megan Lindholm - Silver Lady and the Fortyish Man
- James Patrick Kelly - Dancing with the Chairs
- James Patrick Kelly - Faith
- 1991
- John Barnes
- Raphael Aloysius Lafferty
- John Barnes - My Advice to the Civilized
- R. A. Lafferty - Episodes of the Argo
- 1992
- Kessel, John - Buffalo 69% / 16
- Brennert, Alan - Ma Qui 88% / 8
- Jonathan Lethem
- Jonathan Lethem - The Happy Man
- 1993
- Dan Simmons
- Dan Simmons - This Year's Class Picture
- Willis, Connie - Dokonce i královna 79% / 30
- Judith Tarr
- Pamela Sargent
- Judith Tarr - Death and the Lady
- Pamela Sargent - Danny Goes to Mars
- David B. Silva - Slipping
- 1994
2. místo (dělené) : Howard V. Hendrix – At the Shadow of a Dream, Martha Soukup – The Story So Far
- Johnson, Kij - Liščí kouzlo 70% / 26
- Howard V. Hendrix
- Martha Soukup
- Howard V. Hendrix - At the Shadow of a Dream
- Martha Soukup - The Story So Far
- 1995
2. místo : Maureen F. McHugh – Nekropole, 3. místo : Michael Bishop – Cri de Coeur, Zvláštní citace : Albert Goldbarth – The Two Domains
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Ursula K. Le Guin - Forgiveness Day
- Pat Cadigan
- Michael F. Flynn
- Edward Winslow Bryant
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Michael Bishop
- Resnick, Mike - Sedm vzorků z Olduvaiské rokle 83% / 24
- Gerrold, David - Marťanské dítě 87% / 7
- Egan, Greg - Kokon 87% / 15
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Nekropole 71% / 8
- Barry N. Malzberg
- Michael Bishop - Cri de Coeur
- Ursula K. Le Guin - Another Story or A Fisherman of the Inland Sea
- Edward Bryant - The Fire that Scours
- Michael F. Flynn - Melodies of the Heart
- Pat Cadigan - Paris In June
- Barry N. Malzberg - Understanding Entropy
- Albert Goldbarth - The Two Domains
- Peter L. Manly a Rick Cook - Symphony for Skyfall
- 1996
2. místo : Brian Stableford – The Age of Innocence, 3. místo : Ray Aldridge – Potápěči z Páteře
- Michael Bishop
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Brian Stableford
- Paul Levinson
- Robert Reynolds Chase
- Marusek, David - Byli jsme radostí celí bez sebe 78% / 6
- Stableford, Brian - Dějiny smrti z pera Mortimera Graye 79% / 11
- Hoffman, Nina Kiriki - Domov na vánoce 95% / 11
- Somtow, S. P. - Diamanty nejsou navždy 80% / 3
- Aldridge, Raymon Huebert - Potápěči z Páteře 79% / 16
- Robert R. Chase - The Wellness Plague
- Paul Levinson - The Chronology Protection Case
- Brian Stableford - The Age of Innocence
- Nancy Kress - Fault Lines
- Michael Bishop - I, Iscariot
- 1997
2. místo : William Barton – Age of Aquarius, 3. místo : Gregory Feeley – The Weighing of Ayre
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Elizabethin komplex
- James P. Blaylock
- Nancy Anne Kress
- John M. Ford
- Jeff VanderMeer
- Suzy McKee Charnas
- William Barton
- Swanwick, Michael - Radiové vlny 43% / 4
- Crowley, John - Pryč 72% / 19
- Gregory Feeley
- William Barton - Age of Aquarius
- Suzy McKee Charnas - Beauty and the Opéra or The Phantom Beast
- Jeff VanderMeer - Dradin, In Love
- John M. Ford - Erase/Record/Play
- Nancy Kress - Marigold Outlet
- James P. Blaylock - Thirteen Phantasms
- Gregory Feeley - The Weighing of Ayre
- 1998
2. místo : Allen Steele – „… kam se i andělé bojí vstoupit“, 3. místo : Brian Stableford – Coming to Grips with the Great Plague
- Michael F. Flynn
- Michael Flynn - House of Dreams
- Mary Rosenblum
- Paul Levinson
- Walter Jon Williams
- Paul Park
- Alan Brennert
- Brian Stableford
- William Sanders
- Lee, Mary Soon - Univerzální gramatika 55% / 6
- Kelly, James Patrick - Vařila myšička kašičku 82% / 12
- Resnick, Mike - 43 antareských dynastií 87% / 7
- Steele, Allen M. - „… kam se i andělé bojí vstoupit“ 75% / 24
- William Sanders - The Undiscovered
- Brian Stableford - Coming to Grips with the Great Plague
- Alan Brennert - Echoes
- Paul Park - Get a Grip
- Walter Jon Williams - Lethe
- Paul Levinson - Loose Ends
- Mary Rosenblum a James Sarafin - One Good Juror
- 1999
2. místo : Michael Kandel – Wading River Dogs and More, 3. místo : Ian R. MacLeod – Letní ostrovy
- Chiang, Ted - Příběh tvého života 88% / 53
- Michael Swanwick
- Michael Swanwick
- James Patrick Kelly
- Elliot Fintushel
- Cory Doctorow
- Gregory Frost
- Paul Levinson
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Letní ostrovy 76% / 9
- Daniel, Tony - Rádio Praha 68% / 10
- Robertson, R. Garcia y - Vládkyně Helia 71% / 7
- Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Echea 80% / 4
- Egan, Greg - Planckův skok 75% / 14
- Sterling, Bruce - Maneki Neko 81% / 21
- Gregory Feeley
- Paul Levinson - Advantage, Bellarmine
- Gregory Frost - How Meersh the Bedeviler Lost His Toes
- Cory Doctorow - Craphound
- Eliot Fintushel - Crane Fly
- James Patrick Kelly - Lovestory
- Michael Swanwick - Radiant Doors
- Michael Swanwick - Wild Minds
- Gregory Feeley - Animae Celestes
- Michael Kandel - Wading River Dogs and More
- Raphael Carter - Congenital Agenesis of Gender Ideation by K.N. Sirsi and Sandra Botkin
- L. Timmel Duchamp - Dance at the Edge
- Uncle River - Love of the True God
- 2000
2. místo : Eleanor Arnason – Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance, 3. místo : Judith Berman – Okno
- Marusek, David - Svatební album 82% / 21
- Robert Reed
- M. John Harrison
- Michael A. Burstein
- William Sanders
- James Edwin Gunn
- Brian A. Hopkins
- Geoff Ryman
- Bisson, Terry - EMKA 73% / 8
- Williams, Walter Jon - Tátův svět 90% / 16
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Zařezávačka 75% / 15
- Berman, Judith - Okno 73% / 13
- Eleanor Arnason
- Geoff Ryman - Everywhere
- Brian A. Hopkins - Five Days in April
- James Gunn - The Giftie
- William Sanders - Jennifer, Just Before Midnight
- Michael A. Burstein - Reality Check
- M. John Harrison - Suicide Coast
- Robert Reed - Winemaster
- Eleanor Arnason - Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance
- Richard Wadholm - Green Tea
- Wil McCarthy - Once Upon a Matter Crushed
- 2001
2. místo : Stephen Baxter – Sheena 5, 3. místo : Lucius Shepard – Radiant Green Star
- McDonald, Ian - Příběh Tendeléo 86% / 16
- Paul James McAuley
- Elliot Fintushel
- John Kessel
- William Barton
- Charles Stross
- Lucius Shepard
- Chiang, Ted - Dvaasedmdesát písmen 80% / 45
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Na orionské frontě 70% / 5
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Narozeniny světa 67% / 10
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Sheena 5 83% / 16
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Lucius Shepard - Radiant Green Star
- Charles Stross - Antibodies
- William Barton - Heart of Glass
- John Kessel - The Juniper Tree
- Eliot Fintushel - Milo and Sylvie
- Paul J. McAuley - Reef
- Nancy Kress - Savior
- 2002
2. místo : Charles Stross – Humrové, 3. místo : James Patrick Kelly – Odkonáno
- Andy Duncan
- Andy Duncan - The Chief Designer
- Maureen F. McHugh
- Geoff Ryman
- Lucius Shepard
- James Morrow
- Chwedyk, Richard - Míra všech věcí 80% / 10
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Padlá Isabel 75% / 2
- Chiang, Ted - Peklo je nepřítomnost Boha 78% / 52
- Swanwick, Michael - Haf haf, řekl pes 60% / 14
- Kelly, James Patrick - Odkonáno 69% / 18
- Stross, Charles - Humrové 66% / 14
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Nový pohled na Drakeovu rovnici 78% / 25
- James Morrow - The Cat's Pajamas
- Lucius Shepard - Eternity and Afterward
- Geoff Ryman - Have Not Have
- Maureen F. McHugh - Interview: On Any Given Day
- 2003
2. místo : Richard Chwedyk – Brontino vejce, 3. místo : Greg Egan – Singleton
- Lucius Shepard
- Lucius Shepard - Over Yonder
- Greg Egan
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Di Filippo, Paul - Rok v lineárním městě 89% / 24
- Kessel, John - Příběhy pro muže 66% / 9
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Ansarské roční doby 68% / 8
- Frost, Gregory - Madona z Maquiladory 74% / 10
- Chiang, Ted - Když se vám líbí, co vidíte: Dokument 84% / 43
- Sterling, Bruce - V ráji 74% / 7
- Stross, Charles - Aura 72% / 6
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Dýchavka 74% / 5
- Chwedyk, Richard - Brontino vejce 83% / 8
- Robert Reed
- Ursula Kroeber Le Guin - The Wild Girls
- Greg Egan - Singleton
- Robert Reed - Coelacanths
- 2004
2. místo : James Patrick Kelly – Bernardova vila, 3. místo : John Kessel – It's All True
- Baker, Kage - Císařovna Marsu 66% / 8
- William Sanders
- Ruth Nestvold
- William Barton
- Lucius Shepard
- John Kessel
- Adam-Troy Castro
- Levine, David D. - Pověst o zlatém orlu 65% / 12
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Flétnová dívka 86% / 93
- Ford, Jeffrey - Zmrzlinová říše 95% / 32
- Kelly, James Patrick - Bernardova vila 77% / 15
- Jack Skillingstead
- Adam-Troy Castro - The Tangled Strings of the Marionettes
- John Kessel - It's All True
- Lucius Shepard - Only Partly Here
- William Barton - Off on a Starship
- Ruth Nestvold - Looking Through Lace
- William Sanders - Dry Bones
- Jack Skillingstead - Dead Worlds
- 2005
2. místo : Christopher Rowe – Dobrovolný stát, 3. místo : Robert Reed – Mere
- Denton, Bradley - Seržant Chip 80% / 14
- Nnedi Okorafor
- Steven Utley
- Gene Wolfe
- David Gerrold
- Lois Tilton
- Pamela Sargent
- Terry Bisson
- John Kessel
- Ian Watson
- Robert Reed
- Berman, Judith - Strachomet 71% / 9
- Link, Kelly - Kamenná zvířata 84% / 10
- Lanagan, Margo - Zpěv na sestřinu cestu dolů 73% / 6
- Rosenbaum, Benjamin - Pusťte hodiny 61% / 16
- Rowe, Christopher - Dobrovolný stát 51% / 11
- Gregory Feeley
- Robert Reed - Mere
- Ian Watson - An Appeal to Adolf
- John Kessel - The Baum Plan for Financial Independence
- Terry Bisson - Scout's Honor
- Pamela Sargent - Venus Flowers at Night
- Lois Tilton - The Gladiator's War: A Dialog
- David Gerrold - Dancer in the Dark
- Gene Wolfe - The Lost Pilgrim
- Steven Utley - Invisible Kingdoms
- Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu - The Magical Negro
- Gregory Feeley - Arabian Wine
- Mike Moscoe - The Strange Redemption of Sister Mary Ann
- Brenda Cooper - Savant Songs
- Steve Tomasula - The Risk-Taking Gene as Expressed by Some Asian Subjects
- 2006
2. místo : Ian McDonald – Malá bohyně, 3. místo : Kelly Link – Magie pro začátečníky
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Kalorik 83% / 81
- Link, Kelly - Magie pro začátečníky 74% / 19
- McDonald, Ian - Malá bohyně 82% / 28
- Gregory, Daryl - Druhá osoba, přítomný čas 85% / 13
- James Van Pelt
- Sterling, Bruce - Blemmyho lest 71% / 7
- Vonda N. McIntyre
- John G. McDaid
- Willis, Connie - Vnitřní záležitost 89% / 15
- James Van Pelt - The Inn at Mount Either
- Vonda N. McIntyre - Little Faces
- John G. McDaid - Keyboard Practice, Consisting of an Aria with Diverse Variations for the Harpsichord with Two Manuals
- Jason Stoddard - Panacea
- 2007
2. místo : Robert Reed – Miliarda Ev, 3. místo : Michael Swanwick – Lord Weary's Empire
- Rowe, Christopher - Mapa a víra jedno jsou 62% / 9
- Michael Swanwick
- Rickert, Mary - Nikdy jsi tu nebyl 44% / 7
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Na žlutou kartu 77% / 75
- Melko, Paul - Stěny vesmíru 90% / 9
- Wilson, Robert Charles - Julian - Vánoční příběh 83% / 10
- Shunn, William - Orientace 89% / 12
- Rosenbaum, Benjamin - Dům mimo vaši oblohu 64% / 8
- McDonald, Ian - Džinova žena 69% / 12
- Flynn, Michael F. - Svítání, západ slunce a barvy země 76% / 11
- Reed, Robert - Miliarda Ev 80% / 17
- Michael Swanwick - Lord Weary's Empire
- 2008
2. místo (dělené) : Ian R. MacLeod – Příběhy mistra mlynáře, Gene Wolfe – Memorare
- Bear, Elizabeth - Hranice odlivu 81% / 20
- Moles, David - Finisterra 73% / 8
- Ford, Jeffrey - Snící vítr 72% / 10
- Kij Johnson
- Sinisalo, Johanna - Panenky 76% / 5
- Kessel, John - Poslední Američan 54% / 9
- Jones, Gwyneth Ann - Paní hrobky 60% / 6
- Chiang, Ted - O kupci a alchymistově bráně 90% / 37
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Příběh mistra mlynáře 79% / 17
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Always 66% / 11
- Wolfe, Gene - Memorare 60% / 8
- Barron, Laird - Les 74% / 11
- Kij Johnson - The Evolution of Trickster Stories Among the Dogs Of North Park After the Change
- 2009
2. místo : Kathleen Ann Goonan – Memory Dog, 3. místo : Ian McDonald – The Tear
- Finlay, Charles Coleman - Politický vězeň 69% / 14
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Zvláštní ekonomika 76% / 23
- Benjamin Rosenbaum
- Cory Doctorow
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Hazardný hráč 87% / 3
- Ian McDonald
- Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Swanwick, Michael - Kterak jsme padlé slávě Babylonu unikli... 75% / 13
- Rajaniemi, Hannu - Pánův hlas 68% / 15
- Kathleen Ann Goonan - Memory Dog
- Ian McDonald - The Tear
- Cory Doctorow a Benjamin Rosenbaum - True Names
- 2010
2. místo (dělené) : Sara Genge – Když ženy bojují, John Barnes – Co se dá odestát, Damien Broderick – This Wind Blowing, and this Tide
- James Morrow
- James Morrow - Shambling Towards Hiroshima
- Barnes, John - Co se dá odestát 77% / 20
- Kosmatka; Poore - Smrtilka 80% / 25
- Robert Reed
- Kij Johnson
- Tim Pratt
- Lewis Shiner
- Tanith Lee
- Damien Broderick
- Swirsky, Rachel - Eros, filia, agapé 69% / 8
- Watts, Peter - Ostrov 75% / 18
- Genge, Sara - Když ženy bojují 60% / 21
- Damien Broderick - This Wind Blowing, and this Tide
- Tanith Lee - Clockatrice
- Lewis Shiner - The Death of Che Guevara
- Tim Pratt - Her Voice in a Bottle
- Kij Johnson - Spar
- Robert Reed - True Fame
- 2011
2. místo : Elizabeth Hand – Panenský let McCauleyho Bellerophona, 3. místo : Peter Watts – Věci
- Landis, Geoffrey A. - Sultán mraků 78% / 11
- Reed, Robert - Běh mrtvého muže 60% / 13
- Hand, Elizabeth - První let McCauleyho Bellerophonu 66% / 20
- Alastair Reynolds
- Steve Rasnic Tem
- Paul Park
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Broderick, Damien - Pod Venušinými měsíci 69% / 12
- Tidhar, Lavie - Noční vlak 53% / 8
- Watts, Peter - Věci 75% / 18
- Eleanor Arnason
- "Flower, Mercy, Needle, Chain", Yoon Ha Lee (Lightspeed Sep 2010)
- "Ghosts Doing the Orange Dance", Paul Park (F&SF Jan/Feb 2010)
- "A Letter from the Emperor", Steve Rasnic Tem (Asimov's Jan 2010)
- "Troika", Alastair Reynolds (Godlike Machines)
- "Mammoths of the Great Plains", Eleanor Arnason (Mammoths of the Great Plains)
- 2012
2. místo : „Šest měsíců, tři dny“ by Charlie Jane Anders, 3. místo : „Papírový zvěřinec“ by Ken Liu
- McAuley, Paul James - Volba 70% / 11
- Valente, Catherynne M. - Velmi rychle a potichu 64% / 19
- Johnson, Kij - Muž, který přemostil mlhu 78% / 12
- Liu, Ken - Papírový zvěřinec 89% / 14
- Ken Liu
- Anders, Charlie Jane - Šest měsíců, tři dny 69% / 31
- Cornell, Paul - Kodaňská interpretace 67% / 16
- Lee, Yoon Ha - Duchováha 57% / 12
- "The Old Equations" by Jake Kerr
- 2013
2. místo : Linda Nagata – “Nahiiku West”, 3. místo : Robert Reed – Eater of Bone
- Molly Gloss
- “The Grinnell Method”, Molly Gloss (Strange Horizons Sep 2012)
- Liu, Ken - Mono no aware 77% / 23
- Liu, Ken - Specifika vybraných druhů v oblasti tvorby knih 59% / 26
- Jay Lake
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Robert Reed
- Bruce Sterling
- Aliette de Bodard
- de Bodard, Aliette - Rozptýleni podél řeky nebes 68% / 19
- Linda Nagata
- “Immersion”, Aliette de Bodard (Clarkesworld Jun 2012)
- “The Peak of Eternal Light”, Bruce Sterling (Edge of Infinity)
- Eater of Bone, Robert Reed (PS Publishing)
- After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall, Nancy Kress (Tachyon)
- “The Weight of History, the Lightness of the Future”, Jay Lake (Subterranean Spr 2012)
- “Nahiiku West”, Linda Nagata (Analog Oct 2012)
- “Things Greater Than Love”, Kate Bachus (Strange Horizons 19 Mar 2012)
- “(To See the Other) Whole Against the Sky”, E. Catherine Tobler (Clarkesworld Nov 2012)
- 2014
- Gregory Norman Bossert
- Robert Reed
- Lily Yu, E. - Urašimův efekt 69% / 25
- Vylar Kaftan
- Alan DeNiro
- Schneyer, Kenneth - Vybrané části z katalogu k retrospektivní výstavě Theresy Rosenbergové Latimerové 65% / 22
- Will McIntosh
- Alaya Dawn Johnson
- “Bloom”, Gregory Norman Bossert (Asimov's Dec 2013)
- “Mystic Falls”, Robert Reed (Clarkesworld Nov 2013)
- “The Weight of the Sunrise”, Vylar Kaftan (Asimov's Feb 2013)
- “The Wildfires of Antarctica”, Alan DeNiro (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2013)
- “Over There”, Will McIntosh (Asimov's Jan 2013)
- “They Shall Salt the Earth with Seeds of Glass”, Alaya Dawn Johnson (Asimov's Jan 2013)
- “The Irish Astronaut”, Val Nolan (Electric Velocipede May 2013)
- 2015
- Cory Doctorow
- The Man Who Sold the Moon”, Cory Doctorow (Hieroglyph)
- McDonald, Ian - Pátý drak 60% / 12
- Liu, Ken - Regulérní klient 80% / 22
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Eugie Foster
- Daryl Gregory
- Suzanne Palmer
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Geoffrey A. Landis
- Robert Reed
- Octavia Estelle Butler
- Tananarive Due
- Miller, Sam J. - Tvoříme cloud 63% / 7
- “Herd Immunity”, Tananarive Due (The End is Now)
- “Childfinder”, Octavia E. Butler (Unexpected Stories)
- “The Cryptic Age”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Dec 2014)
- “A Hotel in Antarctica”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Hieroglyph)
- “Lady With Fox”, Gregory Benford (Carbide Tipped Pens)
- “Shatterdown”, Suzanne Palmer (Asimov's Jun 2014)
- We Are All Completely Fine, Daryl Gregory (Tachyon)
- “When it Ends, He Catches Her”, Eugie Foster (Daily Science Fiction 26 Sep 2014)
- Yesterday's Kin, Nancy Kress (Tachyon)
- “In Her Eyes”, Seth Chambers (F&SF Jan/Feb 2014)
- “The Lightness of the Movement”, Pat MacEwen (F&SF Mar/Apr 2014)
- 2016
- Kelly Link
- Kelly Link - “The Game of Smash and Recovery” (Strange Horizons 10/17/15)
- Greg Egan
- Gwyneth Ann Jones
- David D. Levine
- McDonald, Ian - Botanica Veneris – Třináct vystřihovánek Idy, hraběnky z Rathanganu 77% / 14
- Kelly Robson
- Pinsker, Sarah - Naše paní na cestách 69% / 10
- “The Four Thousand, the Eight Hundred”, Greg Egan (Asimov’s 10/15)
- “Emergence”, Gwyneth Jones (Meeting Infinity)
- “Damage”, David D. Levine ( 01/21/15)
- “The Three Resurrections of Jessica Churchill”, Kelly Robson (Clarkesworld 2/15)
- “Avery Cates: The Walled City” Jeff Somers (self-published 6/15)
- “And You Shall Know Her by the Trail of Dead”, Brooke Bolander (Lightspeed 2/15)
- “Folding Beijing”, Hao Jingfang (Uncanny Magazine 1-2/15)
- 2017
- Catherynne M. Valente
- “The Future is Blue”, Catherynne M. Valente (Drowned Worlds)
- Nina Allan
- Gilman, Carolyn Ives - Na cestách s mimozemšťanem 71% / 16
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Návštěvník z Tauredu 64% / 16
- Phetteplace, Dominica - Projekt Empatie 72% / 19
- Victor LaValle
- Miller, Sam J. - Vousaté bytosti 49% / 10
- “The Art of Space Travel”, Nina Allan ( Jul 2016)
- The Ballad of Black Tom, Victor LaValle (
- “Seasons of Glass and Iron”, Amal El-Mohtar (The Starlit Wood)
- A Taste of Honey, Kai Ashante Wilson (
- 2018
- Charlie Jane Anders
- “Don't Press Charges and I Won't Sue”, Charlie Jane Anders (Global Dystopias)
- Prasad, Vina Jie-Min - Série steaků 75% / 4
- Sarah Pinsker
- Robson, Kelly - My, kdo žijeme v jádru 68% / 10
- Roanhorse, Rebecca - Vítejte v Autentickém indiánském zážitku™ 73% / 15
- Buckell, Tobias S. - Zen a umění údržby hvězdoletu 67% / 13
- Maureen F. McHugh
- Suzanne Palmer
- Nagata, Linda - Martský obelisk 74% / 17
- Greg Egan
- Vina Jie-Min Prasad
- “The Discrete Charm of the Turing Machine”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Nov/Dec 2017)
- “The Secret Life of Bots”, Suzanne Palmer (Clarkesworld Sep 2017)
- “Sidewalks”, Maureen McHugh (Omni Nov 2017)
- “And Then There Were (N-One)”, Sarah Pinsker (Uncanny Mar 2017)
- “Fandom for Robots”, Vina Jie-Min Prasad (Uncanny Sep 2017)
- 2019
- Annalee Newitz
- “When Robot and Crew Saved East St. Louis”, Annalee Newitz (Slate Dec 2018)
- Kelly Robson
- Gregory, Daryl - Posledních devět dní na planetě Zemi 79% / 14
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Carolyn Ives Gilman
- Clark, Phenderson Djèlí - Tajný život devíti negerských zubů George Washingtona 62% / 10
- Heller, Simone - Když jsme neměli hvězdy 78% / 8
- Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach, Kelly Robson (
- “The Starship and the Temple Cat”, Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Ceaseless Skies 1 Feb 2018)
- “Umbernight”, Carolyn Ives Gilman (Clarkesworld Feb 2018)
- “On the Day You Spend Forever with Your Dog”, Adam Shannon (Apex Dec 2018)
- The Only Harmless Great Thing, Brooke Bolander (
- “Yard Dog”, Tade Thompson (Fiyah Jul 2018)
- “Freezing Rain, A Chance of Falling”, L. X. Beckett (F&SF Jul/Aug 2018)
- 2020
2. This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone (Saga), 3. “The Last Voyage of Skidbladnir”, Karin Tidbeck ( 14 Jan 2019)
- Suzanne Palmer
- “Waterlines”, Suzanne Palmer (Asimov's Jul/Aug 2019)
- Karin Tidbeck
- Caroline M. Yoachim
- Tobias S. Buckell
- Greenblatt, A. T. - Srdečně pozdravuj všechny příbuzné 72% / 10
- Lavie Tidhar
- Chiang, Ted - Omfalos/Pupek světa 83% / 16
- Suzanne Palmer
- “The Last Voyage of Skidbladnir”, Karin Tidbeck ( 14 Jan 2019)
- “The Archronology of Love”, Caroline M. Yoachim (Lightspeed Apr 2019)
- “The Galactic Tourist Industrial Complex”, Tobias S. Buckell (New Suns)
- “New Atlantis”, Lavie Tidhar (F&SF May/Jun 2019)
- “The Painter of Trees”, Suzanne Palmer (Clarkesworld Jun 2019)
- Sisters of the Vast Black, Lina Rather (
- This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone (Saga)
- “The Dead, In Their Uncontrollable Power”, Karen Osborne (Uncanny Mar/Apr 2019)
- 2021
2. “The Pill”, Meg Elison (Big Girl), 3. “Yellow and the Perception of Reality”, Maureen McHugh ( Jul 2020)
- Maureen F. McHugh
- Ken Liu
- Charlie Jane Anders
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki
- Chandrasekera, Vajra - Překladatel, za odlivu 70% / 3
- Vina Jie-Min Prasad
- “Yellow and the Perception of Reality”, Maureen McHugh ( Jul 2020)
- “50 Things Every AI Working with Humans Should Know”, Ken Liu (Uncanny Nov 2020)
- “If You Take My Meaning”, Charlie Jane Anders ( Feb 2020)
- “The Mermaid Astronaut”, Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Ceaseless Skies Feb 2020)
- “Ife-Iyoku, the Tale of Imadeyunuagbon”, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki (Dominion)
- “A Guide for Working Breeds”, Vina Jie-Min Prasad ( Mar 2020)
- “AirBody”, Sameem Siddiqui (Clarkesworld Apr 2020)
- “A Mastery of German”, Marian Denise Moore (Dominion)
- “The Pill”, Meg Elison (Big Girl)
- 2022
- Nalo Hopkinson
- “Broad Dutty Water: A Sunken Story”, Nalo Hopkinson (F&SF Nov/Dec 2021)
- Nayler, Ray - Sarkofág 75% / 11
- Daryl Gregory
- Suzanne Palmer
- John Kessel
- Phenderson Djèlí Clark
- David Moles
- R. S. A. Garcia
- Iriarte, José Pablo - Důkaz indukcí 78% / 5
- The Album of Dr. Moreau, Daryl Gregory (Tordotcom)
- “Bots of the Lost Ark”, Suzanne Palmer (Clarkesworld Jun 2021)
- “The Dark Ride”, John Kessel (F&SF Jan/Feb 2021)
- “If the Martians Have Magic”, P. Djèlí Clark (Uncanny Sep/Oct 2021)
- “The Metric”, David Moles (Asimov's May/Jun 2021)
- “Philia, Eros, Storge, Agápe, Pragma”, R. S. A. Garcia (Clarkesworld Jan 2021)
- The Necessity of Stars, E. Catherine Tobler (Neon Hemlock)
- 2023
2. “Babang Luksa”, Nicasio Andres Reed (Reckoning Feb 2022), 3. “Slow Communication”, Dominique Dickey (Fantasy Feb 2022)
- Mills, Samantha - Králičí test 54% / 5
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Annalee Newitz
- A. T. Greenblatt
- Ilo, Innocent Chizaram - Město a Ta věc pod ním 40% / 4
- “Bonsai Starships”, Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Ceaseless Skies Feb 2022)
- “A Hole in the Light”, Annalee Newitz (Sunday Morning Transport Oct 2022)
- “If We Make It Through This Alive”, A. T. Greenblatt (Slate Jan 2022)
- “In the Beginning of Me, I Was a Bird”, Maria Dong (Lightspeed Jan 2022)
- “Slow Communication”, Dominique Dickey (Fantasy Feb 2022)
- “Ten Steps for Effective Mold Removal”, Derrick Boden (Apex Sep 2022)
- “Toronto Isn't Real and Other Metropolitcan Anomalies”, A. D. Sui (Augur Dec 2022)
- “Babang Luksa”, Nicasio Andres Reed (Reckoning Feb 2022)
- 2022)