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Sidewise Award for Alternate History »
Sidewise Award for Alternate History
WWW stránky ocenění: Sidewise Award for Alternate History
Cena založili v roce 1995 Steven H Silver, Evelyn C. Leeper a Robert B. Schmunk. Cena je nazvána podle povídky Schovávaná v čase (Sidewise in Time, autor Murray Leinster) a je udělována za nejlepší povídku a román roku s tématikou alternativní historie. Každoročně jsou udělovány dvě ceny, obvykle na Worldconu. O cenách rozhoduje porota, počet členů se v průběhu let pohyboval od 3 do 8.
originální název: Short Form
Nominovány jsou díla s délkou méně než 60 000 slov.
- 1996
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Stephen Baxter - "Brigantia's Angels"
- Garnett, David S. - Surové umění 50% / 5
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Lincolnův vlak 45% / 11
- Stephen Dedman
- Jonathan Lethem
- Carter Robert Scholz
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Howard Waldrop
- Stephen Dedman - From Whom All Blessings Flow
- Jonathan Lethem a Carter Scholz - Receding Horizon
- Harry Turtledove - Must and Shall
- Howard Waldrop - You Could Go Home Again
- 1997
- Walter Jon Williams
- Walter Jon Williams - "Foreign Devils"
- William Barton
- John Kessel
- Kim Newman
- Mark W. Tiedemann
- William Barton - Age of Aquarius
- John Kessel - The Miracle of Ivar Avenue
- Kim Newman a Eugene Byrne - Abdication Street
- Mark W. Tiedemann - Resurrection
- 1998
- William Sanders
- William Sanders - The Undiscovered
- Roland James Green
- Kim Newman
- Roland J. Green - The King of Poland's Foot Cavalry
- Kim Newman a Eugene Byrne - Teddy Bears' Picnic
- Lee Allred - For the Strength of the Hills
- 1999
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Letní ostrovy 76% / 9
- Clarke; Baxter - Drátěné kontinuum 83% / 4
- Howard Waldrop
- Robert Silverberg
- Howard Waldrop - US
- Robert Silverberg - Waiting for the End
- 2000
- Alain Bergeron - The Eighth Register
- Silverberg, Robert - Poznávání Draka 83% / 7
- Robert Silverberg
- Jensen, Jan Lars - Tajná historie ornitoptéry 80% / 10
- Robert Silverberg - A Hero of the Empire
- 2001
- Chiang, Ted - Dvaasedmdesát písmen 80% / 45
- Kim Newman
- Paul James McAuley
- Kim Newman - The Other Side of Midnight: Anno Dracula 1981
- Paul J. McAuley - A Very British History
- Eugene Byrne - HMS Habakkuk
- Carla Cristina Pereira - Xochiquetzal
- 2002
- MacLeod, Kenneth - Lidová fronta 69% / 7
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Stephen Baxter a Simon Bradshaw - First to the Moon
- 2003
- William Sanders
- William Sanders - Empire
- John Kessel
- Charles Coleman Finlay
- Walter Jon Williams
- Silverberg, Robert - S Cézarem v Podsvětí 50% / 3
- John Kessel - The Invisible Empire
- Charles Coleman Finlay - We Come Not to Praise Washington
- Walter Jon Williams - The Last Ride of German Freddie
- 2004
- Chris Roberson
- Chris Roberson - O One
- Geoffrey A. Landis
- Robert Silverberg
- Casa; Romero - Den, kdy jsme zažili přeměnu 70% / 5
- Geoffrey A. Landis - The Eyes of America
- Robert Silverberg - The Reign of Terror
- Robert L. O'Connell - The Cuban Missile Crisis: Second Holocaust
- 2005
- Warren Ellis, Chris Weston a Laura DuPuy Martin - Ministry of Space
- Lois Tilton
- Chris Roberson
- John G. McDaid
- Lois Tilton - The Gladiator's War: A Dialogue
- Chris Roberson - Red Hands, Black Hands
- John McDaid - The Ashbazu Effect
- Sean Klein - Five Guys Named Moe
- L. Timmel Duchamp - The Heloise Archive
- 2006
- Lois Tilton
- Lois Tilton - "Pericles the Tyrant"
- A. M. Dellamonica
- William Barton
- Paul James McAuley
- Kim Newman
- A.M. Dellamonica - The Illuminated Heretic
- William Barton - Harvest Moon
- Kim Newman a Paul McAuley - The 2005 Hugo Award Ceremony Script
- Jason Stoddard - Panacea
- 2007
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Tichomořská záhada 74% / 16
- Brian Stableford
- Brian Stableford - The Plurality of Worlds
- Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff - O, Pioneer
- Chris Floyd - History Lesson
- Martin Gidron - Palestina
- Andrew Tisbert - The Meteor of the War
- 2008
- Michael F. Flynn
- Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Záchrana Apolla 8 85% / 27
- Michael F. Flynn - Quaestiones Super Caelo et Mundo
- Elizabeth Bear
- Chris Roberson
- Matthew Johnson
- John Scalzi
- Elizabeth Bear - Les Innocents/Lumiere
- Christian John Roberson - Metal Dragon Year
- Matthew Johnson - Public Safety
- John Scalzi - Missives from Possible Futures #1: Alternate History Search Results
- Jess Nevins - An Alternate History of Chinese Science Fiction
- 2009
- Mary Rosenblum
- Mary Rosenblum - "Sacrifice"
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Albert Edward Cowdrey
- Paul James McAuley
- Tobias S. Buckell
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch - G-Men
- Albert E. Cowdrey - Poison Victory
- Paul James McAuley - A Brief Guide to Other Histories
- Tobias S. Buckell - The People's Machine
- T. L. Morganfield - Night Bird Soaring
- 2010
- Alastair Reynolds
- Alastair Barry Reynolds - The Fixation
- Paul Di Filippo
- Bruce Sterling
- Sarah Zettel
- Roberson, Chris - Edisonův Frankenstein 78% / 13
- Paul Di Filippo - Yes, We Have No Bananas
- Bruce Sterling - Black Swan
- Sarah Zettel - The Persistence of Souls
- 2011
- "A Clash of Eagles", Alan Smale (Panverse Two)
- Barry Brookes Longyear
- William F. Wu
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Eleanor Arnason
- "Alter Kameraden", Barry B. Longyear (Asimov's Apr/May 2010)
- "Goin' Down to Anglotown", William F. Wu (The Dragon and the Stars)
- "Sidewinders", Ken MacLeod (The Mammoth Book of Alternate Histories)
- Mammoths of the Great Plains, Eleanor Arnason (PM Press)
- 2012
- Lisa Goldstein
- Lisa Goldstein. "Paradise Is a Walled Garden"
- Michael F. Flynn
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Michael F. Flynn. "The Iron Shirts"
- Harry Turtledove. "Lee at the Alamo"
- Jason Stoddard. "Orion Rising"
- 2013
- Rick Wilber
- “Something Real”, Rick Wilber (Asimov's Apr 2012)
- Catherynne M. Valente
- McMullen, Sean - Parogotik 75% / 14
- “Fade to White”, Catherynne M. Valente (Clarkesworld #71 Aug 2012)
- “Great White Ship”, Lou Antonelli (DailySF 11 May 2012)
- Adrift on the Sea of Rains, Ian Sales (Whippleshield Books)
- 2014
- Vylar Kaftan
- “The Weight of the Sunrise”, Vylar Kaftan (Asimov's Feb 2013)
- Ian Watson
- Ken Liu
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Adam Roberts
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- “Blair's War”, Ian Watson (Asimov's Jul 2013)
- “A Brief History of the Trans-Pacific Tunnel”, Ken Liu (F&SF Jan/Feb 2013)
- “Cayos in the Stream”, Harry Turtledove (Tor.com 7 Aug 2013)
- “Tollund”, Adam Roberts (The Book of the Dead)
- “Uncertainty”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Mar 2013)
- 2015
- Ken Liu
- “The Long Haul From the ANNALS OF TRANSPORTATION, The Pacific Monthly, May 2009”, Ken Liu (Clarkesworld Nov 2014)
- Lewis Shiner
- Aaron S. Rosenberg
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Robert Reed
- “The Black Sun”, Lewis Shiner (Subterranean Sum 2014)
- “Let No Man Put Asunder”, Aaron Rosenberg (Europa Universalis IV: What If?)
- “The More It Changes”, Harry Turtledove (Europa Universalis IV: What If?)
- “The Principles”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Apr/May 2014)
- “The Girl with the Flaxen Hair”, Igor Ljubuncic (Wars to End All Wars: Alternate Tales from the Trenches)
- 2016
- Bill Crider
- “It Doesn’t Matter Anymore”, Bill Crider (Tales from the Otherverse)
- “Red Legacy”, Eneasz Brodsky (Asimov’s 2/15)
- “Elizabethtown”, Eric Cline (Galaxy’s Edge 11/15)
- “Losing Amelia”, Rev Dicerto (Deco Punk: The Spirit of the Age)
- “The Last of Time”, Ken Poyner (Daily SF 11/05/15)
- “The Hero of Deadwood”, James Reasoner (Tales from the Otherverse)
- 2017
- “Treasure Fleet”, Daniel M. Bensen (Tales from Alternate Earths)
- “What If the Jewish State Had Been Established in East Africa”, Adam Rovner (What Ifs of Jewish History)
- Bruce Sterling
- Pirate Utopia, Bruce Sterling (Tachyon)
- “The Battle of London Bridge”, G. K. Holloway (1066 Turned Upside Down)
- “The Danish Crutch”, Anna Belfrage (1066 Turned Upside Down)
- “Twilight of the Mesozoic Moon”, Brent A. Harris & Ricardo Victoria (Tales from Alternate Earths)
- 2018
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- “Zigeuner”, Harry Turtledove (Asimov's Sep/Oct 2017)
- “N'oublions Jamais”, Tom Anderson & Bruno Lombardi (Altered Europa)
- “Sun River”, Nisi Shawl (Clockwork Cairo: Steampunk Tales from Egypt)
- “The Twenty Year Reich”, Dave D'Allessio (Altered Europa)
- 2019
- Codex Valtierra, Oscar (Xiu) Ramirez & Emmanuel Valtierra (self-publshed)
- Rick Wilber
- “The Secret City”, Rick Wilber (Asimov's Sep/Oct 2018)
- 2020
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- “Christmas Truce”, Harry Turtledove (Asimov’s 11/19)
- Seanan McGuire
- “Any Way the Wind Blows”, Seanan McGuire (Tor.com 6/19)
- “Drang Nach Osten”, Christopher G. Nuttall (Trouble in the Wind)
- “The Kaiserin of the Seas”, Christopher G. Nuttall (To Slip the Surly Bonds)
- “The Blue and the Red: Palmerston’s Ironclads”, William Stroock (Those in Peril)
- 2021
- “Moonshot”, Matthew Kresal (Alternate Australias)
- McMullen, Sean - Kolo ozvěn 80% / 9
- “1827: Napoleon in Australia”, Andrew J. Harvey (Alternate Australias)
- 2022
- “Gunpowder Treason”, Alan Smale (Tales from Alternate Earths Vol. III)
- Rick Wilber
- “Billie the Kid”, Rick Wilber (Asimov's Sep/Oct 2021)
- “Hitchcock's Titanic”, Matthew Kresal (Tales from Alternate Earths Vol. III)
- 2023
- Eric Choi
- “A Sky and a Heaven”, Eric Choi (Other Covenants: Alternate Histories of the Jewish People)
- “Dreams of Electric Mothers”, Wole Talabi (Africa Risen: A New Era of Speculative Fiction)
- Paul Levinson
- Michael Cassutt
- It's Real Life, Paul Levinson (Connected Editions)
- “Kingsbury 1944”, Michael Cassutt (Analog Sep/Oct 2022)
- “Why the Bridgemasters of York Don't Pay Taxes”, Gillian Polack (Other Covenants: Alternate Histories of the Jewish People)
- 2024
- “Apollo in Retrograde”, Rosemary Claire Smith (Analog Nov/Dec 2023)
- “Toe-to-Toe”, Mark Ciccone (If We'd Just Got That Penalty)