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Asimov's Readers' Poll
Asimov's Readers' Poll
originální název: Novella
- 1987
- Connie Willis
- “Spice Pogrom”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Oct 1986)
- Shepard, Lucius - Dovolená na zotavenou 62% / 5
- Jack McDevitt
- Robinson, Kim Stanley - Útek z Káthmandú 85% / 2
- Silverberg, Robert - Gilgameš v pustinách 79% / 13
- 2. “R&R”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Apr 1986)
- 3. “Voice in the Dark”, Jack McDevitt (Asimov's Nov 1986)
- 4. “Escape from Kathmandu”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Sep 1986)
- 5. “Gilgamesh in the Outback”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Jul 1986)
- 1988
- Robinson, Kim Stanley - Bohyňa matka zeme 80% / 2
- “Mother Goddess of the World”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Oct 1987)
- Card, Orson Scott - Oko za oko 83% / 14
- Silverberg, Robert - Tajný společník 83% / 9
- Orson Scott Card
- Robinson, Kim Stanley - Slepý geometr 72% / 16
- 2. “Eye for Eye”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Mar 1987)
- 3. “The Secret Sharer”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Sep 1987)
- 4. “The Blind Geometer”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Aug 1987)
- 5. “Carthage City”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Sep 1987)
- 1989
- Willis, Connie - Poslední Winnebago 86% / 16
- “The Last of the Winnebagos”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Jul 1988)
- Robert Silverberg
- Somtow Sucharitkul
- Pohl, Frederik - Čekání na Olympany 73% / 11
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Robert Silverberg
- John Barnes
- Walter Jon Williams
- Shepard, Lucius - Krásná dcera šupinářova 75% / 16
- Robert Silverberg
- 2. “The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Sep 1988)
- 3. “Surfacing”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's Apr 1988)
- 4. “The Limit of Vision”, John Barnes (Asimov's Jul 1988)
- 5. “At Winter's End”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Jan 1988)
- 6. “Trapping Run”, Harry Turtledove (Asimov's Feb 1988)
- 7. “Waiting for the Olympians”, Frederik Pohl (Asimov's Aug 1988)
- 8. “The Madonna of the Wolves”, Somtow Sucharitkul (Asimov's Nov 1988)
- 9. “Gilgamesh in Uruk”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Jun 1988)
- 10. “We Are For the Dark”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Oct 1988)
- 1990
- Megan Lindholm
- “A Touch of Lavender”, Megan Lindholm (Asimov's Nov 1989)
- Orson Scott Card
- Judith Moffett
- Robinson, Kim Stanley - Pravá tvár Šangri-La 85% / 2
- Lucius Shepard
- Allen M. Steele
- Connie Willis
- Robert Silverberg
- Charles Sheffield
- 2. “Pageant Wagon”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Aug 1989)
- 3. “Tiny Tango”, Judith Moffett (Asimov's Feb 1989)
- 4. “The True Nature of Shangri-La”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Dec 1989)
- 5. “The Father of Stones”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Sep 1989)
- 6. “Red Planet Blues”, Allen Steele (Asimov's Sep 1989)
- 7. “The Egg”, Steven Popkes (Asimov's Jan 1989)
- 8. “Time-Out”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Jul 1989)
- 9. “In Another Country”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Mar 1989)
- 10. “Destroyer of Worlds”, Charles Sheffield (Asimov's Feb 1989)
- 1991
- Kelly, James Patrick - Pan Borec 58% / 10
- “Mr. Boy”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1990)
- Robert Silverberg
- Pat Murphy
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Judith Moffett
- Allen M. Steele
- Haldeman, Joe - Podfuk s Hemingwayem 79% / 9
- Shepard, Lucius - Pekelné město 50% / 1
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Resnick, Mike - Bwana 90% / 3
- Walter Jon Williams
- 2. “Bwana”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Jan 1990)
- 3. “Not Fade Away”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Sep 1990)
- 4. “Skull City”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Jul 1990)
- 5. (tie): “The Hemingway Hoax”, Joe Haldeman (Asimov's Apr 1990)
- 5. (tie): “Trembling Earth”, Allen Steele (Asimov's Nov 1990)
- 6. “The Ragged Rock”, Judith Moffett (Asimov's Dec 1990)
- 7. “A Short, Sharp Shock”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Nov 1990)
- 8. “Bones”, Pat Murphy (Asimov's May 1990)
- 9. “Lion Time in Timbuctoo”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Oct 1990)
- 10. “Elegy for Angels and Dogs”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's May 1990)
- 1992
- Kress, Nancy Anne - Žebráci ve Španělsku 86% / 7
- “Beggars In Spain”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Apr 1991)
- Phillip C. Jennings
- Mike Resnick
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Galerie snů 75% / 4
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Willis, Connie - Howard 76% / 5
- Janet Kagan
- Janet Kagan
- Isaac Asimov
- Tony Daniel
- 2.(tie): “Forward the Foundation”, Isaac Asimov (Asimov's Nov 1991)
- 2. (tie): “Frankenswine”, Janet Kagan (Asimov's Aug 1991)
- 3.“Raising Cane”, Janet Kagan (Asimov's Mar 1991)
- 4.“Jack”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Oct 1991)
- 5.“And Wild for to Hold”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jul 1991)
- 6.“The Gallery of His Dreams”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Sep 1991)
- 7.“By the Time We Got to Gaugamela”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Oct 1991)
- 8. Bully!, Mike Resnick
- 9.“The Fourth Intercometary”, Phillip C. Jennings (Asimov's Nov 1991)
- 10.“Candle”, Tony Daniel (Asimov's Jun 1991)
- 1993
- Shepard, Lucius - Vesmířan Billy Vilejš 77% / 6
- Isaac Asimov
- “Cleon the Emperor”, Isaac Asimov (Asimov's Apr 1992)
- “Barnacle Bill the Spacer”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Jul 1992)
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Maureen F. McHugh
- John Herbert Varley
- Swanwick, Michael - Gryfovo vejce 83% / 9
- Ian R. MacLeod
- Frederik Pohl
- Mary Rosenblum
- Robertson, R. Garcia y - Panna a dinosaurus 63% / 6
- 2. “Synthesis”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's Mar 1992)
- 3. “Outnumbering the Dead”, Frederik Pohl (Asimov's Nov 1992)
- 4. “Grownups”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Jun 1992)
- 5. “Griffin's Egg”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's May 1992)
- 6. “Her Girl Friday”, John Varley (Asimov's Aug 1992)
- 7. “Crux Gammata”, J. R. Dunn (Asimov's Oct 1992)
- 8. “Protection”, Maureen F. McHugh (Asimov's Apr 1992)
- 9. “Gypsy Trade”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Nov 1992)
- 10. “The Virgin and the Dinosaur”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Feb 1992)
- 1994
- Nancy Anne Kress
- “Dancing on Air”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jul 1993)
- Michael Swanwick
- Isaac Asimov
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Reed, Robert - Sestra Alice 75% / 6
- Pat Murphy
- Mary Rosenblum
- Alexander Jablokov
- 2. “Cold Iron”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Nov 1993)
- 3. “The Consort”, Isaac Asimov (Asimov's Apr 1993)
- 4. “Down the River”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Oct 1993)
- 5. “Kamehameha's Bones”, Kathleen Ann Goonan (Asimov's Sep 1993)
- 6. “Sister Alice”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Nov 1993)
- 7. “An American Childhood”, Pat Murphy (Asimov's Apr 1993)
- 8. “Ice Atlantis”, Valerie J. Freireich (Asimov's Nov 1993)
- 9. “Stairway”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's May 1993)
- 10. “The Last Castle of Christmas”, Alexander Jablokov (Asimov's Dec 1993)
- 1995
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- “Forgiveness Day”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Asimov's Nov 1994)
- Robert Silverberg
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Mary Rosenblum
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Michael Bishop
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Alfred Angelo Attanasio
- Stableford, Brian - Květy zla 83% / 7
- Alexander Jablokov
- 2.“Les Fleurs du Mal”, Brian Stableford (Asimov's Oct 1994)
- 3.“Remains of Adam”, A. A. Attanasio (Asimov's Jan 1994)
- 4.“Werewolves of London”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's mid-Dec 1994)
- 5.“Cri de Coeur”, Michael Bishop (Asimov's Sep 1994)
- 6.“Up the Rainbow”, Susan Casper (Asimov's Dec 1994)
- 7. (tie): “A Martian Childhood”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Feb 1994)
- 7. (tie): “The Mermaid's Comb”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's Jun 1994)
- 8.“Soon Comes Night”, Gregory Benford (Asimov's Aug 1994)
- 9.“Via Roma”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Apr 1994)
- 10.“Syrtis”, Alexander Jablokov (Asimov's Apr 1994)
- 1996
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Osvobození ženy 61% / 8
- “A Woman's Liberation”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Asimov's Jul 1995)
- Mike Resnick
- Steele, Allen M. - Smrt kapitána budoucnosti 68% / 9
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Mary Rosenblum
- Jack Dann
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Marusek, David - Byli jsme radostí celí bez sebe 78% / 6
- Stableford, Brian - Dějiny smrti z pera Mortimera Graye 79% / 11
- Susan Shwartz
- 2. “Mortimer Gray's History of Death”, Brian Stableford (Asimov's Apr 1995)
- 3. “We Were Out of Our Minds With Joy”, David Marusek (Asimov's Nov 1995)
- 4. “A Man of the People”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Asimov's Apr 1995)
- 5. (tie): “Da Vinci Rising”, Jack Dann (Asimov's May 1995)
- 5. (tie): “The Doryman”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's Dec 1995)
- 6. “Fault Lines”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Aug 1995)
- 7. “The Death of Captain Future”, Allen Steele (Asimov's Oct 1995)
- 8. “Yaguara”, Nicola Griffith (Asimov's Mar 1995)
- 9. “Bibi”, Mike Resnick & Susan Shwartz (Asimov's mid-Dec 1995)
- 10. “Hypocaust & Bathysphere”, Rebecca Ore (Asimov's Jan 1995)
- 1997
- Mary Rosenblum
- “Gas Fish”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's Feb 1996)
- Ian R. MacLeod
- Shepard, Lucius - Dějiny lidstva 70% / 1
- Michael Swanwick
- Gardner Raymond Dozois
- Tony Daniel
- Robert Reed
- George R. R. Martin
- McDevitt, Jack - Poutníci časem nikdy neumírají 71% / 23
- Phillip C. Jennings
- 2. “Time Travelers Never Die”, Jack McDevitt (Asimov's May 1996)
- 3. “Blood of the Dragon”, George R. R. Martin (Asimov's Jul 1996)
- 4. “Chrysalis”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Sep 1996)
- 5. “The Robot's Twilight Companion”, Tony Daniel (Asimov's Aug 1996)
- 6. “The City of God”, Gardner Dozois & Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1996)
- 7. “Human History”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Apr 1996)
- 8. “Swimmers Beneath the Skin”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1996)
- 9. “The Road to Reality”, Phillip C. Jennings (Asimov's Mar 1996)
- 1998
- Steele, Allen M. - „… kam se i andělé bojí vstoupit“ 75% / 24
- “…Where Angels Fear to Tread”, Allen Steele (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1997)
- G. David Nordley
- Ian R. MacLeod
- Elliot Fintushel
- 2. “Messengers of Chaos”, G. David Nordley (Asimov's Jan 1997)
- 3. “In the Furnace of the Night”, James Sarafin (Asimov's May 1997)
- 4. “Quinn's Deal”, L. Timmel Duchamp (Asimov's Apr 1997)
- 5. “The Golden Keeper”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1997)
- 6. “Izzy and the Father of Terror”, Eliot Fintushel (Asimov's Jul 1997)
- 1999
- Egan, Greg - Děti oceánu 72% / 10
- “Oceanic”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Aug 1998)
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Letní ostrovy 76% / 9
- McAuley, Paul James - Moře změn, s nestvůrami 77% / 20
- Gardner Raymond Dozois
- Michael Swanwick
- McDonald, Ian - Dny Solomona Gurskyho 66% / 15
- Tony Daniel
- Terry Bisson
- Robert Reed
- 2. “The Summer Isles”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1998)
- 3. “Sea Change, with Monsters”, Paul J. McAuley (Asimov's Sep 1998)
- 4. “Ancestral Voices”, Gardner Dozois & Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Aug 1998)
- 5. (tie): “The Days of Solomon Gursky”, Ian McDonald (Asimov's Jun 1998)
- 5. (tie): “A Question of Grammar”, L. Timmel Duchamp (Asimov's Apr 1998)
- 6. “Grist”, Tony Daniel (Asimov's Dec 1998)
- 7. “Get Me to the Church on Time”, Terry Bisson (Asimov's May 1998)
- 8. “Mother Death”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jan 1998)
- 2000
- Resnick, Mike - Lovení snárka 77% / 21
- “Hunting the Snark”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Dec 1999)
- Duncan, Andy - Cech katů 70% / 14
- Robert Reed
- Allen M. Steele
- Kage Baker
- Marusek, David - Svatební album 82% / 21
- Willis, Connie - Větry na stanici Marble Arch 84% / 17
- Walter Jon Williams
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2. “The Executioners' Guild”, Andy Duncan (Asimov's Aug 1999)
- 3. “Forty, Counting Down”, Harry Turtledove (Asimov's Dec 1999)
- 4. “Argonautica”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1999)
- 5. “The Winds of Marble Arch”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1999)
- 6. “The Wedding Album”, David Marusek (Asimov's Jun 1999)
- 7. “Son Observe the Time”, Kage Baker (Asimov's May 1999)
- 8. “The Exile of Evening Star”, Allen Steele (Asimov's Jan 1999)
- 9. “Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's Sep 1999)
- 10. “Baby's Fire”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jul 1999)
- 2001
- Greg Egan
- “Oracle”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Jul 2000)
- Robert Reed
- Michael Swanwick
- Pat Murphy
- Eileen Gunn
- Andy Duncan
- Walter Jon Williams
- Michaela Roessner
- Daniel Abraham
- G. David Nordley
- Nancy Anne Kress
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- George R. R. Martin
- Larry Niven
- Lucius Shepard
- William Barton
- 2.“Radiant Green Star”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Aug 2000)
- 3.“Fly-by-Night”, Larry Niven (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2000)
- 4.“Path of the Dragon”, George R. R. Martin (Asimov's Dec 2000)
- 5. (tie): “One-Eyed Jacks and Suicide Kings”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Aug 2000)
- 5. (tie): “Savior”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jun 2000)
- 6.“The Forest Between the Worlds”, G. David Nordley (Asimov's Feb 2000)
- 7.“Tauromaquia”, Daniel Abraham, Michaela Roessner, Sage Walker & Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2000)
- 8.“Green Fire”, Andy Duncan, Eileen Gunn, Pat Murphy & Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Apr 2000)
- 9.“Father to the Man”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Sep 2000)
- 10.“Heart of Glass”, William Barton (Asimov's Jan 2000)
- 2002
- Allen M. Steele
- “Stealing Alabama”, Allen Steele (Asimov's Jan 2001)
- Eleanor Arnason
- Connie Willis
- Kage Baker
- Andy Duncan
- Allen M. Steele
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Elliot Fintushel
- 2. “deck.halls@boughs/holly”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Dec 2001)
- 3. “The Caravan from Troon”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Aug 2001)
- 4. “The Chief Designer”, Andy Duncan (Asimov's Jun 2001)
- 5. “Coming to Coyote”, Allen Steele (Asimov's Jul 2001)
- 6. “Moby Quilt”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's May 2001)
- 7. “Shady Lady”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Mar 2001)
- 8. “The Mystery of Laura Molson”, L. Timmel Duchamp (Asimov's Jul 2001)
- 9. “Female Action”, Eliot Fintushel (Asimov's Sep 2001)
- 2003
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Dýchavka 74% / 5
- “Breathmoss”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's May 2002)
- Silverberg, Robert - S Cézarem v Podsvětí 50% / 3
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Robert Reed
- Watson, Ian - Mluvčí dřevěného moře 79% / 20
- Allen M. Steele
- Stross, Charles - Směrovač 75% / 6
- Kessel, John - Příběhy pro muže 66% / 9
- Allen M. Steele
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2. “Glorious Destiny”, Allen M. Steele (Asimov's Dec 2002)
- 3. “With Caesar in the Underworld”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2002)
- 4. “The Potter of Bones”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's Sep 2002)
- 5. “Stories for Men”, John Kessel (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2002)
- 6. “Router”, Charles Stross (Asimov's Sep 2002)
- 7. “Across the Eastern Divide”, Allen M. Steele (Asimov's Feb 2002)
- 8. “A Speaker for the Wooden Sea”, Ian Watson (Asimov's Mar 2002)
- 9. “Veritas”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jul 2002)
- 10. “Ring Rats”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Apr 2002)
- 2004
- Shepard, Lucius - Ariel 87% / 10
- “Ariel”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2003)
- Walter Jon Williams
- Stross, Charles - Kurátor 66% / 7
- Ruth Nestvold
- William Barton
- Williams, Walter Jon - Epidemie zelených leopardů 66% / 7
- Allen M. Steele
- Connie Willis
- Baker, Kage - Císařovna Marsu 66% / 8
- Kage Baker
- 2. “The Empress of Mars”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Jul 2003)
- 3. “Just Like the Ones We Used to Know”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Dec 2003)
- 4. “Benjamin the Unbeliever”, Allen M. Steele (Asimov's Aug 2003)
- 5. “The Green Leopard Plague”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2003)
- 6. “Off on a Starship”, William Barton (Asimov's Sep 2003)
- 7. “Looking Through Lace”, Ruth Nestvold (Asimov's Sep 2003)
- 8. “Curator”, Charles Stross (Asimov's Dec 2003)
- 9. “Margaux”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's May 2003)
- 10. “Welcome to Olympus, Mr. Hearst”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2003)
- 2005
- Allen M. Steele
- “Liberation Day”, Allen M. Steele (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2004)
- Stross, Charles - Volič 57% / 9
- Allen M. Steele
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Ian McDowell
- 2. “Elector”, Charles Stross (Asimov's Sep 2004)
- 3. “Incident at Goat Kill Creek”, Allen M. Steele (Asimov's Apr/May 2004)
- 4. (tie): “Long Voyage Home”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Feb 2004)
- 4. (tie): “Under the Flag of Night”, Ian McDowell (Asimov's Mar 2004)
- 2006
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- “Diving Into the Wreck”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Dec 2005)
- Willis, Connie - Vnitřní záležitost 89% / 15
- McDonald, Ian - Malá bohyně 81% / 29
- Gardner Raymond Dozois
- George R. R. Martin
- Daniel Abraham
- Walter Jon Williams
- 2. (tie): “Inside Job”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Jan 2005)
- 2. (tie): “The Little Goddess”, Ian McDonald (Asimov's Jun 2005)
- 4. “Shadow Twin”, Gardner Dozois, George R. R. Martin & Daniel Abraham (Asimov's Apr/May 2005)
- 5. “Solidarity”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's Apr/May 2005)
- 2007
- Melko, Paul - Stěny vesmíru 90% / 9
- “The Walls of the Universe”, Paul Melko (Asimov's Apr/May 2006)
- Michael Swanwick
- Shunn, William - Orientace 89% / 12
- William Barton
- Reed, Robert - Miliarda Ev 80% / 17
- 2. “A Billion Eves”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2006)
- 3. “Lord Weary's Empire”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Dec 2006)
- 4. “Inclination”, William Shunn (Asimov's Apr/May 2006)
- 5. “Down to the Earth Below”, William Barton (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2006)
- 2008
- Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Záchrana Apolla 8 85% / 27
- “Recovering Apollo 8”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Feb 2007)
- Kress, Nancy Anne - Fontána stáří 87% / 9
- Willis, Connie - Všichni na zem usedají 85% / 14
- Lucius Shepard
- Asher, Neal - Mimozemská archeologie 81% / 8
- 2. “Fountain of Age”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jul 2007)
- 3. “All Seated on the Ground”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Dec 2007)
- 4. “Dead Money”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Apr/May 2007)
- 5. “Alien Archaeology”, Neal Asher (Asimov's Jun 2007)
- 2009
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- “The Room of Lost Souls”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Apr/May 2008)
- Robert Reed
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Šotkovský koberec 73% / 8
- Kress, Nancy Anne - Erdmannův nexus 82% / 24
- Brian Stableford
- 2. “Truth”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2008)
- 3. “The Hob Carpet”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Jun 2008)
- 4. “The Erdmann Nexus”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2008)
- 5. “The Philosopher's Stone”, Brian Stableford (Asimov's Jul 2008)
- 2010
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- “Broken Windchimes”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Sep 2009)
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Judith Berman
- 2. “Act One”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Mar 2009)
- 3. “The Spires of Denon”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Apr/May 2009)
- 4. “Earth II”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Jul 2009)
- 5. “Pelago”, Judith Berman (Asimov's Feb 2009)
- 2011
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- “Becoming One with the Ghosts”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2010)
- Landis, Geoffrey A. - Sultán mraků 78% / 11
- Rick Wilber
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- 2. “Jackie's Boy”, Steven Popkes (Asimov's Apr/May 2010)
- 3. “The Sultan of the Clouds”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov's Sep 2010)
- 4. “Several Items of Interest”, Rick Wilber (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2010)
- 5. “The Ice Line”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Feb 2010)
- 2012
- Johnson, Kij - Muž, který přemostil mlhu 78% / 12
- “The Man Who Bridged the Mist”, Kij Johnson (Asimov's)
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- McAuley, Paul James - Volba 70% / 11
- Kowal, Mary Robinette - Polib mě dvakrát 79% / 15
- 2. “Kiss Me Twice”, Mary Robinette Kowal (Asimov's)
- 3. “Stealth”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's)
- 4. “Killer Advice”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's)
- 5. “The Choice”, Paul McAuley (Asimov's)
- 2013
- Robert Reed
- “Murder Born”, Robert Reed (Asimov's)
- James Patrick Kelly
- Bear, Elizabeth - V Aryamanově domě osamocený signál plane 77% / 16
- 2. “Sudden, Broken, and Unexpected”, Steven Popkes (Asimov's)
- 3. “The Last Judgment”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's)
- 4. “In the House of Aryaman, a Lonely Signal Burns”, Elizabeth Bear (Asimov's)
- 5. “The Mongolian Book of the Dead”, Alan Smale (Asimov's)
- 2014
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- “The Application of Hope” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch (8/13)
- Vylar Kaftan
- Robert Reed
- Neal Asher
- Jablokov, Alexander - Divoký měsíc 65% / 22
- 2. “The Weight of the Sunrise”, Vylar Kaftan (Asimov's Feb 2013)
- 3. “Precious Mental”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jun 2013)
- 4. “The Other Gun”, Neal Asher (Asimov's Apr/May 2013)
- 5. “Feral Moon”, Alexander Jablokov (Asimov's Mar 2013)
- 2015
- Allen M. Steele
- The Legion of Tomorrow, Allen M. Steele
- O’Connell, Jay - Ze všech možných světů 70% / 16
- Allen M. Steele
- 2. “Of All Possible Worlds”, Jay O'Connell (Asimov's Aug 2014)
- 3. “Anomaly Station”, Tim Sullivan (Asimov's Dec 2014)
- 4. “Prodigal Son”, Allen M. Steele (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2014)
- 5. “Each in his Prison, Thinking of the Key”, William Preston (Asimov's Apr/May 2014)
- 2016
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- “Inhuman Garbage”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (3/15)
- Allen M. Steele
- Will McIntosh
- Greg Egan
- 2. “The Long Wait”, Allen M. Steele
- 3. “The New Mother”, Eugene Fischer
- 4. “A Thousand Nights Till Morning”, Will McIntosh
- 5. (tie): “The Four Thousand, the Eight Hundred”, Greg Egan
- 5. (tie): “On the Night of the Robo-Bulls and Zombie Dancers”, Nick Wolven
- 2017
- Suzanne Palmer
- “Lazy Dog Out”, Suzanne Palmer (Asimov's Apr/May 2016)
- Jay O’Connell
- Allen M. Steele
- What We Hold Onto – Jay O’Connell – June 2016
- Einstein’s Shadow – Allen M. Steele – January 2016
- Choose Poison, Choose Life – Michael Blumlein – October/November 2016
- Where There Is Nothing, There Is God – David Erik Nelson – December 2016
- 2018
- Connie Willis
- “I Met a Traveller in an Antique Land”, Connie Willis (11-12/17)
- Alexander Jablokov
- Robert Reed
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- 2. “The Runabout”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's May/Jun 2017)
- 3. “The Girl Who Stole Herself”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Jul/Aug 2017)
- 4. “The Speed of Belief”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jan/Feb 2017)
- 5. “How Sere Picked Up Her Laundry”, Alexander Jablokov (Asimov's Jul/Aug 2017)
- 2019
- David Gerrold
- Ctein
- “Bubble and Squeak“, David Gerrold & Ctein (5-6/18)
- Paul Di Filippo
- Rudy Rucker
- Greg Egan
- Bill Johnson
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- 2. “Joyride”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Nov/Dec 2018)
- 3. “3-adica”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Sep/Oct 2018)
- 3. “In the Lost City of Leng”, Paul Di Filippo & Rudy Rucker (Asimov's Jan/Feb 2018)
- 4. “Bury Me in the Rainbow”, Bill Johnson (Asimov's Mar/Apr 2018)
- 4. “The Rescue of the Renegat”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Jan/Feb 2018)
- 2020
- Suzanne Palmer
- “Waterlines“, Suzanne Palmer (7-8/19)
- Rudy Rucker
- Marc Laidlaw
- Gord Sellar
- Vaughn, Carrie - Gremlin 71% / 10
- 2. “Gremlin”, Carrie Vaughn (Asimov's May/Jun 2019)
- 3. “The Work of Wolves”, Tegan Moore (Asimov's Jul/Aug 2019)
- 4. “Winter Wheat”, Gord Sellar (Asimov's Sep/Oct 2019)
- 5. “Surfers at the End of Time”, Rudy Rucker & Marc Laidlaw (Asimov's Nov/Dec 2019)
- 2021
- Connie Willis
- “Take a Look at the Five and Ten”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Nov/Dec 2020)
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Will McIntosh
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Derek Künsken
- 2. “Semper Augustus”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Mar/Apr 2020)
- 3. “Tool Use by the Humans of Danzhai County”, Derek Künsken (Asimov's Jul/Aug 2020)
- 4. “Maelstrom”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Sep/Oct 2020)
- 5. “Nic and Viv's Compulsory Courtship”, Will McIntosh (Asimov's Jul/Aug 2020)
- 2022
- Elizabeth Bear
- “A Blessing of Unicorns”, Elizabeth Bear (Asimov's Sep/Oct 2021)
- Ray Nayler
- Alexander Irvine
- Greg Egan
- Robert Reed
- 2. “A Rocket for Dimitrios”, Ray Nayler (Asimov's Jan/Feb 2021)
- 3. “Glitch”, Alex Irvine (Asimov's Mar/Apr 2021)
- 4. “Light Up the Clouds”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Mar/Apr 2021)
- 5. “The Realms of Water”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jan/Feb 2021)
- 2023
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- “The Court Martial of the Renegat Renegades”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2022)
- Rick Wilber
- Rick Wilber
- 2. “Goldie”, Sean Monaghan (Asimov's Jan/Feb 2022)
- 3. “Snowflake”, Nick Wolven (Asimov's Jan/Feb 2022)
- 4. “Blimpies”, Rick Wilber (Asimov's Mar/Apr 2022)
- 5. “The Goose”, Rick Wilber (Asimov's Jul/Aug 2022)