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Crawford Award
IAFA William L. Crawford Fantasy Award
Jedná se o literární cenu udělovanou autorovi, jehož první fantasy kniha vyšla v předcházejících 18 měsících. Je jedním z několika ocenění udělovaných International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA), a je každoročně udělována v březnu na konferenci v Orlandu. Cena je pojmenována po vydavateli a editorovi Williamu L. Crawfordovi.
Nejslibnější fantasy autor
- 1985
- Charles de Lint
- Moonheart, Charles de Lint
- 1986
- Nancy Willard
- Things Invisible to See, Nancy Willard
- 1987
Nominován byl Guy Gavriel Kay za trilogii „•Fionavarská tapiserie“.
- Judith Tarr
- The Hound and the Falcon: trilogy of The Isle of Glass; The Golden Horn; The Hounds of God, Judith Tarr (1985, 1985, 1986)
- Simmons, Dan - Píseň Kálí 73% / 50
- Paul Hazel
- Guy Gavriel Kay
- Fionavarská tapiserie 83% / 12
- Greg Bear
- Tad Williams
- The Finnbranch: trilogy of Yearwood; Undersea; Winterking, Paul Hazel (1980, 1982, 1985)
- “The Fionavar Tapestry”: The Summer Tree; The Wandering Fire; The Darkest Road, Guy Gavriel Kay (1985, 1986, 1986)
- The Infinity Concerto/The Serpent Mage, Greg Bear
- Tailchaser's Song, Tad Williams
- Not Wanted on the Voyage, Timothy Findley
- 1988
- Reindeer Moon, Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
- Connie Willis
- Geoff Ryman
- Emma Bull
- Richard Grant
- Lincoln's Dreams, Connie Willis (Bantam Spectra)
- The Warrior Who Carried Life, Geoff Ryman
- War for the Oaks, Emma Bull
- Rumors of Spring, Richard Grant
- The Shadow of His Wings, Bruce Fergusson
- Teot's War, Heather Gladney
- The Hounds of the Morrigan, Pat O'Shea
- 1989
- Michaela Roessner
- Walkabout Woman, Michaela Roessner
- Moon, Elizabeth - Ovčákova dcera 82% / 27
- Rawn, Melanie - Dračí princ 89% / 11
- Lewis Shiner
- Deserted Cities of the Heart, Lewis Shiner (Doubleday Foundation)
- Second Sight, Mary Tannen
- 1990
Nominována byla Elizabeth Moon za trilogii „Paksennarion“.
- Silk Road, Jeanne Larsen (Holt, Rinehart & Winston)
- Tanya Sue Huff
- Pavić, Milorad - Chazarský slovník 80% / 2
- Paksenarrion 71% / 15
- Elizabeth Moon
- Matt Ruff
- Child of the Grove and The Last Wizard, Tanya Huff (DAW)
- The Paksennarion: Sheepfarmer's Daughter; Divided Allegiance; Oath of Gold, Elizabeth Moon (1988, 1988, 1989)
- Fool on the Hill, Matt Ruff
- Contrarywise, Zohra Greenhalgh
- The Fungus Garden, Brian Brett
- Mermaid's Song, Alida Van Gores
- 1991
Zvítězil Michael Scott Rohan s trilogií „Zimní letopisy“.
- Michael Scott Rohan
- Zimní letopisy 83% / 18
- “Winter of the World”: The Anvil of Ice; The Forge in the Forest; The Hammer of the Sun, Michael Scott Rohan (Morrow)
- Holt, Tom - Čekal jsem někoho většího 69% / 17
- In Between Dragons, Michael Kandel (Bantam Spectra)
- Sunder, Eclipse & Seed, Elyse Guttenberg (Roc)
- Walker of Worlds, Tom DeHaven (Doubleday Foundation)
- 1992
- Moonwise, Greer Ilene Gilman (Penguin/Roc)
- The Illusionists, Faren Miller (Warner Questar)
- On the Road to Baghdad, Günneli Gün (Hunter House)
- 1993
- Flying in Place, Susan Palwick (Tor)
- Divina Trace, Robert Antoni (Overlook Press)
- Griffin & Sabine, Nick Bantock (Chronicle Books)
- 1994
- Running Fiercely Toward a High Thin Sound, Judith Katz (Firebrand Books)
- Poppy Z. Brite
- Martha Wells
- Lost Souls, Poppy Z. Brite (Delacorte Abyss)
- The Element of Fire, Martha Wells (Tor)
- The Angel Carver, Roseanne Daryl Thomas (Random House)
- Dragon Sword and Wind Child, Noriko Ogiwara (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
- The Dream of Stone, Christina Askounis (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
- The Man Who Took a Bite Out of His Wife, Bev Jafek (Overlook Press)
- Owl in Love, Patrice Kindl (Houghton Mifflin)
- The Secret Service, Wendy Walker (Sun & Moon)
- The Well-Favored Man, Elizabeth Willey (Tor)
- 1995
- Jonathan Lethem
- Gun, With Occasional Music, Jonathan Lethem (Harcourt Brace)
- The Museum of Love, Steve Weiner (Overlook Press)
- The Rising of the Moon, Flynn Connolly (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 1996
- The Shape-Changer's Wife, Sharon Shinn (Ace)
- 1997
- Black Wine, Candas Jane Dorsey (Tor)
- Ian McDowell
- Liz Jensen
- Lucy Sussex
- Mordred's Curse, Ian McDowell (AvoNova)
- Egg Dancing, Liz Jensen (Overlook Press)
- The Scarlet Rider, Lucy Sussex (Tor/Forge)
- Waking Beauty, Paul Witcover (HarperPrism)
- When FOX is a Thousand, Linda Lai (Press Gang Publishers)
- 1998
- Mistress of Spices, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni (Doubleday Anchor)
- Coe, David B. - Potomci Amarida 81% / 9
- Ian McDowell
- Stephen Dedman
- Matthew Stover
- Merlin's Gift and Mordred's Curse, Ian McDowell (AvoNova)
- The Art of Arrow Cutting, Stephen Dedman (Tor)
- Iron Dawn, Matthew Woodring Stover (Roc)
- Celestial Dogs, J. S. Russell (St. Martin's)
- Into the Forest, Jean Hegland (Calyx Books; Bantam 1997)
- Skyknife, Marella Sands (Tor)
- 1999
2. místo : James Stoddard – The High House, 3. místo : Anne Bishop – Dcera čisté krve
- Coe, David B. - Potomci Amarida 81% / 9
- Children of Amarid and The Outlanders, David B. Coe (Tor)
- James Stoddard
- Bishop, Anne - Dcera čisté krve 72% / 22
- Michael H. Payne
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Britain, Kristen - Zelený jezdec 88% / 4
- The High House, James Stoddard (Warner Aspect)
- The Blood Jaguar, Michael H. Payne (Tor)
- Brown Girl in the Ring, Nalo Hopkinson (Warner Aspect)
- Prophets for the End of Time, Marcos Donnelly (Baen)
- Raven Stole the Moon, Garth Stein (Pocket)
- Song of the Silence: The Tale of Lanen Kaelar, Elizabeth Kerner (Tor)
- The Bear Comes Home, Rafi Zabor (Norton)
- 2000
Zvítězila Anne Bishop s trilogií „Černé drahokamy“, 2. místo : Elizabeth Haydon – Rapsodie
- Anne Bishop
- Černé drahokamy 80% / 6
- “Black Jewels Trilogy”: Daughter of the Blood; Heir to the Shadows; Queen of Darkness, Anne Bishop (Roc)
- Haydon, Elizabeth - Rapsodie 88% / 16
- Harlan, Thomas - Stín Araratu 78% / 4
- Miéville, China - Král Krysa 77% / 89
- Jan Lars Jensen
- Michael Cisco
- Shiva 3000, Jan Lars Jensen (Harcourt Brace)
- The Divinity Student, Michael Cisco (Buzzcity Press)
- The Angle Quickest for Flight, Steven Kotler (Four Walls Eight Windows)
- Code of Conduct, Kristine Smith (Avon Eos)
- The Last Dragonlord, Joanne Bertin (Tor)
- The River Midnight, Lilian Nattel (Scribner)
- 2001
- Kij Johnson
- The Fox Woman, Kij Johnson (Tor)
- 2002
- Fforde, Jasper - Malér Eyrová 86% / 15
- 2003
- Irvine, Alexander - Hrsti jadeitu 70% / 11
- Michael Chabon
- Naomi Kritzer
- Summerland, Michael Chabon (Miramax Books/Hyperion Books for Children)
- Fires of the Faithful, Naomi Kritzer
- The Crow Maiden, Sarah Singleton
- The Red Church, Scott Nicholson
- A Shortcut in Time, Charles Dickinson
- The Summer Country, James A. Hetley
- A Telling of Stars, Caitlin Sweet
- 2004
- Bishop, Kirsten Jane - Vryté město 74% / 37
- 2005
- Swainston, Steph - Rok naší války 82% / 41
- 2006
- Duncan, Hal - Pergament 73% / 33
- Judith Berman
- Sarah Monette
- Frances Hardinge
- Bear Daughter, Judith Berman (Ace)
- Melusine, Sarah Monette (Ace)
- Fly by Night, Frances Hardinge (Macmillan UK; HarperCollins)
- In the Palace of Repose, Holly Phillips (Prime Books)
- Spotted Lily, Anna Tambour (Prime Books)
- 2007
- Mary Rickert
- Map of Dreams, M. Rickert (Golden Gryphon Press)
- Novik, Naomi - Drak Jeho Veličenstva 91% / 53
- Lynch, Scott - Lži Lockeho Lamory 88% / 110
- Abraham, Daniel - Stíny v létě 75% / 42
- Theodora Goss
- Alan DeNiro
- Donohue, Keith - Ukradené dítě 85% / 2
- In the Forest of Forgetting, Theodora Goss (Prime Books)
- Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead: Stories, Alan DeNiro (Small Beer Press)
- 2008
- Christopher Michael Barzak
- One for Sorrow, Christopher Barzak (Bantam Spectra)
- Laird Barron
- Ellen Klages
- Ysabeau S. Wilce
- The Imago Sequence and Other Stories, Laird Barron (Night Shade Books)
- Portable Childhoods, Ellen Klages (Tachyon)
- Flora Segunda, Ysabeau S. Wilce (Harcourt)
- God Is Dead, Ron Currie, Jr. (Viking)
- 2009
- Gregory, Daryl - Pandemonium 79% / 17
- Felix Gilman
- Thunderer, Felix Gilman (Bantam Spectra)
- Alive in Necropolis, Doug Dorst (Riverhead)
- Last Dragon, J. M. McDermott (Wizards of the Coast)
- Superpowers, David J. Schwartz (Three Rivers)
- 2010
- A Book of Endings, Deborah Biancotti (Twelfth Planet Press)
- The Girl with Glass Feet, Ali Shaw (Atlantic Books)
- Living with Ghosts, Kari Sperring (DAW)
- 2011
- Redemption in Indigo, Karen Lord (Small Beer Press)
- Beukes, Lauren - Zoo City 73% / 25
- Jemisin, N. K. - Sto tisíc království 75% / 15
- Robert Jackson Bennett
- Mr. Shivers, Robert Jackson Bennett (Orbit) (commendation)
- Crossing Over, Anna Kendall (Gollancz; Viking Juvenile) (shortlisted)
- The Loving Dead, Amelia Beamer (Night Shade) (commendation)
- 2012
- Genevieve Valentine
- Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti, Genevieve Valentine (Prime Books)
- Riggs, Ransom - Sirotčinec slečny Peregrinové pro podivné děti 79% / 42
- Morgenstern, Erin - Noční cirkus 86% / 16
- Obreht, Téa - Tygrova žena 70% / 1
- Of Blood and Honey, Stina Leicht (Quirk)
- 2013
- Tidbeck, Karin - Sobí hora 88% / 8
- Hartman, Rachel - Příběh draků 83% / 6
- Ahmed, Saladin - Půlměsíční trůn 69% / 14
- Ancient, Ancient, Kiini Ibura Salaam (Aqueduct)
- Rituals, Roz Kaveney (Plus One)
- 2014
- Sofia Samatar
- A Stranger in Olondria, Sofia Samatar (Small Beer Press)
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Wecker, Helene - Golema a džin v New Yorku 87% / 6
- Conservation of Shadows, Yoon Ha Lee (Prime Books)
- Rupetta, N. A. Sulway (Tartarus Press)
- 2015
- The Angel of Losses, Stephanie Feldman (Ecco)
- Spirits Abroad, Zen Cho (Buku Fixi)
- Burton, Jessie - Miniaturista
- Boundary Problems, Greg Bechtel (Freehand)
- Fire in the Unnameable Country, Ghalib Islam (Hamish Hamilton)
- The Stone Boatmen, Sarah Tolmie (Aqueduct)
- 2016
- The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps, Kai Ashante Wilson (Tor)
- Indrapramit Das
- Seth Dickinson
- Liu, Ken - Ctnosti králů 80% / 5
- Natasha Pulley
- The Devourers, Indra Das (Penguin India; Del Rey 2016)
- The Traitor Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson (Tor)
- The Watchmaker of Filigree Street, Natasha Pulley (Bloomsbury)
- The Daughters, Adrienne Celt (Liveright)
- 2017
- Greener Pastures, Michael Wehunt (Shock Totem)
- Maresi, Maria Turtschaninoff (Pushkin/Abrams)
- Marginalie to Stone Bird, Rose Lemberg (Aqueduct)
- 2018
- Her Body and Other Parties, Carmen Maria Machado (Grayworlf)
- Sam J. Miller
- Sandra Unerman
- Chakraborty, S. A. - Mosazné město
- The Art of Starving, Sam J. Miller (HarperTeen)
- Spellhaven, Sandra Unerman (Mirror World)
- The Tiger's Daughter, K. Arsenault Rivera (Tor)
- Winter Tide, Ruthanna Emrys (Tor.com)
- 2019
- Kuang, R. F. - Maková válka 35% / 4
- Phenderson Djèlí Clark
- Roanhorse, Rebecca - Stopa blesku 78% / 6
- The Black God's Drums, P. Djèlí Clark (tor.com)
- The Breath of the Sun, Rachel Fellman (Aqueduct)
- Half-Witch, John Schoffstall (Big Mouth House)
- Armed in Her Fashion, Kate Heartfield (ChiZine)
- 2020
- Muir, Tamsyn - Gideon Devátá 87% / 11
- Harrow, Alix E. - January a Deset tisíc dveří
- The Ruin of Kings, Jenn Lyons (Tor)
- Silver in the Wood, Emily Tesh (Tor.com)
- 2021
- Nghi Vo
- The Empress of Salt and Fortune, Nghi Vo (Tordotcom)
- Beneath the Rising, Premee Mohamed (Solaris)
- Everyone on the Moon Is Essential Personnel, Julian Jarboe (Lethe)
- Flyaway, Kathleen Jennings (Tordotcom)
- In Veritas, C. J. LaVigne (NeWest)
- Night Roll, Michael DeLuca (Stelliform)
- 2022
- Usman T. Malik
- Midnight Doorways: Fables from Pakistan, Usman T. Malik (Kitab)
- E. Lily Yu
- On Fragile Waves, E. Lily Yu (Erewhon)
- Never Have I Ever, Isabel Yap (Small Beer)
- 2023
- The Ballad of Perilous Graves, Alex Jennings (Redhook; Orbit UK)
- The Bruising of Qilwa, Naseem Jamnia (Tachyon)
- The Green Man of Eshwood Hall, Jacob Kerr (Serpent's Tail)
- Wrath Goddess Sing, Maya Deane (Morrow)
- 2024
- Vajra Chandrasekera
- The Saint of Bright Doors, Vajra Chandrasekera (Tor)
- Karila, Juhani - Jak ulovit malou štiku
- Dry Land, B. Pladek (University of Wisconsin Press)
- Ink Blood Sister Scribe, Emma Törzs (Morrow; Century)
- Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon, Wole Talabi (DAW; Gollancz)