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Prometheus Awards
WWW stránky ocenění: Prometheus Awards
Cena Prometheus je každoročně udělována Libertarian Futurist Society nejlepšímu románu předcházejícího roku a nejlepší dílo „klasické“ sci – fi je uvedeno do Síně slávy.
originální název: Novel
- 1979
- Francis Paul Wilson
- Wheels Within Wheels, F. Paul Wilson (Doubleday)
- Anderson, Poul William - Avatar - Inkarnace hvězd 66% / 8
- James Patrick Hogan
- The Genesis Machine, James P. Hogan (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 1982
- The Probability Broach, L. Neil Smith
- Francis Paul Wilson
- Norman Spinrad
- Samuel Ray Delany
- An Enemy of the State, F. Paul Wilson
- Songs from the Stars, Norman Spinrad
- Tales of Nevèrÿon, Samuel R. Delany
- The Watcher, Kay Nolte Smith
- Alongside Night, J. Neil Schulman
- 1983
- James Patrick Hogan
- Voyage from Yesteryear, James P. Hogan
- Heinlein, Robert A. - Friday 78% / 74
- May, Julian - Svět mnoha barev 75% / 19
- Larry Niven
- Jerry Pournelle
- Oath of Fealty, Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
- Fire Dancer, Ann Maxwell
- 1984
- The Rainbow Cadenza, J. Neil Schulman
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Dům Thendara 81% / 20
- Poul William Anderson
- Orion Shall Rise, Poul Anderson (Phantasia; Timescape)
- Double Crossing, Erika Holzer
- The Nagasaki Vector, L. Neil Smith
- 1985
Cena nebyla udělena.
- Wilson, Francis Paul - Hrobka 87% / 9
- Gordon Rupert Dickson
- Vernor Vinge
- The Final Encyclopedia, Gordon R. Dickson (Tor)
- The Peace War, Vernor Vinge (Bluejay)
- Tom Paine Maru, L. Neil Smith (Ballantine Del Rey)
- Manna, Lee Correy (DAW)
- 1986
- Victor Milán
- The Cybernetic Samurai, Victor Milán
- Dick, Philip K. - Rádio Svobodný Albemut 83% / 28
- Glen Cook
- A Matter of Time, Glen Cook (Ace)
- Elegy for a Soprano, Kay Nolte Smith
- The Gallatin Divergence, L. Neil Smith (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 1987
- Vernor Vinge
- Marooned in Realtime, Vernor Vinge (Bluejay)
- Atwood, Margaret - Příběh služebnice 85% / 36
- Melinda M. Snodgrass
- Circuit, Melinda Snodgrass (Berkley)
- The Crystal Empire, L. Neil Smith (Bluejay)
- A Door into Ocean, Joan Slonczewski (Arbor House)
- 1988
- The Jehovah Contract, Victor Koman
- Brin, David - Válka pozvednutých 87% / 35
- Gordon Rupert Dickson
- Melinda M. Snodgrass
- Way of the Pilgrim, Gordon R. Dickson (Ace)
- Circuit Breaker, Melinda Snodgrass (Berkley)
- First Citizen, Thomas T. Thomas (Baen)
- 1989
- Brad Linaweaver
- Moon of Ice, Brad Linaweaver (Morrow/Arbor House)
- Bujold, Lois McMaster - Cestou svobody 79% / 19
- Heinlein, Robert A. - Až za slunce západ plout 75% / 18
- Marc Stiegler
- Melinda M. Snodgrass
- David's Sling, Marc Stiegler (Baen)
- Final Circuit, Melinda Snodgrass (Ace)
- Brightsuit MacBear, L. Neil Smith
- 1990
- Solomon's Knife, Victor Koman (Watts)
- Anderson, Poul William - Loď na milión let 72% / 19
- Barry Brookes Longyear
- James Patrick Hogan
- Henry Martyn, L. Neil Smith (Tor)
- Infinity Hold, Barry B. Longyear (Questar)
- The Mirror Maze, James P. Hogan (Bantam Spectra)
- 1991
- Michael F. Flynn
- In the Country of the Blind, Michael F. Flynn
- Francis Paul Wilson
- Stephen Michael Stirling
- Victor Milán
- Alan Moore
- The Tery, F. Paul Wilson
- Under the Yoke, S. M. Stirling
- The Cybernetic Shogun, Victor Milán
- V for Vendetta, Alan Moore
- 1992
- Larry Niven
- Jerry Pournelle
- Michael F. Flynn
- Fallen Angels, Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle & Michael Flynn
- Joel Rosenberg
- James Patrick Hogan
- Charles Platt
- Peter David
- D'Shai, Joel Rosenberg
- The Infinity Gambit, James P. Hogan
- The Silicon Man, Charles Platt (Bantam Spectra)
- Star Trek #57: The Rift, Peter David
- A Tale of the Wind, Kay Nolte Smith
- Distant Drums, D. L. Carey
- Me: A Novel of Self-Discovery, Thomas T. Thomas (Baen)
- 1993
- James Patrick Hogan
- The Multiplex Man, James P. Hogan (Bantam)
- Card, Orson Scott - Vzpomínky na Zemi 79% / 30
- Stephenson, Neal - Sníh 88% / 126
- John Herbert Varley
- Robert Lull Forward
- Steel Beach, John Varley (Ace/Putnam)
- Timemaster, Robert L. Forward (Tor)
- A Woman's Place, Rex Denver Borough (American West Books)
- 1994
- Pallas, L. Neil Smith
- Thomson, Amy - Virtuální dívka 69% / 10
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Charles Platt
- Beggars in Spain, Nancy Kress (Morrow AvoNova)
- The Silicon Man, Charles Platt (Bantam Spectra)
- Rainbow Man, M. J. Engh (Tor)
- 1995
- Koontz, Dean Ray - Temná řeka srdce 86% / 10
- Francis Paul Wilson
- Alfred Angelo Attanasio
- Orson Scott Card
- The Select, F. Paul Wilson
- Solis, A. A. Attanasio
- Lovelock, Orson Scott Card & Kathryn H. Kidd
- Deadly Care, Richard Fulmer
- 1996
- Kenneth MacLeod
- The Star Fraction, Ken MacLeod (Legend)
- Stephenson, Neal - Diamantový věk 87% / 94
- Victor Milán
- Alan Dean Foster
- Eric Frank Russell
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- CLD (Collective Landing Detachment), Victor Milán
- Design for Great-Day, Alan Dean Foster & Eric Frank Russell
- Four Ways to Forgiveness, Ursula K. Le Guin (HarperPrism)
- 1997
- Kings of the High Frontier, Victor Koman
- Michael F. Flynn
- James Patrick Hogan
- Brad Linaweaver
- Steven C. Gould
- Firestar, Michael Flynn
- Paths to Otherwhere, James P. Hogan
- Sliders, Brad Linaweaver
- Wildside, Steven Gould
- 1998
- Kenneth MacLeod
- The Stone Canal, Ken MacLeod (Orbit)
- Anderson, Poul William - Flotila hvězd 80% / 2
- Carolyn Janice Cherryh
- Finity's End, C. J. Cherryh (Warner)
- Nanotime, Bart Kosko (Avon)
- Bretta Martyn, L. Neil Smith (Tor)
- 1999
- John Herbert Varley
- The Golden Globe, John Varley (Ace)
- Wilson; Costello - Maska 71% / 8
- Ben Bova
- Michael F. Flynn
- Moonwar, Ben Bova (Avon Eos)
- Rogue Star, Michael Flynn (Tor)
- Y2K: The Millennium Bug, Don L. Tiggre (Xlibris)
- 2000
- Vinge, Vernor - Hlubina na nebi 86% / 41
- Stephenson, Neal - Kryptonomikon 88% / 48
- Kenneth MacLeod
- James Patrick Hogan
- Gregory Albert Benford
- The Cassini Division, Ken MacLeod (Tor)
- Cradle of Saturn, James P. Hogan (Baen)
- The Martian Race, Gregory Benford (Warner Aspect)
- 2001
- Forge of the Elders, L. Neil Smith (Baen)
- Steve White
- Michael F. Flynn
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Pratchett, Terry - Pravda 89% / 194
- Eagle Against the Stars, Steve White (Baen)
- Lodestar, Michael Flynn (Tor)
- The Sky Road, Ken MacLeod (Tor)
- 2002
- Donald Kingsbury
- Psychohistorical Crisis, Donald Kingsbury (Tor)
- Michael F. Flynn
- Francis Paul Wilson
- Falling Stars, Michael Flynn (Tor)
- Hosts, F. Paul Wilson (Forge)
- The American Zone, L. Neil Smith (Tor)
- Enemy Glory, Karen Michalson (Tor)
- 2003
- Pratchett, Terry - Noční hlídka 94% / 310
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Francis Paul Wilson
- Greg Egan
- Dark Light, Ken MacLeod (Tor)
- The Haunted Air, F. Paul Wilson (Forge)
- Schild's Ladder, Greg Egan (HarperCollins/Eos)
- Escape from Heaven, J. Neil Schulman (Pulpless.com)
- 2004
- Francis Paul Wilson
- Sims, F. Paul Wilson (Forge)
- Rowling, Joanne Kathleen - Harry Potter a Fénixův řád 83% / 508
- Goodkind, Terry - Obnažená říše 82% / 10
- Paul Levinson
- The Pixel Eye, Paul Levinson (Tor)
- Spin State, Chris Moriarty (Bantam Spectra)
- 2005
- Neal Stephenson
- The System of the World, Neal Stephenson (Morrow)
- Crichton, Michael - Říše strachu 73% / 22
- Elizabeth Moon
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Brad Linaweaver
- Marque and Reprisal, Elizabeth Moon (Del Rey)
- Newton's Wake, Ken MacLeod (Tor)
- Anarquia, Brad Linaweaver & Kent J. Hastings (Sense of Wonder Press)
- 2006
Nominován byl Terry Goodkind za román „Čarodějnický oheň“, česky vyšel ve 2 dílech.
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Learning the World, Ken MacLeod (Tor)
- Walter Mosley
- Goodkind, Terry - Čarodějnický oheň 1 86% / 39
- Goodkind, Terry - Čarodějnický oheň 2 87% / 35
- Stross, Charles - Ztracená rodina 68% / 11
- 47, Walter Mosley (Little, Brown)
- The Black Arrow, Vin Suprynowicz (Mountain Media)
- RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone, Claire Wolfe & Aaron Zelman (RebelFire Press)
- 2007
- Charles Stross
- Glasshouse, Charles Stross (Ace)
- Card, Orson Scott - Říše 65% / 19
- Scalzi, John - Brigády duchů 81% / 57
- Francis Paul Wilson
- Vernor Vinge
- Harbingers, F. Paul Wilson (Gauntlet; Forge)
- Rainbows End, Vernor Vinge (Tor)
- 2008
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Jo Walton
- The Gladiator, Harry Turtledove
- Ha'Penny, Jo Walton
- Niven; Lerner - Flotila světů 87% / 20
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Tobias S. Buckell
- The Execution Channel, Ken MacLeod
- Ragamuffin, Tobias S. Buckell
- 2009
- Doctorow, Cory - Malý bratr 85% / 42
- Jo Walton
- Michael F. Flynn
- Iain M. Banks
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Charles Stross
- Half a Crown, Jo Walton (Tor)
- The January Dancer, Michael Flynn (Tor)
- Matter, Iain M. Banks (Orbit)
- Opening Atlantis, Harry Turtledove (Roc)
- Saturn's Children, Charles Stross (Ace)
- 2010
- The Unincorporated Man, Dani Kollin & Eytan Kollin (Tor)
- Orson Scott Card
- Cory Doctorow
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Hidden Empire, Orson Scott Card (Tor)
- Makers, Cory Doctorow (Tor)
- Liberating Atlantis, Harry Turtledove (Roc)
- The United States of Atlantis, Harry Turtledove (Roc)
- 2011
- Sarah A. Hoyt
- Darkship Thieves, Sarah A. Hoyt (Baen)
- Cory Doctorow
- John Ringo
- For the Win, Cory Doctorow (Tor)
- Live Free or Die, John Ringo (Baen)
- The Last Trumpet Project, Kevin MacArdry (www.lasttrumpetproject.com)
- Ceres, L. Neil Smith (Big Head Press)
- 2012
- Cline, Ernest - Ready Player One 85% / 113
- Delia Sherman
- The Freedom Maze, Delia Sherman (Big Mouth House)
- Pratchett, Terry - Šňupec 84% / 94
- Vernor Vinge
- Kenneth MacLeod
- The Children of the Sky, Vernor Vinge (Tor)
- The Restoration Game, Ken MacLeod (Pyr)
- In the Shadow of Ares, Thomas L. James & Carl C. Carlsson (self-published)
- 2013
- Cory Doctorow
- Pirate Cinema, Cory Doctorow (Tor)
- Tobias S. Buckell
- Sarah A. Hoyt
- Daniel Suarez
- Arctic Rising, Tobias S. Buckell (Tor)
- Darkship Renegades, Sarah A. Hoyt (Baen)
- Kill Decision, Daniel Suarez (Penguin)
- The Unincorporated Future, Dani Kollin & Eytan Kollin (Tor)
- 2014
- Cory Doctorow
- Homeland, Cory Doctorow (Tor)
- Nexus, Ramez Naam (Angry Robot)
- Sarah A. Hoyt
- A Few Good Men, Sarah A. Hoyt (Baen)
- Brilliance, Marcus Sakey (Thomas & Mercer)
- Crux, Ramez Naam (Angry Robot)
- 2015
- Suarez, Daniel - Gravitace 77% / 9
- Pratchett, Terry - Pod parou 70% / 49
- Brian Herbert
- Liou Cch‘-Sin - Problém tří těles 76% / 84
- The Little Green Book of Chairman Rahma, by Brian Herbert (TOR Books)
- Seven Against Mars, by Martin Berman-Gorvine (Wildside)
- The Break, by Sean Gabb (The Hampden Press)
- Counteract, by Tracy Lawson (Buddapuss Ink)
- The Stars Came Back, by Rolf Nelson (Castalia House)
- A Better World, by Marcus Sakey (Amazon, Thomas & Mercer)
- The Collection: A Registry Novel, by Shannon Stoker (William Morrow/Harper Collins)
- Archetype, by M.D. Waters (Plume/Dutton)
- 2016
- Stephenson, Neal - Sedmeroev 75% / 19
- Jo Walton
- Gene Wolfe
- The Just City by Jo Walton (Tor)
- A Borrowed Man by Gene Wolfe (Tor)
- Golden Son by Pierce Brown (Del Rey)
- Apex by Ramez Naam (Angry Robot)
- 2017
- Sinisalo, Johanna - Jádro Slunce 84% / 8
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Kenneth MacLeod
- The Corporation Wars: Dissidence, Ken MacLeod (Orbit)
- The Corporation Wars: Insurgence, Ken MacLeod (Orbit)
- The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047, Lionel Shriver (HarperCollins)
- Blade of p’Na, L. Neil Smith (Phoenix Pick)
- 2018
- The Powers of the Earth, Travis J I Corcoran (Morlock)
- Sarah A. Hoyt
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Weir, Andy - Artemis 72% / 47
- Darkship Revenge, Sarah Hoyt (Baen)
- The Corporation Wars: Emergence, Ken MacLeod (Orbit)
- Drug Lord: High Ground, Doug Casey and John Hunt (High Ground)
- Torchship, Torchship Pilot, and Torchship Captain, Karl K. Gallagher (Kelt Haven)
- 2019
Nominována byla Martha Wells za sérii „Z deníků Robokata“.
- Causes of Separation, Travis Corcoran (Morlock) (Book One: Rules; Book Two: Order)
- Martha Wells
- Z deníků Robokata 65% / 4
- The Fractal Man, J. Neil Schulman (Steve Heller)
- Kingdom of the Wicked, Helen Dale (Ligature Pty Limited)
- The Murderbot Diaries, Martha Wells (Tor.com) (All Systems Red; Artificial Condition; Rogue Protocol; Exit Strategy)
- State Tectonics, Malka Older (Tor.com)
- 2020
- Carolyn Janice Cherryh
- Alliance Rising, C. J. Cherryh & Jane S. Fancher (DAW)
- Atwood, Margaret - Svědectví 82% / 6
- Ian McDonald
- Marc Stiegler
- Luna: Moon Rising, Ian McDonald (Tor)
- Ode to Defiance, Marc Stiegler (LMBPN)
- Ruin's Wake, Patrick Edwards (Titan)
- 2021
- Barry Brookes Longyear
- The War Whisperer, Book 5: The Hook, Barry B. Longyear (Enchanteds)
- Marc Stiegler
- Dennis E. Taylor
- Braintrust: Requiem, Marc Stiegler (LMBPN)
- Heaven's River, Dennis E. Taylor (Ethan Ellenberg)
- Storm Between the Stars, Karl K. Gallagher (Kelt Haven)
- Who Can Own the Stars?, Mackey Chandler (self-published)
- 2022
- Rich Man's Sky, Wil McCarthy (Baen)
- Ishiguro, Kazuo - Klára a Slunce 86% / 5
- Between Home and Ruin, Karl K. Gallagher (Kelt Haven)
- Seize What's Held Dear, Karl K. Gallagher (Kelt Haven)
- Should We Stay or Should We Go, Lionel Shriver (Harper Perennial)
- 2023
- Cloud-Castles, Dave Freer (Magic Isle)
- A Beast Cannot Feign, Gordon Hanka (self-published)
- Captain Trader Helmsman Spy, Karl K. Gallagher (Kelt Haven)
- Summer's End, John Van Stry (Baen)
- Widowland, C. J. Carey (Quercus)
- 2024
- Daniel Suarez
- Critical Mass, Daniel Suarez (Dutton)
- God's Girlfriend, Dr. Insensitive Jerk (self-published)
- Lord of a Shattered Land, Howard Andrew Jones (Baen)
- Swim Among the People, Karl K. Gallagher (Kelt Haven)
- Theft of Fire, Devon Eriksen (self-published)