Locus Award
WWW stránky ocenění: Locus Award
Cena Locus Award, nebo Locus, je každoročně od roku 1971 udělována čtenáři amerického časopisu Locus Magazine nejlepším dílům žánrů science fiction a fantasy uplynulého roku. Ceně je přikládán veliký význam především proto, že počet anketních lístků od čtenářů převyšuje počet hlasů u cen Hugo i Nebula dohromady a je tedy hodnocením širšího vzorku respondentů.
originální název: NOVELETTE
- 1975
- Ellison, Harlan - Vydán na pospas větru a vlnám poblíž ostrůvku Langerhansových; 38° 54' severní šířky, 77° 00' 13" západní délky 61% / 11
- “Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38° 54' N, Longitude 77° 00' 13" W”, Harlan Ellison (F&SF Oct 1974)
- Gene Wolfe
- Garrett, Randall - Otázka přitažlivosti 85% / 4
- Dick, Philip K. - Taková maličkost pro nás Tempunauty 69% / 15
- Kate Wilhelm
- Richard A. Lupoff
- Cyril M. Kornbluth
- Frederik Pohl
- Harlan Ellison
- Francis Marion Busby
- Jack Vance
- Richard A. Lupoff
- Benford; Eklund - Hvězdy jako bozi 68% / 8
- Gordon Rupert Dickson
- William Tenn
- Harlan Ellison
- Asimov, Isaac - ...že jsi naň pamětliv 74% / 17
- Dick, Philip K. - Před-lidé 82% / 26
- Robert Thurston
- 2. “The Pre-Persons”, Philip K. Dick (F&SF Oct 1974)
- 3. “—That Thou Art Mindful of Him!”, Isaac Asimov (F&SF May 1974)
- 4. “I'm Looking for Kadak”, Harlan Ellison (Wandering Stars)
- 5. “On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi”, William Tenn (Wandering Stars)
- 6. “Twig”, Gordon R. Dickson (Stellar #1)
- 7. “Nix Olympica”, William Walling (Analog Dec 1974)
- 8. “If the Stars Are Gods”, Gordon Eklund & Gregory Benford (Universe 4)
- 9. “After the Dreamtime”, Richard Lupoff (New Dimensions IV)
- 10. “The Seventeen Virgins”, Jack Vance (F&SF Oct 1974)
- 11. “The Raven and the Hawk”, William Rotsler (Analog Sep 1974)
- 12. “Getting Home”, F. M. Busby (F&SF Apr 1974)
- 13. “Whale Song”, Terry Melen (Analog Sep 1974)
- 14. “Catman”, Harlan Ellison (Final Stage)
- 15. “The Gift of Garigolli”, Frederik Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth (Galaxy Aug 1974)
- 16. “Whatever Happened to Nick Neptune?”, Richard Lupoff (F&SF Jun 1974)
- 17. “A Brother to Dragons, a Companion of Owls”, Kate Wilhelm (Orbit 14)
- 18. “A Little Something for Us Tempunauts”, Philip K. Dick (Final Stage)
- 19. “Gate-o”, Don Picard (Science Fiction Emphasis I)
- 20. “A Matter of Gravity”, Randall Garrett (Analog Oct 1974)
- 21. “And Keep Us from Our Castles”, Cynthia Bunn (Analog Aug 1974)
- 22. “Forlesen”, Gene Wolfe (Orbit 14)
- 23. “Under Siege”, Robert Thurston (F&SF Jul 1974)
- 1976
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- “The New Atlantis”, Ursula K. Le Guin (The New Atlantis)
- Haldeman, Joe - Konec dějství 60% / 5
- Greg Bear
- Reamy, Tom - Lehkonohá Sue ze San Diega 86% / 9
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Avram J. A. Davidson
- Varley, John Herbert - Průlet černé díry 72% / 9
- Gordon Eklund
- Varley, John Herbert - Uvnitř mísy 77% / 6
- Martin, George R. R. - Za jediný včerejšek 82% / 17
- Barry N. Malzberg
- Varley, John Herbert - Retrográdní léto 63% / 10
- Martin, George R. R. - Oceloví andělé 79% / 18
- Smith, Cordwainer - Dolů k soumračnému moři 77% / 10
- Michael Bishop
- 2. “Down to a Sunless Sea”, Cordwainer Smith (F&SF Oct 1975)
- 3. “And Seven Times Never Kill Man”, George R. R. Martin (Analog Jul 1975)
- 4. “Retrograde Summer”, John Varley (F&SF Feb 1975)
- 5. “A Galaxy Called Rome”, Barry N. Malzberg (F&SF Jul 1975)
- 6. “'…for a single yesterday'”, George R. R. Martin (Epoch)
- 7. “In the Bowl”, John Varley (F&SF Dec 1975)
- 8. “Sandsnake Hunter”, Gordon Eklund (F&SF Mar 1975)
- 9. “The Black Hole Passes”, John Varley (F&SF Jun 1975)
- 10. “Polly Charms, the Sleeping Woman”, Avram Davidson (F&SF Feb 1975)
- 11. “Cambridge 1:58 A.M.”, Gregory Benford (Epoch)
- 12. “San Diego Lightfoot Sue”, Tom Reamy (F&SF Aug 1975)
- 13. “The Venging”, Greg Bear (Galaxy Jun 1975)
- 14. “End Game”, Joe Haldeman (Analog Jan 1975)
- 15. “Blooded on Arachne”, Michael Bishop (Epoch)
- 1977
- Asimov, Isaac - Dvěstěletý člověk 91% / 46
- “The Bicentennial Man”, Isaac Asimov (Stellar #2)
- John Herbert Varley
- John Herbert Varley
- Martin, George R. R. - Chlap z masovny 73% / 27
- Howard Waldrop
- Steven Utley
- James Tiptree, jr.
- Richard Cowper
- John Herbert Varley
- John Herbert Varley
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Lisa Tuttle
- 2. “The Diary of the Rose”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Future Power)
- 3. “Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance”, John Varley (Galaxy Jul 1976)
- 4. “The Phantom of Kansas”, John Varley (Galaxy Feb 1976)
- 5. “The Hertford Manuscript”, Richard Cowper (F&SF Oct 1976)
- 6. “The Psychologist Who Wouldn't Do Awful Things to Rats”, James Tiptree, Jr. (New Dimensions 6)
- 7. “Custer's Last Jump”, Steven Utley & Howard Waldrop (Universe 6)
- 8. “Meathouse Man”, George R. R. Martin (Orbit 18)
- 9. “Bagatelle”, John Varley (Galaxy Oct 1976)
- 10. “Overdrawn at the Memory Bank”, John Varley (Galaxy May 1976)
- 11. “Woman Waiting”, Lisa Tuttle (Lone Star Universe)
- 1979
- Varley, John Herbert - Vrah barbie 72% / 17
- “The Barbie Murders”, John Varley (Asimov's Jan/Feb 1978)
- Raphael Aloysius Lafferty
- Avram J. A. Davidson
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Donald Kingsbury
- Thomas Michael Disch
- Stephen King
- Algirdas Jonas Budrys
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Dean Charles Ing
- Frederik Pohl
- Orson Scott Card
- Anderson, Poul William - Lovcův měsíc 75% / 13
- Michael Bishop
- 2. “Hunter's Moon”, Poul Anderson (Analog Nov 1978)
- 3. “Mikal's Songbird”, Orson Scott Card (Analog May 1978)
- 4. “Swanilda's Song”, Frederik Pohl (Analog Oct 1978)
- 5. “Devil You Don't Know”, Dean Ing (Analog Jan 1978)
- 6. “In Alien Flesh”, Gregory Benford (F&SF Sep 1978)
- 7. “The Nuptial Flight of Warbirds”, Algis Budrys (Analog May 1978)
- 8. (tie): “The Gunslinger”, Stephen King (F&SF Oct 1978)
- 8. (tie): “The Man Who Had No Idea”, Thomas M. Disch (F&SF Oct 1978)
- 10. “Shipwright”, Donald Kingsbury (Analog Apr 1978)
- 11. “Black Glass”, Fritz Leiber (Andromeda 3)
- 12. “Starswarmer”, Gregory Benford (Analog Sep 1978)
- 13. “A Good Night's Sleep” (aka “Sleep Well of Nights“), Avram Davidson (F&SF Aug 1978)
- 14. “The Morphology of the Kirkham Wreck”, Hilbert Schenck (F&SF Sep 1978)
- 15. “Selenium Ghosts of the Eighteen Seventies”, R. A. Lafferty (Universe 8)
- 16. “Within the Walls of Tyre”, Michael Bishop (Weirdbook #13 1978)
- 1980
- Martin, George R. R. - Písečníci 95% / 189
- “Sandkings”, George R. R. Martin (Omni Aug 1979)
- McKee Charnas, Suzy - Starobylá mysl v akci 40% / 5
- Dean Charles Ing
- Bill Pronzini
- Barry N. Malzberg
- Larry Niven
- Steven Barnes
- Brian W. Aldiss
- Poul William Anderson
- Gary Jennings
- John Kilian Houston Brunner
- John Herbert Varley
- Vonda N. McIntyre
- Richard Cowper
- Bester, Alfred - Galatea Galante 80% / 2
- Jack Dann
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Michael Shea
- Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Saberhagen, Frederick Thomas - Co se přihodilo mezi templáři 70% / 4
- 2. “Options”, John Varley (Universe 9)
- 3. “Fireflood”, Vonda N. McIntyre (F&SF Nov 1979)
- 4. “Out There Where the Big Ships Go”, Richard Cowper (F&SF Aug 1979)
- 5. “Galatea Galante”, Alfred Bester (Omni Apr 1979)
- 6. “Camps”, Jack Dann (F&SF May 1979)
- 7. “The Pathways of Desire”, Ursula K. Le Guin (New Dimensions 9)
- 8. “The Angel of Death”, Michael Shea (F&SF Aug 1979)
- 9. “The Button Molder”, Fritz Leiber (Whispers #13/14 Oct 1979)
- 10. “The Things That Are Gods”, John Brunner (Asimov's SF Adventure Fall 1979)
- 11. “Phoenix”, Mark J. McGarry (Analog Nov 1979)
- 12. “The Relic”, Gary Jennings (F&SF Jun 1979)
- 13. “The Ancient Mind at Work”, Suzy McKee Charnas (Omni Dec 1979)
- 14. “Down and Out on Ellfive Prime”, Dean Ing (Omni Mar 1979)
- 15. “Prose Bowl”, Bill Pronzini & Barry N. Malzberg (F&SF Jul 1979)
- 16. “The Locusts”, Larry Niven & Steve Barnes (Analog Jun 1979)
- 17. “Indifference”, Brian W. Aldiss (Rooms of Paradise)
- 18. “The Ways of Love”, Poul Anderson (Destinies Vol. 1, No. 2, Jan.-Feb. '79)
- 19. “Some Events at the Templar Radiant”, Fred Saberhagen (Destinies Vol. 1, No. 4, Aug.-Sept. '79)
- 1981
- Thomas Michael Disch
- “The Brave Little Toaster”, Thomas M. Disch (F&SF Aug 1980)
- Gordon Rupert Dickson
- Howard Waldrop
- Barry Brookes Longyear
- McKee Charnas, Suzy - Připálená večeře na Novém Nigeru 62% / 5
- Holdstock, Robert - Země a kámen 80% / 12
- Janet Morris
- Swanwick, Michael - Ginungagap 79% / 12
- Robinson, Spider - A tuhle znáte?
- Tevis, Walter S. - Apoteóza paní Myry 83% / 4
- Michael Swanwick
- John Herbert Varley
- Stephen King
- Edward Winslow Bryant
- Howard Waldrop
- Keith John Kingston Roberts
- Bob Leman
- Michael Bishop
- Ron Webb
- Norden, Eric - Kletba Mhondoro Nkabele 86% / 11
- 2. “Beatnik Bayou”, John Varley (New Voices III)
- 3. “The Way Station”, Stephen King (F&SF Apr 1980)
- 4. “Strata”, Edward Bryant (F&SF Aug 1980)
- 5. “The Ugly Chickens”, Howard Waldrop (Universe 10)
- 6. “The Lordly Ones”, Keith Roberts (F&SF Mar 1980)
- 7. “Feesters in the Lake”, Bob Leman (F&SF Oct 1980)
- 8. “Saving Face”, Michael Bishop (Universe 10)
- 9. “Variation on a Theme from Beethoven”, Sharon Webb (Asimov's Feb 1980)
- 10. “Tutor”, J. Ray Dettling (Amazing Stories Nov 1980)
- 11. “The Feast of Saint Janis”, Michael Swanwick (New Dimensions 11)
- 12. “Apotheosis of Myra”, Walter Tevis (Playboy Jul 1980)
- 13. “The Cloak and the Staff”, Gordon R. Dickson (Analog Aug 1980)
- 14. “Billy Big-Eyes”, Howard Waldrop (The Berkley Showcase Vol. 1)
- 15. “Savage Planet”, Barry B. Longyear (Analog Feb 1980)
- 16. “Scorched Supper on New Niger”, Suzy McKee Charnas (New Voices III)
- 17. “Earth and Stone”, Robert Holdstock (Interfaces)
- 18. “Raising the Green Lion”, Janet Morris (The Berkley Showcase Vol. 1)
- 19. “Ginungagap”, Michael Swanwick (TriQuarterly #49 Fall 1980)
- 20. “Have You Heard the One…?”, Spider Robinson (Analog Jun 1980)
- 21. “The Curse of the Mhondoro Nkabele”, Eric Norden (F&SF Sep 1980)
- 1982
- Martin, George R. R. - Strážci 87% / 20
- “Guardians”, George R. R. Martin (Analog 12 Oct 1981)
- 2. “Unicorn Variation”, Roger Zelazny (Asimov's 13 Apr 1981)
- 3. “The Thermals of August”, Edward Bryant (F&SF May 1981)
- 4. “The Haunted Tower”, C. J. Cherryh (Sunfall)
- 5. “Out of the Everywhere”, James Tiptree, Jr. (Out of the Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions)
- 6. “The Fire When It Comes”, Parke Godwin (F&SF May 1981)
- 7. “Murder on Lupozny Station”, Michael Bishop & Gerald W. Page (F&SF Apr 1981)
- 8. “Elric at the End of Time”, Michael Moorcock (Elsewhere)
- 9. “Lirios: A Tale of the Quintana Roo”, James Tiptree, Jr. (Asimov's 28 Sep 1981)
- 10. “The Quickening”, Michael Bishop (Universe 11)
- 11. “The Giftie Gie Us”, Timothy Zahn (Analog 20 Jul 1981)
- 12. “A Thousand Paces Along the Via Dolorosa”, Robert Silverberg (Twilight Zone Jul 1981)
- 13. “Mummer Kiss”, Michael Swanwick (Universe 11)
- 14. “Vox Olympica”, Michael Bishop (Omni Dec 1981)
- 15. “The Summer's Dust”, Pamela Sargent (F&SF Jul 1981)
- 16. “H-Tec”, Charles L. Harness (Analog 25 May 1981)
- 17. “Stuff of Dreams”, Lewis Shiner (F&SF Apr 1981)
- 18. “These Stones Will Remember”, Reginald Bretnor (Asimov's 16 Feb 1981)
- 19. “Waiting for the Earthquake”, Robert Silverberg (The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 2)
- 20. “Johnny Mnemonic”, William Gibson (Omni May 1981)
- 21. “Walden Three”, Michael Swanwick (New Dimensions 12)
- 22. “Mythago Wood”, Robert Holdstock (F&SF Sep 1981)
- 23. “Going Under”, Jack Dann (Omni Sep 1981)
- 24. “Blind Spot”, Jayge Carr (Omni Jul 1981)
- 25. “Shadows on the Cave Wall”, Nancy Kress (Universe 11)
- 26. “Blue Apes”, Phyllis Gotlieb (The Berkley Showcase Vol. 4)
- 27. “Werewind”, J. Michael Reaves (F&SF Jul 1981)
- 28. “A Thief in Ni-Moya”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's 21 Dec 1981)
- 1983
- Ellison, Harlan - Džin, protřepat, nemíchat 74% / 8
- Harlan Ellison - Djinn, No Chaser
- 2.“Willow”, C. J. Cherryh (Hecate's Cauldron)
- 3.“Myths of the Near Future”, J. G. Ballard (F&SF Oct 1982)
- 4.“Fire Watch”, Connie Willis (Asimov's 15 Feb 1982)
- 5.“High Steel”, Jack C. Haldeman II & Jack Dann (F&SF Feb 1982)
- 6.“Swarm”, Bruce Sterling (F&SF Apr 1982)
- 7.“The Gorgon”, Tanith Lee (Shadows 5)
- 8.“Pawn's Gambit”, Timothy Zahn (Analog 29 Mar 1982)
- 9.“Flare Time”, Larry Niven (Amazing Stories Nov 1982)
- 10.“Understanding Human Behavior”, Thomas M. Disch (F&SF Feb 1982)
- 11.“Nightlife”, Phyllis Eisenstein (F&SF Feb 1982)
- 12.“The Pope of the Chimps”, Robert Silverberg (Perpetual Light)
- 13.“Aquila”, Somtow Sucharitkul (Asimov's Jan 18 1982)
- 14.“The Raft”, Stephen King (Gallery Nov 1982)
- 15.“Come Then, Mortal, We Will Seek Her Soul”, Michael Shea (Nifft the Lean)
- 16.“Farmer on the Dole”, Frederik Pohl (Omni Oct 1982)
- 17.“Burning Chrome”, William Gibson (Omni Jul 1982)
- 18.“The Little Dirty Girl”, Joanna Russ (Elsewhere, Vol. II)
- 19.“Relativistic Effects”, Gregory Benford (Perpetual Light)
- 20.“A Private Whale”, Brian W. Aldiss (Perpetual Light)
- 21.“Blind Windows”, Garry Kilworth (F&SF Jul 1982)
- 22.“Helen, Whose Face Launched Twenty-Eight Conestoga Hovercraft”, Leigh Kennedy (Universe 12)
- 1984
- Martin, George R. R. - Opičí kúra 80% / 30
- “The Monkey Treatment”, George R. R. Martin (F&SF Jul 1983)
- Michael Bishop
- Simmons, Dan - Vzpomínání na Siri 82% / 9
- Sterling, Bruce - Královna Cikád 79% / 29
- Karl Edward Wagner
- Leigh Kennedy
- Sterling; Gibson - Rudá hvězda, zimní orbita 74% / 27
- Tanith Lee
- Marc Stiegler
- Davidson; Davis - Kopce za Hollywood High 30% / 1
- Jack Dann
- Kate Wilhelm
- Robinson, Kim Stanley - Černé povětří 66% / 15
- Watson, Ian - Pomalí ptáci 81% / 10
- Bear, Greg - Hudba krve 81% / 15
- Norman Spinrad
- Connie Willis
- Robert Silverberg
- Ian Watson
- Timothy Zahn
- Michael Bishop
- Reginald Bretnor
- 2. “Black Air”, Kim Stanley Robinson (F&SF Mar 1983)
- 3. “Slow Birds”, Ian Watson (F&SF Jun 1983)
- 4. “Blood Music”, Greg Bear (Analog Jun 1983)
- 5. “Street Meat”, Norman Spinrad (Asimov's mid-Dec 1983)
- 6. “The Sidon in the Mirror”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Apr 1983)
- 7. “Multiples”, Robert Silverberg (Omni Oct 1983)
- 8. (tie): “The Black Current”, Ian Watson (F&SF Nov 1983)
- 8. (tie): “The Invasion of the Church of the Holy Ghost”, Russell Kirk (F&SF Dec 1983)
- 10. “The Final Report on the Lifeline Experiment”, Timothy Zahn (Analog May 1983)
- 11. “The Monkey's Bride”, Michael Bishop (Heroic Visions)
- 12. “The Mind of Medea”, Kate Wilhelm (Omni Jan 1983)
- 13. “Blind Shemmy”, Jack Dann (Omni Apr 1983)
- 14. “And the Marlin Spoke”, Michael Bishop (F&SF Oct 1983)
- 15. “Remembering Siri”, Dan Simmons (Asimov's Dec 1983)
- 16. “Cicada Queen”, Bruce Sterling (Universe 13)
- 17. “Into Whose Hands”, Karl Edward Wagner (Whispers IV)
- 18. “Belling Martha”, Leigh Kennedy (Asimov's May 1983)
- 19. “Red Star, Winter Orbit”, Bruce Sterling & William Gibson (Omni Jul 1983)
- 20. (tie): “In Whose Name Do We Seek the Quark?”, Thomas Dulski (Analog Sep 1983)
- 20. (tie): “Nunc Dimittis”, Tanith Lee (The Dodd, Mead Gallery of Horror)
- 20. (tie): “A Simple Case of Suicide”, Marc Stiegler (Analog May 1983)
- 23. “The Hills Behind Hollywood High”, Avram Davidson & Grania Davis (F&SF Apr 1983)
- 24. “Deep Song”, Reginald Bretnor (Amazing Stories Sep 1983)
- 25. “Life on the Tether”, Mark Wheeler (F&SF Aug 1983)
- 1985
- Butler, Octavia Estelle - Dítě mé krve 81% / 36
- “Bloodchild”, Octavia E. Butler (Asimov's Jun 1984)
- 2.“The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule”, Lucius Shepard (F&SF Dec 1984)
- 3.“Blued Moon”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Jan 1984)
- 4.“The Lucky Strike”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Universe 14)
- 5.“With a Little Help From Her Friends”, Michael Bishop (F&SF Feb 1984)
- 6.“The Kindly Isle”, Frederik Pohl (Asimov's Nov 1984)
- 7.“Silicon Muse”, Hilbert Schenck (Analog Sep 1984)
- 8.“Summer Solstice”, Charles L. Harness (Analog Jun 1984)
- 9.“Bad Medicine”, Jack Dann (Asimov's Oct 1984)
- 10.“Black Coral”, Lucius Shepard (Universe 14)
- 11.“Foreign Skins”, Tanith Lee (Tamastara)
- 12.“Freedom Beach”, John Kessel & James Patrick Kelly (F&SF Aug 1984)
- 13.“Trojan Horse”, Michael Swanwick (Omni Dec 1984)
- 14.“Draco, Draco”, Tanith Lee (Beyond Lands of Never)
- 15.“Demon Lover”, M. Sargent MacKay (F&SF Jun 1984)
- 16.“Promises to Keep”, Jack McDevitt (Asimov's Dec 1984)
- 17.“Slowly, Slowly in the Wind”, Rob Chilson (Analog Apr 1984)
- 18.“A Message to the King to Brobdingnag”, Richard Cowper (F&SF May 1984)
- 19.“Twilight Time”, Lewis Shiner (Asimov's Apr 1984)
- 20.“Three Days”, Tanith Lee (Shadows 7)
- 21.“Another One Hits the Road”, Pat Cadigan (F&SF Jan 1984)
- 22.“Five Mercies”, Michael Conner (F&SF Mar 1984)
- 23.“We Remember Babylon”, Ian Watson (Habitats)
- 1986
- Ellison, Harlan - Paladin ztracené hodiny 78% / 9
- "Paladin of the Lost Hour", Harlan Ellison (Universe 15; Twilight Zone Dec 1985)
- Keith John Kingston Roberts
- Walter Jon Williams
- Kelly, James Patrick - Slunovrat 80% / 12
- David Zindell
- Ryman, Geoff - Ten šťastný den 69% / 12
- George Alec Effinger
- Felix C. Gotschalk
- Davidson, Avram J. A. - Slávská kamna 71% / 22
- Martin, George R. R. - V obležení 60% / 5
- Lucius Shepard
- Robinson, Kim Stanley - Zločin na Merkuru 53% / 6
- Frederik Pohl
- Martin, George R. R. - Portréty dětí 84% / 25
- Shepard, Lucius - Lovec jaguárů 73% / 18
- Gibson; Swanwick - Stíhači 80% / 21
- Willis, Connie - Všechny moje milované dcerušky 77% / 17
- Michael Bishop
- Turtledove, Harry Norman - Cesta, po které nikdo nešel 84% / 13
- Rudy Rucker
- Bruce Sterling
- Lucius Shepard
- Card, Orson Scott - Okraj 69% / 7
- 2. “The Fringe”, Orson Scott Card (F&SF Oct 1985)
- 3. “Portraits of His Children”, George R. R. Martin (Asimov's Nov 1985)
- 4. “The Jaguar Hunter”, Lucius Shepard (F&SF May 1985)
- 5. “Dogfight”, Michael Swanwick & William Gibson (Omni Jul 1985)
- 6. “Under Siege”, George R. R. Martin (Omni Oct 1985)
- 7. “All My Darling Daughters”, Connie Willis (Fire Watch)
- 8. “A Gift from the GrayLanders”, Michael Bishop (Asimov's Sep 1985)
- 9. “The Road Not Taken”, Harry Turtledove (Analog Nov 1985)
- 10. “Storming the Cosmos”, Rudy Rucker & Bruce Sterling (Asimov's mid-Dec 1985)
- 11. “A Spanish Lesson”, Lucius Shepard (F&SF Dec 1985)
- 12. “The Things That Happen”, Frederik Pohl (Asimov's Oct 1985)
- 13. “Mercurial”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Universe 15)
- 14. “The End Of Life as We Know It”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Jan 1985)
- 15. “Kitemistress”, Keith Roberts (Interzone #11 Spring 1985)
- 16. “Side Effects”, Walter Jon Williams (F&SF Jun 1985)
- 17. “The Slovo Stove”, Avram Davidson (Universe 15)
- 18. “Vilest Beast”, Eric G. Iverson (Analog Sep 1985)
- 19. “Rockabye Baby”, S. C. Sykes (Analog mid-Dec 1985)
- 20. “Solstice”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1985)
- 21. “Shanidar”, David Zindell (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future)
- 22. “O Happy Day!”, Geoff Ryman (Interzone: The 1st Anthology)
- 23. “Unferno”, George Alec Effinger (Asimov's Jul 1985)
- 24. “Vestibular Man”, Felix C. Gotschalk (F&SF Mar 1985)
- 1987
- Brin, David - Thor versus kapitán America 81% / 22
- “Thor Meets Captain America”, David Brin (F&SF Jul 1986)
- Michael Shea
- Lee, Tanith - Ve zlato 58% / 5
- Silverberg, Robert - Proti Babylonu 76% / 8
- Bruce Sterling
- Williams, Walter Jon - Videostar 70% / 1
- Watson, Ian - Studené světlo 66% / 5
- Weiner, Andrew - Zpráva z V Street 74% / 8
- Kelly, James Patrick - Vězeň chillonský 72% / 5
- Kessel, John - Opravdový Američan 67% / 7
- Michael Bishop
- Karen Joy Fowler
- Judith Moffett
- Sucharitkul, Somtow - Fidlání buvolům 69% / 9
- Connie Willis
- Orson Scott Card
- Martin, George R. R. - Skleněná květina 63% / 50
- Gibson, William - Market 86% / 14
- Zelazny, Roger - Permafrost 58% / 8
- Benford, Gregory Albert - O časoprostoru a řece 64% / 8
- Shepard, Lucius - Palebná zóna Smaragd 73% / 3
- Lucius Shepard
- Lucius Shepard
- Orson Scott Card
- Wilhelm, Kate - Dívka, která spadla do oblohy 74% / 21
- Vernor Vinge
- Watson, Ian - Okna 74% / 5
- Wayne Wightman
- 2. “Hatrack River”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Aug 1986)
- 3. “The Glass Flower”, George R. R. Martin (Asimov's Sep 1986)
- 4. “The Winter Market”, William Gibson (Stardate Mar/Apr 1986; Interzone #15 Spring 1986)
- 5. “Permafrost”, Roger Zelazny (Omni Apr 1986)
- 6. “Of Space-Time and the River”, Gregory Benford (Asimov's Feb 1986)
- 7. “Aymara”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Aug 1986)
- 8. “Fire Zone Emerald”, Lucius Shepard (Playboy Feb 1986; Asimov's Nov 1986)
- 9. “The Arcevoalo”, Lucius Shepard (F&SF Sep 1986)
- 10. “Salvage”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Feb 1986)
- 11. “The Girl Who Fell into the Sky”, Kate Wilhelm (Asimov's Oct 1986)
- 12. “The Barbarian Princess”, Vernor Vinge (Analog Sep 1986)
- 13. “Windows”, Ian Watson (Asimov's Dec 1986)
- 14. “Chance”, Connie Willis (Asimov's May 1986)
- 15. “Fiddling for Waterbuffaloes”, Somtow Sucharitkul (Analog Apr 1986)
- 16. “Fill It With Regular”, Michael Shea (F&SF Oct 1986)
- 17. “Into Gold”, Tanith Lee (Asimov's Mar 1986)
- 18. “Against Babylon”, Robert Silverberg (Omni May 1986)
- 19. “The Beautiful and the Sublime”, Bruce Sterling (Asimov's Jun 1986)
- 20. “Video Star”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's Jul 1986)
- 21. “Cold Light”, Ian Watson (F&SF Apr 1986)
- 22. “The News from D Street”, Andrew Weiner (Asimov's Sep 1986)
- 23. (tie): “The Prisoner of Chillon”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1986)
- 23. (tie): “The Pure Product”, John Kessel (Asimov's Mar 1986)
- 25. “Voices”, Michael Bishop (Heroic Visions II)
- 26. “The Gate of Ghosts”, Karen Joy Fowler (Artificial Things)
- 27. “Grave Angels”, Richard Kearns (F&SF Apr 1986)
- 28. “Surviving”, Judith Moffett (F&SF Jun 1986)
- 29. “The Metaphysical Gun”, Wayne Wightman (F&SF Feb 1986)
- 1988
- Murphy, Pat - Zamilovaná Ráchel 84% / 22
- “Rachel in Love”, Pat Murphy (Asimov's Apr 1987)
- Neal Barrett, jr.
- Shepard, Lucius - Sluneční pavouk 58% / 8
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Wightman, Wayne - Klec číslo 37 73% / 9
- George Alec Effinger
- Tiptree, jr., James - Druhé putování 63% / 8
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Charles de Lint
- Frederik Pohl
- Alexander Jablokov
- Robert Charles Wilson
- McDevitt, Jack - Bludný Holanďan 74% / 7
- Watson, Ian - Měsíc a Michelangelo 72% / 6
- Roger MacBride Allen
- James Tiptree, jr.
- Pohl, Frederik - Adeste Fideles 71% / 9
- Lucius Shepard
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Jsou dva druhy lidí 57% / 9
- Sterling, Bruce - Květiny z Eda 74% / 11
- McAllister, Bruce - Snářka 82% / 13
- Card, Orson Scott - Amerika 69% / 9
- Octavia Estelle Butler
- Lucius Shepard
- Howard Waldrop
- Connie Willis
- Williams, Walter Jon - Dinosauři 79% / 10
- Orson Scott Card
- Martin, George R. R. - Hruškovitý 78% / 6
- 2. “Shades”, Lucius Shepard (In the Field of Fire; Asimov's Dec 1987)
- 3. “Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight”, Ursula K. Le Guin (F&SF Nov 1987)
- 4. “Flowers of Edo”, Bruce Sterling (Asimov's May 1987)
- 5. “Dream Baby”, Bruce McAllister (In the Field of Fire; Asimov's Oct 1987)
- 6. “America”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Jan 1987)
- 7. “The Evening and the Morning and the Night”, Octavia E. Butler (Omni May 1987)
- 8. “On the Border”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Aug 1987)
- 9. “He-We-Await”, Howard Waldrop (All About Strange Monsters of the Recent Past; Asimov's mid-Dec 1987)
- 10. “Winter's Tale”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Dec 1987)
- 11. “Dinosaurs”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's Jun 1987)
- 12. “Runaway”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Jun 1987)
- 13. “Yanqui Doodle”, James Tiptree, Jr. (Asimov's Jul 1987)
- 14. “A Hole in the Sun”, Roger MacBride Allen (Analog Apr 1987)
- 15. “The Moon and Michelangelo”, Ian Watson (Asimov's Oct 1987)
- 16. “Perpetuity Blues”, Neal Barrett, Jr. (Asimov's May 1987)
- 17. “The Sun Spider”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Apr 1987)
- 18. “The Pear-Shaped Man”, George R. R. Martin (Omni Oct 1987)
- 19. “The Return from Rainbow Bridge”, Kim Stanley Robinson (F&SF Aug 1987)
- 20. “Cage 37”, Wayne Wightman (F&SF Apr 1987)
- 21. “Adeste Fideles”, Frederik Pohl (Omni Dec 1987)
- 22. “Skylab Done It”, George Alec Effinger (F&SF Mar 1987)
- 23. “Second Going”, James Tiptree, Jr. (Universe 17)
- 24. “Mandikini”, Gregory Benford (The Universe)
- 25. “Uncle Dobbin's Parrot Fair”, Charles de Lint (Asimov's Nov 1987)
- 26. “My Life as a Born Again Pig”, Frederik Pohl (Synergy: New Science Fiction, Number 1)
- 27. “At the Cross-Time Jaunter's Ball”, Alexander Jablokov (Asimov's Aug 1987)
- 28. “Extras”, Robert Charles Wilson (F&SF Dec 1987)
- 29. “Dutchman”, Jack McDevitt (Asimov's Feb 1987)
- 1989
- Ellison, Harlan - Účel REM spánku 77% / 7
- Harlan Ellison - The Function of Dream Sleep
- Orson Scott Card
- Lewis Shiner
- Charles Sheffield
- Michael Bishop
- Jack McDevitt
- Michael Swanwick
- John Barnes
- James White
- Elizabeth Moon
- Ian McDonald
- Michael F. Flynn
- Jack Dann
- Lisa Goldstein
- Tanith Lee
- Howard Waldrop
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Effinger, George Alec - Schrödingerova kočička 71% / 10
- James Tiptree, jr.
- Judith Moffett
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Neal Barrett, jr.
- Cadigan, Pat - Dva 45% / 6
- Robert Silverberg
- Stableford, Brian - Muž, který miloval upíří dámu 81% / 7
- Turtledove, Harry Norman - Poslední přikázání 74% / 8
- Gould, Steven C. - Broskve pro šílenou Molly 77% / 11
- Elizabeth Engstrom
- 2. “Dowser”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Dec 1988)
- 3. “Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna Dance?”, Howard Waldrop (Asimov's Aug 1988)
- 4. “Glacier”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Sep 1988)
- 5. “Schrödinger's Kitten”, George Alec Effinger (Omni Sep 1988)
- 6. “The Earth Doth Like a Snake Renew”, James Tiptree, Jr. (Asimov's May 1988)
- 7. “The Hob”, Judith Moffett (Asimov's May 1988)
- 8. “The Lunatics”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Terry's Universe; Asimov's mid-Dec 1988)
- 9. “Ginny Sweethips' Flying Circus”, Neal Barrett, Jr. (Asimov's Feb 1988)
- 10. “Two”, Pat Cadigan (F&SF Jan 1988)
- 11. “Hannibal's Elephants”, Robert Silverberg (Omni Oct 1988)
- 12. “The Man Who Loved the Vampire Lady”, Brian Stableford (F&SF Aug 1988)
- 13. “The Last Article”, Harry Turtledove (F&SF Jan 1988)
- 14. “Peaches for Mad Molly”, Steven Gould (Analog Feb 1988)
- 15. Madame Two Swords, Tanith Lee (Grant)
- 16. “My Year with the Aliens”, Lisa Goldstein (Full Spectrum)
- 17. “Love in Vain”, Lewis Shiner (Ripper!)
- 18. “The Courts of Xanadu”, Charles Sheffield (Asimov's Apr 1988)
- 19. “The Calling of Paisley Coldpony”, Michael Bishop (Asimov's Jan 1988)
- 20. “Sunrise”, Jack McDevitt (Asimov's Mar 1988)
- 21. “The Dragon Line”, Michael Swanwick (Terry's Universe)
- 22. “Under the Covenant Stars”, John Barnes (Asimov's Mar 1988)
- 23. “Sanctuary”, James White (Analog Dec 1988)
- 24. “Once in a Lullaby”, Fred Bals (Full Spectrum)
- 25. “Gut Feelings”, Elizabeth Moon (Analog Jun 1988)
- 26. “Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain by Van Gogh”, Ian McDonald (Empire Dreams)
- 27. “Remember'd Kisses”, Michael F. Flynn (Analog Dec 1988)
- 28. “Fogarty & Fogarty”, Elizabeth Engstrom (F&SF Apr 1988)
- 29. “Tea”, Jack Dann (Asimov's Apr 1988)
- 1990
- Card, Orson Scott - Pejskař 72% / 18
- “Dogwalker”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Nov 1989)
- Marc Stiegler
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Scott Baker
- Ian McDonald
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Bradley Denton
- Michael P. Kube-McDowell
- Delia Sherman
- Alan Brennert
- Michael Swanwick
- Robert Silverberg
- Michael F. Flynn
- James Patrick Kelly
- Greg Bear
- Janet Kagan
- John Herbert Varley
- Silverberg, Robert - Vhoď vojáka. Později: vhoď dalšího 84% / 17
- Willis, Connie - V Rialtu 67% / 18
- Resnick, Mike - Protože i já se dotkla nebe 92% / 12
- Bear, Greg - Sestry 83% / 14
- Shepard, Lucius - Cesta do Glory 75% / 6
- Shepard, Lucius - Kapitulace 46% / 8
- Ballard, James Graham - Válečná horečka 69% / 9
- Aldridge, Raymon Huebert - Ocelová smečka 88% / 18
- Bryant, Edward Winslow - Poslední smutné milování v Jídelně Prokletých 73% / 12
- Silverberg, Robert - Jen spát a zapomenout 77% / 10
- Moffett, Judith - Jimmie 81% / 8
- Nancy Anne Kress
- George Alec Effinger
- Megan Lindholm
- 2. “Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Jun 1989; Time Gate)
- 3. “At the Rialto”, Connie Willis (Omni Oct 1989; The Microverse)
- 4. “For I Have Touched the Sky”, Mike Resnick (F&SF Dec 1989)
- 5. “Sisters”, Greg Bear (Tangents)
- 6. “The Price of Oranges”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Apr 1989)
- 7. “Bound for Glory”, Lucius Shepard (F&SF Oct 1989)
- 8. “Surrender”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Aug 1989)
- 9. “Everything But Honor”, George Alec Effinger (Asimov's Feb 1989; What Might Have Been? Vol. 1: Alternate Empires)
- 10. “War Fever”, J. G. Ballard (F&SF Oct 1989)
- 11. “Steel Dogs”, Ray Aldridge (F&SF Sep 1989)
- 12. “Just Another Perfect Day”, John Varley (Twilight Zone Jun 1989)
- 13. “A Sad Last Love at the Diner of the Damned”, Edward Bryant (Book of the Dead)
- 14. “The Loch Moose Monster”, Janet Kagan (Asimov's Mar 1989)
- 15. “Sleepside Story”, Greg Bear (Full Spectrum 2)
- 16. “Silver Lady and the Fortyish Man”, Megan Lindholm (Asimov's Jan 1989)
- 17. “The Gentle Seduction”, Marc Stiegler (Analog Apr 1989)
- 18. “The Part of Us That Loves”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Full Spectrum 2)
- 19. “A Sleep and a Forgetting”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Jul 1989)
- 20. “Varicose Worms”, Scott Baker (Blood Is Not Enough)
- 21. “Listen”, Ian McDonald (Interzone #32 Nov/Dec 1989)
- 22. “Fast Cars”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Oct 1989)
- 23. (tie): “Not Without Honor”, Judith Moffett (Asimov's May 1989)
- 23. (tie): “The Sin-Eater of the Kaw”, Bradley Denton (F&SF Jun 1989)
- 25. “Misbegotten”, Michael P. Kube-McDowell (F&SF Dec 1989)
- 26. “Miss Carstairs and the Merman”, Delia Sherman (F&SF Jan 1989)
- 27. “The Third Sex”, Alan Brennert (Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine: Issue Three: Spring 1989)
- 28. “Snow Angels”, Michael Swanwick (Omni Mar 1989)
- 29. “To the Promised Land”, Robert Silverberg (Omni May 1989)
- 30. “On the Wings of a Butterfly”, Michael F. Flynn (Analog Mar 1989)
- 31. “Faith”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1989)
- 1991
- Simmons, Dan - Entropie o půlnoci 80% / 6
- Entropy's Bed at Midnight, Dan Simmons (Lord John Press)
- McDonald, Ian - Ke Kilimandžáru 83% / 7
- Keith John Kingston Roberts
- Michael Swanwick
- Aldridge, Raymon Huebert - Oči hyeny 80% / 18
- Egan, Greg - Laskání 80% / 21
- Morressy, John - Hodinář 93% / 4
- Ligotti, Thomas - Poslední slavnost s harlekýnem 73% / 15
- Robert Reynolds Chase
- Robert Reed
- Avram J. A. Davidson
- Gene Wolfe
- Steven C. Gould
- Egan, Greg - Bezpečnostní schránka 86% / 18
- Sterling, Bruce - Okraje Bohémie
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Příběh Shobiů 57% / 9
- Sheffield, Charles - Udatný čin 74% / 8
- Wilhelm, Kate - A andělé zpívají 65% / 6
- Ab Hugh, Dafydd - Pomotané povídání pana Skunka o Mývalovi, kterému praskly hlasivky 62% / 5
- Chiang, Ted - Babylonská věž 83% / 51
- Jablokov, Alexander - Umění smrti 67% / 9
- Kress, Nancy Anne - Útlum 75% / 6
- Silverberg, Robert - Žhavá nebesa 73% / 8
- David Brin
- Kessel, John - Útočníci 78% / 6
- David Brin
- Shepard; Frazier - Všežravec 67% / 7
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- 2. “Dr. Pak's Preschool”, David Brin (F&SF Jul 1990)
- 3. “The Shobies' Story”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Universe 1)
- 4. “Tower of Babylon”, Ted Chiang (Omni Nov 1990)
- 5. “And the Angels Sing”, Kate Wilhelm (Omni May 1990)
- 6. “A Braver Thing”, Charles Sheffield (Asimov's Feb 1990)
- 7. “Invaders”, John Kessel (F&SF Oct 1990)
- 8. “Piecework”, David Brin (Interzone #33 Jan/Feb 1990)
- 9. “Inertia”, Nancy Kress (Analog Jan 1990)
- 10. “The All-Consuming”, Lucius Shepard & Robert Frazier (Playboy Jul 1990)
- 11. “The Shores of Bohemia”, Bruce Sterling (Universe 1)
- 12. “The Safe-Deposit Box”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Sep 1990)
- 13. “Toward Kilimanjaro”, Ian McDonald (Asimov's Aug 1990)
- 14. “The Coon Rolled Down and Ruptured His Larinks, a Squeezed Novel by Mr. Skunk”, Dafydd ab Hugh (Asimov's Aug 1990)
- 15. (tie): “Mrs. Byres and the Dragon”, Keith Roberts (Asimov's Aug 1990)
- 15. (tie): “UFO”, Michael Swanwick (Aboriginal SF Sep/Oct 1990)
- 17. “Hot Sky”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Feb 1990)
- 18. “Hyena Eyes”, Ray Aldridge (F&SF Jun 1990)
- 19. “The Caress”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Jan 1990)
- 20. “Timekeeper”, John Morressy (F&SF Jan 1990)
- 21. “The Last Feast of Harlequin”, Thomas Ligotti (F&SF Apr 1990)
- 22. “Transit of Betelgeuse”, Robert R. Chase (Analog May 1990)
- 23. “Chaff”, Robert Reed (F&SF May 1990)
- 24. “Limekiller at Large”, Avram Davidson (Asimov's Jun 1990)
- 25. “The Death Artist”, Alexander Jablokov (Asimov's Aug 1990)
- 26. “The Haunted Boardinghouse”, Gene Wolfe (Walls of Fear)
- 27. “Simulation Six”, Steven Gould (Asimov's Mar 1990)
- 28. “Stephen”, Elizabeth Massie (Borderlands)
- 29. “The Spiral Dance”, R. Garcia y Robertson (F&SF May 1990)
- 1992
- Dan Simmons
- Dan Simmons - All Draculas Children
- Pat Murphy
- Norman Spinrad
- Brian Stableford
- Allen M. Steele
- James Patrick Kelly
- Jonathan Lethem
- Mary Rosenblum
- Elizabeth Hand
- Michael Bishop
- Keith John Kingston Roberts
- Holdstock; Kilworth - Trnatec 86% / 40
- Chiang, Ted - Porozuměj 87% / 47
- Pat Cadigan
- Tim Powers
- Jablokov, Alexander - Životní vůle 75% / 6
- Silverberg, Robert - Tip na želvu 73% / 6
- Benford, Gregory Albert - Konec hmoty 53% / 4
- Waldrop, Howard - Fin de Cyclé 60% / 7
- Asimov, Isaac - Zlato 68% / 8
- Willis, Connie - Zázrak 75% / 10
- Mike Resnick
- David Brin
- Robinson, Kim Stanley - Dvacaté století slovem i obrazem 60% / 1
- Paul Di Filippo
- James P. Blaylock
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Černé sklo
- 2. “Fin de Cyclé”, Howard Waldrop (Night of the Cooters: More Neat Stories; Asimov's Dec 1991)
- 3. “Matter's End”, Gregory Benford (Full Spectrum 3)
- 4. “Gold”, Isaac Asimov (Analog Sep 1991)
- 5. “Black Glass”, Karen Joy Fowler (Full Spectrum 3)
- 6. “Miracle”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Dec 1991)
- 7. “Over There”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Sep 1991)
- 8. “What Continues, What Fails...”, David Brin (Interzone #54 Dec 1991)
- 9. “A History of the Twentieth Century, with Illustrations”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Apr 1991)
- 10. “Mairzy Doats”, Paul Di Filippo (F&SF Feb 1991)
- 11. “The Better Boy”, James P. Blaylock & Tim Powers (Asimov's Feb 1991)
- 12. “Dispatches from the Revolution”, Pat Cadigan (Asimov's Jul 1991)
- 13. “Understand”, Ted Chiang (Asimov's Aug 1991)
- 14. “Traveling West”, Pat Murphy (Asimov's Feb 1991)
- 15. “Living Will”, Alexander Jablokov (Asimov's Jun 1991)
- 16. “What Eats You”, Norman Spinrad (Asimov's Jul 1991)
- 17. (tie): “The Invisible Worm”, Brian Stableford (F&SF Sep 1991)
- 17. (tie): “The Return of Weird Frank”, Allen Steele (Asimov's Dec 1991)
- 19. “A Tip on a Turtle”, Robert Silverberg (Amazing Stories May 1991)
- 20. “Standing in Line with Mister Jimmy”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1991)
- 21. “The Happy Man”, Jonathan Lethem (Asimov's Feb 1991)
- 22. “Water Bringer”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's Mar 1991)
- 23. “Snow on Sugar Mountain”, Elizabeth Hand (Full Spectrum 3)
- 24. “Life Regarded as a Jigsaw Puzzle of Highly Lustrous Cats”, Michael Bishop (Omni Sep 1991)
- 25. “The Will of God”, Keith Roberts (Asimov's Jul 1991)
- 26. “The Ragthorn”, Robert Holdstock & Garry Kilworth (A Whisper of Blood)
- 1993
- Pamela Sargent
- Pamela Sargent - Danny Goes to Mars
- de Camp, Lyon Sprague - Ďábelské mámení 55% / 2
- Mary Rosenblum
- Barry Brookes Longyear
- Susan Shwartz
- Paul James McAuley
- Tom Purdom
- Melanie Tem
- Ian McDonald
- Elizabeth Hand
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Marc Laidlaw
- Jack Dann
- Cadigan, Pat - Pravé tváře 48% / 6
- Robert Silverberg
- Lucius Shepard
- Egan, Greg - Do tmy 76% / 19
- Egan, Greg - Prach 80% / 8
- Roger Zelazny
- Barry N. Malzberg
- Brian W. Aldiss
- Jonathan Lethem
- Ian McDonald
- 2. “True Faces”, Pat Cadigan (F&SF Apr 1992)
- 3. “Looking for the Fountain”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's May 1992)
- 4. “Beast of the Heartland”, Lucius Shepard (Playboy Sep 1992)
- 5. “Into Darkness”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Jan 1992)
- 6. “Dust”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Jul 1992)
- 7. “Come Back to the Killing Ground, Alice, My Love”, Roger Zelazny (Amazing Stories Aug 1992)
- 8. “In the Stone House”, Barry N. Malzberg (Alternate Kennedys)
- 9. “Horse Meat”, Brian W. Aldiss (Interzone #65 Nov 1992)
- 10. “Vanilla Dunk”, Jonathan Lethem (Asimov's Sep 1992)
- 11. “Jumping the Road”, Jack Dann (Asimov's Oct 1992)
- 12. “The Vulture Maiden”, Marc Laidlaw (F&SF Aug 1992)
- 13. “Breakfast Cereal Killers”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Jun 1992)
- 14. “The Satanic Illusion”, L. Sprague de Camp (Asimov's Nov 1992)
- 15. “The Stone Garden”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's mid-Dec 1992)
- 16. “Chimaera”, Barry B. Longyear (Amazing Stories Dec 1992)
- 17. “Suppose They Gave a Peace...”, Susan Shwartz (Alternate Presidents)
- 18. “Prison Dreams”, Paul J. McAuley (F&SF Apr 1992)
- 19. “Sepoy”, Tom Purdom (Asimov's Dec 1992)
- 20. “Trail of Crumbs”, Melanie Tem (Asimov's Nov 1992)
- 21. “The Best and the Rest of James Joyce”, Ian McDonald (Interzone #58 Apr 1992)
- 22. “In the Month of Athyr”, Elizabeth Hand (Omni Best Science Fiction Two)
- 23. “Innocents”, Ian McDonald (New Worlds 2)
- 1994
- Simmons, Dan - Umírání v Bangkoku 73% / 7
- “Death in Bangkok” (aka “Dying in Bangkok“), Dan Simmons (Playboy Jun 1993; Lovedeath)
- S. P. Somtow
- Egan, Greg - Plevy ve větru 69% / 22
- Avram J. A. Davidson
- Dave Smeds
- Ian R. MacLeod
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- James Patrick Kelly
- Brian W. Aldiss
- Connie Willis
- John Kessel
- Eleanor Arnason
- Willis, Connie - Smrt na Nilu 75% / 15
- Bisson, Terry - Stín to ví 80% / 7
- Sterling, Bruce - Koumák Eddy 71% / 8
- Neal Barrett, jr.
- Sheffield, Charles - S hlavou plnou Georgie 80% / 6
- Bisson, Terry - Anglie zvedá kotvy 73% / 7
- Aldridge, Raymon Huebert - Zajatec krásy 82% / 10
- Barry Brookes Longyear
- 2. “Death on the Nile”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Mar 1993)
- 3. “The Shadow Knows”, Terry Bisson (Asimov's Sep 1993)
- 4. “Deep Eddy”, Bruce Sterling (Asimov's Aug 1993)
- 5. “Cush”, Neal Barrett, Jr. (Asimov's Nov 1993)
- 6. “Georgia on My Mind”, Charles Sheffield (Analog Jan 1993)
- 7. “England Underway”, Terry Bisson (Omni Jul 1993)
- 8. “The Beauty Addict”, Ray Aldridge (Full Spectrum 4)
- 9. “The Franchise”, John Kessel (Asimov's Aug 1993)
- 10. “Inn”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Dec 1993)
- 11. “Darker Angels”, S. P. Somtow (Confederacy of the Dead)
- 12. “Swan Song”, Gregory Bennett (Analog Aug 1993)
- 13. “Chaff”, Greg Egan (Interzone #78 Dec 1993)
- 14. “The Spook-Box of Theodore Delafont De Brooks”, Avram Davidson (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction Jul 1993)
- 15. “Suicidal Tendencies”, Dave Smeds (Full Spectrum 4)
- 16. “Papa”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Oct 1993)
- 17. “The Hound of Merin”, Eleanor Arnason (Xanadu)
- 18. “The Arrival of Truth”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Alternate Warriors)
- 19. “Chemistry”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1993)
- 20. “Friendship Bridge”, Brian W. Aldiss (New Worlds 3)
- 21. “The Death Addict”, Barry B. Longyear (Amazing Stories Jul 1993)
- 1995
- Gerrold, David - Marťanské dítě 87% / 7
- “The Martian Child”, David Gerrold (F&SF Sep 1994)
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2.“Adaptation”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Dec 1994)
- 3.“Solitude”, Ursula K. Le Guin (F&SF Dec 1994)
- 4.“Cocoon”, Greg Egan (Asimov's May 1994)
- 5.“Nekropolis”, Maureen F. McHugh (Asimov's Apr 1994)
- 6.“A Little Knowledge”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Apr 1994)
- 7.“The Hole in the Hole”, Terry Bisson (Asimov's Feb 1994)
- 8.“The Lovers”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's Jul 1994)
- 9.“Another Story or A Fisherman of the Inland Sea”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction Aug 1994)
- 10. (tie): “Paris in June”, Pat Cadigan (Omni Sep 1994)
- 10. (tie): “The Singular Habits of Wasps”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Analog Apr 1994)
- 12.“The Matter of Seggri”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Crank! #3 Spring 1994)
- 13.“Good with Rice”, John Brunner (Asimov's Mar 1994)
- 14.“Our Lady of Chernobyl”, Greg Egan (Interzone #83 May 1994)
- 15.“Rat”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's Oct 1994)
- 16.“The God Who Slept with Women”, Brian W. Aldiss (Asimov's May 1994)
- 17.“Summer and Ice”, Alexander Jablokov (Asimov's May 1994)
- 18.“Tin Angel”, G. David Nordley & H. G. Stratmann (Analog Jul 1994)
- 19.“Artistic License”, Carrie Richerson (F&SF Dec 1994)
- 20.“The Tree of Life”, Brian Stableford (Asimov's Sep 1994)
- 21.“Stride”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Nov 1994)
- 22.“The Joe Show”, Terry Bisson (Playboy Aug 1994)
- 1996
- Resnick, Mike - Když zemřou staří bohové 83% / 6
- “When the Old Gods Die”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Apr 1995)
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Bear, Greg - Soudce 46% / 11
- King, Stephen - Oběd v Gotham Café 70% / 21
- Egan, Greg - TEP 87% / 9
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Den hvězdoletu 56% / 7
- McAuley, Paul James - Záznam o Angele 66% / 8
- Robertson, R. Garcia y - Odejít na věčnost 60% / 8
- Egan, Greg - Stříbrný oheň 74% / 15
- Robert Reed
- Egan, Greg - Světelný 76% / 22
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Mravenčí lidé z Tibetu 60% / 6
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Éter nebo 60% / 2
- Kelly, James Patrick - Nauč se myslet jako dinosaurus 86% / 7
- Egan, Greg - Wangovy koberce 79% / 26
- Kress, Nancy Anne - Evoluce 68% / 13
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Dospívání v Karhide 62% / 5
- Haldeman, Joe - Bílé Hoře 70% / 4
- Michael Bishop
- Allen M. Steele
- Benford, Gregory Albert - Červ na dně studny 70% / 11
- Robert Silverberg
- 2. “Ether OR”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Asimov's Nov 1995)
- 3. “Think Like a Dinosaur”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1995)
- 4. “Wang's Carpets”, Greg Egan (New Legends)
- 5. “Evolution”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Nov 1995)
- 6. “Coming of Age in Karhide by Sov Thade Tage em Ereb, of Rer, in Karhide, on Gethen”, Ursula K. Le Guin (New Legends)
- 7. “For White Hill”, Joe Haldeman (Far Futures)
- 8. “I, Iscariot”, Michael Bishop (Crank! #5 Summer 1995)
- 9. “The Good Rat”, Allen Steele (Analog mid-Dec 1995)
- 10. “A Worm in the Well”, Gregory Benford (Analog Nov 1995)
- 11. “The Ant-Men of Tibet”, Stephen Baxter (Interzone #95 May 1995)
- 12. “Luminous”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Sep 1995)
- 13. “Must and Shall”, Harry Turtledove (Asimov's Nov 1995)
- 14. “Judgment Engine”, Greg Bear (Far Futures)
- 15. “Lunch at the Gotham Café”, Stephen King (Dark Love)
- 16. “TAP”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Nov 1995)
- 17. “Starship Day”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Jul 1995)
- 18. “Recording Angel”, Paul J. McAuley (New Legends)
- 19. “Gone to Glory”, R. Garcia y Robertson (F&SF Jul 1995)
- 20. “Silver Fire”, Greg Egan (Interzone #102 Dec 1995)
- 21. “Waging Good”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jan 1995)
- 22. “The Red Blaze is the Morning”, Robert Silverberg (New Legends)
- 1997
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Tak se žije na horách 56% / 5
- “Mountain Ways”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Asimov's Aug 1996)
- G. David Nordley
- Gene Wolfe
- Allen M. Steele
- Charles Sheffield
- Sheila Finch
- Robert Silverberg
- Michael Cassutt
- Connie Willis
- Terry Bisson
- Wolverton, Dave - Po tuhé zimě 68% / 6
- James Patrick Kelly
- William Barton
- Brunner, John Kilian Houston - Náprava 40% / 2
- Terry Bisson
- Resnick, Mike - Země Nód 93% / 3
- Sterling, Bruce - Opravář kol 81% / 28
- Suzy McKee Charnas
- Daniel, Tony - Nekrvavá tichá válka 77% / 7
- Kress, Nancy Anne - Kvety aulitského väzenia 60% / 1
- Swanwick, Michael - Radiové vlny 43% / 4
- Wolfe, Gene - Mužík v mlýnku na pepř 58% / 6
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2. “The Edge of the Universe”, Terry Bisson (Asimov's Aug 1996)
- 3. “The Land of Nod”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Jun 1996)
- 4. “Bicycle Repairman”, Bruce Sterling (Intersections: The Sycamore Hill Anthology; Asimov's Oct/Nov 1996)
- 5. “Beauty and the Opéra or The Phantom Beast”, Suzy McKee Charnas (Asimov's Mar 1996)
- 6. “The Dog's Story”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's May 1996)
- 7. “A Dry, Quiet War”, Tony Daniel (Asimov's Jun 1996)
- 8. “The Flowers of Aulit Prison”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1996)
- 9. “Radio Waves”, Michael Swanwick (Omni Winter 1995)
- 10. “The Man in the Pepper Mill”, Gene Wolfe (F&SF Oct/Nov 1996)
- 11. “Age of Aquarius”, William Barton (Asimov's May 1996)
- 12. “The First Law of Thermodynamics”, James Patrick Kelly (Intersections: The Sycamore Hill Anthology)
- 13. “Amends”, John Brunner (Asimov's Mar 1996)
- 14. “After a Lean Winter”, Dave Wolverton (F&SF Mar 1996; War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches)
- 15. “Martian Valkyrie”, G. David Nordley (Analog Jan 1996)
- 16. “Try and Kill It”, Gene Wolfe (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1996)
- 17. “Kronos”, Allen Steele (Science Fiction Age Jan 1996)
- 18. “The Peacock Throne”, Charles Sheffield (Asimov's Feb 1996)
- 19. “Out of the Mouths”, Sheila Finch (F&SF Dec 1996)
- 20. “Diana of the Hundred Breasts”, Robert Silverberg (Realms of Fantasy Feb 1996)
- 21. “The Longer Voyage”, Michael Cassutt (F&SF Jul 1996)
- 22. “The Three Labors of Bubba”, Bud Webster (Analog Jun 1996)
- 23. “Nonstop to Portales”, Connie Willis (The Williamson Effect)
- 24. “In the Upper Room”, Terry Bisson (Playboy Apr 1996)
- 1998
- Willis, Connie - Vánoční zpravodaj 86% / 16
- “Newsletter”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Dec 1997)
- Paul James McAuley
- Gardner, James Alan - Tři slyšení o existenci hadů v krevním oběhu člověka 90% / 16
- Michael John Moorcock
- Robert Reed
- Howard Waldrop
- Ian McDonald
- William Sanders
- Dale Bailey
- Mary Rosenblum
- Nordley, G. David - Přes Chao Meng Fu 71% / 12
- Paul James McAuley
- John Kilian Houston Brunner
- Silverberg, Robert - Noční skvost 76% / 11
- Gregory Feeley
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Měsíc číslo šest 82% / 9
- Walter Jon Williams
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Egan, Greg - Důvody k radosti 91% / 16
- Peter S. Beagle
- Michael Swanwick
- Johnson, Bill - Připijem si rybou 80% / 7
- Brian Stableford
- Hamilton, Peter F. - Úniková cesta 89% / 16
- Alan Brennert
- Kim Newman
- 2. “Moon Six”, Stephen Baxter (Science Fiction Age Mar 1997)
- 3. “Lethe”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's Sep 1997)
- 4. “Galaxia”, Gregory Benford (Science Fiction Age Jul 1997)
- 5. “Reasons to be Cheerful”, Greg Egan (Interzone #118 Apr 1997)
- 6. “Julie's Unicorn”, Peter S. Beagle (The Rhinoceros Who Quoted Nietzsche and other odd acquaintances)
- 7. “Mother Grasshopper”, Michael Swanwick (A Geography of Unknown Lands)
- 8. “We Will Drink a Fish Together...”, Bill Johnson (Asimov's May 1997)
- 9. “The Pipes of Pan”, Brian Stableford (F&SF Jun 1997)
- 10. “Escape Route”, Peter F. Hamilton (Interzone #121 Jul 1997)
- 11. “Echoes”, Alan Brennert (F&SF May 1997)
- 12. “Beauty in the Night”, Robert Silverberg (Science Fiction Age Sep 1997)
- 13. “Blood and Judgment”, John Brunner (Asimov's Apr 1997)
- 14. “Second Skin”, Paul J. McAuley (Asimov's Apr 1997)
- 15. “Three Hearings on the Existence of Snakes in the Human Bloodstream”, James Alan Gardner (Asimov's Feb 1997)
- 16. “London Bone”, Michael Moorcock (New Worlds)
- 17. “The Dragons of Springplace”, Robert Reed (F&SF Feb 1997)
- 18. “El Castillo de la Perseverancia”, Howard Waldrop (Asimov's Dec 1997)
- 19. “After Kerry”, Ian McDonald (Asimov's Mar 1997)
- 20. “On the Ice Islands”, Gregory Feeley (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1997)
- 21. “The Undiscovered”, William Sanders (Asimov's Mar 1997)
- 22. “Quinn's Way”, Dale Bailey (F&SF Feb 1997)
- 23. “The Botanist”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's Aug 1997)
- 24. “Crossing Chao Meng Fu”, G. David Nordley (Analog Dec 1997)
- 25. “Residuals”, Paul J. McAuley & Kim Newman (Asimov's Jun 1997)
- 1999
- Sterling, Bruce - Taklamakan 88% / 16
- Egan, Greg - Planckův skok 75% / 14
- “The Planck Dive”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Feb 1998)
- “Taklamakan”, Bruce Sterling (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1998)
- 3. “All the Birds of Hell”, Tanith Lee (F&SF Oct/Nov 1998)
- 4. “Echea”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Jul 1998)
- 5. “Lovestory”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1998)
- 6. “Waiting for the End”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1998)
- 7. “Divided by Infinity”, Robert Charles Wilson (Starlight 2)
- 8. “Steamship Soldier on the Information Front”, Nancy Kress (future histories; Asimov's Apr 1998)
- 9. “A Dance to Strange Musics”, Gregory Benford (Science Fiction Age Nov 1998)
- 10. “Starfall”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Jul 1998)
- 11. “Lost Girls”, Jane Yolen (Twelve Impossible Things Before Breakfast; Realms of Fantasy Feb 1998)
- 12. “Approaching Perimelasma”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov's Jan 1998)
- 13. “Zwarte Piet's Tale”, Allen Steele (Analog Dec 1998)
- 14. “The Barrier”, Stephen Baxter (Interzone #133 Jul 1998)
- 15. “Rules of Engagement”, Michael F. Flynn (Asimov's Mar 1998)
- 16. “Brown Dust”, Esther M. Friesner (Starlight 2)
- 17. “A Life on Mars”, G. David Nordley (Analog Jul/Aug 1998)
- 18. “The Picture Business”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's Feb 1998)
- 19. “The Flying Dutchman”, John Varley (Lord of the Fantastic: Stories in Honor of Roger Zelazny)
- 20. “The Rainmaker”, Mary Rosenblum (F&SF Oct/Nov 1998)
- 21. “The Eye of God”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's Mar 1998)
- 22. “The Allies”, Mark S. Geston (F&SF May 1998)
- 23. “The Gardens of Saturn”, Paul J. McAuley (Interzone #137 Nov 1998)
- 24. “Down in the Dark”, William Barton (Asimov's Dec 1998)
- 25. “Home Time”, Ian R. MacLeod (F&SF Feb 1998)
- 26. “Getting to Know You”, David Marusek (future histories; Asimov's Mar 1998)
- 27. “The Mercy Gate”, Mark J. McGarry (F&SF Mar 1998)
- 28. “Transit”, Stephen Dedman (Asimov's Mar 1998)
- 29. (tie): “The GUAC Bug”, Charles L. Harness (Analog Jun 1998)
- 29. (tie): “Time Gypsy”, Ellen Klages (Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction)
- 2000
- Egan, Greg - Strážci hranice 68% / 17
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Chumel 73% / 9
- “Border Guards”, Greg Egan (Interzone #148 Oct 1999)
- “Huddle”, Stephen Baxter (F&SF May 1999)
- Kage Baker
- Robert Reed
- Robert Reed
- Scott Edelman
- Silverberg, Robert - Poznávání Draka 83% / 7
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Plná kapsa dharmy 67% / 76
- Williams, Walter Jon - Tátův svět 90% / 16
- Purdom, Tom - Hra o fosilie 60% / 6
- Lucy Sussex
- Eleanor Arnason
- Kelly, James Patrick - 1:10 na 16 73% / 8
- Allen M. Steele
- Jensen, Jan Lars - Tajná historie ornitoptéry 78% / 10
- Benford, Gregory Albert - Touha po nekonečnu 40% / 6
- Kress, Nancy Anne - Spící psi 78% / 5
- Ben Bova
- Robinson, Kim Stanley - Marsovská romance 60% / 2
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Zařezávačka 75% / 15
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Temná Růže a Diamant 65% / 8
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Rytíř přízraků a stínů 81% / 21
- Card, Orson Scott - Nádoba 74% / 8
- Robert Silverberg
- Esther Mona Friesner-Stutzman
- Eleanor Arnason
- 3. “A Hunger for the Infinite”, Gregory Benford (Far Horizons)
- 4. “Sleeping Dogs”, Nancy Kress (Far Horizons)
- 5. “Mount Olympus”, Ben Bova (Analog Feb 1999)
- 6. “A Martian Romance”, Kim Stanley Robinson (The Martians; Asimov's Oct/Nov 1999)
- 7. (tie): “The Chop Girl”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Dec 1999)
- 7. (tie): “Darkrose and Diamond”, Ursula K. Le Guin (F&SF Oct/Nov 1999)
- 7. (tie): “A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows”, Gardner Dozois (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1999)
- 10. “Vessel”, Orson Scott Card (F&SF Dec 1999)
- 11. “A Hero of the Empire”, Robert Silverberg (F&SF Oct/Nov 1999)
- 12. “Dapple: A Hwarhath Historical Romance”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's Sep 1999)
- 13. “Stellar Harvest”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's Apr 1999)
- 14. “How to Make Unicorn Pie”, Esther M. Friesner (F&SF Jan 1999)
- 15. “The Secret History of the Ornithopter”, Jan Lars Jensen (F&SF Jun 1999)
- 16. “Green Acres”, Allen Steele (Science Fiction Age Mar 1999)
- 17. “1016 to 1”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1999)
- 18. “Smart Alec”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Sep 1999)
- 19. “Game of the Century”, Robert Reed (F&SF May 1999)
- 20. “Nodaway”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Sep 1999)
- 21. “The Last Man on the Moon”, Scott Edelman (Moon Shots)
- 22. “Getting to Know the Dragon”, Robert Silverberg (Far Horizons)
- 23. “Pocketful of Dharma”, Paolo Bacigalupi (F&SF Feb 1999)
- 24. “Daddy's World”, Walter Jon Williams (Not of Woman Born)
- 25. “Vultures”, Stephen L. Burns (Analog Feb 1999)
- 26. “Fossil Games”, Tom Purdom (Asimov's Feb 1999)
- 27. “The Queen of Erewhon”, Lucy Sussex (F&SF Sep 1999)
- 2001
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Narozeniny světa 67% / 10
- “The Birthday of the World”, Ursula K. Le Guin (F&SF Jun 2000)
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2. “On the Orion Line”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2000)
- 3. “Snowball in Hell”, Brian Stableford (Analog Dec 2000)
- 4. “Bloody Bunnies”, Bradley Denton (F&SF Apr 2000)
- 5. “The Elephants of Poznan”, Orson Scott Card (Galaxy Online Jan 2000)
- 6. “The Other Side”, James P. Blaylock (Sci Fiction 81 Oct 2000)
- 7. “Lincoln in Frogmore”, Andy Duncan (Beluthahatchie and Other Stories)
- 8. “Merlin's Gun”, Alastair Reynolds (Asimov's May 2000)
- 9. “The Rift”, Paul J. McAuley (Vanishing Acts)
- 10. “Primes”, Lewis Shiner (F&SF Oct/Nov 2000)
- 11. “Millennium Babies”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Jan 2000)
- 12. “Chitty Bang Bang”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Jun 2000)
- 13. “The Pottawatomie Giant”, Andy Duncan (Sci Fiction 1 Nov 2000)
- 14. “Feel the Zaz”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 2000)
- 15. “Auspicious Eggs”, James Morrow (F&SF Oct/Nov 2000)
- 16. “Wetlands Preserve”, Nancy Kress (Sci Fiction 27 Sep 2000)
- 17. “The Cloud Man”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2000)
- 18. “Bird Herding”, R. Garcia y Robertson (F&SF May 2000)
- 19. “The Juniper Tree”, John Kessel (Science Fiction Age Jan 2000)
- 20. (tie): “The Gulf”, Robert Reed (F&SF Oct/Nov 2000)
- 20. (tie): “Open Loops”, Stephen Baxter (Skylife: Space Habitats in Story and Science)
- 22. “In Shock”, Joyce Carol Oates (F&SF Jun 2000)
- 23. “Hideaway”, Alastair Reynolds (Interzone #157 Jul 2000)
- 24. “The Prophet Ugly”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Apr 2000)
- 25. “Hybrid”, Robert Reed (F&SF Jul 2000)
- 26. “The Dryad's Wedding”, Robert Charles Wilson (Star Colonies)
- 27. “Reef”, Paul J. McAuley (Skylife: Space Habitats in Story and Science)
- 28. “Tenebrio”, Brian Stableford (Vanishing Acts)
- 29. “Chanterelle”, Brian Stableford (Black Heart, Ivory Bones)
- 30. “The Alien Abduction”, James L. Cambias (F&SF Sep 2000)
- 2002
- Chiang, Ted - Peklo je nepřítomnost Boha 78% / 52
- “Hell Is the Absence of God”, Ted Chiang (Starlight 3)
- 2. “On the High Marsh”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Tales from Earthsea)
- 3. “On K2 with Kanakaredes”, Dan Simmons (Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction)
- 4. “The Lady of the Winds”, Poul Anderson (F&SF Oct/Nov 2001)
- 5. “The Old Rugged Cross”, Terry Bisson (Starlight 3)
- 6. “Isabel of the Fall”, Ian R. MacLeod (Interzone #169 Jul 2001)
- 7. “Lobsters”, Charles Stross (Asimov's Jun 2001)
- 8. “The Days Between”, Allen Steele (Asimov's Mar 2001)
- 9. “Undone”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 2001)
- 10. “In the Un-Black”, Stephen Baxter (Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction)
- 11. “Life on Earth”, Pat Cadigan (Sci Fiction 19 Dec 2001)
- 12. “Have Not Have”, Geoff Ryman (F&SF Apr 2001)
- 13. “The Measure of All Things”, Richard Chwedyk (F&SF Jan 2001)
- 14. “Computer Virus”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Apr 2001)
- 15. “The Other Real World”, Howard Waldrop (Sci Fiction 18 Jul 2001)
- 16. “The Quijote Robot”, Robert Sheckley (F&SF Dec 2001)
- 17. “Rhido Wars”, Neal Barrett, Jr. (Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction)
- 18. “Monster Story”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Jun 2001)
- 19. This Shape We're In, Jonathan Lethem (McSweeney's Books)
- 20. “And No Such Things Grow Here”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jun 2001)
- 21. “Into Greenwood”, Jim Grimsley (Asimov's Sep 2001)
- 22. “Firebird”, R. Garcia y Robertson (F&SF May 2001)
- 23. “Know How, Can Do”, Michael Blumlein (F&SF Dec 2001)
- 24. “The Two Dicks”, Paul McAuley (F&SF Aug 2001)
- 25. “Major Spacer in the 21st Century”, Howard Waldrop (Dream Factories and Radio Pictures)
- 26. “Neutrino Drag”, Paul Di Filippo (Sci Fiction 1 Aug 2001)
- 27. “Doing the Unstuck”, Paul Di Filippo (F&SF May 2001)
- 28. “First to the Moon!”, Stephen Baxter & Simon Bradshaw (Spectrum SF #6 Jul 2001)
- 29. “The Boy”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2001)
- 30. “The Return of Spring”, Shane Tourtellotte (Analog Nov 2001)
- 31. “Troubadour”, Charles Stross (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2001)
- 32. “The Ferryman's Wife”, Richard Bowes (F&SF May 2001)
- 33. “The Cat's Pajamas”, James Morrow (F&SF Oct/Nov 2001)
- 34. “Mirror”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jan 2001)
- 35. “The Applesauce Monster”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Dec 2001)
- 36. “The Dread and Fear of Kings”, Richard Paul Russo (Sci Fiction 24 Oct 2001)
- 37. “More Adventures on Other Planets”, Michael Cassutt (Sci Fiction 10 Jan 2001)
- 2003
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Ursula Kroeber Le Guin - The Wild Girls
- Kage Baker
- Peter Straub
- Ryman, Geoff - V. A. O. 85% / 11
- Ian McDonald
- Charles Coleman Finlay
- Alexander Irvine
- Ian McDonald
- Paul James McAuley
- James Van Pelt
- Alastair Reynolds
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Damon Francis Knight
- Elizabeth Hand
- Robert Reed
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Bez paměti 68% / 8
- Frost, Gregory - Madona z Maquiladory 74% / 10
- Chiang, Ted - Když se vám líbí, co vidíte: Dokument 84% / 43
- Gene Wolfe
- Neil Gaiman
- Swanwick, Michael - Pomalý život 76% / 7
- Stross, Charles - Aura 72% / 6
- Link, Kelly - Ticho 66% / 9
- Benford, Gregory Albert - Průzračně modrá lunární moře 65% / 22
- Paul Di Filippo
- Stross, Charles - Turista 65% / 6
- James P. Blaylock
- Andy Duncan
- Robert Reed
- Ford, Jeffrey - Něco u moře 60% / 8
- Jeffrey Ford
- Moorcock, Michael John - Ztracená čarodějka z Umlklé citadely 47% / 14
- 2. “Liking What You See: A Documentary”, Ted Chiang (Stories of Your Life and Others)
- 3. A Walking Tour of the Shambles, Gene Wolfe & Neil Gaiman (American Fantasy Press)
- 4. “Slow Life”, Michael Swanwick (Analog Mar 2002)
- 5. “Halo”, Charles Stross (Asimov's Jun 2002)
- 6. “Lull”, Kelly Link (Conjunctions 39: The New Wave Fabulists)
- 7. “The Clear Blue Seas of Luna”, Gregory Benford (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2002)
- 8. “A Martian Theodicy”, Paul Di Filippo (Mars Probes)
- 9. “Tourist”, Charles Stross (Asimov's Feb 2002)
- 10. “In for a Penny or The Man Who Believed in Himself”, James P. Blaylock (Sci Fiction 20 Feb 2002)
- 11. “The Big Rock Candy Mountain”, Andy Duncan (Conjunctions 39: The New Wave Fabulists)
- 12. “Lying to Dogs”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Dec 2002)
- 13. “Something by the Sea”, Jeffrey Ford (F&SF Oct/Nov 2002)
- 14. “The Weight of Words”, Jeffrey Ford (Leviathan, Volume Three)
- 15. “Madonna of the Maquiladora”, Gregory Frost (Asimov's May 2002)
- 16. “Presence”, Maureen F. McHugh (F&SF Mar 2002)
- 17. “Lost Sorceress of the Silent Citadel”, Michael Moorcock (Mars Probes)
- 18. “The Likely Lad”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Sep 2002)
- 19. “Little Red's Tango”, Peter Straub (Conjunctions 39: The New Wave Fabulists)
- 20. V.A.O., Geoff Ryman (PS Publishing)
- 21. “The Hidden Place”, Ian McDonald (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2002)
- 22. “We Come Not to Praise Washington”, Charles Coleman Finlay (F&SF Aug 2002)
- 23. “Chichen Itza”, Alex Irvine (F&SF May 2002)
- 24. “The Old Cosmonaut and the Construction Worker Dream of Mars”, Ian McDonald (Mars Probes)
- 25. “The Passenger”, Paul McAuley (Asimov's Mar 2002)
- 26. “A Flock of Birds”, James Van Pelt (Sci Fiction 28 Aug 2002)
- 27. “The Real Story”, Alastair Reynolds (Mars Probes)
- 28. “Look Away”, Stephen L. Burns (Analog Mar 2002)
- 29. “The Most Famous Little Girl in the World”, Nancy Kress (Sci Fiction 8 May 2002)
- 30. “Watching Matthew”, Damon Knight (F&SF Oct/Nov 2002)
- 31. “Our Friend Electricity”, Ron Wolfe (F&SF Jun 2002)
- 32. “Pavane for a Prince of the Air”, Elizabeth Hand (Embrace the Mutation)
- 33. “The Children's Crusade”, Robert Reed (Sci Fiction 24 Apr 2002)
- 2004
- Gaiman, Neil - Studie ve smaragdové 84% / 37
- “A Study in Emerald”, Neil Gaiman (Shadows Over Baker Street)
- Dale Bailey
- Irvine, Alexander - Obrázky z expedice 70% / 15
- Rudy Rucker
- Bruce Sterling
- Paul Di Filippo
- Link, Kelly - Hortlak 70% / 13
- Murphy, Pat - Dračí brána 82% / 10
- Robert Reed
- Link, Kelly - Kočičí kůže 72% / 9
- Paul James McAuley
- Laird Barron
- Irvine, Alexander - Vandoise a netvor z kostí 77% / 7
- Kelly, James Patrick - Bernardova vila 77% / 15
- Octavia Estelle Butler
- Michael Bishop
- Stross, Charles - Příchod Noci 66% / 8
- Gaiman, Neil - Vládce glenu 83% / 15
- Ford, Jeffrey - Zmrzlinová říše 95% / 33
- Lucius Shepard
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Gaiman, Neil - Hořká usazenina 71% / 14
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Bisson, Terry - Skoro jako doma 92% / 10
- Benford, Gregory Albert - Vodíková bariéra 72% / 13
- Swanwick, Michael - Legie v čase 71% / 8
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Flétnová dívka 86% / 93
- James P. Blaylock
- Swanwick, Michael - Dračí král 81% / 14
- John Herbert Varley
- M. Shayne Bell
- 2. “The Monarch of the Glen”, Neil Gaiman (Legends II)
- 3. “The Empire of Ice Cream”, Jeffrey Ford (Sci Fiction 26 Feb 2003)
- 4. “Only Partly Here”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Apr 2003)
- 5. “Breeding Ground”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Feb 2003)
- 6. “Bitter Grounds”, Neil Gaiman (Mojo: Conjure Stories)
- 7. “The Chop Line”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Dec 2003)
- 8. “Almost Home”, Terry Bisson (F&SF Oct/Nov 2003)
- 9. “The Hydrogen Wall”, Gregory Benford (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2003)
- 10. “Legions in Time”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Apr 2003)
- 11. “The Fluted Girl”, Paolo Bacigalupi (F&SF Jun 2003)
- 12. “The Devils in the Details”, James P. Blaylock (The Devils in the Details)
- 13. “King Dragon”, Michael Swanwick (The Dragon Quintet)
- 14. “The Bellman”, John Varley (Asimov's Jun 2003)
- 15. “Nightfall”, Charles Stross (Asimov's Apr 2003)
- 16. “The Door Gunner”, Michael Bishop (The Silver Gryphon)
- 17. “Amnesty”, Octavia E. Butler (Sci Fiction 22 Jan 2003)
- 18. “The Census Taker”, Dale Bailey (F&SF Oct/Nov 2003)
- 19. “Pictures from an Expedition”, Alex Irvine (F&SF Sep 2003)
- 20. “Junk DNA”, Rudy Rucker & Bruce Sterling (Asimov's Jan 2003)
- 21. “Clouds and Cold Fires”, Paul Di Filippo (Live Without a Net)
- 22. “The Hortlak”, Kelly Link (The Dark: New Ghost Stories)
- 23. “Dragon's Gate”, Pat Murphy (F&SF Aug 2003)
- 24. “Hexagons”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jul 2003)
- 25. (tie): “Catskin”, Kelly Link (McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales)
- 25. (tie): “Child of the Stones”, Paul McAuley (Sci Fiction 12 Nov 2003)
- 27. “Old Virginia”, Laird Barron (F&SF Feb 2003)
- 28. “Vandoise and the Bone Monster”, Alex Irvine (F&SF Jan 2003)
- 29. “Bernardo's House”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 2003)
- 30. “Anomalous Structures of My Dreams”, M. Shayne Bell (F&SF Jan 2003)
- 2005
- Link, Kelly - Divotvorná kabelka 80% / 17
- Miéville, China - Hlášení o jistých událostech v Londýně 79% / 16
- “The Faery Handbag”, Kelly Link (The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm)
- “Reports of Certain Events in London”, China Miéville (McSweeney's Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories)
- Flynn, Michael F. - Svět po Velkém tlesku 78% / 22
- Berman, Judith - Strachomet 71% / 9
- Peter Straub
- John Grant
- Robert Reed
- Tim Powers
- Benjamin Rosenbaum
- Link, Kelly - Kamenná zvířata 84% / 10
- Kiernan, Caitlín R. - Jízda na bílém býkovi 82% / 13
- Charles Coleman Finlay
- James Morrow
- Pat Murphy
- Delia Sherman
- Abraham, Daniel - I zaplakal Leviatan 67% / 25
- Lois Tilton
- Robert Reed
- Abraham, Daniel - Placatá Diana 76% / 15
- Beagle, Peter S. - Oběť 72% / 12
- VanderMeer, Jeff - Tři dny v příhraničním městě 71% / 10
- Kelly, James Patrick - S muži je kříž 65% / 21
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Rowe, Christopher - Dobrovolný stát 51% / 11
- Paul Di Filippo
- Swanwick, Michael - Slovo, které zpívá kosa 82% / 12
- Gene Wolfe
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Škváropísečníci 85% / 78
- Gene Wolfe
- Ford, Jeffrey - Večer v Tropicu 66% / 5
- Kage Baker
- Walter Jon Williams
- Kage Baker
- Terry Bisson
- Eleanor Arnason
- 3. “Quarry”, Peter S. Beagle (F&SF May 2004)
- 4. “Three Days in a Border Town”, Jeff VanderMeer (Polyphony, Volume 4)
- 5. “Men Are Trouble”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 2004)
- 6. “PeriAndry's Quest”, Stephen Baxter (Analog Jun 2004)
- 7. “The Voluntary State”, Christopher Rowe (Sci Fiction 5 May 2004)
- 8. “Observable Things”, Paul Di Filippo (Conqueror Fantastic)
- 9. “The Word that Sings the Scythe”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2004)
- 10. “The Lost Pilgrim”, Gene Wolfe (The First Heroes: New Tales of the Bronze Age)
- 11. “The People of Sand and Slag”, Paolo Bacigalupi (F&SF Feb 2004)
- 12. “The Little Stranger”, Gene Wolfe (F&SF Oct/Nov 2004)
- 13. “A Night in the Tropics”, Jeffrey Ford (Argosy Jan/Feb 2004)
- 14. “The Catch”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2004)
- 15. “The Silver Dragon”, Elizabeth A. Lynn (Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy)
- 16. “The Tang Dynasty Underwater Pyramid”, Walter Jon Williams (Sci Fiction 4 Aug 2004)
- 17. “Leaving His Cares Behind Him”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Apr/May 2004)
- 18. “Super 8”, Terry Bisson (Sci Fiction 24 Nov 2004)
- 19. “Flat Diane”, Daniel Abraham (F&SF Oct/Nov 2004)
- 20. Mere, Robert Reed (Golden Gryphon)
- 21. “The Clapping Hands of God”, Michael F. Flynn (Analog Jul/Aug 2004)
- 22. “The Garden: A Hwarhath Science Fictional Romance”, Eleanor Arnason (Synergy SF: New Science Fiction)
- 23. “The Fear Gun”, Judith Berman (Asimov's Jul 2004)
- 24. “Mr. Aickman's Air Rifle”, Peter Straub (McSweeney's Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories)
- 25. “Q”, John Grant (Sci Fiction 20 Oct 2004)
- 26. “The Dragons of Summer Gulch”, Robert Reed (Sci Fiction 1 Dec 2004)
- 27. “Pat Moore”, Tim Powers (Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy)
- 28. “Biographical Notes to ‘A Discourse on the Nature of Causality, with Air-Planes' by Benjamin Rosenbaum”, Benjamin Rosenbaum (All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories)
- 29. “Stone Animals”, Kelly Link (Conjunctions 43: Beyond Arcadia)
- 30. “Riding the White Bull”, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Argosy Jan/Feb 2004)
- 31. “The Seal Hunter”, Charles Coleman Finlay (F&SF Jan 2004)
- 32. “Martyrs of the Upshot Knothole”, James Morrow (Conqueror Fantastic)
- 33. “Inappropriate Behavior”, Pat Murphy (Sci Fiction 11 Feb 2004)
- 34. “CATNYP”, Delia Sherman (The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm)
- 35. “Leviathan Wept”, Daniel Abraham (Sci Fiction 7 Jul 2004)
- 36. “The Gladiator's War: A Dialog”, Lois Tilton (Asimov's Jun 2004)
- 2006
- Doctorow, Cory - Já, robot 60% / 6
- “I, Robot”, Cory Doctorow (The Infinite Matrix 15 Feb 2005)
- Esther Mona Friesner-Stutzman
- Jay Lake
- Ruth Nestvold
- Barzak, Christopher Michael - Jazyk můr 93% / 15
- James Patrick Kelly
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Alastair Reynolds
- Gregory, Daryl - Druhá osoba, přítomný čas 85% / 13
- Esther Mona Friesner-Stutzman
- Kage Baker
- Paul James McAuley
- Chris Roberson
- Reynolds, Alastair - Za bariérou v Orlu 86% / 24
- Sterling, Bruce - Blemmyho lest 71% / 7
- Kage Baker
- Beagle, Peter S. - Dvě srdce 84% / 18
- Di Filippo, Paul - Císař Gondwanie 75% / 10
- Howard Waldrop
- Jane Yolen
- Jeffrey Ford
- Bear, Elizabeth - Vosk 70% / 17
- Geoff Ryman
- Michael Swanwick
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Kalorik 83% / 81
- Hughes, Matthew - Therobarův případ 65% / 11
- Jeffrey Ford
- Asher, Neal - Řekl tiše žvatlokač 79% / 9
- Robert Reed
- 2. “Two Hearts”, Peter S. Beagle (F&SF Oct/Nov 2005)
- 3. “The Emperor of Gondwanaland”, Paul Di Filippo (Interzone #196 Jan/Feb 2005)
- 4. “The King of Where-I-Go”, Howard Waldrop (Sci Fiction 7 Dec 2005)
- 5. “A Knot of Toads”, Jane Yolen (Nova Scotia: New Scottish Speculative Fiction)
- 6. “A Man of Light”, Jeffrey Ford (Sci Fiction 26 Jan 2005)
- 7. “Wax”, Elizabeth Bear (Interzone #201 Dec 2005)
- 8. “The Last Ten Years in the Life of Hero Kai”, Geoff Ryman (F&SF Dec 2005)
- 9. “Girls and Boys, Comes Out to Play”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Jul 2005)
- 10. “The Calorie Man”, Paolo Bacigalupi (F&SF Oct/Nov 2005)
- 11. “The Gist Hunter”, Matthew Hughes (F&SF Jun 2005)
- 12. “The Scribble Mind”, Jeffrey Ford (Sci Fiction 25 May 2005)
- 13. “Softly Spoke the Gabbleduck”, Neal Asher (Asimov's Aug 2005)
- 14. “Bad Machine”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Jun 2005)
- 15. “The Blemmye's Stratagem”, Bruce Sterling (F&SF Jan 2005)
- 16. “Beyond the Aquila Rift”, Alastair Reynolds (Constellations)
- 17. “Last Man Standing”, Esther M. Friesner (F&SF Jan 2005)
- 18. “The Canadian Who Came Almost All the Way Home From the Stars”, Jay Lake & Ruth Nestvold (Sci Fiction 28 Sep 2005)
- 19. “The Language of Moths”, Christopher Barzak (Realms of Fantasy Apr 2005)
- 20. (tie): “The Edge of Nowhere”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 2005)
- 20. (tie): “Oxygen Rising”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Feb 2005)
- 22. “Zima Blue”, Alastair Reynolds (Postscripts #4 Sum 2005)
- 23. “Second Person, Present Tense”, Daryl Gregory (Asimov's Sep 2005)
- 24. “The Fraud”, Esther M. Friesner (Asimov's Mar 2005)
- 25. “The Unfortunate Gytt”, Kage Baker (Adventure, Vol. 1)
- 26. “The 120 Hours of Sodom”, Jim Grimsley (Asimov's Feb 2005)
- 27. “Rats of the System”, Paul McAuley (Constellations)
- 28. “Gold Mountain”, Chris Roberson (Postscripts #5 Aut 2005)
- 29. “Dallas: An Essay”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Apr/May 2005)
- 2007
- Doctorow, Cory - Když Zemi vládli systemáci 79% / 14
- “When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth”, Cory Doctorow (Jim Baen's Universe Aug 2006)
- Alexander Irvine
- Gilman, Carolyn Ives - Městečko Okanoggan Falls 80% / 8
- Flynn, Michael F. - Svítání, západ slunce a barvy země 76% / 11
- Paul James McAuley
- Alastair Reynolds
- Peter S. Beagle
- Walter Jon Williams
- Rickert, Mary - Cesta do království 76% / 9
- Paul Di Filippo
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Beth Bernobich
- John Barnes
- John Kessel
- Benjamin Rosenbaum
- Mary Rosenblum
- Diane Wynne Jones
- Alexander Jablokov
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Patricia A. McKillip
- Emma Bull
- Cory Doctorow
- Ryman, Geoff - Pol Potova krásná dcera 59% / 9
- Jeffrey Ford
- Paul Di Filippo
- Peter S. Beagle
- Klages, Ellen - Dům U sedmi knihovnic 80% / 9
- McDonald, Ian - Džinova žena 69% / 12
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Na žlutou kartu 77% / 75
- Tim Powers
- Peter S. Beagle
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Alternativa 65% / 10
- Bear, Elizabeth - Ubývání 53% / 12
- Robertson, R. Garcia y - Kansas je jméno hvězdy 75% / 8
- Theodora Goss
- Reynolds, Alastair - Signál versus šum 71% / 15
- Wilson, Robert Charles - Karteziánské divadlo 77% / 21
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Tichomořská záhada 74% / 16
- Rickert, Mary - Vánoční čarodějnice 67% / 11
- 2. “Pol Pot's Beautiful Daughter (Fantasy)”, Geoff Ryman (F&SF Oct/Nov 2006)
- 3. “I, Row-Boat”, Cory Doctorow (Flurb #1 Fall 2006)
- 4. “The Night Whiskey”, Jeffrey Ford (Salon Fantastique)
- 5. “The Singularity Needs Women!”, Paul Di Filippo (Forbidden Planets (Crowther))
- 6. “Salt Wine”, Peter S. Beagle (Fantasy Magazine #3)
- 7. “In the House of the Seven Librarians”, Ellen Klages (Firebirds Rising)
- 8. “The Djinn's Wife”, Ian McDonald (Asimov's Jul 2006)
- 9. “Yellow Card Man”, Paolo Bacigalupi (Asimov's Dec 2006)
- 10. A Soul in a Bottle, Tim Powers (Subterranean Press)
- 11. “El Regalo”, Peter S. Beagle (F&SF Oct/Nov 2006)
- 12. “Counterfactual”, Gardner Dozois (F&SF Jun 2006)
- 13. “Wane”, Elizabeth Bear (Interzone #203 Apr 2006)
- 14. “Kansas, She Says, Is the Name of the Star”, R. Garcia y Robertson (F&SF Jul 2006)
- 15. “Lessons with Miss Gray”, Theodora Goss (Fantasy Magazine #2)
- 16. “Signal to Noise”, Alastair Reynolds (Zima Blue and Other Stories)
- 17. “The Cartesian Theater”, Robert Charles Wilson (Futureshocks)
- 18. “The Pacific Mystery”, Stephen Baxter (The Mammoth Book of Extreme Science Fiction)
- 19. “What Used to Be Good Still Is”, Emma Bull (Firebirds Rising)
- 20. “Jack o'Lantern”, Patricia A. McKillip (Firebirds Rising)
- 21. “Bow Shock”, Gregory Benford (Jim Baen's Universe Jun 2006)
- 22. “Shambhala”, Alex Irvine (F&SF Mar 2006)
- 23. “Okanoggan Falls”, Carolyn Ives Gilman (F&SF Aug 2006)
- 24. “Dawn, and Sunset, and the Colours of the Earth”, Michael F. Flynn (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2006)
- 25. “Dead Men Walking”, Paul J. McAuley (Asimov's Mar 2006)
- 26. “Tiger, Burning”, Alastair Reynolds (Forbidden Planets (Crowther))
- 27. “Chandail”, Peter S. Beagle (Salon Fantastique)
- 28. “Incarnation Day”, Walter Jon Williams (Escape from Earth: New Adventures in Space)
- 29. “Journey into the Kingdom”, M. Rickert (F&SF Dec 2006)
- 30. “Femaville 29”, Paul Di Filippo (Salon Fantastique)
- 31. The Highway Men, Ken MacLeod (Sandstone Press)
- 32. “A Flight of Numbers Fantastique Strange”, Beth Bernobich (Asimov's Jun 2006)
- 33. “Every Hole Is Outlined”, John Barnes (Jim Baen's Universe Oct 2006)
- 34. “Sunlight or Rock”, John Kessel (Asimov's Sep 2006)
- 35. “A Siege of Cranes”, Benjamin Rosenbaum (Twenty Epics)
- 36. “...the darkest evening of the year...”, Candas Jane Dorsey (The Future Is Queer)
- 37. “Home Movies”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's Apr/May 2006)
- 38. “I'll Give You My Word”, Diana Wynne Jones (Firebirds Rising)
- 39. “Dead Man”, Alexander Jablokov (Asimov's Aug 2006)
- 40. “The Christmas Witch”, M. Rickert (F&SF Dec 2006)
- 2008
- Gaiman, Neil - Náhrobek pro čarodějnici 82% / 12
- “The Witch's Headstone”, Neil Gaiman (Wizards)
- 2. “The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate”, Ted Chiang (F&SF Sep 2007)
- 3. “Dark Integers”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2007)
- 4. “We Never Talk About My Brother”, Peter S. Beagle (Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show Jun 2007)
- 5. “Trunk and Disorderly”, Charles Stross (Asimov's Jan 2007)
- 6. “Wikiworld”, Paul Di Filippo (Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge)
- 7. “The Cambist and Lord Iron: A Fairy Tale of Economics”, Daniel Abraham (Logorrhea)
- 8. “Urdumheim”, Michael Swanwick (The Dog Said Bow-Wow)
- 9. “Cryptic Coloration”, Elizabeth Bear (Jim Baen's Universe Jun 2007)
- 10. “The Magic Animal”, Gene Wolfe (Wizards)
- 11. “Kiosk”, Bruce Sterling (F&SF Jan 2007)
- 12. “Glory”, Greg Egan (The New Space Opera)
- 13. “Against the Current”, Robert Silverberg (F&SF Oct/Nov 2007)
- 14. “Winter's Wife”, Elizabeth Hand (Wizards)
- 15. “Light”, Kelly Link (Tin House Fall 2007)
- 16. “Hellfire at Twilight”, Kage Baker (Gods and Pawns)
- 17. “The Skysailor's Tale”, Michael Swanwick (The Dog Said Bow-Wow)
- 18. “Finisterra”, David Moles (F&SF Dec 2007)
- 19. “The Constable of Abal”, Kelly Link (The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales)
- 20. “A Diorama of the Infernal Regions, or The Devil's Ninth Question”, Andy Duncan (Wizards)
- 21. “The Surgeon's Tale”, Jeff VanderMeer & Cat Rambo (Subterranean Win 2007)
- 22. “An Ocean is a Snowflake, Four Billion Miles Away”, John Barnes (Jim Baen's Universe Aug 2007)
- 23. “The Bone Man”, Frederic S. Durbin (F&SF Dec 2007)
- 24. “Holly and Iron”, Garth Nix (Wizards)
- 25. “The Sky is Large and the Earth is Small”, Chris Roberson (Asimov's Jul 2007)
- 26. “Dance of Shadows”, Fred Chappell (F&SF Mar 2007)
- 27. “The Evolution of Trickster Stories Among the Dogs of North Park After the Change”, Kij Johnson (The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales)
- 28. “The Forest”, Laird Barron (Inferno)
- 29. “Safeguard”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jan 2007)
- 30. “Wizard's Six”, Alex Irvine (F&SF Jun 2007)
- 31. “Princess Lucinda and the Hound of the Moon”, Theodora Goss (Realms of Fantasy Jun 2007)
- 32. “Crossing the Seven”, Jay Lake (Logorrhea)
- 2009
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Čerpadlo šest 90% / 81
- “Pump Six”, Paolo Bacigalupi (Pump Six and Other Stories)
- John Crowley
- Peter S. Beagle
- Alastair Reynolds
- Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Neal Barrett, jr.
- Margo Lanagan
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Zvláštní ekonomika 76% / 23
- McDonald, Ian - Kluk na ženění 73% / 17
- S. P. Somtow
- Brian Stableford
- McDonald, Ian - Pouštní vrah 77% / 23
- Nix, Garth - Za Mořskou branou Učených pirátů ze Sarsköe 68% / 16
- Geoff Ryman
- Bowes, Richard Dirrane - A před anděly člověk v prachu leží 65% / 8
- Greg Egan
- Bear, Elizabeth - Kvetoucí Shoggothové 68% / 15
- Cory Doctorow
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- John Kessel
- Peter S. Beagle
- Egan, Greg - Krystalové noci 84% / 22
- Bacigalupi, Paolo - Hazardný hráč 87% / 3
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Reed, Robert - Pět dramatických příběhů 81% / 7
- Peter S. Beagle
- Tim Powers
- Alastair Reynolds
- Gardner, James Alan - Paprskomet – Milostný příběh 83% / 12
- 2. “Shoggoths in Bloom”, Elizabeth Bear (Asimov's Mar 2008)
- 3. “The Things that Make Me Weak and Strange Get Engineered Away”, Cory Doctorow ( Aug 2008)
- 4. “The Ice War”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Sep 2008)
- 5. “Pride and Prometheus”, John Kessel (F&SF Jan 2008)
- 6. “The Rabbi's Hobby”, Peter S. Beagle (Eclipse Two)
- 7. “Crystal Nights”, Greg Egan (Interzone Apr 2008)
- 8. “The Gambler”, Paolo Bacigalupi (Fast Forward 2)
- 9. “Turing's Apples”, Stephen Baxter (Eclipse Two)
- 10. “Five Thrillers”, Robert Reed (F&SF Apr 2008)
- 11. “Uncle Chaim and Aunt Rifke and the Angel”, Peter S. Beagle (Strange Roads)
- 12. “The Hour of Babel”, Tim Powers (Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy)
- 13. “The Star Surgeon's Apprentice”, Alastair Reynolds (The Starry Rift)
- 14. “Lost Continent”, Greg Egan (The Starry Rift)
- 15. “If Angels Fight”, Richard Bowes (F&SF Feb 2008)
- 16. “Days of Wonder”, Geoff Ryman (F&SF Oct/Nov 2008)
- 17. Conversation Hearts, John Crowley (Subterranean)
- 18. “The Ray-Gun: A Love Story”, James Alan Gardner (Asimov's Feb 2008)
- 19. “The Tale of Junko and Sayuri”, Peter S. Beagle (InterGalactic Medicine Show Jul 2008)
- 20. “Fury”, Alastair Reynolds (Eclipse Two)
- 21. “Memory Dog”, Kathleen Ann Goonan (Asimov's Apr/May 2008)
- 22. “Radio Station St. Jack”, Neal Barrett, Jr. (Asimov's Aug 2008)
- 23. “Machine Maid”, Margo Lanagan (Extraordinary Engines: The Definitive Steampunk Anthology)
- 24. “Special Economics”, Maureen F. McHugh (The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy)
- 25. “The Dust Assassin”, Ian McDonald (The Starry Rift)
- 26. “An Eligible Boy”, Ian McDonald (Fast Forward 2)
- 27. “An Alien Heresy”, S. P. Somtow (Asimov's Apr/May 2008)
- 28. “Beyond the Sea Gate of the Scholar-Pirates of Sarsköe”, Garth Nix (Fast Ships, Black Sails)
- 29. “Following the Pharmers”, Brian Stableford (Asimov's Mar 2008)
- 2010
- Peter S. Beagle
- "By Moonlight", Peter S. Beagle (We Never Talk About My Brother)
- Mary Rosenblum
- Ken Scholes
- Irvine, Alexander - Dračí zuby 68% / 5
- Daniel Abraham
- Cecelia Holland
- Paul Di Filippo
- Wright, John Charles - Soumrak bohů 71% / 22
- Suzy McKee Charnas
- Carolyn Ives Gilman
- Abraham, Daniel - Balfour a Meriwether v příběhu panovníkovy pomsty 71% / 27
- Bruce Sterling
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- Peter S. Beagle
- Robson, Justina - Třeštivřesk 66% / 14
- Sarah Monette
- Tanith Lee
- Andy Duncan
- Robert Charles Wilson
- Watts, Peter - Ostrov 75% / 18
- Kowal, Mary Robinette - První let 67% / 24
- Swirsky, Rachel - Eros, filia, agapé 69% / 8
- Lucius Shepard
- Kij Johnson
- Swanwick; Gunn - Zepelínové město 80% / 13
- Wilson, Robert Charles - Utriusque Cosmi 75% / 15
- Kelly Link
- Sarah Monette
- Elizabeth Bear
- Kessel, John - Události předcházející Helvetskému obrození 75% / 15
- Pat Cadigan
- Kiernan, Caitlín R. - Galapágy 65% / 15
- Robert Silverberg
- Ellen Kushner
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Langan, John - Technicolor 93% / 4
- 2. “It Takes Two”, Nicola Griffith (Eclipse Three)
- 3. “The Island”, Peter Watts (The New Space Opera 2)
- 4. “First Flight”, Mary Robinette Kowal ( 25 Aug 2009)
- 5. “Eros, Philia, Agape”, Rachel Swirsky ( 3 Aug 2009)
- 6. “Sylgarmo's Proclamation”, Lucius Shepard (Songs of the Dying Earth: Stories in Honor of Jack Vance)
- 7. “The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles”, Kij Johnson ( 14 Jul 2009)
- 8. “Zeppelin City”, Michael Swanwick & Eileen Gunn ( 6 Oct 2009)
- 9. “Utriusque Cosmi”, Robert Charles Wilson (The New Space Opera 2)
- 10. “Secret Identity”, Kelly Link (Geektastic)
- 11. “Mongoose”, Sarah Monette & Elizabeth Bear (Lovecraft Unbound)
- 12. “Events Preceding the Helvetican Renaissance”, John Kessel (The New Space Opera 2)
- 13. “Truth and Bone”, Pat Cadigan (Poe)
- 14. “Galapagos”, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Eclipse Three)
- 15. “The True Vintage of Erzuine Thale”, Robert Silverberg (Songs of the Dying Earth: Stories in Honor of Jack Vance)
- 16. “A Wild and a Wicked Youth”, Ellen Kushner (F&SF Apr/May 2009)
- 17. “Formidable Caress”, Stephen Baxter (Analog Dec 2009)
- 18. “This Peaceable Land; or, The Unbearable Vision of Harriet Beecher Stowe”, Robert Charles Wilson (Other Earths)
- 19. (tie): “The Dragaman's Bride”, Andy Duncan (The Dragon Book)
- 19. (tie): “Lion Walk”, Mary Rosenblum (Asimov's Jan 2009)
- 21. “A Weeping Czar Beholds the Fallen Moon”, Ken Scholes ( 17 Feb 2009)
- 22. “Dragon's Teeth”, Alex Irvine (F&SF Jun/Jul 2009)
- 23. “The Best Monkey”, Daniel Abraham (The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Volume Three)
- 24. “Dragon's Deep”, Cecelia Holland (The Dragon Book)
- 25. “Yes We Have No Bananas”, Paul Di Filippo (Eclipse Three)
- 26. “Twilight of the Gods”, John C. Wright (Federations)
- 27. “Lowland Sea”, Suzy McKee Charnas (Poe)
- 28. “Economancer”, Carolyn Ives Gilman (F&SF Jun/Jul 2009)
- 29. “Balfour and Meriwether in the Adventure of the Emperor's Vengence”, Daniel Abraham (Postscripts 19)
- 30. “Black Swan”, Bruce Sterling (Interzone Mar/Apr 2009)
- 31. “SinBad the Sand Sailor”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Jul 2009)
- 32. “Vanishing”, Peter S. Beagle (Intergalactic Medicine Show Mar 2009)
- 33. “Cracklegrackle”, Justina Robson (The New Space Opera 2)
- 34. “Technicolor”, John Langan (Poe)
- 35. “White Charles”, Sarah Monette (Clarkesworld Magazine Oct 2009)
- 36. “Clockatrice”, Tanith Lee (Fantasy 5 Oct 2009)
- 37. “each thing I show you is a piece of my death”, Gemma Files & Stephen J. Barringer (Clockwork Phoenix 2)
- 2011
- Gaiman, Neil - Pravda je jeskyně v černých horách 81% / 28
- “The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains”, Neil Gaiman (Stories)
- Parker, K. J. - Amor Vincit Omnia 82% / 10
- Naomi Novik
- Alexandra Duncan
- Parker, K. J. - Perný týden 78% / 14
- A. M. Dellamonica
- Sean McMullen
- Tanith Lee
- Tanith Lee
- Garth Nix
- Meg Cabot
- Lavie Tidhar
- Brennan, Sarah Rees - Špión, který nikdy nevyroste 52% / 13
- Ken Liu
- Barron, Laird - -- 30 -- 79% / 8
- Alexander Jablokov
- Peter S. Beagle
- Kelly, James Patrick - Plus mínus 75% / 13
- Abercrombie, Joe - Podělaná práce 77% / 28
- Geoffrey A. Landis
- Margo Lanagan
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Naturalista 66% / 9
- Erikson, Steven - Kozy a sláva 81% / 28
- Lynch, Scott - Mezi policemi 84% / 16
- Barzak, Christopher Michael - Mapa sedmnácti 58% / 9
- Alastair Reynolds
- Dale Bailey
- Buckell, Tobias S. - Džbán dobré vůle 73% / 28
- Peterfreund, Diana - Jak pečovat o mládě vraždícího jednorožce 74% / 10
- Peter S. Beagle
- Richard Dirrane Bowes
- Goss, Theodora - Dcera šíleného vědátora 62% / 13
- 2. “The Mad Scientist's Daughter”, Theodora Goss (Strange Horizons 18-25 Jan 2010)
- 3. “Plus or Minus”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Dec 2010)
- 4. “The Fool Jobs”, Joe Abercrombie (Swords & Dark Magic)
- 5. “Marya and the Pirate”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov's Jan 2010)
- 6. “A Thousand Flowers”, Margo Lanagan (Zombies vs. Unicorns)
- 7. “The Naturalist”, Maureen F. McHugh (Subterranean Spr 2010)
- 8. “Goats of Glory”, Steven Erikson (Swords & Dark Magic)
- 9. “In the Stacks”, Scott Lynch (Swords & Dark Magic)
- 10. “Map of Seventeen”, Christopher Barzak (The Beastly Bride)
- 11. “Sleepover”, Alastair Reynolds (The Mammoth Book of Apocalyptic SF; The Mammoth Book of the End of the World)
- 12. “Eating at the End-of-the-World Café”, Dale Bailey (F&SF Sep/Oct 2010)
- 13. “A Jar of Goodwill”, Tobias S. Buckell (Clarkesworld May 2010)
- 14. “The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Killer Unicorn”, Diana Peterfreund (Zombies vs. Unicorns)
- 15. “La Lune T'Attend”, Peter S. Beagle (Full Moon City)
- 16. “The Literomancer”, Ken Liu (F&SF Sep/Oct 2010)
- 17. “Pining to be Human”, Richard Bowes (F&SF Jul/Aug 2010)
- 18. “Trinity County, CA”, Peter S. Beagle (Intergalactic Medicine Show Aug 2010)
- 19. “Blind Cat Dance”, Alexander Jablokov (Asimov's Mar 2010)
- 20. “Amor Vincit Omnia”, K. J. Parker (Subterranean Sum 2010)
- 21. “--30--”, Laird Barron (Occultation)
- 22. “Seven Years from Home”, Naomi Novik (Warriors)
- 23. “Amor Fugit”, Alexandra Duncan (F&SF Mar/Apr 2010)
- 24. “A Rich Full Week”, K. J. Parker (Swords & Dark Magic)
- 25. “The Cage”, A. M. Dellamonica ( 28 Jul 2010)
- 26. “Eight Miles”, Sean McMullen (Analog Sep 2010)
- 27. “Under/Above the Water”, Tanith Lee (Songs of Love and Death)
- 28. “Black and White Sky”, Tanith Lee (Brighton Shock)
- 29. “To Hold the Bridge”, Garth Nix (Legends of Australian Fantasy)
- 30. “Princess Prettypants”, Meg Cabot (Zombies vs. Unicorns)
- 31. “Butterfly and the Blight at the Heart of the World”, Lavie Tidhar (Daily Science Fiction 3 Sep 2010)
- 32. “The Spy Who Never Grew Up”, Sarah Rees Brennan (Kiss Me Deadly)
- 2012
- Valente, Catherynne M. - Bílé čáry na zeleném poli 62% / 12
- “White Lines on a Green Field”, Catherynne M. Valente (Subterranean Fal 2011)
- Alastair Reynolds
- Suzy McKee Charnas
- Parker, K. J. - Malá cena za ptačí píseň 85% / 11
- Bray, Libba - Poslední jízda Nádher 66% / 10
- Barron, Laird - Blackwoodův synek 76% / 19
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Chladný úkrok 61% / 10
- Lavie Tidhar
- Gwyneth Ann Jones
- Gwyneth Ann Jones
- Lee, Yoon Ha - Duchováha 57% / 12
- Paul Park
- Horrocks, Dylan - Paronika 83% / 10
- Anders, Charlie Jane - Šest měsíců, tři dny 69% / 31
- King, Stephen - Zelený bůžek bolesti 75% / 25
- Kelly Link
- Ryman, Geoff - Co jsme zjistili 58% / 11
- Beagle, Peter S. - Podjezd 69% / 11
- Cornell, Paul - Kodaňská interpretace 67% / 16
- McAuley, Paul James - Volba 70% / 11
- Swirsky, Rachel - Zlatavé lány 65% / 22
- Swanwick, Michael - Dalarnský koník 74% / 10
- Okorafor, Nnedi - Kniha fénixe 65% / 10
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
- Jay Lake
- Robert Reed
- John Kessel
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2. “The Summer People”, Kelly Link (Tin House: The Ecstatic; Steampunk!)
- 3. “What We Found”, Geoff Ryman (F&SF Sep/Oct 2011)
- 4. “Underbridge”, Peter S. Beagle (Naked City)
- 5. “The Copenhagen Interpretation”, Paul Cornell (Asimov's Jul 2011)
- 6. “The Choice”, Paul McAuley (Asimov's Feb 2011)
- 7. “Fields of Gold”, Rachel Swirsky (Eclipse Four)
- 8. “The Dala Horse”, Michael Swanwick ( 13 Jul 2011)
- 9. “The Book of Phoenix Excerpted from The Great Book)”, Nnedi Okorafor (Clarkesworld Mar 2011)
- 10. “The Maltese Unicorn”, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Supernatural Noir)
- 11. “A Long Walk Home”, Jay Lake (Subterranean Win 2011)
- 12. “Purple”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Mar 2011)
- 13. “Clean”, John Kessel (Asimov's Mar 2011)
- 14. “The Little Green God of Agony”, Stephen King (A Book of Horrors)
- 15. “Six Months, Three Days”, Charlie Jane Anders ( 8 Jun 2011)
- 16. “The Old Man and the Martian Sea”, Alastair Reynolds (Life on Mars)
- 17. “Late Bloomer”, Suzy McKee Charnas (Teeth)
- 18. “A Small Price to Pay for Birdsong”, K. J. Parker (Subterranean Win 2011)
- 19. “The Last Ride of the Glory Girls”, Libba Bray (Steampunk!)
- 20. “My Husband Steinn”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2011)
- 21. “Laika's Ghost”, Karl Schroeder (Engineering Infinity)
- 22. “Blackwood's Baby”, Laird Barron (Ghosts by Gaslight)
- 23. “The Cold Step Beyond”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Jun 2011)
- 24. “The Projected Girl”, Lavie Tidhar (Naked City)
- 25. “The Vicar of Mars”, Gwyneth Jones (Eclipse Four)
- 26. “The Ki-Anna”, Gwyneth Jones (Engineering Infinity)
- 27. “Ghostweight”, Yoon Ha Lee (Clarkesworld Jan 2011)
- 28. “Mysteries of the Old Quarter”, Paul Park (Ghosts by Gaslight)
- 30. “Steam Girl”, Dylan Horrocks (Steampunk!)
- 2013
- Pat Cadigan
- “The Girl-Thing Who Went Out for Sushi”, Pat Cadigan (Edge of Infinity)
- Bruce Sterling
- Theodora Goss
- K. J. Parker
- Dale Bailey
- Sean McMullen
- Molly Gloss
- James Patrick Kelly
- Elizabeth Bear
- Ted Kosmatka
- Kowal, Mary Robinette - Povoláním astronautka, domovem na Marsu 69% / 25
- Megan Lindholm
- Gord Sellar
- Naomi Kritzer
- Carrie Vaughn
- Paul Cornell
- Meghan McCarron
- Elizabeth Bear
- Andy Duncan
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
- Jeffrey Ford
- Margo Lanagan
- Robert Charles Wilson
- Rachel Swirsky
- Mamatas, Nick - Arbeitskraft 72% / 14
- Sarah Monette
- Elizabeth Bear
- Paul James McAuley
- Bruce Sterling
- Laird Barron
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2.“Faster Gun”, Elizabeth Bear ( Aug 2012)
- 3.“Close Encounters”, Andy Duncan (The Pottawatomie Giant & Other Stories)
- 4.“The Lady Astronaut of Mars”, Mary Robinette Kowal (Rip-Off!)
- 5.“Fake Plastic Trees”, Caitlín R. Kiernan (After)
- 6.“The Wish Head”, Jeffrey Ford (Crackpot Palace)
- 7.“Significant Dust”, Margo Lanagan (Cracklescape)
- 8.“Fireborn”, Robert Charles Wilson (Rip-Off!)
- 9.“The Sea of Trees”, Rachel Swirsky (The Future Is Japanese)
- 10.“Arbeitskraft”, Nick Mamatas (The Mammoth Book of Steampunk)
- 11.“Holmes Sherlock: A Hwarhath Mystery”, Eleanor Arnason (Eclipse Online 12 Nov 2012)
- 12.“The Wreck of the Charles Dexter Ward”, Sarah Monette & Elizabeth Bear (Drabblecast 31 Aug - 6 Sep 2012)
- 13.“Troll Blood”, Peter Dickinson (F&SF Sep/Oct 2012)
- 14.“Bruce Springsteen”, Paul McAuley (Asimov's Jan 2012)
- 15.“The Peak of Eternal Light”, Bruce Sterling (Edge of Infinity)
- 16.“Frontier Death Song”, Laird Barron (Nightmare Oct 2012)
- 17.“Swift, Brutal Retaliation”, Meghan McCarron ( 4 Jan 2012)
- 18.“The Ghosts of Christmas”, Paul Cornell ( 19 Dec 2012)
- 19.“Astrophilia”, Carrie Vaughn (Clarkesworld Jul 2012)
- 20.“Liberty's Daughter”, Naomi Kritzer (F&SF May/Jun 2012)
- 21.“Old Paint”, Megan Lindholm (Asimov's Jul 2012)
- 22.“Goddess of Mercy”, Bruce Sterling (The Future Is Japanese)
- 23.The Thorn and the Blossom: A Two-Sided Love Story, Theodora Goss (Quirk)
- 24.“One Little Room an Everywhere”, K. J. Parker (Eclipse Online 22 Oct 2012)
- 25.“Mating Habits of the Late Cretaceous”, Dale Bailey (Asimov's Sep 2012)
- 26.“Electrica”, Sean McMullen (F&SF Mar/Apr 2012)
- 27.“The Grinnell Method”, Molly Gloss (Strange Horizons 3-10 Sep 2012)
- 28.“The Bernoulli War”, Gord Sellar (Asimov's Aug 2012)
- 29.“Declaration”, James Patrick Kelly (Rip-Off!)
- 30.“No Decent Patrimony”, Elizabeth Bear (Rip-Off!)
- 31.“The Color Least Used by Nature”, Ted Kosmatka (F&SF Jan/Feb 2012)
- 2014
- Gaiman, Neil - Spáč a vřeteno 74% / 14
- “The Sleeper and the Spindle”, Neil Gaiman (Rags and Bones)
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
- Ian R. MacLeod
- Kat Howard
- Robert Reed
- Neal Stephenson
- Alexander Irvine
- Pat Cadigan
- K. J. Parker
- Ian R. MacLeod
- Matthew Hughes
- Gregory Frost
- Brian Hodge
- Chiang, Ted - Pravda faktov, pravda pocitov/Pravda faktů, pravda pocitů 84% / 17
- Eleanor Arnason
- Lavie Tidhar
- Scott Lynch
- Aliette de Bodard
- Jeffrey Ford
- Ken Liu
- Barron, Laird - Saturnův chřtán 75% / 13
- K. J. Parker
- Greg Egan
- Christopher Michael Barzak
- Ian McDonald
- Margo Lanagan
- Matthew Hughes
- David D. Levine
- Pat Cadigan
- Jedediah Berry
- Nathan Ballingrud
- 2. “The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling”, Ted Chiang (Subterranean Fall 2013)
- 3. “The Prayer of Ninety Cats”, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Subterranean Spr 2013)
- 4. “The Waiting Stars”, Aliette de Bodard (The Other Half of the Sky)
- 5. “A Terror”, Jeffrey Ford ( 24 Jul 2013)
- 6. “A Hollow Play”, Amal El-Mohtar (Glitter & Mayhem)
- 7. “The Litigation Master and the Monkey King”, Ken Liu (Lightspeed Aug 2013)
- 8. “Jaws of Saturn”, Laird Barron (The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All)
- 9. “The Sun and I”, K. J. Parker (Subterranean Spr 2013)
- 10. “Zero for Conduct”, Greg Egan (Twelve Tomorrows)
- 11. “Kormak the Lucky”, Eleanor Arnason (F&SF Jul/Aug 2013)
- 12. “The Unwanted Women of Surrey”, Kaaron Warren (Queen Victoria's Book of Spells)
- 13. “Paranormal Romance”, Christopher Barzak (Lightspeed Jun 2013)
- 14. “The Queen of the Night's Aria”, Ian McDonald (Old Mars)
- 15. “We Three Kids”, Margo Lanagan (PS Publishing)
- 16. “The Ugly Duckling”, Matthew Hughes (Old Mars)
- 17. “The Wreck of the Mars Adventure”, David D. Levine (Old Mars)
- 18. “The Christmas Show”, Pat Cadigan ( 17 Dec 2013)
- 19. “A Window or a Small Box”, Jedediah Berry ( 5 Jun 2013)
- 20. “The Effigy Engine: A Tale of the Red Hats”, Scott Lynch (Fearsome Journeys)
- 21. “The Book Seller”, Lavie Tidhar (Interzone Jan/Feb 2013)
- 22. “The Good Husband”, Nathan Ballingrud (North American Lake Monsters)
- 23. “The Discovered Country”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Sep 2013)
- 24. “Phosphorus”, Veronica Schanoes (Queen Victoria's Book of Spells)
- 25. “Painted Birds and Shivered Bones”, Kat Howard (Subterranean Spr 2013)
- 26. “Grizzled Veterans of Many and Much”, Robert Reed (F&SF May/Jun 2013)
- 27. “Atmosphaera Incognita”, Neal Stephenson (Starship Century)
- 28. “Watching the Cow”, Alex Irvine (F&SF Jan/Feb 2013)
- 29. Chalk, Pat Cadigan (This Is Horror)
- 30. “The Dragonslayer of Merebarton”, K. J. Parker (Fearsome Journeys)
- 31. “Entangled”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Dec 2013)
- 32. “And Then Some”, Matthew Hughes (Asimov's Feb 2013)
- 33. “No Others are Genuine”, Gregory Frost (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2013)
- 34. “The Irish Astronaut”, Val Nolan (Electric Velocipede Spr 2013)
- 35. “The Same Deep Waters as You”, Brian Hodges (Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth)
- 2015
- Abercrombie, Joe - Těžké časy, kam se podíváš 66% / 14
- “Tough Times All Over”, Joe Abercrombie (Rogues)
- Dale Bailey
- Greg Egan
- Garth Nix
- Greg Egan
- Paul Di Filippo
- Bear, Elizabeth - Podaná ruka 72% / 21
- Aliette de Bodard
- Swanwick, Michael - Tawny Petticoatsová 78% / 8
- Lynch, Scott - V Teradanu do roku a do dne 73% / 9
- Cornell, Paul - Lepší způsob smrti 54% / 8
- Parker, K. J. - Nebesa burácející pravdu 77% / 13
- McDonald, Ian - Pátý drak 60% / 12
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Džbán vody 81% / 7
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
- Geoffrey A. Landis
- Holly Black
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Kelly Link
- Peter Watts
- Robert Reed
- Genevieve Valentine
- Kelly Link
- Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
- Crosshill, Tom - Čaroděj a Laplaceův démon 72% / 20
- Peter Watts
- Michael Swanwick
- Alastair Reynolds
- Alaya Dawn Johnson
- 2. The Jar of Water, Ursula K. Le Guin.
- 3. The Hand Is Quicker, Elizabeth Bear.
- 4. A Year and a Day in Old Theradane, Scott Lynch.
- 5. Memorials, Aliette de Bodard.
- 6. The Devil in America, Kai Ashante Wilson.
- 7. The Fifth Dragon, Ian McDonald.
- 8. Ten Rules for Being an Intergalactic Smuggler (the Successful Kind), Holly Black.
- 9. Wine, Yoon Ha Lee.
- 10. A Guide to the Fruits of Hawai'i, Alaya Dawn Johnson.
- 11. The New Boyfriend, Kelly Link.
- 12. The Colonel, Peter Watts.
- 13. A Better Way to Die, Paul Cornell.
- 14. Tawny Petticoats, Michael Swanwick.
- 15. The Cryptic Age, Robert Reed.
- 16. The Insects of Love, Genevieve Valentine.
- 17. I Can See Right Through You, Kelly Link.
- 17. A Short History of the Twentieth Century, or When You Wish Upon a Star, Kathleen Ann Goonan.
- 19. Interstate Love Song (Murder Ballad No.8), Caitlín R. Kiernan.
- 20. The Magician and Laplace's Demon, Tom Crosshill.
- 21. Collateral, Peter Watts.
- 22. Of Finest Scarlet Was Her Gown, Michael Swanwick.
- 23. The Last Log of the Lachrimosa, Alastair Reynolds.
- 24. A Hotel in Antarctica, Geoffrey A. Landis.
- 25. The Litany of Earth, Ruthanna Emrys.
- 26. The Cats of River Street (1925), Caitlín R. Kiernan.
- 27. Among the Thorns, Veronica Schanoes.
- 28. Heaven Thunders the Truth, K. J. Parker.
- 29. The Jetsam of Disremembered Mechanics, Caitlín R. Kiernan.
- 30. The End of the End of Everything, Dale Bailey.
- 31. Seventh Sight, Greg Egan.
- 32. Home is the Haunter, Garth Nix.
- 33. Kheldyu, Karl Schroeder.
- 34. Shadow Flock, Greg Egan.
- 35. A Wish from a Bone, Gemma Files.
- 36. I'll Follow the Sun, Paul Di Filippo
- 2016
- Gaiman, Neil - Černý pes 83% / 12
- “Black Dog”, Neil Gaiman (Trigger Warning)
- Reed, Robert - Prázdno 66% / 16
- Greg Bear
- Priya Sharma
- Ian R. MacLeod
- John Barnes
- John Langan
- Carrie Vaughn
- Chaz Brenchley
- Jeffrey Ford
- Paul James McAuley
- Ann Leckie
- Elizabeth Bear
- McDonald, Ian - Botanica Veneris – Třináct vystřihovánek Idy, hraběnky z Rathanganu 77% / 14
- Naomi Kritzer
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Brin, David - Spadanky z Kleopatřiny propasti 78% / 18
- Catherynne M. Valente
- King, Stephen - Nekrology 81% / 16
- 2. “Folding Beijing”, Hao Jingfang (Uncanny Jan/Feb 2015)
- 3. “And You Shall Know Her by the Trail of Dead”, Brooke Bolander (Lightspeed Feb 2015)
- 4. “Another Word for World”, Ann Leckie (Future Visions)
- 5. “The Heart's Filthy Lesson”, Elizabeth Bear (Old Venus)
- 6. Botanica Veneris: Thirteen Papercuts by Ida Countess Rathangan, Ian McDonald.
- 7. So Much Cooking, Naomi Kritzer.
- 8. Flashpoint: Titan, CHEAH Kai Wai.
- 9. Jamaica Ginger, Nalo Hopkinson & Nisi Shawl.
- 10. Ruins, Eleanor Arnason.
- 11. Our Lady of the Open Road, Sarah Pinsker.
- 12. Machine Learning, Nancy Kress.
- 13. The Tumbledowns of Cleopatra Abyss, David Brin.
- 14. The Deepwater Bride, Tamsyn Muir.
- 15. The Long Goodnight of Violet Wild, Catherynne M. Valente.
- 16. Planet of Fear, Paul J. McAuley.
- 17. The Thyme Fiend, Jeffrey Ford.
- 18. What Price Humanity?, David VanDyke.
- 18. Empty, Robert Reed.
- 20. The Machine Starts, Greg Bear.
- 21. Fabulous Beasts, Priya Sharma.
- 22. Frost on Glass, Ian R. MacLeod.
- 23. Hyperspace Demons, Jonathan Moeller.
- 24. My Last Bringback, John Barnes.
- 25. Corpsemouth, John Langan.
- 26. Bannerless, Carrie Vaughn.
- 27. The Astrakhan, the Homburg and the Red Red Coal, Chaz Brenchley.
- 28. Obits, Stephen King.
- 2017
- Alyssa Wong
- “You'll Surely Drown Here If You Stay”, Alyssa Wong (Uncanny May/Jun 2016)
- Aliette de Bodard
- Naomi Novik
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Theodora Goss
- Geoff Ryman
- Nina Allan
- MacLeod, Ian R. - Návštěvník z Tauredu 64% / 16
- 2. “Pearl”, Aliette de Bodard (The Starlit Wood)
- 3. The Jewel and Her Lapidary, Fran Wilde (
- 4. “Spinning Silver”, Naomi Novik (The Starlit Wood)
- 5. “The Future is Blue”, Catherynne M. Valente (Drowned Worlds)
- 6. “Foxfire, Foxfire”, Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Ceaseless Skies 3 Mar 2016)
- 7. “Red as Blood and White as Bone”, Theodora Goss ( 4 May 2016)
- 8. “Those Shadows Laugh”, Geoff Ryman (F&SF Sep/Oct 2016)
- 9. “The Art of Space Travel”, Nina Allan ( 27 Jul 2016)
- 10. “The Visitor from Taured”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Sep 2016)
- 2018
- Samuel Ray Delany
- “The Hermit of Houston”, Samuel R. Delany (F&SF Sep/Oct 2017)
- de Bodard, Aliette - Děti trnů, děti vody 53% / 13
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Mary Robinette Kowal
- Sarah Pinsker
- Theodora Goss
- Liu, Ken - Skrytá dívka 80% / 3
- Seanan McGuire
- 2. “Children of Thorns, Children of Water”, Aliette de Bodard (Uncanny Jul/Aug 2017)
- 3. “Extracurricular Activities”, Yoon Ha Lee ( 15 Feb 2017)
- 4. “The Worshipful Society of Glovers”, Mary Robinette Kowal (Uncanny Jul/Aug 2017)
- 5. “Wind Will Rove”, Sarah Pinsker (Asimov's Sep/Oct 2017)
- 6. “The Lamentation of Their Women”, Kai Ashante Wilson ( 24 Aug 2017)
- 7. “Come See the Living Dryad”, Theodora Goss ( 9 Mar 2017)
- 8. “Waiting on a Bright Moon”, JY Yang ( 12 Jul 2017)
- 9. “The Hidden Girl”, Ken Liu (The Book of Swords)
- 10. “The Mathematical Inevitability of Corvids”, Seanan McGuire (Black Feathers)
- 2019
- The Only Harmless Great Thing, Brooke Bolander (
- Gregory, Daryl - Posledních devět dní na planetě Zemi 79% / 14
- Elizabeth Bear
- Andy Duncan
- Ken Liu
- Dale Bailey
- Theodora Goss
- 2. “Nine Last Days on Planet Earth”, Daryl Gregory ( 19 Sep 2018)
- 3. “Okay, Glory”, Elizabeth Bear (Twelve Tomorrows)
- 4. “An Agent of Utopia”, Andy Duncan (An Agent of Utopia)
- 5. “Quality Time”, Ken Liu (Robots vs Fairies)
- 6. “How to Swallow the Moon”, Isabel Yap (Uncanny Nov/Dec 2018)
- 7. “The Last Banquet of Temporal Confections”, Tina Connolly ( 11 Jul 2018)
- 8. “No Flight Without the Shatter”, Brooke Bolander ( 15 Aug 2018)
- 9. “The Donner Party”, Dale Bailey (F&SF Jan/Feb 2018)
- 10. “Queen Lily”, Theodora Goss (Lightspeed Nov 2018)
- 2020
- Chiang, Ted - Omfalos/Pupek světa 83% / 16
- “Omphalos”, Ted Chiang (Exhalation)
- Ann Leckie
- Theodora Goss
- Sarah Pinsker
- Hill, Joe - Pozdní návraty 78% / 5
- Seanan McGuire
- Elizabeth Bear
- Nnedi Okorafor
- N. K. Jemisin
- Carroll, Siobhan - Protože se umí plížit 83% / 6
- 2. “Emergency Skin”, N. K. Jemisin (Forward)
- 3. “Binti: Sacred Fire”, Nnedi Okorafor (Binti: The Complete Trilogy)
- 4. “Erase, Erase, Erase”, Elizabeth Bear (F&SF Sep/Oct 2019)
- 5. “Phantoms of the Midway”, Seanan McGuire (The Mythic Dream)
- 6. “For He Can Creep”, Siobhan Carroll ( 10 Jul 2019)
- 7. “Late Returns”, Joe Hill (Full Throttle)
- 8. “The Blur in the Corner of Your Eye”, Sarah Pinsker (Uncanny Jul/Aug 2019)
- 9. “A Country Called Winter”, Theodora Goss (Snow White Learns Witchcraft)
- 10. “The Justified”, Ann Leckie (The Mythic Dream)
- 2021
- “The Pill”, Meg Elison (Big Girl)
- Sarah Pinsker
- Aliette de Bodard
- Ken Liu
- Charlie Jane Anders
- Sofia Samatar
- Catherynne M. Valente
- A. T. Greenblatt
- Malik, Usman T. - Město Červené půlnoci: hikayat 60% / 4
- 2. “Two Truths and a Lie”, Sarah Pinsker ( 17 Jun 2020)
- 3. “The Inaccessibility of Heaven”, Aliette de Bodard (Uncanny Jul/Aug 2020)
- 4. “A Whisper of Blue”, Ken Liu (The Book of Dragons)
- 5. “If You Take My Meaning”, Charlie Jane Anders ( 11 Feb 2020)
- 6. “Fairy Tales for Robots”, Sofia Samatar (Made to Order)
- 7. “Color, Heat, and the Wreck of the Argo”, Catherynne, M. Valente (Strange Horizons 7 Sep 2020)
- 8. “A Stick of Clay, in the Hands of God, is Infinite Potential”, JY Neon Yang (Clarkesworld May 2020)
- 9. “Burn or the Episodic Life of Sam Wells as a Super”, A. T. Greenblatt (Uncanny May/Jun 2020)
- 10. “A City of Red Midnight: a Hikayat”, Usman T. Malik ( 21 Oct 2020)
- 2022
- Wiswell, John - Tenhle příběh není tamten příběh 68% / 4
- “That Story Isn't the Story”, John Wiswell (Uncanny Nov/Dec 2021)
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Aliette de Bodard
- Nnedi Okorafor
- Elizabeth Bear
- E. Lily Yu
- Kelly Link
- Suzanne Palmer
- Nalo Hopkinson
- 2. “L'Esprit de L'Escalier”, Catherynne M. Valente ( 25 Aug 2021)
- 3. “Mulberry and Owl”, Aliette de Bodard (Uncanny Sep/Oct 2021)
- 4. “Unseelie Brothers, Ltd.”, Fran Wilde (Uncanny May/Jun 2021)
- 5. “The Black Pages”, Nnedi Okorafor (Black Stars)
- 6. “The Red Mother”, Elizabeth Bear ( 23 Jun 2021)
- 7. “Small Monsters”, E. Lily Yu ( 20 Oct 2021)
- 8. “Skinder's Veil”, Kelly Link (When Things Get Dark)
- 9. “Bots of the Lost Ark”, Suzanne Palmer (Clarkesworld Jun 2021)
- 10. “Broad Dutty Water: A Sunken Story”, Nalo Hopkinson (F&SF Nov/Dec 2021)
- 2023
- Chu, John - Pokud budete mluvit s bohem, tykejte mu 63% / 6
- “If You Find Yourself Speaking to God, Address God with the Informal You”, John Chu (Uncanny Jul/Aug 2022)
- Divya, S. B. - Dvě ruce, zabalené do zlata 80% / 4
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Alix E. Harrow
- Seanan McGuire
- Suzanne Palmer
- Greg Egan
- Tananarive Due
- Suzanne Palmer
- 2. “Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold”, S. B. Divya (Uncanny May/Jun 2022)
- 3. “A Dream of Electric Mothers”, Wole Talabi (Africa Risen)
- 4. “The Difference Between Love and Time”, Catherynne M. Valente (Someone in Time)
- 5. “The Six Deaths of the Saint”, Alix E. Harrow (Into Shadow)
- 6. “In Mercy, Rain”, Seanan McGuire ( 18 Jul 2022)
- 7. “The Sadness Box”, Suzanne Palmer (Clarkesworld Jul 2022)
- 8. “Solidity”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Sep/Oct 2022)
- 9. “Incident at Bear Creek Lodge”, Tananarive Due (Other Terrors)
- 10. “Falling Off the Edge of the World”, Suzanne Palmer (Asimov's Nov/Dec 2022)