Locus Award
WWW stránky ocenění: Locus Award
Cena Locus Award, nebo Locus, je každoročně od roku 1971 udělována čtenáři amerického časopisu Locus Magazine nejlepším dílům žánrů science fiction a fantasy uplynulého roku. Ceně je přikládán veliký význam především proto, že počet anketních lístků od čtenářů převyšuje počet hlasů u cen Hugo i Nebula dohromady a je tedy hodnocením širšího vzorku respondentů.
ročník: 9
Ceny byly uděleny na Westerconu 32, který se konal ve dnech 4. – 8.7.1979 v San Franciscu. Ceny byly uděleny za rok 1978.
- Antologie
- Terry Carr
- The Best Science Fiction of the Year #7, Terry Carr, ed. (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 2. The 1978 Annual World's Best SF, Donald A. Wollheim, ed. with Arthur W. Saha (DAW)
- 3. Universe 8, Terry Carr, ed. (Doubleday)
- 4. New Dimensions 8, Robert Silverberg, ed. (Harper & Row)
- 5. Stellar #4, Judy-Lynn del Rey, ed. (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 6. Year's Finest Fantasy, Terry Carr, ed. (Berkley)
- 7. Chrysalis 2, Roy Torgeson, ed. (Zebra)
- 8. Orbit 20, Damon Knight, ed. (Harper & Row)
- 9. Anticipations, Christopher Priest, ed. (Faber & Faber)
- 10. Swords Against Darkness III, andrew j. offutt, ed. (Zebra)
- 11. Immortal, Jack Dann, ed. (Harper & Row)
- 12. Millennial Women, Virginia Kidd, ed. (Delacorte)
- 13. Shadows, Charles L. Grant, ed. (Doubleday)
- 14. Nebula Winners Twelve, Gordon R. Dickson, ed. (Harper & Row)
- 15. Alpha 9, Robert Silverberg, ed. (Berkley)
- 16. The Best of Analog, Ben Bova, ed. (Baronet)
- 17. Study War No More, Joe Haldeman, ed. (St. Martin's)
- Časopis
- F&SF (Edward L. Ferman)
- 2. Locus (Charles N. Brown)
- 3. Analog (Stanley Schmidt)
- 4. Asimov's (George Scithers)
- 5. Omni (Ben Bova)
- 6. Science Fiction Review (Richard E. Geis)
- 7. Algol/Starship (Andrew Porter)
- 8. Galileo (Charles C. Ryan)
- 9. Destinies (Ace) (James Baen)
- 10. Starlog (Howard Zimmerman)
- 11. Unearth (Ostrowsky-Lantz & Landsberg)
- 12. Galaxy (J.J. Pierce)
- 13. Asimov's SF Adventure (George Scithers)
- 14. (tie): Future Life (Naha & Nelson)
- 14. (tie): Whispers (Stuart David Schiff)
- Kniha mimo beletrii
- Frederik Pohl
- The Way the Future Was, Frederik Pohl (Ballantine Del Rey)
- Donald Lewis Franson
- Samuel Ray Delany
- 2. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol. 2, Donald H. Tuck (Advent)
- 3. Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections, William G. Contento (G.K. Hall)
- 4. Science Fiction and Heroic Fantasy Index, Stuart W. Wells III (Purple Unicorn)
- 5. Fantasms: A Jack Vance Bibliography, Daniel J. H. Levack & Tim Underwood (Underwood-Miller)
- 6. A History of the Hugo, Nebula, and International Fantasy Awards, Donald Franson & Howard DeVore (Misfit Press)
- 7. The Complete Guide to Middle Earth, Richard Foster (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 8. The International Science Fiction Yearbook, Colin Lester (Quick Fox)
- 9. The Hills of Faraway: A Guide to Fantasy, Diana Waggoner (Atheneum)
- 10. The American Shore, Samuel R. Delany (Dragon Press)
- 11. Speaking of Science Fiction, Paul Walker (Luna)
- Kniha výtvarného umění
- Tomorrow and Beyond, Ian Summers, ed. (Workman)
- 2. Faeries, Brian Froud & Alan Lee (Abrams)
- 3. The Magic Goes Away, Larry Niven, illustrated by Esteban Maroto (Ace)
- 4. The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo, Boris Vallejo (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 5. The Illustrated Roger Zelazny, Roger Zelazny, illustrated by Gray Morrow (Baronet)
- 6. Age of Dreams, Alicia Austin (Donald M. Grant)
- 7. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, Robert Holdstock, ed. (Octopus/Mayflower)
- 8. Empire, Samuel R. Delany, illustrated by Howard Chaykin (Berkley)
- 9. Fantasy by Fabian, Stephen Fabian (de la Ree)
- 10. Frank Frazetta, Book III, Frank Frazetta (Peacock/Bantam)
- 11. The Second Book of Virgil Finlay, Virgil Finlay (de la Ree)
- 12. The Flight of Icarus, Donald Lehmkuhl, edited by Martyn Dean & Roger Dean (A & W)
- 13. Beauty and the Beast, Chris Achilleos (Fireside/Simon & Schuster)
- Novela
- Varley, John Herbert - Mé oči se za mnou zavřely 83% / 36
- “The Persistence of Vision”, John Varley (F&SF Mar 1978)
- Charles Sheffield
- Reamy, Tom - Hmyz v jantaru 58% / 5
- Pamela Sargent
- Gene Wolfe
- Joan Vinge
- Michael Bishop
- Gene Wolfe
- Christopher M. Priest
- Brian W. Aldiss
- 2. “The Watched”, Christopher Priest (F&SF Apr 1978)
- 3. “Seven American Nights”, Gene Wolfe (Orbit 20)
- 4. “Old Folks at Home”, Michael Bishop (Universe 8)
- 5. “Fireship”, Joan D. Vinge (Analog Dec 1978)
- 6. “The Doctor of Death Island”, Gene Wolfe (Immortal)
- 7. “The Renewal”, Pamela Sargent (Immortal)
- 8. “Insects in Amber”, Tom Reamy (F&SF Jan 1978)
- 9. “The Treasure of Odirex”, Charles Sheffield (Fantastic Jul 1978)
- 10. “A Chinese Perspective”, Brian W. Aldiss (Anticipations)
- Noveleta
- Varley, John Herbert - Vrah barbie 72% / 17
- “The Barbie Murders”, John Varley (Asimov's Jan/Feb 1978)
- Raphael Aloysius Lafferty
- Avram J. A. Davidson
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Donald Kingsbury
- Thomas Michael Disch
- Stephen King
- Algirdas Jonas Budrys
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Dean Charles Ing
- Frederik Pohl
- Orson Scott Card
- Anderson, Poul William - Lovcův měsíc 74% / 14
- Michael Bishop
- 2. “Hunter's Moon”, Poul Anderson (Analog Nov 1978)
- 3. “Mikal's Songbird”, Orson Scott Card (Analog May 1978)
- 4. “Swanilda's Song”, Frederik Pohl (Analog Oct 1978)
- 5. “Devil You Don't Know”, Dean Ing (Analog Jan 1978)
- 6. “In Alien Flesh”, Gregory Benford (F&SF Sep 1978)
- 7. “The Nuptial Flight of Warbirds”, Algis Budrys (Analog May 1978)
- 8. (tie): “The Gunslinger”, Stephen King (F&SF Oct 1978)
- 8. (tie): “The Man Who Had No Idea”, Thomas M. Disch (F&SF Oct 1978)
- 10. “Shipwright”, Donald Kingsbury (Analog Apr 1978)
- 11. “Black Glass”, Fritz Leiber (Andromeda 3)
- 12. “Starswarmer”, Gregory Benford (Analog Sep 1978)
- 13. “A Good Night's Sleep” (aka “Sleep Well of Nights“), Avram Davidson (F&SF Aug 1978)
- 14. “The Morphology of the Kirkham Wreck”, Hilbert Schenck (F&SF Sep 1978)
- 15. “Selenium Ghosts of the Eighteen Seventies”, R. A. Lafferty (Universe 8)
- 16. “Within the Walls of Tyre”, Michael Bishop (Weirdbook #13 1978)
- Povídka
- Ellison, Harlan - Počítám, jak zvon odbíjí čas 67% / 7
- Harlan Ellison - Count the Clock that Tells the Time
- 2. “View From a Height”, Joan D. Vinge (Analog Jun 1978)
- 3. “Stone”, Edward Bryant (F&SF Feb 1978)
- 4. “Virra”, Terry Carr (F&SF Oct 1978)
- 5. “A Hiss of Dragon”, Gregory Benford & Marc Laidlaw (Omni Dec 1978)
- 6. “Cassandra”, C. J. Cherryh (F&SF Oct 1978)
- 7. “Drink Me, Francesca”, Richard Cowper (F&SF Apr 1978)
- 8. “A Thousand Deaths”, Orson Scott Card (Omni Dec 1978)
- 9. (tie): “SQ”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Cassandra Rising)
- 9. (tie): “Whores”, Christopher Priest (New Dimensions 8)
- 11. “The Very Slow Time Machine”, Ian Watson (Anticipations)
- 12. “Gotcha!”, Ray Bradbury (Redbook Aug 1978)
- 13. “A Quiet Revolution for Death”, Jack Dann (New Dimensions 8)
- Román
- McIntyre, Vonda N. - Strážce snů 68% / 28
- Dreamsnake, Vonda N. McIntyre (Houghton Mifflin)
- Joan Vinge
- Charles Sheffield
- King, Stephen - Svědectví 90% / 160
- Michael John Moorcock
- Cherryh, Carolyn Janice - Stárnoucí Slunce II - Shon'Jir 86% / 52
- Spider Robinson
- Jeanne Robinson
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- James Tiptree, jr.
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Tom Reamy
- McCaffrey, Anne Inez - Bílý drak 88% / 42
- Cherryh, Carolyn Janice - Stárnoucí Slunce I - Kesrith 84% / 60
- Ben Bova
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Královna bouře 80% / 29
- Gordon Rupert Dickson
- Anderson, Poul William - Avatar - Inkarnace hvězd 66% / 8
- Zelazny, Roger - Dvory Chaosu 86% / 147
- Gardner Raymond Dozois
- Gore Vidal
- 2. Blind Voices, Tom Reamy (Berkley Putnam)
- 3. The White Dragon, Anne McCaffrey (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 4. The Faded Sun: Kesrith, C. J. Cherryh (DAW)
- 5. Colony, Ben Bova (Pocket)
- 6. Stormqueen!, Marion Zimmer Bradley (DAW)
- 7. The Far Call, Gordon R. Dickson (Dial)
- 8. The Avatar, Poul Anderson (Berkley/Putnam)
- 9. The Courts of Chaos, Roger Zelazny (Doubleday)
- 10. Strangers, Gardner Dozois (Berkley/Putnam)
- 11. The Stars In Shroud, Gregory Benford (Berkley/Putnam)
- 12. Up the Walls of the World, James Tiptree, Jr. (Berkley/Putnam)
- 13. The Outcasts of Heaven's Belt, Joan D. Vinge (Signet)
- 14. Sight of Proteus, Charles Sheffield (Ace)
- 15. The Stand, Stephen King (Doubleday)
- 16. Journey, Marta Randall (Pocket)
- 17. Gloriana, Michael Moorcock (Allison & Busby)
- 18. Saint Camber, Katherine Kurtz (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 19. The Faded Sun: Shon'jir, C. J. Cherryh (DAW)
- 20. “Stardance II”, Spider Robinson & Jeanne Robinson (Analog Sep,Oct,Nov 1978)
- 21. (tie): “The Eye of the Heron”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Millennial Women)
- 21. (tie): Hotel Transylvania, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (St. Martin's)
- 23. Masters of Solitude, Marvin Kaye & Parke Godwin (Doubleday)
- 24. A Different Light, Elizabeth A. Lynn (Berkley)
- 25. Kalki, Gore Vidal (Random House)
- Sbírka
Nominován byl Stephen King za sbírku „Night Shift“, v češtině vyšlo rozdělené do 2 knih „Noční směna“ a „Mrtví se někdy vracejí“.
- John Herbert Varley
- The Persistence of Vision, John Varley (The Dial Press/James Wade/Quantum)
- Phyllis Eisenstein
- James Graham Ballard
- Karl Edward Wagner
- Algirdas Jonas Budrys
- Eric Frank Russell
- Kate Wilhelm
- King, Stephen - Noční směna 87% / 86
- King, Stephen - Mrtví se někdy vracejí 88% / 67
- Lyon Sprague de Camp
- Joan Vinge
- Joe Haldeman
- Poul William Anderson
- Edgar Pangborn
- Harlan Ellison
- Avram J. A. Davidson
- 2. Strange Wine, Harlan Ellison (Harper & Row)
- 3. Still I Persist in Wondering, Edgar Pangborn (Dell)
- 4. The Earth Book of Stormgate, Poul Anderson (Berkley/Putnam)
- 5. Infinite Dreams, Joe Haldeman (St. Martin's)
- 6. Fireship, Joan D. Vinge (Dell)
- 7. The Best of L. Sprague de Camp, L. Sprague de Camp (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 8. Night Shift, Stephen King (Doubleday)
- 9. Somerset Dreams and Other Fictions, Kate Wilhelm (Harper & Row)
- 10. The Best of Eric Frank Russell, Eric Frank Russell (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 11. Blood and Burning, Algis Budrys (Berkley)
- 12. Night Winds, Karl Edward Wagner (Warner)
- 13. (tie): The Best Short Stories of J.G. Ballard, J. G. Ballard (Holt, Rinehart & Winston)
- 13. (tie): Born to Exile, Phyllis Eisenstein (Arkham House)
- 15. The Redward Edward Papers, Avram Davidson (Doubleday)
- Výtvarník
- Boris Vallejo
- 2. Michael Whelan
- 3. Stephen Fabian
- 4. Vincent Di Fate
- 5. Frank Kelly Freas
- 6. Rick Sternbach
- 7. George Barr
- 8. Frank Frazetta
- 9. Tim Kirk
- 10. David Hardy
- 11. Darrell Sweet
- 12. Alicia Austin
- 13. Brian Froud
- 14. Richard Powers
- 15. The Brothers Hildebrandt
- 16. William Rotsler
- 17. Jack Gaughan
- 18. Alexis Gilliland