Locus Award
WWW stránky ocenění: Locus Award
Cena Locus Award, nebo Locus, je každoročně od roku 1971 udělována čtenáři amerického časopisu Locus Magazine nejlepším dílům žánrů science fiction a fantasy uplynulého roku. Ceně je přikládán veliký význam především proto, že počet anketních lístků od čtenářů převyšuje počet hlasů u cen Hugo i Nebula dohromady a je tedy hodnocením širšího vzorku respondentů.
ročník: 12
Ceny byly uděleny za rok 1981.
- Antologie
- Asprin; Abbey - Stíny Asyla 72% / 20
- Shadows of Sanctuary, Robert Lynn Asprin, ed. (Ace)
- Terry Carr
- Terry Carr
- 2. Universe 11, Terry Carr, ed. (Doubleday)
- 3. The Best Science Fiction of the Year #10, Terry Carr, ed. (Timescape)
- 4. New Voices 4, George R. R. Martin, ed. (Berkley)
- 5. Flashing Swords #5: Demons and Daggers, Lin Carter, ed. (Dell)
- 6. New Dimensions 12, Marta Randall & Robert Silverberg, eds. (Timescape)
- 7. The 1981 Annual World's Best SF, Donald A. Wollheim, ed. with Arthur W. Saha (DAW)
- 8. Dragons of Darkness, Orson Scott Card, ed. (Ace)
- 9. Elsewhere, Terri Windling & Mark Alan Arnold, eds. (Ace)
- 10. The Magic May Return, Larry Niven, ed. (Ace)
- 11. A Treasury of Modern Fantasy, Terry Carr & Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. (Avon)
- 12. Shadows 4, Charles L. Grant, ed. (Doubleday)
- 13. Destinies Vol. 3, No. 1, Winter, 1981, Jim Baen, ed. (Ace)
- 14. Whispers III, Stuart David Schiff, ed. (Doubleday)
- 15. The Berkley Showcase Vol. 4, Victoria Schochet & John Silbersack, eds. (Berkley)
- 16. Stellar #7, Judy-Lynn del Rey, ed. (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 17. Fantasy Annual III, Terry Carr, ed. (Timescape)
- 18. What If? Vol. 2, Richard A. Lupoff, ed. (Pocket)
- 19. Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories: 5 (1943), Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, eds. (DAW)
- 20. Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume Four, Arthur C. Clarke, ed. (Gollancz)
- 21. Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories: 6 (1944), Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, eds. (DAW)
- 22. After the Fall, Robert Sheckley, ed. (Ace)
- 23. The Year's Best Horror Stories: Series IX, Karl Edward Wagner, ed. (DAW)
- 24. More Wandering Stars, Jack Dann, ed. (Doubleday)
- 25. Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Tenth Annual Collection, Gardner Dozois, ed. (Dutton)
- 26. Nebula Winners 15, Frank Herbert, ed. (Harper & Row)
- 27. The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 7, Arthur W. Saha, ed. (DAW)
- Časopis nebo fanzin
- F&SF
- 2. Locus
- 3. Asimov's
- 4. Analog
- 5. Omni
- 6. Twilight Zone
- 7. Science Fiction Review
- 8. Amazing Stories
- 9. Fantasy Newsletter
- 10. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 11. Starlog
- 12. Starship
- 13. Patchin Review
- 14. Destinies (Ace)
- 15. File 770
- 16. Shayol
- 17. Rigel
- Fantasy román
- Wolfe, Gene - Smiřitelův spár 74% / 7
- The Claw of the Conciliator, Gene Wolfe (Timescape)
- Anthony, Piers - Modrý adept 86% / 45
- King, Stephen - Cujo 76% / 107
- Andre Norton
- Zelazny, Roger - Divomág 69% / 34
- Nancy Springer
- Avram J. A. Davidson
- Tanith Lee
- Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- Tanith Lee
- Kate Wilhelm
- Andre Norton
- Wilson, Francis Paul - Pevnost 79% / 39
- Michael John Moorcock
- Zelazny, Roger - Země změn 78% / 33
- Crowley, John - Malý, velký 76% / 23
- 2. Little, Big, John Crowley (Bantam)
- 3. The Changing Land, Roger Zelazny (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 4. The War Hound and the World's Pain, Michael Moorcock (Timescape)
- 5. The Captive, Robert Stallman (Timescape)
- 6. Camber the Heretic, Katherine Kurtz (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 7. The Keep, F. Paul Wilson (Morrow)
- 8. Horn Crown, Andre Norton (DAW)
- 9. A Sense of Shadow, Kate Wilhelm (Houghton Mifflin)
- 10. Lycanthia, Tanith Lee (DAW)
- 11. Path of the Eclipse, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (St. Martin's)
- 12. Delusion's Master, Tanith Lee (DAW)
- 13. Peregrine: Secundus, Avram Davidson (Berkley)
- 14. Kingdom of Summer, Gillian Bradshaw (Simon & Schuster)
- 15. Esbae: A Winter's Tale, Linda Haldeman (Avon)
- 16. Journey Behind the Wind, Patricia Wrightson (Atheneum)
- 17. The Sable Moon, Nancy Springer (Pocket)
- 18. Madwand, Roger Zelazny (Phantasia; Ace)
- 19. Gryphon in Glory, Andre Norton (Atheneum)
- 20. Too Long a Sacrifice, Mildred Downey Broxon (Dell)
- 21. Cujo, Stephen King (Viking)
- 22. Blue Adept, Piers Anthony (Ballantine Del Rey)
- Kniha mimo beletrii
- King, Stephen - Danse Macabre 76% / 8
- Danse Macabre, Stephen King (Everest)
- Damon Francis Knight
- Charles Sheffield
- Martin Harry Greenberg
- S. T. Joshi
- Humphrey William Bouverie Carpenter
- Forrest James Ackerman
- 2. Anatomy of Wonder, 2nd Edition, Neil Barron, ed. (R.R. Bowker)
- 3. The Art of Leo & Diane Dillon, Leo & Diane Dillon, edited by Byron Preiss (Ballantine)
- 4. After Man, Dougal Dixon (Macmillan)
- 5. The Grand Tour, Ron Miller & William K. Hartmann (Workman)
- 6. PKD: A Philip K. Dick Bibliography, Daniel J. H. Levack (Underwood-Miller)
- 7. The Science Fiction Reference Book, Marshall B. Tymn, ed. (Starmont)
- 8. The Tanelorn Archives, Richard Bilyeu (Pandora's Books)
- 9. Creating Short Fiction, Damon Knight (Writer's Digest Books)
- 10. Virgil Finlay Remembered, Gerry de la Ree, ed. (de la Ree)
- 11. Twentieth-Century Science-Fiction Writers, Curtis C. Smith, ed. (St. Martin's)
- 12. Earth Watch, Charles Sheffield (Macmillan)
- 13. Horror Literature, Marshall B. Tymn, ed. (Bowker)
- 14. Fantastic Lives, Martin H. Greenberg, ed. (Southern Illinois University Press)
- 15. Twentieth-Century American Science Fiction Writers, David Cowart & Thomas L. Wymer, eds. (Gale)
- 16. H.P. Lovecraft: An Annotated Bibliography, S. T. Joshi (Kent State University Press)
- 17. Index to the Science Fiction Magazines: 1980, Jerry Boyajian & Kenneth R. Johnson (Twaci Press)
- 18. Dinosaurs, William Stout, William Service & Byron Preiss (Bantam)
- 19. The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, Humphrey Carpenter, ed. (Houghton Mifflin)
- 20. A Reference Guide to American Science Fiction Films, Vol. 1, A. W. Strickland & Forrest J Ackerman (T.I.S. Publications)
- 21. Index to the Science Fiction Magazines: 1979, Jerry Boyajian & Kenneth R. Johnson (Twaci Press)
- Novela
- John Herbert Varley
- John Varley - Blue Champagne
- Marc Stiegler
- David Brin
- Jack Dann
- Charles L. Harness
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Kate Wilhelm
- Kate Wilhelm
- Vernor Vinge
- Carolyn Janice Cherryh
- Michael Shea
- Robert Silverberg
- Phyllis Eisenstein
- Anderson, Poul William - Saturnská hra 73% / 6
- Tiptree, jr., James - Křehkýma, šílenýma rukama 63% / 4
- 2. “The Saturn Game”, Poul Anderson (Analog 2 Mar 1981)
- 3. “In the Western Tradition”, Phyllis Eisenstein (F&SF Mar 1981)
- 4. The Desert of Stolen Dreams, Robert Silverberg (Underwood-Miller)
- 5. “With Delicate Mad Hands”, James Tiptree, Jr. (Out of the Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions)
- 6. “Polyphemus”, Michael Shea (F&SF Aug 1981)
- 7. Ealdwood, C. J. Cherryh (Donald M. Grant)
- 8. “True Names”, Vernor Vinge (Binary Star #5)
- 9. “The Winter Beach”, Kate Wilhelm (Redbook Sep 1981)
- 10. “With Thimbles, With Forks and Hope”, Kate Wilhelm (Asimov's 23 Nov 1981)
- 11. “Swarmer, Skimmer”, Gregory Benford (SF Digest Nov 1981)
- 12. “Emergence”, David R. Palmer (Analog 5 Jan 1981)
- 13. “The Venetian Court”, Charles L. Harness (Analog 30 Mar 1981)
- 14. “Amnesia”, Jack Dann (The Berkley Showcase Vol. 3)
- 15. “The Loom of Thessaly”, David Brin (Asimov's 23 Nov 1981)
- 16. “Petals of Rose”, Marc Stiegler (Analog 9 Nov 1981)
- 17. “Which Way to the Ends of Time?”, Michael McCollum (Analog 17 Aug 1981)
- 18. “Through All Your Houses Wandering”, Ted Reynolds (Asimov's 16 Mar 1981)
- Noveleta
- Martin, George R. R. - Strážci 87% / 20
- “Guardians”, George R. R. Martin (Analog 12 Oct 1981)
- 2. “Unicorn Variation”, Roger Zelazny (Asimov's 13 Apr 1981)
- 3. “The Thermals of August”, Edward Bryant (F&SF May 1981)
- 4. “The Haunted Tower”, C. J. Cherryh (Sunfall)
- 5. “Out of the Everywhere”, James Tiptree, Jr. (Out of the Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions)
- 6. “The Fire When It Comes”, Parke Godwin (F&SF May 1981)
- 7. “Murder on Lupozny Station”, Michael Bishop & Gerald W. Page (F&SF Apr 1981)
- 8. “Elric at the End of Time”, Michael Moorcock (Elsewhere)
- 9. “Lirios: A Tale of the Quintana Roo”, James Tiptree, Jr. (Asimov's 28 Sep 1981)
- 10. “The Quickening”, Michael Bishop (Universe 11)
- 11. “The Giftie Gie Us”, Timothy Zahn (Analog 20 Jul 1981)
- 12. “A Thousand Paces Along the Via Dolorosa”, Robert Silverberg (Twilight Zone Jul 1981)
- 13. “Mummer Kiss”, Michael Swanwick (Universe 11)
- 14. “Vox Olympica”, Michael Bishop (Omni Dec 1981)
- 15. “The Summer's Dust”, Pamela Sargent (F&SF Jul 1981)
- 16. “H-Tec”, Charles L. Harness (Analog 25 May 1981)
- 17. “Stuff of Dreams”, Lewis Shiner (F&SF Apr 1981)
- 18. “These Stones Will Remember”, Reginald Bretnor (Asimov's 16 Feb 1981)
- 19. “Waiting for the Earthquake”, Robert Silverberg (The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 2)
- 20. “Johnny Mnemonic”, William Gibson (Omni May 1981)
- 21. “Walden Three”, Michael Swanwick (New Dimensions 12)
- 22. “Mythago Wood”, Robert Holdstock (F&SF Sep 1981)
- 23. “Going Under”, Jack Dann (Omni Sep 1981)
- 24. “Blind Spot”, Jayge Carr (Omni Jul 1981)
- 25. “Shadows on the Cave Wall”, Nancy Kress (Universe 11)
- 26. “Blue Apes”, Phyllis Gotlieb (The Berkley Showcase Vol. 4)
- 27. “Werewind”, J. Michael Reaves (F&SF Jul 1981)
- 28. “A Thief in Ni-Moya”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's 21 Dec 1981)
- Povídka
- Varley, John Herbert - Překupník 62% / 17
- “The Pusher”, John Varley (F&SF Oct 1981)
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Pat Cadigan
- Charles Sheffield
- Thomas Michael Disch
- Gibson, William - Zázemí 75% / 13
- Pat Cadigan
- Gibson, William - Gernsbackovo kontinuum 63% / 31
- Tuttle, Lisa - Kostěná flétna 65% / 8
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Carter Robert Scholz
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Učedníci 68% / 6
- Damon Francis Knight
- Robert Silverberg
- Robinson, Spider - Hadí zuby
- Martin, George R. R. - Jehláci 71% / 22
- Carolyn Janice Cherryh
- Martin, George R. R. - Nezapomenutelná Melodie 67% / 26
- Gene Wolfe
- Gregory Albert Benford
- George Florance-Guthridge
- Robert Silverberg
- Somtow Sucharitkul
- Dozois; Haldeman II - Milosrdenství 73% / 8
- Ellison, Harlan - Na mramorové desce 69% / 9
- 2. “Serpent's Teeth”, Spider Robinson (Omni Mar 1981)
- 3. “The Needle Men”, George R. R. Martin (F&SF Oct 1981)
- 4. “The Only Death in the City”, C. J. Cherryh (Sunfall)
- 5. “Remembering Melody”, George R. R. Martin (Twilight Zone Apr 1981)
- 6. “The Woman the Unicorn Loved”, Gene Wolfe (Asimov's 8 Jun 1981)
- 7. “Exposures”, Gregory Benford (Asimov's 6 Jul 1981)
- 8. “The Quiet”, George Florance-Guthridge (F&SF Jul 1981)
- 9. “The Palace at Midnight”, Robert Silverberg (Omni Jul 1981)
- 10. “Absent Thee from Felicity Awhile”, Somtow Sucharitkul (Analog 14 Sep 1981)
- 11. “Executive Clemency”, Gardner Dozois & Jack C. Haldeman II (Omni Nov 1981)
- 12. “The Regulars”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's 11 May 1981)
- 13. “Walk the Ice”, Mildred Downey Broxon (F&SF Jan 1981)
- 14. “Forever”, Damon Knight (Omni Nov 1981)
- 15. “The Shroud”, Michael McCollum (Analog 2 Mar 1981)
- 16. “Disciples”, Gardner Dozois (More Wandering Stars)
- 17. “Venice Drowned”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Universe 11)
- 18. “Second Comings—Reasonable Rates”, Pat Cadigan (F&SF Feb 1981)
- 19. “The Softest Hammer”, Charles Sheffield (F&SF Feb 1981)
- 20. “The Grown-Up”, Thomas M. Disch (High Times Jul 1981)
- 21. “Hinterlands”, William Gibson (Omni Oct 1981)
- 22. “The Coming of the Doll”, Pat Cadigan (F&SF Jun 1981)
- 23. “Mud/Aurora”, D. D. Storm (Asimov's 23 Nov 1981)
- 24. “The Gernsback Continuum”, William Gibson (Universe 11)
- 25. “The Bone Flute”, Lisa Tuttle (F&SF May 1981)
- 26. “Casey's Empire”, Nancy Kress (F&SF Nov 1981)
- 27. “Altamira”, Carter Scholz (F&SF Dec 1981)
- 28. “On the Slab”, Harlan Ellison (Omni Oct 1981)
- Románová prvotina
- Somtow Sucharitkul
- Starship & Haiku, Somtow Sucharitkul (Timescape)
- Alfred Angelo Attanasio
- Karl Hansen
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Stephen Leigh
- Gray, Alasdair - Lanark 80% / 1
- Steve Perry
- 2. At the Eye of the Ocean, Hilbert Schenck (Timescape)
- 3. Radix, A. A. Attanasio (Morrow)
- 4. The Breaking of Northwall, Paul O. Williams (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 5. War Games, Karl Hansen (Playboy)
- 6. The Prince of Morning Bells, Nancy Kress (Timescape)
- 7. Revolution from Rosinante, Alexis Gilliland (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 8. A Storm Upon Ulster, Kenneth Flint (Bantam)
- 9. Under the City of Angels, Jerry Earl Brown (Bantam)
- 10. Slow Fall to Dawn, Stephen Leigh (Bantam)
- 11. Tintagel, Paul H. Cook (Berkley)
- 12. Lanark, Alasdair Gray (Harper & Row)
- 13. Pilgrimage, Drew Mendelson (DAW)
- 14. Daystar and Shadow, James B. Johnson (DAW)
- 15. (tie): The Former King, Adam Corby (Timescape)
- 15. (tie): The Tularemia Gambit, Steve Perry (Fawcett)
- Sbírka
- Martin, George R. R. - Písečníci 90% / 92
- Sandkings, George R. R. Martin (Timescape)
- H. Beam Piper
- Robinson, Spider - Cestovatelé v čase platí hotově
- Frank Malcolm Robinson
- Walter S. Tevis
- Charles Sheffield
- Philip José Farmer
- John Thomas Sladek
- Anderson, Poul William - Vítězové 78% / 12
- Samuel Ray Delany
- Kate Wilhelm
- H. Beam Piper
- Orson Scott Card
- James Tiptree, jr.
- Randall Garrett
- Edward Winslow Bryant
- Carolyn Janice Cherryh
- Gene Wolfe
- Charles L. Grant
- 2. Gene Wolfe's Book of Days, Gene Wolfe (Doubleday)
- 3. Sunfall, C. J. Cherryh (DAW)
- 4. Particle Theory, Edward Bryant (Timescape)
- 5. Lord Darcy Investigates, Randall Garrett (Ace)
- 6. Out of the Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions, James Tiptree, Jr. (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 7. Unaccompanied Sonata and Other Stories, Orson Scott Card (Dial)
- 8. Paratime, H. Beam Piper (Ace)
- 9. The Woman Who Loved the Moon and Other Stories, Elizabeth A. Lynn (Berkley)
- 10. Listen, Listen, Kate Wilhelm (Houghton Mifflin)
- 11. Distant Stars, Samuel R. Delany (Bantam)
- 12. Winners, Poul Anderson (Tor)
- 13. The Best of John Sladek, John Sladek (Pocket)
- 14. Father to the Stars, Philip José Farmer (Tor)
- 15. Hidden Variables, Charles Sheffield (Ace)
- 16. Far from Home, Walter S. Tevis (Doubleday)
- 17. A Life in the Day of... and Other Short Stories, Frank M. Robinson (Bantam)
- 18. Time Travelers Strictly Cash, Spider Robinson (Ace)
- 19. Federation, H. Beam Piper (Ace)
- 20. A Glow of Candles and Other Stories, Charles L. Grant (Berkley)
- Sci - fi román
- May, Julian - Svět mnoha barev 75% / 19
- The Many-Colored Land, Julian May (Houghton Mifflin)
- Philip José Farmer
- Ben Bova
- Janet Morris
- Cherryh, Carolyn Janice - Chanuřina Pýcha 79% / 25
- James Edwin Gunn
- Suzette Haden Elgin
- Hogan, James Patrick - Hvězda Obrů 83% / 18
- Christopher M. Priest
- Ian Watson
- Dick, Philip K. - Valis 66% / 35
- Chalker, Jack L. - Lilith: Had v trávě 86% / 19
- Dean Charles Ing
- Phyllis Eisenstein
- Alfred Angelo Attanasio
- Joe Haldeman
- Jerry Pournelle
- Martin; Tuttle - Křídla snů 80% / 45
- Cherryh, Carolyn Janice - Stanice Pell 77% / 44
- Larry Niven
- Steven Barnes
- Clifford D. Simak
- Herbert, Frank - Božský imperátor Duny 81% / 169
- Frederik Pohl
- Marion Zimmer Bradley
- Larry Niven
- Jerry Pournelle
- Russell Hoban
- Dick, Philip K. - Božská invaze 80% / 23
- Jack Vance
- Carolyn Janice Cherryh
- 2. Windhaven, George R. R. Martin & Lisa Tuttle (Timescape)
- 3. Downbelow Station, C. J. Cherryh (DAW)
- 4. Dream Park, Larry Niven & Steven Barnes (Phantasia; Ace)
- 5. Project Pope, Clifford D. Simak (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 6. God Emperor of Dune, Frank Herbert (Putnam)
- 7. The Cool War, Frederik Pohl (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 8. Sharra's Exile, Marion Zimmer Bradley (DAW)
- 9. Oath of Fealty, Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle (Phantasia; Timescape)
- 10. Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban (Summit)
- 11. The Divine Invasion, Philip K. Dick (Timescape)
- 12. The Book of Dreams, Jack Vance (DAW)
- 13. The Sardonyx Net, Elizabeth A. Lynn (Putnam)
- 14. King David's Spaceship, Jerry Pournelle (Simon & Schuster)
- 15. Worlds, Joe Haldeman (Viking)
- 16. At the Eye of the Ocean, Hilbert Schenck (Timescape)
- 17. Radix, A. A. Attanasio (Morrow)
- 18. The Unreasoning Mask, Philip José Farmer (Putnam)
- 19. Voyagers, Ben Bova (Doubleday)
- 20. Dream Dancer, Janet Morris (Putnam)
- 21. The Pride of Chanur, C. J. Cherryh (DAW)
- 22. The Dreamers, James Gunn (Simon & Schuster)
- 23. Twelve Fair Kingdoms, Suzette Haden Elgin (Doubleday)
- 24. Giants' Star, James Hogan (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 25. The Affirmation, Christopher Priest (Scribners)
- 26. Deathhunter, Ian Watson (Gollancz)
- 27. VALIS, Philip K. Dick (Bantam)
- 28. Lilith, Jack L. Chalker (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 29. Systemic Shock, Dean Ing (Ace)
- 30. (tie): In the Hands of Glory, Phyllis Eisenstein (Timescape)
- 30. (tie): Wave Without a Shore, C. J. Cherryh (DAW)
- Vydavatel
- Pocket/Timescape
- 2. Ballantine/Del Rey
- 3. DAW
- 4. Ace
- 5. Berkley/Putnam
- 6. Science Fiction Book Club
- 7. Underwood-Miller
- 8. Bantam
- 9. Doubleday
- 10. Pinnacle/Tor
- 11. Phantasia
- 12. (tie): Donald M. Grant
- 12. (tie): Houghton Mifflin
- 14. Atheneum
- 15. Gregg Press
- 16. St. Martin's
- 17. Playboy
- 18. Donning/Starblaze
- Výtvarník
- Michael Whelan
- 2. Don Maitz
- 3. Rowena Morrill
- 4. Stephen Fabian
- 5. Boris Vallejo
- 6. Vincent Di Fate
- 7. Alicia Austin
- 8. Leo & Diane Dillon
- 9. Darrell Sweet
- 10. Alexis Gilliland
- 11. Val Lakey
- 12. (tie): Carl Lundgren
- 12. (tie): Wayne Barlowe
- 14. Frank Kelly Freas
- 15. (tie): Frank Frazetta
- 15. (tie): Ron Miller
- 17. Victoria Poyser
- 18. Thomas Canty
- 19. Janet Aulisio
- 20. (tie): Ron Walotsky
- 20. (tie): George Barr
- 20. (tie): Rick Sternbach
- 23. Paul Lehr
- 24. David Mattingly
- 25. David Hardy
- 26. Wendy Pini
- 27. William Rotsler
- 28. Richard Corben