Locus Award
WWW stránky ocenění: Locus Award
Cena Locus Award, nebo Locus, je každoročně od roku 1971 udělována čtenáři amerického časopisu Locus Magazine nejlepším dílům žánrů science fiction a fantasy uplynulého roku. Ceně je přikládán veliký význam především proto, že počet anketních lístků od čtenářů převyšuje počet hlasů u cen Hugo i Nebula dohromady a je tedy hodnocením širšího vzorku respondentů.
ročník: 31
- Antologie
- Gardner Raymond Dozois
- The Year's Best Science Fiction: Seventeenth Annual Collection, Gardner Dozois, ed. (St. Martin's)
- 2. The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Thirteenth Annual Collection, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (St. Martin's)
- 3. Year's Best SF 5, David G. Hartwell, ed. (Eos)
- 4. Vanishing Acts, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Tor)
- 5. Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora, Sheree R. Thomas, ed. (Warner Aspect)
- 6. Black Heart, Ivory Bones, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (St. Martin's)
- 7. The SFWA Grand Masters: Volume Two, Frederik Pohl, ed. (Tor)
- 8. Nebula Awards Showcase 2000, Gregory Benford, ed. (Harcourt)
- 9. The Furthest Horizon: SF Adventures to the Far Future, Gardner Dozois, ed. (St. Martin's Griffin)
- 10. Arkham's Masters of Horror, Peter Ruber, ed. (Arkham House)
- 11. Explorers: SF Adventures to Far Horizons, Gardner Dozois, ed. (St. Martin's Griffin)
- 12. October Dreams: A Celebration of Halloween, Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, eds. (Cemetery Dance Publications)
- 13. Skylife: Space Habitats in Story and Science, Gregory Benford & George Zebrowski, eds. (Harcourt)
- 14. Dark Terrors 5, Stephen Jones & David Sutton, eds. (Gollancz)
- 15. Star Colonies, Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, eds. (DAW)
- 16. Whispers from the Cotton Tree Root: Caribbean Fabulist Fiction, Nalo Hopkinson, ed. (Invisible Cities Press)
- 17. A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Simon & Schuster)
- 18. The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Eleven, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson; Carroll & Graf)
- 19. Foursight, Peter Crowther, ed. (Gollancz; Warner Aspect)
- Časopis
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Interzone
- 5. Realms of Fantasy
- 6. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 7. Cemetery Dance
- 8. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 9. Science Fiction Age
- 10. Weird Tales
- 11. Science Fiction Weekly
- 12. Spectrum SF
- 13. Ansible
- 14. Century
- 15. Sci Fiction
- 16. Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine
- 17. Amazing Stories
- 18. Aboriginal SF
- Editor
- David G. Hartwell
- Ellen Sue Datlow
- Scott Edelman
- David Pringle
- Terri Windling
- Martin Harry Greenberg
- Shawna McCarthy
- Stephen Jones
- 2. Ellen Datlow
- 3. Gordon Van Gelder
- 4. David G. Hartwell
- 5. Stanley Schmidt
- 6. David Pringle
- 7. Terri Windling
- 8. Patrick Nielsen Hayden
- 9. Martin H. Greenberg
- 10. Scott Edelman
- 11. Stephen Jones
- 12. Shawna McCarthy
- Fantasy román
Na 25. místě se umístil Thomas Harlan s románem „The Gate of Fire“, v češtině vyšel rozdělený do dvou knih.
- Martin, George R. R. - Bouře mečů 93% / 275
- A Storm of Swords, George R. R. Martin (HarperCollins Voyager; Bantam Spectra)
- Tanith Lee
- Haydon, Elizabeth - Proroctví 80% / 12
- Hobb, Robin - Loď osudu 82% / 9
- Rowling, Joanne Kathleen - Harry Potter a Ohnivý pohár 83% / 496
- P. D. Cacek
- Greg Keyes
- Robin McKinley
- Diane Wynne Jones
- Barbara Hambly
- Harlan, Thomas - Ohnivá brána 80% / 6
- Jordan, Robert - Srdce zimy 91% / 11
- Hamilton, Laurell K. - Polibek stínů 71% / 16
- John Crowley
- Tim Powers
- Pullman, Philip - Jantarové kukátko 84% / 79
- Miéville, China - Nádraží Perdido 89% / 234
- Gentle, Mary - Utajená historie 75% / 4
- Sean Stewart
- Kay, Guy Gavriel - Pán císařů 87% / 15
- Charles de Lint
- Pratchett, Terry - Pravda 89% / 194
- Carolyn Janice Cherryh
- Patricia A. McKillip
- Harlan, Thomas - Smrtící prokletí 70% / 3
- 2. Declare, Tim Powers (Subterranean Press; Morrow 2001)
- 3. The Amber Spyglass, Philip Pullman (Knopf)
- 4. Perdido Street Station, China Miéville (Macmillan; Ballantine Del Rey 2001)
- 5. Ash: A Secret History, Mary Gentle (Gollancz; Eos)
- 6. Galveston, Sean Stewart (Ace)
- 7. Lord of Emperors, Guy Gavriel Kay (Viking Canada; HarperPrism)
- 8. Forests of the Heart, Charles de Lint (Tor)
- 9. The Truth, Terry Pratchett (Transworld; HarperCollins)
- 10. Fortress of Dragons, C. J. Cherryh (Eos)
- 11. The Tower at Stony Wood, Patricia A. McKillip (Ace)
- 12. Daemonomania, John Crowley (Bantam)
- 13. A Kiss of Shadows, Laurell K. Hamilton (Ballantine)
- 14. Winter's Heart, Robert Jordan (Tor)
- 15. White as Snow, Tanith Lee (Tor)
- 16. Prophecy, Elizabeth Haydon (Tor)
- 17. Ship of Destiny, Robin Hobb (HarperCollins Voyager; Bantam Spectra)
- 18. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, J. K. Rowling (Bloomsbury; Scholastic)
- 19. (tie): Canyons, P. D. Cacek (Tor)
- 19. (tie): King Kelson's Bride, Katherine Kurtz (Ace)
- 21. Empire of Unreason, J. Gregory Keyes (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 22. (tie): Spindle's End, Robin McKinley (Putnam)
- 22. (tie): Year of the Griffin, Diana Wynne Jones (Greenwillow)
- 24. Knight of the Demon Queen, Barbara Hambly (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 25. The Gate of Fire, Thomas Harlan (Tor)
- 26. The Grand Ellipse, Paula Volsky (Bantam Spectra)
- Kniha mimo beletrii
- King, Stephen - O psaní 83% / 38
- On Writing, Stephen King (Scribner)
- Daniel Keyes
- John Holm
- S. T. Joshi
- Damien Broderick
- 2. Robert A. Heinlein: A Reader's Companion, James Gifford (Nitrosyncretic Press)
- 3. Algernon, Charlie and I, Daniel Keyes (Challcrest Press)
- 4. Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography, A. E. Cunningham (The British Library)
- 5. Science Fiction Culture, Camille Bacon-Smith (University of Pennsylvania Press)
- 6. J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century, Tom Shippey (HarperCollins UK)
- 7. Man of Two Worlds: My Life in Science Fiction and Comics, Julius Schwartz, with Brian M. Thomsen (HarperCollins)
- 8. Lord of a Visible World: An Autobiography in Letters, H. P. Lovecraft, edited by S. T. Joshi & David E. Schultz (Ohio University Press)
- 9. Terry Pratchett: Guilty of Literature, Andrew M. Butler, Edward James & Farah Mendlesohn, eds. (The Science Fiction Foundation)
- 10. The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales, Jack Zipes, ed. (Oxford University Press)
- 11. The Strange Case of Edward Gorey, Alexander Theroux (Fantagraphics)
- 12. Critical Theory and Science Fiction, Carl Freedman (Wesleyan/New England)
- 13. French Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Pulp Fiction, Jean-Marc Lofficier & Randy Lofficier (MacFarland)
- 14. American Science Fiction and the Cold War, David Seed (Fitzroy Dearborn)
- 15. Transrealist Fiction: Writing in the Slipstream of Science, Damien Broderick (Greenwood Press)
- 16. At the Foot of the Story Tree: An Inquiry into the Fiction of Peter Straub, Bill Sheehan (Subterranean Press)
- 17. Vast Alchemies: The Life and Work of Mervyn Peake, G. Peter Winnington (Peter Owen)
- Kniha výtvarného umění
- Spectrum 7: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art, Cathy Fenner & Arnie Fenner, eds. (Underwood Books)
- 2. Frank Kelly Freas: As He Sees It, Frank Kelly Freas & Laura Brodian Freas (Paper Tiger)
- 3. Greetings from Earth: The Art of Bob Eggleton, Bob Eggleton & Nigel Suckling (Paper Tiger)
- 4. Horror of the 20th Century: An Illustrated History, Robert Weinberg (Collectors Press)
- 5. Comic Book Culture, Ron Goulart (Collectors Press)
- 6. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (by Jules Verne), Leo & Diane Dillon (HarperCollins/Books of Wonder)
- 7. Inner Visions: The Art of Ron Walotsky, Ron Walotsky (Paper Tiger)
- 8. The Art of Rowena, Doris Vallejo & Rowena Morrill (Paper Tiger)
- 9. Dreams: The Art of Boris Vallejo, Boris Vallejo (Thunder's Mouth Press)
- 10. The Frank Collection: A Showcase of the World's Finest Fantastic Art, Jane Frank & Howard Frank (Paper Tiger)
- 11. Vertigo Visions: Artwork from the Cutting Edge of Comics, Alisa Kwitney (Watson-Guptill)
- 12. Josh Kirby: A Cosmic Cornucopia, David Langford; artist Josh Kirby (Paper Tiger)
- 13. Journeyman: The Art of Chris Moore, Chris Moore & Stephen Gallagher (Paper Tiger)
- Novela
- Lucius Shepard
- Lucius Shepard - Radiant Green Star
- Reynolds, Alastair - Velká marsovská zeď 90% / 26
- G. David Nordley
- Elizabeth Hand
- William Barton
- Albert Edward Cowdrey
- McDonald, Ian - Příběh Tendeléo 86% / 16
- Peter F. Hamilton
- Cory Doctorow
- Tim Lebbon
- Lois Tilton
- Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Mistr Hledač 72% / 5
- Hamilton, Peter F. - Jak rostou stromy 77% / 9
- Greg Egan
- George R. R. Martin
- Chiang, Ted - Dvaasedmdesát písmen 80% / 45
- Michael Bishop
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Larry Niven
- Williamson, Jack - Země jaká bývala 64% / 8
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Prach reality 77% / 11
- R. Garcia y Robertson
- McAuley, Paul James - Jak se tvoří historie 74% / 8
- Rick Wilber
- 2. “Oracle”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Jul 2000)
- 3. “Path of the Dragon”, George R. R. Martin (Asimov's Dec 2000)
- 4. “Seventy-Two Letters”, Ted Chiang (Vanishing Acts)
- 5. “Blue Kansas Sky”, Michael Bishop (Blue Kansas Sky)
- 6. “Savior”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jun 2000)
- 7. “Fly-by-Night”, Larry Niven (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2000)
- 8. “The Ultimate Earth”, Jack Williamson (Analog Dec 2000)
- 9. Reality Dust, Stephen Baxter (PS Publishing)
- 10. “One-Eyed Jacks and Suicide Kings”, R. Garcia y Robertson (Asimov's Aug 2000)
- 11. Making History, Paul J. McAuley (PS Publishing)
- 12. Watching Trees Grow, Peter F. Hamilton (PS Publishing)
- 13. “The Retrieval Artist”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Analog Jun 2000)
- 14. “Great Wall of Mars”, Alastair Reynolds (Spectrum SF #1 Feb 2000)
- 15. “The Forest Between the Worlds”, G. David Nordley (Asimov's Feb 2000)
- 16. “Chip Crockett's Christmas Carol”, Elizabeth Hand (Sci Fiction 6 Dec 2000 - 27 Dec 2000)
- 17. “Heart of Glass”, William Barton (Asimov's Jan 2000)
- 18. “Crux”, Albert E. Cowdrey (F&SF Mar 2000)
- 19. Tendeléo's Story, Ian McDonald (PS Publishing)
- 20. “The Suspect Genome”, Peter F. Hamilton (Interzone #156 Jun 2000)
- 21. “A Place So Foreign”, Cory Doctorow (Science Fiction Age Jan 2000)
- 22. Naming of Parts, Tim Lebbon (PS Publishing)
- 23. “The Enclave”, Lois Tilton (Asimov's Sep 2000)
- 24. “To Leuchars”, Rick Wilber (Asimov's Sep 2000)
- Noveleta
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Narozeniny světa 67% / 10
- “The Birthday of the World”, Ursula K. Le Guin (F&SF Jun 2000)
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2. “On the Orion Line”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2000)
- 3. “Snowball in Hell”, Brian Stableford (Analog Dec 2000)
- 4. “Bloody Bunnies”, Bradley Denton (F&SF Apr 2000)
- 5. “The Elephants of Poznan”, Orson Scott Card (Galaxy Online Jan 2000)
- 6. “The Other Side”, James P. Blaylock (Sci Fiction 81 Oct 2000)
- 7. “Lincoln in Frogmore”, Andy Duncan (Beluthahatchie and Other Stories)
- 8. “Merlin's Gun”, Alastair Reynolds (Asimov's May 2000)
- 9. “The Rift”, Paul J. McAuley (Vanishing Acts)
- 10. “Primes”, Lewis Shiner (F&SF Oct/Nov 2000)
- 11. “Millennium Babies”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Jan 2000)
- 12. “Chitty Bang Bang”, Ian R. MacLeod (Asimov's Jun 2000)
- 13. “The Pottawatomie Giant”, Andy Duncan (Sci Fiction 1 Nov 2000)
- 14. “Feel the Zaz”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 2000)
- 15. “Auspicious Eggs”, James Morrow (F&SF Oct/Nov 2000)
- 16. “Wetlands Preserve”, Nancy Kress (Sci Fiction 27 Sep 2000)
- 17. “The Cloud Man”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2000)
- 18. “Bird Herding”, R. Garcia y Robertson (F&SF May 2000)
- 19. “The Juniper Tree”, John Kessel (Science Fiction Age Jan 2000)
- 20. (tie): “The Gulf”, Robert Reed (F&SF Oct/Nov 2000)
- 20. (tie): “Open Loops”, Stephen Baxter (Skylife: Space Habitats in Story and Science)
- 22. “In Shock”, Joyce Carol Oates (F&SF Jun 2000)
- 23. “Hideaway”, Alastair Reynolds (Interzone #157 Jul 2000)
- 24. “The Prophet Ugly”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Apr 2000)
- 25. “Hybrid”, Robert Reed (F&SF Jul 2000)
- 26. “The Dryad's Wedding”, Robert Charles Wilson (Star Colonies)
- 27. “Reef”, Paul J. McAuley (Skylife: Space Habitats in Story and Science)
- 28. “Tenebrio”, Brian Stableford (Vanishing Acts)
- 29. “Chanterelle”, Brian Stableford (Black Heart, Ivory Bones)
- 30. “The Alien Abduction”, James L. Cambias (F&SF Sep 2000)
- Povídka
- Larry Niven
- Larry Niven - The Missing Mass
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Jane Yolen
- David Brin
- Dan Simmons
- M. John Harrison
- Paul Di Filippo
- Jeffrey Ford
- Ted Chiang
- Jane Yolen
- Michael Bishop
- William Browning Spencer
- Robert Silverberg
- Aldiss, Brian W. - Steppenpferd 55% / 2
- Tanith Lee
- Brian Stableford
- Michael Swanwick
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Sheena 5 83% / 16
- Michael Swanwick
- Paul James McAuley
- Howard Waldrop
- Ford, Jeffrey - Ve službách mistra fantasy 82% / 12
- Terry Bisson
- Charles Sheffield
- Andy Duncan
- Due, Tananarive - Pacient nula 76% / 13
- Howard Waldrop
- James P. Blaylock
- Sean McMullen
- 2. “Moon Dogs”, Michael Swanwick (Moon Dogs)
- 3. “Silver Ghost”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Sep 2000)
- 4. “The Royals of Hegn”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Asimov's Feb 2000)
- 5. “Sheena 5”, Stephen Baxter (Analog May 2000)
- 6. “The Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O”, Michael Swanwick (Tales of Old Earth)
- 7. “Interstitial”, Paul J. McAuley (Asimov's Jul 2000)
- 8. “Winter Quarters”, Howard Waldrop (Sci Fiction 2 Aug 2000)
- 9. “The Fantasy Writer's Assistant”, Jeffrey Ford (F&SF Feb 2000)
- 10. “Lucy”, Terry Bisson (Playboy Feb 2000)
- 11. (tie): “The Art of Fugue”, Charles Sheffield (Asimov's Jun 2000)
- 11. (tie): “Fenneman's Mouth”, Andy Duncan (Beluthahatchie and Other Stories)
- 13. “Patient Zero”, Tananarive Due (F&SF Aug 2000)
- 14. “Our Mortal Span”, Howard Waldrop (Black Heart, Ivory Bones)
- 15. “The War of the Worlds”, James P. Blaylock (Sci Fiction 24 May 2000)
- 16. (tie): “The Mandrake Garden”, Brian Stableford (F&SF Jul 2000)
- 16. (tie): “Partial Eclipse”, Graham Joyce (Sci Fiction 9 Aug 2000)
- 18. “The Eye in the Heart”, Tanith Lee (F&SF Mar 2000)
- 19. (tie): “The Flyers of Gy: An Interplanetary Tale”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Sci Fiction 8 Nov 2000)
- 19. (tie): “Greedy Choke Puppy”, Nalo Hopkinson (Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora)
- 21. “Under the Hill”, Jane Yolen (Sister Emily's Lightship and Other Stories)
- 22. “Reality Check”, David Brin (Nature 16 Mar 2000)
- 23. “Madame Bovary, c'est moi”, Dan Simmons (Nature 14 Sep 2000)
- 24. “The Neon Heart Murders”, M. John Harrison (F&SF Apr 2000)
- 25. “The Reluctant Book”, Paul Di Filippo (Science Fiction Age May 2000)
- 26. “Malthusian's Zombie”, Jeffrey Ford (Sci Fiction 31 May 2000)
- 27. (tie): “Catching Crumbs from the Table”, Ted Chiang (Nature 1 Jun 2000)
- 27. (tie): “Fidelity: A Primer”, Michael Blumlein (F&SF Sep 2000)
- 29. “Snow in Summer”, Jane Yolen (Black Heart, Ivory Bones)
- 30. “How Beautiful With Banners”, Michael Bishop (Century #6 Spring 2000)
- 31. “The Foster Child”, William Browning Spencer (F&SF Jun 2000)
- 32. “The Millennial Express”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Jan 2000)
- 33. “Steppenpferd”, Brian W. Aldiss (F&SF Feb 2000)
- 34. “Colours of the Soul”, Sean McMullen (Interzone #152 Feb 2000)
- Románová prvotina
- Geoffrey A. Landis
- Mars Crossing, Geoffrey A. Landis (Tor)
- Ian Stewart
- Jack Cohen
- Jo Walton
- Adam Roberts
- Reynolds, Alastair - Odhalený vesmír 100% / 1
- 2. Revelation Space, Alastair Reynolds (Gollancz; Ace 2001)
- 3. Ceres Storm, David Herter (Tor)
- 4. Wheelers, Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen (Warner Aspect)
- 5. House of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski (Pantheon)
- 6. Daughter of the Forest, Juliet Marillier (Pan Macmillan Australia; Tor)
- 7. The King's Peace, Jo Walton (Tor)
- 8. Salt, Adam Roberts (Gollancz)
- 9. The Glasswright's Apprentice, Mindy L. Klasky (Roc)
- 10. Soulsaver, James Stevens-Arce (Harcourt)
- 11. Growing Wings, Laurel Winter (Houghton Mifflin)
- Sbírka
- Michael Swanwick
- Tales of Old Earth, Michael Swanwick (North Atlantic/Tachyon)
- Robert Charles Wilson
- Terry Bisson
- Theodore Sturgeon
- Neal Barrett, jr.
- Barry N. Malzberg
- Peter Straub
- Diane Wynne Jones
- Dennis Etchison
- Jeffrey Thomas
- M. John Harrison
- Jonathan Lethem
- Michael Swanwick
- Charles de Lint
- Theodore Sturgeon
- James H. Schmitz
- Andy Duncan
- Gene Wolfe
- Eric Frank Russell
- Michael Bishop
- Jane Yolen
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Joe R. Lansdale
- Hal Clement
- Robert Silverberg
- Carter Robert Scholz
- 2. Saucer of Loneliness: Volume VII: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Theodore Sturgeon (North Atlantic Books)
- 3. Telzey Amberdon, James H. Schmitz (Baen)
- 4. Beluthahatchie and Other Stories, Andy Duncan (Golden Gryphon Press)
- 5. Strange Travelers, Gene Wolfe (Tor)
- 6. Major Ingredients: The Selected Short Stories of Eric Frank Russell, Eric Frank Russell (NESFA Press)
- 7. Blue Kansas Sky, Michael Bishop (Golden Gryphon Press)
- 8. Sister Emily's Lightship and Other Stories, Jane Yolen (Tor)
- 9. Worlds Vast and Various, Gregory Benford (Eos)
- 10. High Cotton: Selected Stories of Joe R. Lansdale, Joe R. Lansdale (Golden Gryphon Press)
- 11. The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 2: Music of Many Spheres, Hal Clement (NESFA Press)
- 12. Sailing to Byzantium, Robert Silverberg (ibooks)
- 13. Triskell Tales, Charles de Lint (Subterranean Press)
- 14. Moon Dogs, Michael Swanwick (NESFA Press)
- 15. The Perseids and Other Stories, Robert Charles Wilson (Tor)
- 16. In the Upper Room and Other Likely Stories, Terry Bisson (Tor)
- 17. Selected Stories, Theodore Sturgeon (Vintage)
- 18. Perpetuity Blues and Other Stories, Neal Barrett, Jr. (Golden Gryphon Press)
- 19. In the Stone House, Barry N. Malzberg (Arkham House)
- 20. Magic Terror: Seven Tales, Peter Straub (Random House)
- 21. Mixed Magics: The Worlds of Chrestomanci, Diana Wynne Jones (Collins)
- 22. Terminal Visions, Richard Paul Russo (Golden Gryphon Press)
- 23. The Death Artist, Dennis Etchison (DreamHaven)
- 24. Punktown, Jeffrey Thomas (The Ministry of Whimsy Press)
- 25. Travel Arrangements, M. John Harrison (Gollancz)
- 26. Kafka Americana, Jonathan Lethem & Carter Scholz (Subterranean Press)
- Sci - fi román
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Vyprávění 80% / 25
- The Telling, Ursula K. Le Guin (Harcourt)
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Anderson, Poul William - Geneze 59% / 12
- McAuley, Paul James - Hvězdná svatyně 74% / 24
- John Barnes
- James Alan Gardner
- Sean McMullen
- Geoffrey A. Landis
- Weber, David - Popel vítězství 92% / 82
- McDevitt, Jack - Pláž Nekonečno 71% / 19
- Brian Stableford
- Reed, Robert - Dřeň 77% / 32
- Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Bruce Sterling
- Joe Haldeman
- Gene Wolfe
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Iain M. Banks
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Kress, Nancy Anne - Měsíc pravděpodobnosti 72% / 16
- Reynolds, Alastair - Odhalený vesmír 100% / 1
- 2. Eater, Gregory Benford (Eos)
- 3. Zeitgeist, Bruce Sterling (Bantam Spectra)
- 4. The Coming, Joe Haldeman (Ace)
- 5. In Green's Jungles, Gene Wolfe (Tor)
- 6. The Sky Road, Ken MacLeod (Orbit; Tor)
- 7. Look to Windward, Iain M. Banks (Orbit)
- 8. Space: Manifold 2 (US title: Manifold: Space), Stephen Baxter (HarperCollins Voyager; Ballantine Del Rey 2001)
- 9. Midnight Robber, Nalo Hopkinson (Warner Aspect)
- 10. Probability Moon, Nancy Kress (Tor)
- 11. Crescent City Rhapsody, Kathleen Ann Goonan (Avon Eos)
- 12. The Collapsium, Wil McCarthy (Ballantine Del Rey)
- 13. Marrow, Robert Reed (Tor)
- 14. The Fountains of Youth, Brian Stableford (Tor)
- 15. Genesis, Poul Anderson (Tor)
- 16. The Fresco, Sheri S. Tepper (Eos)
- 17. Shrine of Stars, Paul J. McAuley (Gollancz; Eos)
- 18. Ventus, Karl Schroeder (Tor)
- 19. Candle, John Barnes (Tor)
- 20. Hunted, James Alan Gardner (HarperCollins Eos)
- 21. Colony Fleet, Susan R. Matthews (Eos)
- 22. Revelation Space, Alastair Reynolds (Gollancz; Ace 2001)
- 23. (tie): The Jazz, Melissa Scott (Tor)
- 23. (tie): The Miocene Arrow, Sean McMullen (Tor)
- 25. Outlaw School, Rebecca Ore (Eos)
- 26. Mars Crossing, Geoffrey A. Landis (Tor)
- 27. Distance Haze, Jamil Nasir (Bantam Spectra)
- 28. Ashes of Victory, David Weber (Baen)
- 29. Infinity Beach, Jack McDevitt (HarperPrism)
- Vydavatel/IMPRINT
- Tor
- 2. HarperCollins/Eos Prism
- 3. Bantam Spectra
- 4. Baen
- 5. Del Rey
- 6. Ace
- 7. DAW
- 8. Golden Gryphon Press
- 9. NESFA Press
- 10. Subterranean Press
- 11. Voyager
- 12. Gollancz/Millennium
- 13. St. Martin's
- 14. Warner Aspect
- 15. Roc
- 16. Science Fiction Book Club
- 17. (tie): Cemetery Dance Publications
- 17. (tie): Meisha Merlin
- 19. Pocket
- 20. Wildside Press
- Výtvarník
- Bob Eggleton
- 2. Michael Whelan
- 3. Frank Kelly Freas
- 4. Jim Burns
- 5. Thomas Canty
- 6. Don Maitz
- 7. Leo & Diane Dillon
- 8. Boris Vallejo
- 9. Ron Walotsky
- 10. Donato Giancola
- 11. Vincent Di Fate
- 12. David Cherry
- 13. J. K. Potter
- 14. Luis Royo
- 15. Alan M. Clark
- 16. (tie): Rowena Morrill
- 16. (tie): Frank Frazetta
- 18. Stephen Youll