Locus Award
WWW stránky ocenění: Locus Award
Cena Locus Award, nebo Locus, je každoročně od roku 1971 udělována čtenáři amerického časopisu Locus Magazine nejlepším dílům žánrů science fiction a fantasy uplynulého roku. Ceně je přikládán veliký význam především proto, že počet anketních lístků od čtenářů převyšuje počet hlasů u cen Hugo i Nebula dohromady a je tedy hodnocením širšího vzorku respondentů.
originální název: Short Fiction
- 1971
- Ellison, Harlan - Na pomezí 71% / 18
- “The Region Between”, Harlan Ellison (Galaxy Mar 1970; Five Fates)
- Poul William Anderson
- Raphael Aloysius Lafferty
- Gordon Eklund
- Thomas Michael Disch
- Harlan Ellison
- Ben Bova
- Theodore Sturgeon
- Harlan Ellison
- John Keith Laumer
- Dean Ray Koontz
- Leiber, Fritz Reuter - Zlo potkané v Lankhmaru 73% / 17
- Sturgeon, Theodore - Pomalá skulptura 58% / 10
- Lafferty, Raphael Aloysius - Pokračování na dalším kameni 53% / 6
- Leiber, Fritz Reuter - Sněžné ženy 76% / 5
- Robert Silverberg
- 2. “The Snow Women”, Fritz Leiber (Fantastic Apr 1970)
- 3. “Continued on Next Rock”, R. A. Lafferty (Orbit 7)
- 4. “Beastchild”, Dean R. Koontz (Venture Aug 1970)
- 5. “In the Queue”, Keith Laumer (Orbit 7)
- 6. “Slow Sculpture”, Theodore Sturgeon (Galaxy Feb 1970)
- 7. “Runesmith”, Harlan Ellison & Theodore Sturgeon (F&SF May 1970)
- 8. “Brillo”, Ben Bova & Harlan Ellison (Analog Aug 1970)
- 9. “The Asian Shore”, Thomas M. Disch (Orbit 6)
- 10. (tie): “Dear Aunt Annie”, Gordon Eklund (Fantastic Apr 1970)
- 10. (tie): “Entire and Perfect Chrysolite”, R. A. Lafferty (Orbit 6)
- 10. (tie): “The Fatal Fulfillment”, Poul Anderson (F&SF Mar 1970; Five Fates)
- 13. “The Throwbacks”, Robert Silverberg (Galaxy Jul 1970)
- 14. “Ill Met in Lankhmar”, Fritz Leiber (F&SF Apr 1970)
- 1972
- Anderson, Poul William - Královna vzduchu a temnot 73% / 23
- “The Queen of Air and Darkness”, Poul Anderson (F&SF Apr 1971)
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Mohutněji než impéria a pomaleji 75% / 21
- Robert Silverberg
- Ellison; van Vogt - Piloti z rodu ľudí 77% / 11
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Zvláštní ráno 77% / 6
- John Kilian Houston Brunner
- Niven, Larry - Nestálý Měsíc 80% / 23
- Raphael Aloysius Lafferty
- Edgar Pangborn
- Clifford D. Simak
- Robert Thurston
- Clarke, Arthur C. - Setkání s medúzou 87% / 38
- George Alec Effinger
- Robert Silverberg
- 2. (tie): “All the Last Wars at Once”, Geo. Alec Effinger (Universe 1)
- 4.“Wheels”, Robert Thurston (Clarion)
- 5.“The Autumn Land”, Clifford D. Simak (F&SF Oct 1971)
- 6.“Mount Charity”, Edgar Pangborn (Universe 1)
- 7.“The Bear with the Knot on His Tail”, Stephen Tall (F&SF May 1971)
- 8.“World Abounding”, R. A. Lafferty (F&SF Dec 1971)
- 10.“Dread Empire”, John Brunner (Fantastic Apr 1971)
- 13.“In Entropy's Jaws”, Robert Silverberg (Infinity Two)
- 15.“All the Way Up, All the Way Down”, Robert Silverberg (Galaxy Jul 1971)
- 1973
- Ellison, Harlan - Bazilišek 81% / 9
- Harlan Ellison - Basilisk
- Tiptree, jr., James - Mléko ráje 60% / 12
- Lafferty, Raphael Aloysius - Albertovy logikové stroje 78% / 14
- Vonnegut, jr., Kurt - Veliký vesmírný pich
- Silverberg, Robert - Viděli jsme konec světa 62% / 13
- Joanna Russ
- Harlan Ellison
- Robert Silverberg
- Anthony Boucher
- Kate Wilhelm
- Pohl; Kornbluth - Setkání 69% / 18
- James Tiptree, jr.
- Martin, George R. R. - Druhý stupeň osamění 78% / 41
- Russ, Joanna - Když se to změní 56% / 10
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Království u moře 64% / 7
- Tiptree, jr., James - A pak jsem procitl na úbočí studeného kopce 73% / 17
- Anderson, Poul William - Bláznova píseň 77% / 9
- Silverberg, Robert - Teď + N, teď - N 84% / 10
- 2. “Patron of the Arts”, William Rotsler (Universe 2)
- 3. “Goat Song”, Poul Anderson (F&SF Feb 1972)
- 4. “And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side”, James Tiptree, Jr. (F&SF Mar 1972)
- 5. “A Kingdom by the Sea”, Gardner Dozois (Orbit 10)
- 6. “When It Changed”, Joanna Russ (Again, Dangerous Visions)
- 7. “The Second Kind of Loneliness”, George R. R. Martin (Analog Dec 1972)
- 8. “Painwise”, James Tiptree, Jr. (F&SF Feb 1972)
- 9. “The Meeting”, Frederik Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth (F&SF Nov 1972)
- 10. “The Funeral”, Kate Wilhelm (Again, Dangerous Visions)
- 11. “Man's Reach”, Anthony Boucher (F&SF Nov 1972)
- 12. “Caliban”, Robert Silverberg (Infinity Three)
- 13. “On the Downhill Side”, Harlan Ellison (Universe 2)
- 14. (tie): “Nobody's Home”, Joanna Russ (New Dimensions 2)
- 14. (tie): “When We Went to See the End of the World”, Robert Silverberg (Universe 2)
- 16. (tie): “The Big Space Fuck”, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (Again, Dangerous Visions)
- 16. (tie): “Eurema's Dam”, R. A. Lafferty (New Dimensions 2)
- 18. (tie): “The Milk of Paradise”, James Tiptree, Jr. (Again, Dangerous Visions)
- 18. (tie): “(Now+n), (Now-n)”, Robert Silverberg (Nova 2)
- 1974
- Ellison, Harlan - Smrtorel 73% / 8
- Harlan Ellison - The Deathbird
- 2. “Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand”, Vonda N. McIntyre (Analog Oct 1973)
- 3. “Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Death”, James Tiptree, Jr. (The Alien Condition)
- 4. “The Girl Who Was Plugged In”, James Tiptree, Jr. (New Dimensions 3)
- 5. “Ms. Found in an Abandoned Time Machine”, Robert Silverberg (Ten Tomorrows)
- 6. “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”, Ursula K. Le Guin (New Dimensions 3)
- 7. “Wings”, Vonda N. McIntyre (The Alien Condition)
- 8. “With Morning Comes Mistfall”, George R. R. Martin (Analog May 1973)
- 9. “Mud Violet”, R. A. Lafferty (Demon Kind)
- 10. “In the Group”, Robert Silverberg (Eros in Orbit)
- 11. (tie): “The Field of Vision”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Galaxy Oct 1973)
- 11. (tie): “Many Mansions”, Robert Silverberg (Universe 3)
- 13. (tie): “The Answer”, Terry Carr (Tomorrow's Alternatives)
- 13. (tie): “Barnaby's Clock”, R. A. Lafferty (Showcase)
- 13. (tie): “Brothers”, Gordon R. Dickson (Astounding)
- 16. “The World Is a Sphere”, Edgar Pangborn (Universe 3)
- 17. “Epilog”, Clifford D. Simak (Astounding)
- 18. “The Women Men Don't See”, James Tiptree, Jr. (F&SF Dec 1973)
- 1975
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Předvečer revoluce 67% / 23
- “The Day Before the Revolution”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Galaxy Aug 1974)
- Cyril M. Kornbluth
- Frederik Pohl
- Frederik Pohl
- McIntyre, Vonda N. - Hory soumraku, hory úsvitu 60% / 1
- Robert Silverberg
- Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Frederik Pohl
- Raphael Aloysius Lafferty
- Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Gordon Rupert Dickson
- Michael Bishop
- Bester, Alfred - Čtyřhodinová fuga 67% / 6
- Zelazny, Roger - Stroj ze Střediska lidských srdcí 75% / 4
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Autor akáciových semen a další výňatky z časopisu společnosti pro therolingvistiku 61% / 16
- Niven, Larry - Hledač temných hvězd 87% / 6
- Silverberg, Robert - Schwartz mezi galaxiemi 50% / 4
- 2. “The Hole Man”, Larry Niven (Analog Jan 1974)
- 3. “Schwartz Between the Galaxies”, Robert Silverberg (Stellar #1)
- 4. “'The Author of the Acacia Seeds' and Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Fellowship of the Stars)
- 5. “The Engine at Heartspring's Center”, Roger Zelazny (Analog Jul 1974)
- 6. “The Four-Hour Fugue”, Alfred Bester (Analog Jun 1974)
- 7. “Cathadonian Odyssey”, Michael Bishop (F&SF Sep 1974)
- 8. “Enter a Pilgrim”, Gordon R. Dickson (Analog Aug 1974)
- 9. “Midnight by the Morphy Watch”, Fritz Leiber (If Aug 1974)
- 10. “Royal Licorice”, R. A. Lafferty (Orbit 14)
- 11. “We Purchased People”, Frederik Pohl (Final Stage)
- 12. “The Stars Below”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Orbit 14)
- 13. “Do You Know Dave Wenzel?”, Fritz Leiber (Fellowship of the Stars)
- 14. “Mysterious Doings at the Metropolitan Museum”, Fritz Leiber (Universe 5)
- 15. “In the House of Double Minds”, Robert Silverberg (Vertex Aug 1974)
- 16. “The Mountains of Sunset, the Mountains of Dawn”, Vonda N. McIntyre (F&SF Feb 1974)
- 17. “Willowisp”, Joe Pumilia (Science Fiction Emphasis I)
- 18. “Enjoy, Enjoy”, Frederik Pohl (Fellowship of the Stars)
- 19. “Mute Inglorious Tam”, Frederik Pohl & C. M. Kornbluth (F&SF Oct 1974)
- 1976
- Ellison, Harlan - Croatoan 67% / 7
- Harlan Ellison - Croatoan
- Harlan Ellison
- Robert Franklin Young
- Alan Brennert
- Leiber, Fritz Reuter - Musíš stihnout ten Zepelín! 73% / 8
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Haldeman, Joe - Výroční projekt 63% / 6
- Michael Bishop
- Norman Spinrad
- Benford, Gregory Albert - Dělat Lennona
- Richard A. Lupoff
- Pohl, Frederik - Mateřská péče 45% / 4
- 2. “The Mother Trip”, Frederik Pohl (F&SF Oct 1975)
- 3. “Child of All Ages”, P. J. Plauger (Analog Mar 1975)
- 4. “Sail the Tide of Mourning”, Richard Lupoff (New Dimensions 5)
- 5. “Doing Lennon”, Gregory Benford (Analog Apr 1975)
- 6. “Sierra Maestra”, Norman Spinrad (Analog Oct 1975)
- 7. “Rogue Tomato”, Michael Bishop (New Dimensions 5)
- 8. “Anniversary Project”, Joe Haldeman (Analog Oct 1975)
- 9. “Beyond Grayworld”, Gregory Benford (Analog Jul 1975)
- 10. “Find the Lady”, Nicholas Fisk (New Dimensions 5)
- 11. “Catch That Zeppelin!”, Fritz Leiber (F&SF Mar 1975)
- 12. “All the Charms of Sycorax”, Alan Brennert (Analog Oct 1975)
- 13. “Clay Suburb”, Robert Young (Amazing Stories Nov 1975)
- 14. “Shatterday”, Harlan Ellison (Gallery Sep 1975)
- 1977
- Haldeman, Joe - Třísté výročí 67% / 24
- “Tricentennial”, Joe Haldeman (Analog Jul 1976)
- 2. “I See You”, Damon Knight (F&SF Nov 1976)
- 3. “Custom Fitting”, James White (Stellar #2)
- 4. “The Death of Princes”, Fritz Leiber (Amazing Stories Jun 1976)
- 5. “A Crowd of Shadows”, Charles L. Grant (F&SF Jun 1976)
- 6. “Seeing”, Harlan Ellison (Andromeda 1)
- 7. “Paradise Beach”, Richard Cowper (F&SF May 1976)
- 8. “This Tower of Ashes”, George R. R. Martin (Analog Annual)
- 9. “Mary Margaret Road-Grader”, Howard Waldrop (Orbit 18)
- 10. “Appearance of Life”, Brian W. Aldiss (Andromeda 1)
- 11. “From A to Z, In the Chocolate Alphabet”, Harlan Ellison (F&SF Oct 1976)
- 12. “The Never Ending Western Movie”, Robert Sheckley (Science Fiction Discoveries)
- 13. “Stone Circle”, Lisa Tuttle (Amazing Stories Mar 1976)
- 14. “An Infinite Summer”, Christopher Priest (Andromeda 1)
- 15. “Con Artist”, P. J. Plauger (Analog Dec 1976)
- 1978
- Ellison, Harlan - Jefftymu je pět 85% / 39
- “Jeffty Is Five”, Harlan Ellison (F&SF Jul 1977)
- Martin, George R. R. - Krutinky 65% / 29
- Robinson, Spider - Psí večer
- Thomas Francis Monteleone
- Varley, John Herbert - Sbohem, Robinsone Crusoe 74% / 7
- Samuel Ray Delany
- Tom Reamy
- Roberts, Keith John Kingston - Větrné turbíny 53% / 7
- Michael Bishop
- Scholz, Carter Robert - Deviata symfónia a iné stratené piesne 70% / 1
- Jack Vance
- Card, Orson Scott - Enderova hra 85% / 20
- Edward Winslow Bryant
- Martin, George R. R. - Kamenné město 66% / 27
- Woody Allen
- Joan Vinge
- Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Sheldon, Raccoona - Jak zatočit s masařkami 87% / 18
- Stephen Leigh
- 2. “The Screwfly Solution”, Raccoona Sheldon (Analog Jun 1977)
- 3. “Air Raid”, Herb Boehm (Asimov's Spring 1977)
- 4. “A Rite of Spring”, Fritz Leiber (Universe 7)
- 5. “Eyes of Amber”, Joan D. Vinge (Analog Jun 1977)
- 6. “The Kugelmass Episode”, Woody Allen (The New Yorker 2 May 1977)
- 7. “The Stone City”, George R. R. Martin (New Voices in Science Fiction)
- 8. “Particle Theory”, Edward Bryant (Analog Feb 1977)
- 9. “Ender's Game”, Orson Scott Card (Analog Aug 1977)
- 10. “The Bagful of Dreams”, Jack Vance (Flashing Swords #4: Barbarians and Black Magicians)
- 11. “The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs”, Carter Scholz (Universe 7)
- 12. “The House of Compassionate Sharers”, Michael Bishop (Cosmos #1 May 1977)
- 13. “The Big Fans”, Keith Roberts (F&SF May 1977)
- 14. “The Detweiler Boy”, Tom Reamy (F&SF Apr 1977)
- 15. “Prismatica”, Samuel R. Delany (F&SF Oct 1977)
- 16. “Good-bye, Robinson Crusoe”, John Varley (Asimov's Spring 1977)
- 17. “Camera Obscura”, Thomas F. Monteleone (Cosmos #2 Jul 1977)
- 18. “Dog Day Evening”, Spider Robinson (Analog Oct 1977)
- 19. (tie): “Bitterblooms”, George R. R. Martin (Cosmos #4 Nov 1977)
- 19. (tie): “Pinnocchio”, Stanley Schmidt (Analog Jul 1977)
- 21. “A Rain of Pebbles”, Stephen Leigh (Analog Apr 1977)
- 1979
- Ellison, Harlan - Počítám, jak zvon odbíjí čas 67% / 7
- Harlan Ellison - Count the Clock that Tells the Time
- 2. “View From a Height”, Joan D. Vinge (Analog Jun 1978)
- 3. “Stone”, Edward Bryant (F&SF Feb 1978)
- 4. “Virra”, Terry Carr (F&SF Oct 1978)
- 5. “A Hiss of Dragon”, Gregory Benford & Marc Laidlaw (Omni Dec 1978)
- 6. “Cassandra”, C. J. Cherryh (F&SF Oct 1978)
- 7. “Drink Me, Francesca”, Richard Cowper (F&SF Apr 1978)
- 8. “A Thousand Deaths”, Orson Scott Card (Omni Dec 1978)
- 9. (tie): “SQ”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Cassandra Rising)
- 9. (tie): “Whores”, Christopher Priest (New Dimensions 8)
- 11. “The Very Slow Time Machine”, Ian Watson (Anticipations)
- 12. “Gotcha!”, Ray Bradbury (Redbook Aug 1978)
- 13. “A Quiet Revolution for Death”, Jack Dann (New Dimensions 8)
- 1980
- Martin, George R. R. - Ve znamení kříže a draka 78% / 65
- “The Way of Cross and Dragon”, George R. R. Martin (Omni Jun 1979)
- 2. “giANTS”, Edward Bryant (Analog Aug 1979)
- 3. “Quietus”, Orson Scott Card (Omni Aug 1979)
- 4. “War Beneath the Tree”, Gene Wolfe (Omni Dec 1979)
- 5. “Redeemer”, Gregory Benford (Analog Apr 1979)
- 6. “Unaccompanied Sonata”, Orson Scott Card (Omni Mar 1979)
- 7. “Wave Rider”, Hilbert Schenck (Chrysalis 5)
- 8. (tie): “Blood Sisters”, Joe Haldeman (Playboy Jul 1979)
- 8. (tie): “In Trophonius's Cave”, James P. Girard (F&SF May 1979)
- 10. “Daisy, In the Sun”, Connie Willis (Galileo Nov 1979)
- 11. “The Crate”, Stephen King (Gallery Jul 1979)
- 12. “Rent Control”, Walter Tevis (Omni Oct 1979)
- 13. “The Extraordinary Voyages of Amélie Bertrand”, Joanna Russ (F&SF Sep 1979)
- 14. “The Exit Door Leads In”, Philip K. Dick (Rolling Stone College Papers #1)
- 15. “Vernalfest Morning”, Michael Bishop (Chrysalis 3)
- 16. “Red as Blood”, Tanith Lee (F&SF Jul 1979)
- 17. “The Rooms of Paradise”, Ian Watson (Rooms of Paradise)
- 18. “Can These Bones Live?”, Ted Reynolds (Analog Mar 1979)
- 19. “All the Birds Came Home to Roost”, Harlan Ellison (Playboy Mar 1979)
- 20. “'You're Welcome,' Said the Robot, and Turned to Watch the Snowflakes”, Alan Ryan (F&SF Aug 1979)
- 21. “The View from Endless Scarp”, Marta Randall (F&SF Jul 1979)
- 1981
- Simak, Clifford D. - Jeskyně tančících jelenů 80% / 9
- “Grotto of the Dancing Deer”, Clifford D. Simak (Analog Apr 1980)
- Asimov, Isaac - Poslední odpověď 61% / 14
- Craig Kee Strete
- Dick, Philip K. - Případ Rautavaarová 76% / 8
- David Drake
- Joe Haldeman
- Wolfe, Gene - Válka pod vánočním stromkem
- Mary C. Pangborn
- James Patrick Kelly
- Michael P. Kube-McDowell
- Charles L. Grant
- Norman Spinrad
- Tuttle, Lisa - Barabizna 82% / 9
- Silverberg, Robert - Kněžka sauropodů 87% / 9
- Leman, Bob - Okno 91% / 7
- Wolfe, Gene - Detektivem ve snech 61% / 8
- Orson Scott Card
- Dick, Philip K. - Cesta mrazem 93% / 4
- Watson, Ian - Sci-fi Worldcon 2080
- Bryant, Edward Winslow - Slunce nad prérií
- Petrey, Susan Candace - Pavoučí píseň 67% / 7
- 2. "Bug House”, Lisa Tuttle (F&SF Jun 1980)
- 3. “Our Lady of the Sauropods”, Robert Silverberg (Omni Sep 1980)
- 4. “Window”, Bob Leman (F&SF May 1980)
- 5. “The Last Answer”, Isaac Asimov (Analog Jan 1980)
- 6. “The Detective of Dreams”, Gene Wolfe (Dark Forces)
- 7. “Saint Amy's Tale”, Orson Scott Card (Omni Dec 1980)
- 8. “Frozen Journey”, Philip K. Dick (Playboy Dec 1980)
- 9. “The World Science Fiction Convention of 2080”, Ian Watson (F&SF Oct 1980)
- 10. “Prairie Sun”, Ed Bryant (Omni Oct 1980)
- 11. “Prime Time”, Norman Spinrad (Omni Nov 1980)
- 12. “Secrets of the Heart”, Charles L. Grant (F&SF Mar 1980)
- 13. “A Sunday Visit with Great-Grandfather”, Craig Strete (New Dimensions 11)
- 14. “Rautavaara's Case”, Philip K. Dick (Omni Oct 1980)
- 15. “Men Like Us”, David Drake (Omni May 1980)
- 16. “Lindsay and the Red City Blues”, Joe Haldeman (Dark Forces)
- 17. “War Beneath the Tree”, Gene Wolfe (Omni Dec 1979)
- 18. “Child of Darkness”, P. C. Hodgell (The Berkley Showcase Vol. 2)
- 19. “The Confession of Hamo”, Mary Pangborn (Universe 10)
- 20. “The Fear that Men Call Courage”, James Patrick Kelly (F&SF Sep 1980)
- 21. “Some of My Best Friends”, François Camoin (Omni May 1980)
- 22. “Antithesis”, Michael Kube-McDowell (Amazing Stories Feb 1980)
- 23. “Spidersong”, Susan C. Petrey (F&SF Sep 1980)
- 1982
- Varley, John Herbert - Překupník 62% / 17
- “The Pusher”, John Varley (F&SF Oct 1981)
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Pat Cadigan
- Charles Sheffield
- Thomas Michael Disch
- Gibson, William - Zázemí 75% / 13
- Pat Cadigan
- Gibson, William - Gernsbackovo kontinuum 63% / 31
- Tuttle, Lisa - Kostěná flétna 65% / 8
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Carter Robert Scholz
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Učedníci 68% / 6
- Damon Francis Knight
- Robert Silverberg
- Robinson, Spider - Hadí zuby
- Martin, George R. R. - Jehláci 71% / 22
- Carolyn Janice Cherryh
- Martin, George R. R. - Nezapomenutelná Melodie 67% / 26
- Gene Wolfe
- Gregory Albert Benford
- George Florance-Guthridge
- Robert Silverberg
- Somtow Sucharitkul
- Dozois; Haldeman II - Milosrdenství 73% / 8
- Ellison, Harlan - Na mramorové desce 69% / 9
- 2. “Serpent's Teeth”, Spider Robinson (Omni Mar 1981)
- 3. “The Needle Men”, George R. R. Martin (F&SF Oct 1981)
- 4. “The Only Death in the City”, C. J. Cherryh (Sunfall)
- 5. “Remembering Melody”, George R. R. Martin (Twilight Zone Apr 1981)
- 6. “The Woman the Unicorn Loved”, Gene Wolfe (Asimov's 8 Jun 1981)
- 7. “Exposures”, Gregory Benford (Asimov's 6 Jul 1981)
- 8. “The Quiet”, George Florance-Guthridge (F&SF Jul 1981)
- 9. “The Palace at Midnight”, Robert Silverberg (Omni Jul 1981)
- 10. “Absent Thee from Felicity Awhile”, Somtow Sucharitkul (Analog 14 Sep 1981)
- 11. “Executive Clemency”, Gardner Dozois & Jack C. Haldeman II (Omni Nov 1981)
- 12. “The Regulars”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's 11 May 1981)
- 13. “Walk the Ice”, Mildred Downey Broxon (F&SF Jan 1981)
- 14. “Forever”, Damon Knight (Omni Nov 1981)
- 15. “The Shroud”, Michael McCollum (Analog 2 Mar 1981)
- 16. “Disciples”, Gardner Dozois (More Wandering Stars)
- 17. “Venice Drowned”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Universe 11)
- 18. “Second Comings—Reasonable Rates”, Pat Cadigan (F&SF Feb 1981)
- 19. “The Softest Hammer”, Charles Sheffield (F&SF Feb 1981)
- 20. “The Grown-Up”, Thomas M. Disch (High Times Jul 1981)
- 21. “Hinterlands”, William Gibson (Omni Oct 1981)
- 22. “The Coming of the Doll”, Pat Cadigan (F&SF Jun 1981)
- 23. “Mud/Aurora”, D. D. Storm (Asimov's 23 Nov 1981)
- 24. “The Gernsback Continuum”, William Gibson (Universe 11)
- 25. “The Bone Flute”, Lisa Tuttle (F&SF May 1981)
- 26. “Casey's Empire”, Nancy Kress (F&SF Nov 1981)
- 27. “Altamira”, Carter Scholz (F&SF Dec 1981)
- 28. “On the Slab”, Harlan Ellison (Omni Oct 1981)
- 1983
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Sur 84% / 7
- Ursula Kroeber Le Guin - Sur
- 2.“The Boy Who Waterskied to Forever”, James Tiptree, Jr. (F&SF Oct 1982)
- 3.“Spider Rose”, Bruce Sterling (F&SF Aug 1982)
- 4.“God's Hooks!”, Howard Waldrop (Universe 12)
- 5.“Melancholy Elephants”, Spider Robinson (Analog Jun 1982)
- 6.“Petra”, Greg Bear (Omni Feb 1982)
- 7.“A Letter from the Clearys”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Jul 1982)
- 8.“Dr. Bhumbo Singh”, Avram Davidson (F&SF Oct 1982)
- 9.“The Scourge”, James White (Analog 4 Jan 1982)
- 10.“The Man Who Met Picasso”, Michael Swanwick (Omni Sep 1982)
- 11.“It Grows On You”, Stephen King (Death)
- 12. (tie): “The Sorceress in Spite of Herself”, Pat Cadigan (Asimov's Dec 1982)
- 12. (tie): “The Theology of Water”, Hilbert Schenck (Perpetual Light)
- 14.“The Horror on the #33”, Michael Shea (F&SF Aug 1982)
- 15.“Blair House”, Barry N. Malzberg (F&SF Jun 1982)
- 16.“Ike at the Mike”, Howard Waldrop (Omni Jun 1982)
- 17.“Coexistence”, David Brin (Asimov's May 1982)
- 18.“Gianni”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Feb 1982)
- 19.“Written in Water”, Tanith Lee (Perpetual Light)
- 20.“The Garden of the Cognoscenti”, Michael P. Kube-McDowell (Analog Jun 1982)
- 21.“Kitemaster”, Keith Roberts (Interzone #1 Spring 1982)
- 22.“Corridors”, Barry N. Malzberg (The Engines of the Night)
- 23.“The Broken Hoop”, Pamela Sargent (Twilight Zone Jun 1982)
- 24.“The Comedian”, Timothy R. Sullivan (Asimov's Jun 1982)
- 25.“Poems to Play on the Piccolo”, George Chesbro (F&SF May 1982)
- 26.“The River Styx Flows Upstream”, Dan Simmons (Twilight Zone Apr 1982)
- 27.“Meet Me At Apogee”, Bill Johnson (Analog May 1982)
- 28.“What in Solemn Silence”, Charles L. Grant (Asimov's 15 Mar 1982)
- 1984
- James Tiptree, jr.
- “Beyond the Dead Reef”, James Tiptree, Jr. (F&SF Jan 1983)
- Silverberg, Robert - Basileus, anděl posledního soudu 71% / 8
- Eklund, Gordon - Opravy 72% / 6
- Damon Francis Knight
- Howard Waldrop
- Isaac Asimov
- Raphael Aloysius Lafferty
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Lucius Shepard
- Silverberg, Robert - Amanda a mimozemšťan 76% / 23
- Richard Cowper
- Kennedy, Leigh - Její chlupatá tvář 63% / 16
- William F. Wu
- Bruce Sterling
- Butler, Octavia Estelle - Zvuky řeči 75% / 4
- Frederik Pohl
- Frederik Pohl
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Na usmířenou 68% / 14
- Silverberg, Robert - Jehla v kupce času 73% / 4
- 2. “The Peacemaker”, Gardner Dozois (Asimov's Aug 1983)
- 3. “Spending a Day at the Lottery Fair”, Frederik Pohl (F&SF Oct 1983)
- 4. “Servant of the People”, Frederik Pohl (Analog Feb 1983)
- 5. “Speech Sounds”, Octavia E. Butler (Asimov's mid-Dec 1983)
- 6. “Spook”, Bruce Sterling (F&SF Apr 1983)
- 7. “The Geometry of Narrative”, Hilbert Schenck (Analog Aug 1983)
- 8. “Wong's Lost and Found Emporium”, William F. Wu (Amazing Stories May 1983)
- 9. “Her Furry Face”, Leigh Kennedy (Asimov's mid-Dec 1983)
- 10. “Brothers”, Richard Cowper (F&SF Mar 1983)
- 11. “Amanda and the Alien”, Robert Silverberg (Omni May 1983)
- 12. “Solitario's Eyes”, Lucius Shepard (F&SF Sep 1983)
- 13. “Needle in a Timestack”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Jun 1983)
- 14. “Stone Eggs”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Universe 13)
- 15. “Golden Gate”, R. A. Lafferty (Golden Gate and Other Stories)
- 16. “Potential”, Isaac Asimov (Asimov's Apr 1983)
- 17. “Man-Mountain Gentian”, Howard Waldrop (Omni Sep 1983)
- 18. “La Ronde”, Damon Knight (F&SF Oct 1983)
- 19. “Revisions”, Gordon Eklund (F&SF Feb 1983)
- 20. “Basileus”, Robert Silverberg (The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 5)
- 21. “The Man Outside”, O. Niemand (F&SF Apr 1983)
- 22. “$CALLLINK4(CATHY)”, Cherie Wilkerson (Asimov's Apr 1983)
- 1985
- Shepard, Lucius - Salvador 57% / 10
- “Salvador”, Lucius Shepard (F&SF Apr 1984)
- Ben Bova
- Pamela Sargent
- Gibson, William - Hotel Nová růže 78% / 17
- John M. Ford
- Michael Swanwick
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Ranní dítě 69% / 10
- Robert Silverberg
- Aldiss, Brian W. - Bohové na útěku 73% / 4
- Kate Wilhelm
- George Zebrowski
- Howard Waldrop
- Richard Cowper
- Joanna Russ
- Sterling, Bruce - Zapuštěné zahrady 74% / 31
- Brin, David - Křišťálové sféry 77% / 28
- Effinger, George Alec - Mimozemšťané, kteří věděli úplně všechno 82% / 11
- Gene Wolfe
- Tanith Lee
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Frederik Pohl
- Edward Winslow Bryant
- Wolfe, Gene - Mapa 54% / 5
- Patricia A. McKillip
- Robert Silverberg
- Keith John Kingston Roberts
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Pozvání na večeři 73% / 9
- James Patrick Kelly
- 2. “The Crystal Spheres”, David Brin (Analog Jan 1984)
- 3. “The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean, Everything”, George Alec Effinger (F&SF Oct 1984)
- 4. “A Cabin on the Coast”, Gene Wolfe (F&SF Feb 1984)
- 5. “Bright Burning Tiger”, Tanith Lee (Asimov's Jan 1984)
- 6. “Ridge Running”, Kim Stanley Robinson (F&SF Jan 1984)
- 7. “Criticality”, Frederik Pohl (Analog Dec 1984)
- 8. “Armageddon Between Sets”, Edward Bryant (F&SF Sep 1984)
- 9. “The Map”, Gene Wolfe (Light Years and Dark)
- 10. “A Troll and Two Roses”, Patricia A. McKillip (Faery!)
- 11. “Tourist Trade”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Dec 1984)
- 12. “Kitemaster”, Keith Roberts (Interzone #1 Spring 1982; Amazing Stories Jan 1984)
- 13. “Dinner Party”, Gardner Dozois (Light Years and Dark)
- 14. “Sunken Gardens”, Bruce Sterling (Omni Jun 1984)
- 15. “Bodies”, Joanna Russ (Extra(ordinary) People)
- 16. “Out of Time”, Ben Bova (Omni Nov 1984)
- 17. “At the Embassy Club”, Elizabeth A. Lynn (Omni Jun 1984)
- 18. “Fears”, Pamela Sargent (Light Years and Dark)
- 19. “New Rose Hotel”, William Gibson (Omni Jul 1984)
- 20. “Heat of Fusion”, John M. Ford (Asimov's Sep 1984)
- 21. “When the Music's Over...”, Michael Swanwick (Light Years and Dark)
- 22. “Morning Child”, Gardner Dozois (Omni Jan 1984)
- 23. “The Affair”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Jun 1984)
- 24. “The Gods in Flight”, Brian W. Aldiss (Interzone #9 Autumn 1984; Asimov's mid-Dec 1984)
- 25. “Strangeness, Charm and Spin”, Kate Wilhelm (Light Years and Dark)
- 26. “The Eichmann Variations”, George Zebrowski (Light Years and Dark)
- 27. “On Cannon Beach”, Marta Randall (Asimov's Apr 1984)
- 28. “Helpless, Helpless”, Howard Waldrop (Light Years and Dark)
- 29. “The Scent of Silverdill”, Richard Cowper (F&SF Jan 1984)
- 30. “Crow”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Sep 1984)
- 31. “Barking Dogs”, Terence M. Green (F&SF May 1984)
- 1986
- Ellison, Harlan - S Virgilem Oddumem na východním pólu 70% / 13
- “With Virgil Oddum at the East Pole”, Harlan Ellison (Omni Jan 1985; Medea: Harlan's World)
- 2. “Fermi and Frost”, Frederik Pohl (Asimov's Jan 1985)
- 3. “Snow”, John Crowley (Omni Nov 1985)
- 4. “Time's Rub”, Gregory Benford (Asimov's Apr 1985)
- 5. “Dinner in Audoghast”, Bruce Sterling (Asimov's May 1985)
- 6. “Mengele”, Lucius Shepard (Universe 15)
- 7. “No Regrets”, Lisa Tuttle (F&SF May 1985)
- 8. “Flying Saucer Rock & Roll”, Howard Waldrop (Omni Jan 1985)
- 9. “The Gods of Mars”, Gardner Dozois, Jack Dann & Michael Swanwick (Omni Mar 1985)
- 10. “'...How My Heart Breaks When I Sing This Song...'”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Dec 1985)
- 11. “Hong's Bluff”, William F. Wu (Omni Mar 1985)
- 12. “Tourists”, Lisa Goldstein (Asimov's Feb 1985)
- 13. “Sunrise on Pluto”, Robert Silverberg (The Planets)
- 14. “Out of All Them Bright Stars”, Nancy Kress (F&SF Mar 1985)
- 15. “Paper Dragons”, James P. Blaylock (Imaginary Lands)
- 16. “The Transmigration of Philip K.”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Feb 1985)
- 17. “Mozart in Mirrorshades”, Bruce Sterling & Lewis Shiner (Omni Sep 1985)
- 18. “My Life in the Jungle”, Jim Aikin (F&SF Feb 1985)
- 19. “The Poplar Street Study”, Karen Joy Fowler (F&SF Jun 1985)
- 20. “The Great Wall”, Wayne Wightman (F&SF Sep 1985)
- 21. (tie): “The Blind Minotaur”, Michael Swanwick (Amazing Stories Mar 1985)
- 21. (tie): “The War at Home”, Lewis Shiner (Asimov's May 1985)
- 23. “The Lake Was Full of Artificial Things”, Karen Joy Fowler (Asimov's Oct 1985)
- 24. “The R Strain”, Eric G. Iverson (Analog Jun 1985)
- 25. “Heirs of the Perisphere”, Howard Waldrop (Playboy Jul 1985)
- 26. “The Last Dragon Master”, A. A. Attanasio (Beastmarks)
- 27. “The Bob Dylan Tambourine Software & Satori Support Services Consortium Ltd.”, Michael Bishop (Interzone #12 Summer 1985)
- 1987
- Asimov, Isaac - Sny robotů 80% / 13
- “Robot Dreams”, Isaac Asimov (Asimov's mid-Dec 1986; Robot Dreams)
- Turtledove, Harry Norman - A tak jdu spát 80% / 2
- Robert Silverberg
- Knight, Damon Francis - Cizinci na Paradise 72% / 6
- Elgin, Suzette Haden - Hle, jak může i dub rozkvést 54% / 5
- Howard Waldrop
- George Zebrowski
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Maddox, Tom - Hadí oči 69% / 14
- Paul Di Filippo
- Robert Charles Wilson
- Waldrop, Howard - Dnes v noci lvi spí 54% / 5
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Kelly, James Patrick - Krysoň 70% / 16
- Bear, Greg - Tangenty 77% / 9
- Springer, Nancy - Chlapec, který splétal koním hřívy 77% / 9
- Michael Bishop
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Tváře mene 53% / 10
- Holdstock, Robert - Thorn 74% / 22
- Cadigan, Pat - Hezounkova transformace 40% / 8
- Lewis Shiner
- Lucius Shepard
- Scott Baker
- 2. “Down and Out in the Year 2000”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Apr 1986)
- 3. “Rat”, James Patrick Kelly (F&SF Jun 1986)
- 4. “Tangents”, Greg Bear (Omni Jan 1986)
- 5. “The Boy Who Plaited Manes”, Nancy Springer (F&SF Oct 1986)
- 6. “Alien Graffiti”, Michael Bishop (Asimov's Jun 1986)
- 7. “Face Value”, Karen Joy Fowler (F&SF Nov 1986)
- 8. “Thorn”, Robert Holdstock (F&SF Oct 1986)
- 9. “Pretty Boy Crossover”, Pat Cadigan (Asimov's Jan 1986)
- 10. “Jeff Beck”, Lewis Shiner (Asimov's Jan 1986)
- 11. “Voyage South from Thousand Willows”, Lucius Shepard (Universe 16)
- 12. “Our Town”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Omni Nov 1986)
- 13. “The Lions Are Asleep This Night”, Howard Waldrop (Omni Aug 1986)
- 14. “And So to Bed”, Harry Turtledove (Analog Jan 1986)
- 15. “Blindsight”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Dec 1986)
- 16. “Strangers on Paradise”, Damon Knight (F&SF Apr 1986)
- 17. “Lo, How an Oak E'er Blooming”, Suzette Haden Elgin (F&SF Feb 1986)
- 18. “Fair Game”, Howard Waldrop (Afterlives: Stories About Life After Death)
- 19. “The Idea Trap”, George Zebrowski (Universe 16)
- 20. “Phone Repairs”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Dec 1986)
- 21. “Snake-Eyes”, Tom Maddox (Omni Apr 1986)
- 22. “Skintwister”, Paul Di Filippo (F&SF Mar 1986)
- 23. “State of the Art”, Robert Charles Wilson (F&SF Jan 1986)
- 24. “Sea Change”, Scott Baker (F&SF Mar 1986)
- 1988
- Cadigan, Pat - Angel 54% / 8
- “Angel”, Pat Cadigan (Asimov's May 1987)
- Connie Willis
- Neal Barrett, jr.
- Carol Emshwiller
- Michael Bishop
- Kelly, James Patrick - Démon 43% / 6
- Robert Silverberg
- Brad Ferguson
- Jonathan Samuel Carroll
- Robert Franklin Young
- Lee, Tanith - Pláč za deště 77% / 9
- James Patrick Kelly
- Neal Barrett, jr.
- Sterling, Bruce - Kouzelný krámek 75% / 20
- Silverberg, Robert - Odpustkář 78% / 13
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Věrný společník ve čtyřiceti
- Lucius Shepard
- James Tiptree, jr.
- Shepard, Lucius - Skleněný drak 57% / 7
- Watt-Evans, Lawrence - Proč jsem praštil s prací v nonstop hamburgárně U Harryho 91% / 19
- Lisa Goldstein
- Wilhelm, Kate - Navždy tvá, Anna 78% / 11
- Howard Waldrop
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Jack McDevitt
- William S. Burroughs
- Andrew Weiner
- 2. “The Faithful Companion at Forty”, Karen Joy Fowler (Asimov's Jul 1987)
- 3. “Delta Sly Honey”, Lucius Shepard (In the Field of Fire; Twilight Zone Oct 1987)
- 4. “In Midst of Life”, James Tiptree, Jr. (F&SF Nov 1987)
- 5. “The Glassblower's Dragon”, Lucius Shepard (F&SF Apr 1987)
- 6. “Why I Left Harry's All-Night Hamburgers”, Lawrence Watt-Evans (Asimov's Jul 1987)
- 7. “Cassandra's Photographs”, Lisa Goldstein (Asimov's Aug 1987)
- 8. “Forever Yours, Anna”, Kate Wilhelm (Omni Jul 1987)
- 9. “Night of the Cooters”, Howard Waldrop (Omni Apr 1987)
- 10. “Glass”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Sep 1987)
- 11. “To Hell with the Stars”, Jack McDevitt (Asimov's Dec 1987)
- 12. “The Ghost Lemurs of Madagascar”, William S. Burroughs (Omni Apr 1987)
- 13. “The Pardoner's Tale”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Jun 1987)
- 14. “The Little Magic Shop”, Bruce Sterling (Asimov's Oct 1987)
- 15. “Highbrow”, Neal Barrett, Jr. (Asimov's Jul 1987)
- 16. “Schwarzschild Radius”, Connie Willis (The Universe)
- 17. “Diner”, Neal Barrett, Jr. (Omni Nov 1987)
- 18. “The Circular Library of Stones”, Carol Emshwiller (Omni Feb 1987)
- 19. “For Thus Do I Remember Carthage”, Michael Bishop (The Universe)
- 20. “Dćmon”, James Patrick Kelly (F&SF Nov 1987)
- 21. “The Iron Star”, Robert Silverberg (The Universe)
- 22. “The World Next Door”, Brad Ferguson (Asimov's Sep 1987)
- 23. “Friend's Best Man”, Jonathan Carroll (F&SF Jan 1987)
- 24. “Lapidary Nights”, Marta Randall (Universe 17)
- 25. “What Bleak Land”, Robert F. Young (F&SF Jan 1987)
- 26. “Crying in the Rain”, Tanith Lee (Other Edens)
- 27. “Heroics”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Nov 1987)
- 28. “The Alien in the Lake”, Andrew Weiner (Asimov's Sep 1987)
- 1989
- Ellison, Harlan - Eidóla 48% / 6
- Harlan Ellison - Eidolons
- Resnick, Mike - Kirinyaga 78% / 11
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Lily rudá
- Robert Silverberg
- James Patrick Kelly
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Pat Cadigan
- Eileen Gunn
- Shaw, Bob - Temná noc v říši hraček 76% / 7
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Lisa Goldstein
- Lisa Goldstein
- Bruce McAllister
- John Kessel
- Jack McDevitt
- Effinger, George Alec - Pomalý oheň 50% / 3
- Howard Waldrop
- Brin, David - ALAS 75% / 12
- Lucius Shepard
- Michael Swanwick
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Robert Silverberg
- Thomas Michael Disch
- Sterling, Bruce - Náš neuronový Černobyl 77% / 12
- Landis, Geoffrey A. - Vlnění v Diracově moři 73% / 11
- Jane Yolen
- McDevitt, Jack - Pobočka Fort Moxie 76% / 14
- Neal Barrett, jr.
- Carter Robert Scholz
- 2. “Kirinyaga”, Mike Resnick (F&SF Nov 1988)
- 3. “Wild, Wild Horses”, Howard Waldrop (Omni Jun 1988)
- 4. “The Giving Plague”, David Brin (Interzone #23 Spring 1988)
- 5. “Youthful Folly”, Lucius Shepard (Omni Nov 1988)
- 6. “A Midwinter's Tale”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Dec 1988)
- 7. “At the Double Solstice”, Gregory Benford (Terry's Universe)
- 8. “House of Bones”, Robert Silverberg (Terry's Universe)
- 9. “Voices of the Kill”, Thomas M. Disch (Full Spectrum)
- 10. “Our Neural Chernobyl”, Bruce Sterling (F&SF Jun 1988)
- 11. “Ripples in the Dirac Sea”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov's Oct 1988)
- 12. “The Quiet Monk”, Jane Yolen (Asimov's Mar 1988)
- 13. “The Fort Moxie Branch”, Jack McDevitt (Full Spectrum)
- 14. “Stairs”, Neal Barrett, Jr. (Asimov's Sep 1988)
- 15. “Slow, Slow Burn”, George Alec Effinger (Playboy May 1988)
- 16. “Last Contact”, Jack McDevitt (Asimov's Jun 1988)
- 17. “Mrs. Shummel Exits a Winner”, John Kessel (Asimov's Jun 1988)
- 18. “Lily Red”, Karen Joy Fowler (Asimov's Jul 1988)
- 19. “The Dead Man's Eyes”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Aug 1988)
- 20. “Home Front”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1988)
- 21. “Moments of Clarity”, Elissa Malcohn (Full Spectrum)
- 22. “Philippa's Hands”, Nancy Kress (Full Spectrum)
- 23. “The Circus Horse”, Amy Bechtel (Analog Jun 1988)
- 24. “In Memoriam”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jun 1988)
- 25. “It Was the Heat”, Pat Cadigan (Tropical Chills)
- 26. “Stable Strategies for Middle Management”, Eileen Gunn (Asimov's Jun 1988)
- 27. “Dark Night in Toyland”, Bob Shaw (Interzone #26 Nov/Dec 1988)
- 28. “Craps”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Mar 1988)
- 29. “Dying in Hull”, D. Alexander Smith (Asimov's Nov 1988)
- 30. “After the Master”, Lisa Goldstein (Asimov's May 1988)
- 31. “Death Is Different”, Lisa Goldstein (Asimov's Sep 1988)
- 32. “The Girl Who Loved Animals”, Bruce McAllister (Omni May 1988)
- 33. “Transients”, Carter Scholz (Terry's Universe)
- 34. “The Thing Itself”, Michael Blumlein (Full Spectrum)
- 1990
- Card, Orson Scott - Ztracení chlapci 86% / 22
- “Lost Boys”, Orson Scott Card (F&SF Oct 1989)
- James Graham Ballard
- Eileen Gunn
- Michael F. Flynn
- James P. Blaylock
- Pat Murphy
- Marc Laidlaw
- Richard Calder
- Kathe Koja
- Kathe Koja
- Michael Bishop
- Vonda N. McIntyre
- Chet Williamson
- Lewis Shiner
- Algirdas Jonas Budrys
- Paul Di Filippo
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Večerní utkání u Lišáka a husy
- Gregory Albert Benford
- McKee Charnas, Suzy - Kozy 67% / 14
- Sterling, Bruce - Dori Bangsová 76% / 9
- Willis, Connie - Dilema 70% / 16
- Morrow, James - Abe Lincoln u McDonalda 61% / 8
- Silverberg, Robert - Povídky z vídeňského lesa 67% / 9
- Lansdale, Joe R. - Krvavý Valentýn 63% / 8
- Benford, Gregory Albert - Alfané 52% / 9
- Sheffield, Charles - S prošlými právy 71% / 7
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Klid duše 55% / 6
- Pat Cadigan
- David Brin
- Michael Swanwick
- Thomas Michael Disch
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- James Morrow
- Jack Dann
- 2. “The Power and the Passion”, Pat Cadigan (Patterns)
- 3. “Privacy”, David Brin (F&SF Sep 1989)
- 4. “The Edge of the World”, Michael Swanwick (Full Spectrum 2)
- 5. “Boobs”, Suzy McKee Charnas (Asimov's Jul 1989)
- 6. “Dori Bangs”, Bruce Sterling (Asimov's Sep 1989)
- 7. “Dilemma”, Connie Willis (Asimov's mid-Dec 1989; Foundation's Friends)
- 8. “Abe Lincoln in McDonald's”, James Morrow (F&SF May 1989)
- 9. “The Happy Turnip”, Thomas M. Disch (F&SF Oct 1989)
- 10. “Remaking History”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Mar 1989)
- 11. “Bible Stories for Adults, No. 31: The Covenant”, James Morrow (What Might Have Been? Vol. 1: Alternate Empires; Aboriginal SF Nov/Dec 1989)
- 12. “Tales from the Venia Woods”, Robert Silverberg (F&SF Oct 1989)
- 13. “Mozart on Morphine”, Gregory Benford (The Microverse; F&SF Oct 1989)
- 14. “Game Night at the Fox and Goose”, Karen Joy Fowler (Interzone #29 May/Jun 1989; What Might Have Been? Vol. 1: Alternate Empires)
- 15. “The Enormous Space”, J. G. Ballard (Interzone #30 Jul/Aug 1989)
- 16. “Computer Friendly”, Eileen Gunn (Asimov's Jun 1989)
- 17. “Soul of the City”, Michael F. Flynn (Analog Feb 1989)
- 18. “Unidentified Objects”, James P. Blaylock (Omni Jul 1989)
- 19. “The Steel Valentine”, Joe R. Lansdale (By Bizarre Hands)
- 20. “Prescience”, Pat Murphy (Asimov's Jan 1989)
- 21. “Alphas”, Gregory Benford (Amazing Stories Mar 1989)
- 22. “His Powder'd Wig, His Crown of Thornes”, Marc Laidlaw (Omni Sep 1989)
- 23. “Mosquito”, Richard Calder (Interzone #32 Nov/Dec 1989)
- 24. “Points of View”, Kathe Koja (Asimov's Oct 1989)
- 25. “Out of Copyright”, Charles Sheffield (F&SF May 1989)
- 26. (tie): “Icicle Music”, Michael Bishop (F&SF Nov 1989)
- 26. (tie): “Useful Life”, Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. (Analog Oct 1989)
- 28. (tie): “Malheur Maar”, Vonda N. McIntyre (Full Spectrum 2)
- 28. (tie): “Yore Skin's Jes's Soft 'n Purty...He Said.”, Chet Williamson (Razored Saddles)
- 30. “Steam Engine Time”, Lewis Shiner (The New Frontier)
- 31. “Solace”, Gardner Dozois (Omni Feb 1989)
- 32. “What Befell Mairiam”, Algis Budrys (F&SF Dec 1989)
- 33. “Little Worker”, Paul Di Filippo (F&SF Oct 1989)
- 34. (tie): “Kaddish”, Jack Dann (Asimov's Apr 1989)
- 34. (tie): “Skin Deep”, Kathe Koja (Asimov's Jul 1989)
- 1991
- Bisson, Terry - Medvědi objevují oheň 71% / 42
- “Bears Discover Fire”, Terry Bisson (Asimov's Aug 1990)
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Lieserl
- Kathe Koja
- Nancy Etchemendy
- Aldridge, Raymon Huebert - Studená klec 93% / 13
- Lisa Goldstein
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Aprés Moi 80% / 6
- Jonathan Samuel Carroll
- Bisson, Terry - Přes Plochou horu 76% / 8
- Matheson, Richard - Procitnutí 58% / 9
- Geoffrey A. Landis
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- John Crowley
- Egan, Greg - Axiomat 83% / 17
- Sterling, Bruce - My to vidíme jinak 72% / 18
- Egan, Greg - Učím se být sám sebou 86% / 23
- Willis, Connie - Cibola 64% / 7
- Shiner, Lewis - Bílé město 63% / 6
- Charles Sheffield
- Jeter, Kewin Wayne - Poprvé 55% / 13
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Murphy, Pat - Láska a sex u bezobratlých 72% / 13
- Tuttle, Lisa - Manželé 59% / 13
- Robert Reed
- Lisa Tuttle
- 2. “Cibola”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Dec 1990)
- 3. “Godspeed”, Charles Sheffield (Analog Jul 1990)
- 4. “The First Time”, K. W. Jeter (Alien Sex)
- 5. “Zürich”, Kim Stanley Robinson (F&SF Mar 1990)
- 6. “Love and Sex Among the Invertebrates”, Pat Murphy (Alien Sex)
- 7. “Husbands”, Lisa Tuttle (Alien Sex)
- 8. “White City”, Lewis Shiner (Asimov's Jun 1990)
- 9. “We See Things Differently”, Bruce Sterling (Semiotext(e) SF)
- 10. “The Utility Man”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Nov 1990)
- 11. “Axiomatic”, Greg Egan (Interzone #41 Nov 1990)
- 12. “Missolonghi 1824”, John Crowley (Asimov's Mar 1990)
- 13. “Designated Hitter”, Harry Turtledove (F&SF Jun 1990)
- 14. “Lieserl”, Karen Joy Fowler (Author's Choice Monthly Issue 6: Peripheral Vision; Asimov's Jul 1990)
- 15. “True Colors”, Kathe Koja (Asimov's Jan 1990)
- 16. “Shore Leave Blacks”, Nancy Etchemendy (F&SF Mar 1990)
- 17. “Learning to Be Me”, Greg Egan (Interzone #37 Jul 1990)
- 18. (tie): “The Cold Cage”, Ray Aldridge (F&SF Feb 1990)
- 18. (tie): “Midnight News”, Lisa Goldstein (Asimov's Mar 1990)
- 20. “Aprés Moi”, Gardner Dozois (Omni Nov 1990)
- 21. “The Sadness of Detail”, Jonathan Carroll (Omni Feb 1990)
- 22. “VRM-547”, W. R. Thompson (Analog Feb 1990)
- 23. “Over Flat Mountain”, Terry Bisson (Omni Jun 1990)
- 24. “Arousal”, Richard Christian Matheson (Alien Sex)
- 25. “Projects”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov's Jun 1990)
- 26. “Lizard Lust”, Lisa Tuttle (Interzone #39 Sep 1990)
- 1992
- Kessel, John - Buffalo 69% / 16
- “Buffalo”, John Kessel (Fires of the Past: Thirteen Contemporary Fantasies About Hometowns; F&SF Jan 1991)
- Resnick, Mike - Zimní slunovrat 82% / 5
- James Graham Ballard
- Joe Haldeman
- Robert Silverberg
- Jeter, Kewin Wayne - Opravdová láska 63% / 6
- Landis, Geoffrey A. - Procházka na slunci 85% / 17
- Pat Cadigan
- Martha Soukup
- Tanith Lee
- Greg Egan
- Chiang, Ted - Dělení nulou 69% / 39
- Koja, Kathe - Milující anděl 51% / 7
- Bisson, Terry - Stiskni Ann 83% / 15
- Gibson, William - Štípačův pokojík 48% / 5
- Egan, Greg - Pokrevní sestry 68% / 6
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Temnota 60% / 3
- Reed, Robert - Potrubí 65% / 6
- Kelly, James Patrick - Pogrom 58% / 4
- Dann, Jack - Hlasy 53% / 4
- Resnick, Mike - Takové dokonalé ráno se šakaly 71% / 7
- James Morrow
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Connie Willis
- Somtow, S. P. - Čui Čai 70% / 6
- 2. “Daughter Earth”, James Morrow (Full Spectrum 3)
- 3. “Vinland the Dream”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Nov 1991)
- 4. “In the Late Cretaceous”, Connie Willis (Asimov's mid-Dec 1991)
- 5. “Press Ann”, Terry Bisson (Asimov's Aug 1991)
- 6. “Angels in Love”, Kathe Koja (F&SF Jul 1991)
- 7. “Division by Zero”, Ted Chiang (Full Spectrum 3)
- 8. “Blood Sisters”, Greg Egan (Interzone #54 Dec 1991)
- 9. “The Dark”, Karen Joy Fowler (F&SF Jun 1991)
- 10. “Winter Solstice”, Mike Resnick (F&SF Oct/Nov 1991)
- 11. “Dream Cargoes”, J. G. Ballard (Omni Feb 1991)
- 12. “Images”, Joe Haldeman (F&SF May 1991)
- 13. “One Perfect Morning, With Jackals”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Mar 1991)
- 14. “An Outpost of the Empire”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Nov 1991)
- 15. “Skinner's Room”, William Gibson (Omni Nov 1991)
- 16. “Bright Light, Big City”, Greg Costikyan (Asimov's Feb 1991)
- 17. “True Love”, K. W. Jeter (A Whisper of Blood)
- 18. “A Walk in the Sun”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov's Oct 1991)
- 19. “Voices”, Jack Dann (Omni Jun 1991)
- 20. “Johnny Come Home”, Pat Cadigan (Omni Jun 1991)
- 21. “Dog's Life”, Martha Soukup (Amazing Stories Mar 1991)
- 22. “Venus Rising on Water”, Tanith Lee (Asimov's Oct 1991)
- 23. “Fidelity”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Sep 1991)
- 24. “Pipes”, Robert Reed (F&SF Jul 1991)
- 25. “Chu Chai”, S. P. Somtow (The Ultimate Frankenstein)
- 26. “Pogrom”, James Patrick Kelly (Fires of the Past: Thirteen Contemporary Fantasies About Hometowns; Asimov's Jan 1991)
- 1993
- Willis, Connie - Dokonce i královna 79% / 30
- “Even the Queen”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Apr 1992)
- Esther Mona Friesner-Stutzman
- Charles Sheffield
- Thomas Michael Disch
- Howard Waldrop
- Lisa Goldstein
- Vonda N. McIntyre
- Bisson, Terry - Dva chlápci z budoucnosti 73% / 8
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Egan, Greg - Nestabilní dráhy v prostoru lží 68% / 14
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Lyon Sprague de Camp
- M. Shayne Bell
- Kathe Koja
- John Herbert Varley
- Pat Cadigan
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Haldeman, Joe - Hrobaři 80% / 7
- Adam-Troy Castro
- Michael Swanwick
- Lucius Shepard
- Nicholas A. DiChario
- Resnick, Mike - Lotos a oštěp 87% / 3
- James Graham Ballard
- Poul William Anderson
- Clarke, Arthur C. - Kladivo boží 85% / 4
- David Gerrold
- Martha Soukup
- Barry N. Malzberg
- 2. “The Mountain to Mohammed”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Apr 1992)
- 3. “Graves”, Joe Haldeman (F&SF Oct/Nov 1992)
- 4. “The Last Robot”, Adam-Troy Castro (Science Fiction Age Nov 1992)
- 5. “In Concert”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Sep 1992)
- 6. (tie): “A Little Night Music”, Lucius Shepard (Omni Mar 1992)
- 6. (tie): “The Winterberry”, Nicholas A. DiChario (Alternate Kennedys)
- 8. “The Lotus and the Spear”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Aug 1992)
- 9. “The Message from Mars”, J. G. Ballard (Interzone #58 Apr 1992)
- 10. “In Memoriam”, Poul Anderson (Omni Dec 1992)
- 11. “The Hammer of God”, Arthur C. Clarke (Time Fall 1992)
- 12. “The Kennedy Enterprise”, David Gerrold (Alternate Kennedys)
- 13. “The Arbitrary Placement of Walls”, Martha Soukup (Asimov's Apr 1992)
- 14. “50 Ways to Improve Your Orgasm”, Pat Cadigan (Asimov's Apr 1992)
- 15. “Good Intentions”, John Varley (Playboy Nov 1992)
- 16. “The Company of Storms”, Kathe Koja (F&SF Jun 1992)
- 17. “All Vows”, Esther M. Friesner (Asimov's Nov 1992)
- 18. “C-Change”, Charles Sheffield (Analog Nov 1992)
- 19. “The Abduction of Bunny Steiner, or A Shameless Lie”, Thomas M. Disch (Asimov's Apr 1992)
- 20. “The Effects of Alienation”, Howard Waldrop (Omni Jun 1992)
- 21. (tie): “Alfred”, Lisa Goldstein (Asimov's Dec 1992)
- 21. (tie): “Steelcollar Worker”, Vonda N. McIntyre (Analog Nov 1992)
- 23. “Two Guys from the Future”, Terry Bisson (Omni Aug 1992)
- 24. (tie): “Planck Zero”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Jan 1992)
- 24. (tie): “Unstable Orbits in the Space of Lies”, Greg Egan (Interzone #61 Jul 1992)
- 26. “The Rock that Changed Things”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Amazing Stories Sep 1992)
- 27. “The Round-Eyed Barbarians”, L. Sprague de Camp (Amazing Stories Jan 1992)
- 28. “The Sound of the River”, M. Shayne Bell (Asimov's Dec 1992)
- 29. “Ship Full of Jews”, Barry N. Malzberg (Omni Apr 1992; What Might Have Been? Vol. 4: Alternate Americas)
- 1994
- Connie Willis
- “Close Encounter”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Sep 1993)
- 2.“Mwalimu in the Squared Circle”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Mar 1993)
- 3.“The Story So Far”, Martha Soukup (Full Spectrum 4)
- 4.“The Bone Woman”, Charles de Lint (F&SF Aug 1993)
- 5.“Martin on a Wednesday”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Mar 1993)
- 6.“The Battle of Long Island”, Nancy Kress (Omni Feb/Mar 1993)
- 7.“Feedback”, Joe Haldeman (Playboy Mar 1993)
- 8.“I Shall Do Thee Mischief in the Wood”, Kathe Koja (Snow White, Blood Red)
- 9.“The Face”, Ed Gorman (F&SF Apr 1993; Confederacy of the Dead)
- 10.“Useful Phrases”, Gene Wolfe (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction Jan 1993)
- 11.“Sacred Cow”, Bruce Sterling (Omni Jan 1993)
- 12. (tie): “The Extra”, Greg Egan (Asimov's Jan 1993)
- 12. (tie): “The Good Pup”, Bridget McKenna (F&SF Mar 1993)
- 14.“The Sri Lanka Position”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Dec 1993)
- 15.“The Plot to Save Hitler”, W. R. Thompson (Analog Sep 1993)
- 16.“Love Toys of the Gods”, Pat Cadigan (Omni Best Science Fiction Three)
- 17.“Everything that Rises, Must Converge”, Michael Armstrong (Asimov's Feb 1993)
- 18.“Sinner-Saints”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (F&SF May 1993)
- 19.“Carriers”, Brian Stableford (Asimov's Jul 1993)
- 20. (tie): “'Forever,' Said the Duck”, Jonathan Lethem (Asimov's Dec 1993)
- 20. (tie): “Sea-Scene, or, Vergil and the Ox-Thrall”, Avram Davidson (Asimov's Feb 1993)
- 22.“Cliffs That Laughed”, R. A. Lafferty (Magazine of Horror #26 Mar 1969; Amazing Stories Oct 1993)
- 1995
- Haldeman, Joe - Tak slepý zas nejsem 55% / 2
- “None So Blind”, Joe Haldeman (Asimov's Nov 1994)
- 2.“I Know What You're Thinking”, Kate Wilhelm (Asimov's Nov 1994)
- 3.“Dead Man's Curve”, Terry Bisson (Asimov's Jun 1994)
- 4.“The Changeling's Tale”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Jan 1994)
- 5.“Virtual Love”, Maureen F. McHugh (F&SF Jan 1994)
- 6.“Bible Stories for Adults, No. 20: The Tower”, James Morrow (F&SF Jun 1994)
- 7.“Mrs. Lincoln's China”, M. Shayne Bell (Asimov's Jul 1994)
- 8.“Unchosen Love”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Amazing Stories Fall 1994)
- 9.“Manhattan 99”, Neal Barrett, Jr. (Asimov's mid-Dec 1994)
- 10.“Barnaby in Exile”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Feb 1994)
- 11.“Understanding Entropy”, Barry N. Malzberg (Science Fiction Age Jul 1994)
- 12.“The Narcissus Plague”, Lisa Goldstein (Asimov's Jul 1994)
- 13.“The Sawing Boys”, Howard Waldrop (Black Thorn, White Rose)
- 14.“Margin of Error”, Nancy Kress (Omni Oct 1994)
- 15.“Bloodletting”, Kate Wilhelm (Omni Jun 1994)
- 16.“Blinker”, Jack McDevitt (Analog Mar 1994)
- 17.“Inspiration”, Ben Bova (F&SF Apr 1994)
- 18.“Hitler at Nuremburg”, Barry N. Malzberg (By Any Other Fame; Pulphouse #17)
- 19.“Queen of Angels”, Kathe Koja (Omni Jul 1994)
- 20.“Jukebox Gifts”, Dean Wesley Smith (F&SF Jan 1994)
- 21.“The Pandora Probe”, Jerry Oltion (Analog Dec 1994)
- 22.“The Mask”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Apr 1994)
- 23.“Big Guy”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1994)
- 24.“The Blood of Angels”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Dec 1994)
- 25.“The Fire that Scours”, Edward Bryant (Omni Oct 1994)
- 1996
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Lincolnův vlak 45% / 11
- “The Lincoln Train”, Maureen F. McHugh (F&SF Apr 1995)
- Flynn, Michael F. - Boží slib 55% / 4
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- G. David Nordley
- Ryman, Geoff - Domov 60% / 4
- Brian W. Aldiss
- Brian Stableford
- Sheckley, Robert - Deň, keď prišli Cudzí 80% / 1
- Bisson, Terry - Tam smrt nemůže 67% / 3
- James Edwin Gunn
- Daniel, Tony - Život na Měsíci 57% / 6
- Swanwick, Michael - Uprchlík 70% / 4
- Zelazny, Roger - Tři sestupy Jeremyho Bakera 53% / 6
- Friesner-Stutzman, Esther Mona - Narozeniny 54% / 7
- Gregory Albert Benford
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Ti starší 81% / 7
- 2. “Gossamer”, Stephen Baxter (Science Fiction Age Nov 1995)
- 3. “High Abyss”, Gregory Benford (New Legends)
- 4. “A Birthday”, Esther M. Friesner (F&SF Aug 1995)
- 5. “The Three Descents of Jeremy Baker”, Roger Zelazny (F&SF Jul 1995)
- 6. “Walking Out”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Feb 1995)
- 7. “Life on the Moon”, Tony Daniel (Asimov's Apr 1995)
- 8. “The Lens of Time”, James Gunn (Analog Oct 1995)
- 9. “There Are No Dead”, Terry Bisson (Omni Jan 1995)
- 10. “Olders”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Omni Winter 1995)
- 11. “The Day the Aliens Came”, Robert Sheckley (New Legends)
- 12. “The Age of Innocence”, Brian Stableford (Asimov's Jun 1995)
- 13. “Into the Tunnel!”, Brian W. Aldiss (Asimov's Apr 1995)
- 14. “Home”, Geoff Ryman (Interzone #93 Mar 1995)
- 15. “Alice's Asteroid”, G. David Nordley (Asimov's Oct 1995)
- 16. “The Beautiful, the Damned”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (F&SF Feb 1995)
- 17. “The Promise of God”, Michael F. Flynn (F&SF Mar 1995)
- 1997
- Crowley, John - Pryč 72% / 19
- “Gone”, John Crowley (F&SF Sep 1996)
- Steven Utley
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Kolumbiáda 40% / 1
- James White
- Joanna Russ
- Baxter; Brown - Časoprostorová jáma 89% / 13
- James Patrick Kelly
- Robert Reed
- Silverberg, Robert - Dokud nás smrt nerozdělí 65% / 4
- Dozois, Gardner Raymond - Pro obecní blaho 78% / 6
- Ben Bova
- Wolfe, Gene - Počítání koček na Zanzibaru 47% / 6
- Park, Paul - Poslední homosexuál 50% / 3
- Michael Swanwick
- Willis, Connie - Duše si vybírá pro sebe společnost 74% / 15
- Kate Wilhelm
- Moran, Daniel Keys - V čase sekvojí 77% / 6
- Robert Reed
- Maureen F. McHugh
- Sarah Zettel
- 2. “Counting Cats in Zanzibar”, Gene Wolfe (Asimov's Aug 1996)
- 3. “The Last Homosexual”, Paul Park (Asimov's Jun 1996)
- 4. “The Dead”, Michael Swanwick (Starlight 1)
- 5. “The Soul Selects Her Own Society: Invasion and Repulsion: A Chronological Reinterpretation of Two of Emily Dickinson's Poems: A Wellsian Perspective”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Apr 1996; War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches)
- 6. “Forget Luck”, Kate Wilhelm (F&SF Apr 1996)
- 7. “On Sequoia Time”, Daniel Keys Moran (Asimov's Sep 1996)
- 8. “Decency”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jun 1996)
- 9. “Strings”, Maureen F. McHugh (Science Fiction Age Nov 1996)
- 10. “Appointment in Sinai”, Ben Bova (Analog Jun 1996)
- 11. “Community”, Gardner Dozois (Asimov's Sep 1996)
- 12. “A Silurian Tale”, Steven Utley (Asimov's May 1996)
- 13. “Columbiad”, Stephen Baxter (Science Fiction Age May 1996)
- 14. “Un-Birthday Boy”, James White (Analog Feb 1996)
- 15. “Invasion”, Joanna Russ (Asimov's Jan 1996)
- 16. “The Spacetime Pit”, Stephen Baxter & Eric Brown (Interzone #107 May 1996)
- 17. “Breakaway, Backdown”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1996)
- 18. “First Tuesday”, Robert Reed (F&SF Feb 1996)
- 19. “Death Do Us Part”, Robert Silverberg (Omni Online Dec 1996)
- 20. “Under Pressure”, Sarah Zettel (Analog Apr 1996)
- 1998
- Kelly, James Patrick - Vařila myšička kašičku 82% / 12
- “Itsy Bitsy Spider”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1997)
- Greg Egan
- Gene Wolfe
- Howard Waldrop
- Bisson, Terry - Kancelářský románek 70% / 4
- John Kessel
- Geoffrey A. Landis
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Robert J. Sawyer
- Karen Joy Fowler
- Kress, Nancy Anne - Vždy věrná Tobě, po svém 68% / 4
- Wolfe, Gene - Žádná planeta pak neuhrane... 51% / 7
- Silverberg, Robert - Dnu 60% / 1
- Michael Swanwick
- Paul Park
- Resnick, Mike - 43 antareských dynastií 87% / 7
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Howard Waldrop
- Robert Reed
- 2. “Scientifiction”, Howard Waldrop (Going Home Again; Asimov's Mar 1998)
- 3. “Zemlya”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Jan 1997)
- 4. “The 43 Antarean Dynasties”, Mike Resnick (Asimov's Dec 1997)
- 5. “Get a Grip”, Paul Park (Omni Online Mar 1997; F&SF Dec 1997)
- 6. “The Wisdom of Old Earth”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Dec 1997)
- 7. “On the Inside”, Robert Silverberg (Science Fiction Age Nov 1997)
- 8. “No Planets Strike”, Gene Wolfe (F&SF Jan 1997)
- 9. “Always True to Thee, in My Fashion”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jan 1997)
- 10. “Standing Room Only”, Karen Joy Fowler (Asimov's Aug 1997)
- 11. “The Hand You're Dealt”, Robert J. Sawyer (Free Space)
- 12. “Glass Earth Inc.”, Stephen Baxter (Odyssey Nov/Dec 1997)
- 13. “Winter Fire”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov's Aug 1997)
- 14. “Gulliver at Home”, John Kessel (The Pure Product)
- 15. “An Office Romance”, Terry Bisson (Playboy Feb 1997)
- 16. “The Heart of Whitenesse”, Howard Waldrop (New Worlds)
- 17. “Flash Company”, Gene Wolfe (The Horns of Elfland)
- 18. “Orphanogenesis”, Greg Egan (Interzone #123 Sep 1997)
- 19. “Booming Ice”, Robert Reed (Science Fiction Age Jan 1997)
- 1999
- Sterling, Bruce - Maneki Neko 81% / 21
- “Maneki Neko”, Bruce Sterling (F&SF May 1998)
- Robert Reed
- 2. “Radiant Doors”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Sep 1998)
- 3. “Mr. Goober's Show”, Howard Waldrop (Omni Online Mar 1998; F&SF Sep 1998)
- 4. “Moon-Calf”, Stephen Baxter (Analog Jul/Aug 1998)
- 5. “Dante Dreams”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Aug 1998)
- 6. “Wild Minds”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's May 1998)
- 7. “Every Angel Is Terrifying”, John Kessel (F&SF Oct/Nov 1998)
- 8. “First Fire”, Terry Bisson (Science Fiction Age Sep 1998)
- 9. “Whiptail”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Oct/Nov 1998)
- 10. “17”, Paul J. McAuley (Asimov's Jun 1998)
- 11. “The Very Pulse of the Machine”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Feb 1998)
- 12. “The Year of the Mouse”, Norman Spinrad (Asimov's Apr 1998)
- 13. “US”, Howard Waldrop (Event Horizon 14 Oct 1998)
- 14. “Congenital Agenesis of Gender Ideation by K.N. Sirsi and Sandra Botkin”, Raphael Carter (Starlight 2)
- 15. “Microcosmic Dog”, Michael Swanwick (Science Fiction Age Nov 1998)
- 16. “Savior”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Aug 1998)
- 17. “The Stubbornest Broad on Earth”, Janet Kagan (Asimov's Feb 1998)
- 18. “The Wire Continuum”, Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter (Playboy Jan 1998)
- 19. (tie): “Out of Space, Out of Time”, David Langford (Science Fiction Age Sep 1998)
- 19. (tie): “Radio Praha”, Tony Daniel (Asimov's Mar 1998)
- 21. “Tiger, Tiger”, Severna Park (Realms of Fantasy Apr 1998)
- 22. (tie): “Options”, Hal Clement (Lamps on the Brow)
- 22. (tie): “Wrapper”, Gene Wolfe (Lamps on the Brow)
- 24. “While You Wait”, Kathy Oltion (Analog Sep 1998)
- 2000
- Bisson, Terry - EMKA 73% / 8
- “macs”, Terry Bisson (F&SF Oct/Nov 1999)
- Allen M. Steele
- Robert Reed
- Terry Bisson
- Barry N. Malzberg
- Brian Stableford
- Brian W. Aldiss
- Geoffrey A. Landis
- M. John Harrison
- Geoff Ryman
- David Marusek
- William Sanders
- Michael Swanwick
- Swanwick, Michael - Scherzo s tyranosaurem 68% / 10
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Howard Waldrop
- Jonathan Samuel Carroll
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Paul James McAuley
- 2. “Ancient Engines”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Feb 1999)
- 3. “Scherzo with Tyrannosaur”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Jul 1999)
- 4. “Spindrift”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Mar 1999)
- 5. “Arthur Sternbach Brings the Curveball to Mars”, Kim Stanley Robinson (The Martians; Asimov's Aug 1999)
- 6. “People Came from Earth”, Stephen Baxter (Moon Shots)
- 7. “The Dynasters Vol. 1: On the Downs”, Howard Waldrop (F&SF Oct/Nov 1999)
- 8. “Fish in a Barrel”, Jonathan Carroll (F&SF Oct/Nov 1999)
- 9. “Sexual Dimorphism”, Kim Stanley Robinson (The Martians; Asimov's Jun 1999)
- 10. “Jennifer, Just Before Midnight”, William Sanders (F&SF Aug 1999)
- 11. “Yurek Rutz, Yurek Rutz, Yurek Rutz”, David Marusek (Asimov's Jan 1999)
- 12. (tie): “Everywhere”, Geoff Ryman (Interzone #140 Feb 1999)
- 12. (tie): “Her Own Private Sitcom”, Allen Steele (Analog Jan 1999)
- 14. “Human Bay”, Robert Reed (Asimov's May 1999)
- 15. “Smoother”, Terry Bisson (F&SF Jan 1999)
- 16. “Shiva”, Barry N. Malzberg (Science Fiction Age May 1999)
- 17. “Ashes and Tombstones”, Brian M. Stableford (Moon Shots)
- 18. (tie): “An Apollo Asteroid”, Brian W. Aldiss (Moon Shots)
- 18. (tie): “Into the Blue Abyss”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov's Aug 1999)
- 20. “Suicide Coast”, M. John Harrison (F&SF Jul 1999)
- 21. “Alien TV”, Paul J. McAuley (Interzone #142 Apr 1999)
- 2001
- Larry Niven
- Larry Niven - The Missing Mass
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Jane Yolen
- David Brin
- Dan Simmons
- M. John Harrison
- Paul Di Filippo
- Jeffrey Ford
- Ted Chiang
- Jane Yolen
- Michael Bishop
- William Browning Spencer
- Robert Silverberg
- Aldiss, Brian W. - Steppenpferd 55% / 2
- Tanith Lee
- Brian Stableford
- Michael Swanwick
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Sheena 5 83% / 16
- Michael Swanwick
- Paul James McAuley
- Howard Waldrop
- Ford, Jeffrey - Ve službách mistra fantasy 82% / 12
- Terry Bisson
- Charles Sheffield
- Andy Duncan
- Due, Tananarive - Pacient nula 76% / 13
- Howard Waldrop
- James P. Blaylock
- Sean McMullen
- 2. “Moon Dogs”, Michael Swanwick (Moon Dogs)
- 3. “Silver Ghost”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Sep 2000)
- 4. “The Royals of Hegn”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Asimov's Feb 2000)
- 5. “Sheena 5”, Stephen Baxter (Analog May 2000)
- 6. “The Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O”, Michael Swanwick (Tales of Old Earth)
- 7. “Interstitial”, Paul J. McAuley (Asimov's Jul 2000)
- 8. “Winter Quarters”, Howard Waldrop (Sci Fiction 2 Aug 2000)
- 9. “The Fantasy Writer's Assistant”, Jeffrey Ford (F&SF Feb 2000)
- 10. “Lucy”, Terry Bisson (Playboy Feb 2000)
- 11. (tie): “The Art of Fugue”, Charles Sheffield (Asimov's Jun 2000)
- 11. (tie): “Fenneman's Mouth”, Andy Duncan (Beluthahatchie and Other Stories)
- 13. “Patient Zero”, Tananarive Due (F&SF Aug 2000)
- 14. “Our Mortal Span”, Howard Waldrop (Black Heart, Ivory Bones)
- 15. “The War of the Worlds”, James P. Blaylock (Sci Fiction 24 May 2000)
- 16. (tie): “The Mandrake Garden”, Brian Stableford (F&SF Jul 2000)
- 16. (tie): “Partial Eclipse”, Graham Joyce (Sci Fiction 9 Aug 2000)
- 18. “The Eye in the Heart”, Tanith Lee (F&SF Mar 2000)
- 19. (tie): “The Flyers of Gy: An Interplanetary Tale”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Sci Fiction 8 Nov 2000)
- 19. (tie): “Greedy Choke Puppy”, Nalo Hopkinson (Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora)
- 21. “Under the Hill”, Jane Yolen (Sister Emily's Lightship and Other Stories)
- 22. “Reality Check”, David Brin (Nature 16 Mar 2000)
- 23. “Madame Bovary, c'est moi”, Dan Simmons (Nature 14 Sep 2000)
- 24. “The Neon Heart Murders”, M. John Harrison (F&SF Apr 2000)
- 25. “The Reluctant Book”, Paul Di Filippo (Science Fiction Age May 2000)
- 26. “Malthusian's Zombie”, Jeffrey Ford (Sci Fiction 31 May 2000)
- 27. (tie): “Catching Crumbs from the Table”, Ted Chiang (Nature 1 Jun 2000)
- 27. (tie): “Fidelity: A Primer”, Michael Blumlein (F&SF Sep 2000)
- 29. “Snow in Summer”, Jane Yolen (Black Heart, Ivory Bones)
- 30. “How Beautiful With Banners”, Michael Bishop (Century #6 Spring 2000)
- 31. “The Foster Child”, William Browning Spencer (F&SF Jun 2000)
- 32. “The Millennial Express”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Jan 2000)
- 33. “Steppenpferd”, Brian W. Aldiss (F&SF Feb 2000)
- 34. “Colours of the Soul”, Sean McMullen (Interzone #152 Feb 2000)
- 2002
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Kosti země 64% / 10
- “The Bones of the Earth”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Tales from Earthsea)
- 2. The Dog Said Bow-Wow”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2001)
- 3. “Incognita, Inc.”, Harlan Ellison (Hemispheres Jan 2001; Realms of Fantasy Aug 2001)
- 4. “The Ghost Pit”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Jul 2001)
- 5. “Senator Bilbo”, Andy Duncan (Starlight 3)
- 6. “In Glory Like Their Star”, Gene Wolfe (F&SF Oct/Nov 2001)
- 7. “Grey Earth”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Dec 2001)
- 8. “Anomalies”, Gregory Benford (Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction)
- 9. “Creature”, Carol Emshwiller (F&SF Oct/Nov 2001)
- 10. “The Milk of Human Kindness”, Brian Stableford (Analog Mar 2001)
- 11. “Ave de Paso”, Catherine Asaro (Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction)
- 12. “Queen”, Gene Wolfe (Realms of Fantasy Dec 2001)
- 13. “The Building”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction)
- 14. “The Shadow”, Thomas M. Disch (F&SF Dec 2001)
- 15. “Charlie's Angels”, Terry Bisson (Sci Fiction 15 Aug 2001)
- 16. “Cut”, Megan Lindholm (Asimov's May 2001)
- 17. “Unique Visitors”, James Patrick Kelly (Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction)
- 18. “His Own Back Yard”, James P. Blaylock (Sci Fiction 11 Jul 2001)
- 19. “The Honeyed Knot”, Jeffrey Ford (F&SF May 2001)
- 20. “Small Houses”, James P. Blaylock (Sci Fiction 10 Oct 2001)
- 21. “The Infodict”, James Van Pelt (Asimov's Aug 2001)
- 22. “A Slow Saturday Night at the Surrealist Sporting Club”, Michael Moorcock (Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction)
- 23. “Exclusion”, Daniel Abraham (Asimov's Feb 2001)
- 24. “The Black Heart”, Patrick O'Leary (Sci Fiction 8 Aug 2001)
- 25. “What We Did That Summer”, Kathe Koja & Barry N. Malzberg (Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction)
- 26. “The God of Dark Laughter”, Michael Chabon (The New Yorker 9 Apr 2001)
- 27. “Little Brother”, Walter Mosley (F&SF Dec 2001)
- 28. “The Ground He Stood On”, J. R. Dunn (Analog Jul/Aug 2001)
- 29. The Exchange, by Nicholas Sporlander, Jeff VanderMeer (Hoegbotton & Sons)
- 30. “Self-Portrait, with Melanoma, Final Draft”, Paul Park (Interzone #167 May 2001)
- 31. “Non-Disclosure Agreement”, Scott Westerfeld (Sci Fiction 3 Oct 2001)
- 2003
- Gaiman, Neil - Říjen předsedá 77% / 29
- “October in the Chair”, Neil Gaiman (Conjunctions 39: The New Wave Fabulists)
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2. “Creation”, Jeffrey Ford (F&SF May 2002)
- 3. “Familiar”, China Miéville (Conjunctions 39: The New Wave Fabulists)
- 4. “The Little Cat Laughed to See Such Sport”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2002)
- 5. (tie): “The Hunters of Pangaea”, Stephen Baxter (Analog Dec 2002)
- 5. (tie): “In Paradise”, Bruce Sterling (F&SF Sep 2002)
- 7. “The Hanging Curve”, Gardner Dozois (F&SF Apr 2002)
- 8. “The Waif”, Gene Wolfe (F&SF Jan 2002)
- 9. “Social Dreaming of the Frin”, Ursula K. Le Guin (F&SF Oct/Nov 2002)
- 10. “'Hello,' Said the Stick”, Michael Swanwick (Analog Mar 2002)
- 11. “What I Didn't See”, Karen Joy Fowler (Sci Fiction 10 Jul 2002)
- 12. “Shields of Mars”, Gene Wolfe (Mars Probes)
- 13. “The Seasons of the Ansarac”, Ursula K. Le Guin (The Infinite Matrix 30 Jun 2002)
- 14. “Candy Art”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Dec 2002)
- 15. “Her Father's Eyes”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Dec 2002)
- 16. “If Lions Could Speak: Imaging the Alien”, Paul Park (Interzone #177 Mar 2002)
- 17. “I Saw the Light”, Terry Bisson (Sci Fiction 2 Oct 2002)
- 18. “Lambing Season”, Molly Gloss (Asimov's Jul 2002)
- 19. (tie): “Hunter's Moon”, Patricia A. McKillip (The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest)
- 19. (tie): “The Long Chase”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov's Feb 2002)
- 19. (tie): “She Sees My Monsters Now”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jun 2002)
- 22. “Droplet”, Benjamin Rosenbaum (F&SF Jul 2002)
- 23. “Knapsack Poems”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's May 2002)
- 24. “The Invisible Empire”, John Kessel (Conjunctions 39: The New Wave Fabulists)
- 25. (tie): “Dirty Little War”, Michael Swanwick (In the Shadow of the Wall)
- 25. (tie): “The War of the Worldviews”, James Morrow (Mars Probes)
- 27. “At Dorado”, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2002)
- 28. “Some Other Time”, Ray Vukcevich (Sci Fiction 17 Jul 2002)
- 29. “Flight Correction”, Ken Wharton (Analog Mar 2002)
- 2004
- Gaiman, Neil - Zavíráme 73% / 15
- “Closing Time”, Neil Gaiman (McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales)
- Howard Waldrop
- Harry Norman Turtledove
- Ford, Jeffrey - Trentinovic chlapec 80% / 3
- Michael Swanwick
- Gardner Raymond Dozois
- Cory Doctorow
- John Kessel
- Andy Duncan
- Jeffrey Ford
- James Patrick Kelly
- Albert Edward Cowdrey
- Charles Coleman Finlay
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Geoff Ryman
- Carol Emshwiller
- Maureen F. McHugh
- Haldeman, Joe - Čtyři krátké romány 60% / 9
- Gene Wolfe
- Levine, David D. - Pověst o zlatém orlu 65% / 12
- Gene Wolfe
- Kage Baker
- Robert Reed
- Di Filippo, Paul - A talíř vzal roha se lžící 68% / 22
- Brian W. Aldiss
- Charles Stross
- Howard Waldrop
- Doctorow; Stross - Kytice od Alenky 61% / 15
- John Herbert Varley
- Michael Swanwick
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2. “Four Short Novels”, Joe Haldeman (F&SF Oct/Nov 2003)
- 3. “Castaway”, Gene Wolfe (Sci Fiction 5 Feb 2003)
- 4. “The Tale of the Golden Eagle”, David D. Levine (F&SF Jun 2003)
- 5. “Graylord Man's Last Words”, Gene Wolfe (Asimov's May 2003)
- 6. “A Night on the Barbary Coast”, Kage Baker (The Silver Gryphon)
- 7. (tie): “555”, Robert Reed (F&SF May 2003)
- 7. (tie): “And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon”, Paul Di Filippo (Sci Fiction 19 Nov 2003)
- 9. (tie): “The Hibernators”, Brian W. Aldiss (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2003)
- 9. (tie): “Rogue Farm”, Charles Stross (Live Without a Net)
- 11. “Calling Your Name”, Howard Waldrop (Stars: Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian)
- 12. “Flowers from Alice”, Cory Doctorow & Charles Stross (New Voices in Science Fiction)
- 13. “In Fading Suns and Dying Moons”, John Varley (Stars: Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian)
- 14. “Smoke and Mirrors: Four Scenes from the Post-utopian Future”, Michael Swanwick (Live Without a Net)
- 15. “June Sixteenth at Anna's”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Asimov's Apr 2003)
- 16. “Ancestor Money”, Maureen F. McHugh (Sci Fiction 1 Oct 2003)
- 17. “Boys: A short story”, Carol Emshwiller (Sci Fiction 28 Jan 2003)
- 18. “D=RxT”, Howard Waldrop (Sci Fiction 22 Oct 2003)
- 19. “Joe Steele”, Harry Turtledove (Stars: Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian)
- 20. “The Trentino Kid”, Jeffrey Ford (The Dark: New Ghost Stories)
- 21. (tie): “Deep in the Woods of Grammarie”, Michael Swanwick (Realms of Fantasy Oct 2003)
- 21. (tie): “Fairy Tale”, Gardner Dozois (Sci Fiction 15 Jan 2003)
- 23. “The Apocalaypse According to Olaf”, Barth Anderson (Asimov's May 2003)
- 24. “Nimby and the Dimension Hoppers”, Cory Doctorow (Asimov's Jun 2003)
- 25. (tie): “Big Ugly Mama and the ZK”, Eleanor Arnason (Asimov's Sep 2003)
- 25. (tie): “Of New Arrivals, Many Johns, and the Music of the Spheres”, John Kessel (F&SF Jun 2003)
- 27. “Daddy Mention and the Monday Skull”, Andy Duncan (Mojo: Conjure Stories)
- 28. “The Beautiful Gelreesh”, Jeffrey Ford (Album Zutique #1)
- 29. “Mother”, James Patrick Kelly (The Silver Gryphon)
- 30. (tie): “Grey Star”, Albert E. Cowdrey (F&SF Jan 2003)
- 30. (tie): “Wild Thing”, Charles Coleman Finlay (F&SF Jul 2003)
- 32. “EJ-ES”, Nancy Kress (Stars: Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian)
- 33. “Birth Days”, Geoff Ryman (Interzone #188 Apr 2003)
- 2005
- Gaiman, Neil - Zakázané nevěsty otroků bez tváře v tajném domě noci děsivé touhy 63% / 15
- “Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire”, Neil Gaiman (Gothic! Ten Original Dark Tales)
- Neal Asher
- Vernor Vinge
- John Kessel
- Liz Williams
- Maureen F. McHugh
- M. John Harrison
- Ellen Klages
- Chris Roberson
- Elizabeth Hand
- Holly Black
- Reed, Robert - Opálová koule 54% / 7
- Rosenbaum, Benjamin - Pusťte hodiny 61% / 16
- Rickert, Mary - Příběhy od zimních ohňů 49% / 10
- Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Rosenbaum, Benjamin - Ten, jenž přijímá vše nové 71% / 16
- James P. Blaylock
- Jack McDevitt
- Gene Wolfe
- Miéville, China - Šťastné a veselé 56% / 16
- Howard Waldrop
- Ford, Jeffrey - Kronika Eelin-Oka 77% / 10
- Haldeman, Joe - Tváře 67% / 14
- Michael Swanwick
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Terry Bisson
- Kelly, James Patrick - Vánoce ze všech nejlepší 60% / 6
- Lanagan, Margo - Zpěv na sestřinu cestu dolů 73% / 6
- Carol Emshwiller
- William Barton
- Duncan, Andy - Zora a Zombie 51% / 7
- Bruce Sterling
- Carol Emshwiller
- Alfred Angelo Attanasio
- 2. “Pulp Cover”, Gene Wolfe (Asimov's Mar 2004)
- 3. “'Tis the Season”, China Miéville (Socialist Review Dec 2004)
- 4. “The Wolf-man of Alcatraz”, Howard Waldrop (Sci Fiction 22 Sep 2004)
- 5. “The Annals of Eelin-Ok”, Jeffrey Ford (The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm)
- 6. “Faces”, Joe Haldeman (F&SF Jun 2004)
- 7. “The Last Geek”, Michael Swanwick (Crossroads: Tales of the Southern Literary Fantastic)
- 8. “My Mother, Dancing”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jun 2004)
- 9. “Scout's Honor”, Terry Bisson (Sci Fiction 28 Jan 2004)
- 10. “The Best Christmas Ever”, James Patrick Kelly (Sci Fiction 26 May 2004)
- 11. “Singing My Sister Down”, Margo Lanagan (Black Juice)
- 12. “All of Us Can Almost...”, Carol Emshwiller (Sci Fiction 17 Nov 2004)
- 13. “The Gods of a Lesser Creation”, William Barton (Asimov's Aug 2004)
- 14. “Zora and the Zombie”, Andy Duncan (Sci Fiction 4 Feb 2004)
- 15. “Luciferase”, Bruce Sterling (Sci Fiction 22 Dec 2004)
- 16. “Gliders Though They Be”, Carol Emshwiller (Sci Fiction 2 Jun 2004)
- 17. “The Mission”, Jack McDevitt (Crossroads: Tales of the Southern Literary Fantastic)
- 18. “Hula Ville”, James P. Blaylock (Sci Fiction 3 Nov 2004)
- 19. “Strood”, Neal Asher (Asimov's Dec 2004)
- 20. “Synthetic Serendipity”, Vernor Vinge (IEEE Spectrum Online 7 Jul 2004)
- 21. “The Baum Plan for Financial Independence”, John Kessel (Sci Fiction 24 Mar 2004)
- 22. “Skindancing”, Liz Williams (The Banquet of the Lords of Night and Other Stories)
- 23. “Oversite”, Maureen F. McHugh (Asimov's Sep 2004)
- 24. “tourism”, M. John Harrison ( Aug 2004)
- 25. “The Green Glass Sea”, Ellen Klages (Strange Horizons 6 Sep 2004)
- 26. “Red Hands, Black Hands”, Chris Roberson (Asimov's Dec 2004)
- 27. “Wonderwall”, Elizabeth Hand (Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy)
- 28. (tie): “The Night Market”, Holly Black (The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm)
- 28. (tie): “Opal Ball”, Robert Reed (F&SF Oct/Nov 2004)
- 30. “Start the Clock”, Benjamin Rosenbaum (F&SF Aug 2004)
- 31. “Cold Fires”, M. Rickert (F&SF Oct/Nov 2004)
- 32. (tie): “Alone in the House of Mims”, Barth Anderson (Strange Horizons 24 Apr 2004)
- 32. (tie): “Dinosaur Songs”, Kathleen Ann Goonan (Asimov's Jul 2004)
- 32. (tie): “Embracing-the-New”, Benjamin Rosenbaum (Asimov's Jan 2004)
- 35. “Zero's Twin”, A. A. Attanasio (F&SF Jun 2004)
- 2006
- Gaiman, Neil - Sluneční pták 80% / 20
- “Sunbird”, Neil Gaiman (Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs, and Some Other Things that Aren't as Scary...)
- Sterling, Bruce - Zavřené oči 84% / 5
- Goss, Theodora - Pip a skřítci 64% / 11
- Levine, David D. - TK'TK'TK 79% / 10
- Kage Baker
- Jeffrey Ford
- James Morrow
- Hill, Joe - Nejlepší nový horor 87% / 26
- James Van Pelt
- Pat Cadigan
- Albert Edward Cowdrey
- Elizabeth Hand
- Esther Mona Friesner-Stutzman
- Neal Asher
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Link, Kelly - Některé záložní plány pro nájezd zombií 79% / 10
- Emshwiller, Carol - Žiji s tebou 51% / 9
- Jeffrey Ford
- Michael Swanwick
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Charles Stross
- Kelly Link
- Gene Wolfe
- Joe Haldeman
- Link, Kelly - Velký rozvod 75% / 8
- Jeff VanderMeer
- MacLeod, Kenneth - Soulad vyšších sfér 66% / 18
- 2. “Some Zombie Contingency Plans”, Kelly Link (Magic for Beginners)
- 3. “I Live With You”, Carol Emshwiller (F&SF Mar 2005)
- 4. “Boatman's Holiday”, Jeffrey Ford (The Book of Voices)
- 5. “Triceratops Summer”, Michael Swanwick (Amazon Shorts 19 Aug 2005)
- 6. “The Children of Time”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Jul 2005)
- 7. “Snowball's Chance”, Charles Stross (Nova Scotia: New Scottish Speculative Fiction)
- 8. “Monster”, Kelly Link (Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs, and Some Other Things that Aren't as Scary...)
- 9. “Comber”, Gene Wolfe (Postscripts #3 Spr 2005)
- 10. “Angel of Light”, Joe Haldeman (Cosmos Dec 2005)
- 11. “The Great Divorce”, Kelly Link (One Story 7 Oct 2005)
- 12. (tie): “The Farmer's Cat”, Jeff VanderMeer (Polyphony, Volume 5)
- 12. (tie): “A Signal from Earth”, Stephen Baxter (Postscripts #5 Aut 2005)
- 14. “Mason's Rats”, Neal Asher (Asimov's Apr/May 2005)
- 15. “Helen Remembers the Stork Club”, Esther M. Friesner (F&SF Oct/Nov 2005)
- 16. “The Denial”, Bruce Sterling (F&SF Sep 2005)
- 17. “Pip and the Fairies”, Theodora Goss (Strange Horizons 3 Oct 2005)
- 18. “Tk'tk'tk”, David D. Levine (Asimov's Mar 2005)
- 19. “The Two Old Women”, Kage Baker (Asimov's Feb 2005)
- 20. “Giant Land”, Jeffrey Ford (Journal of Pulse-Pounding Narratives #2)
- 21. “The Second Coming of Charles Darwin”, James Morrow (Amazon Shorts 19 Aug 2005)
- 22. “Best New Horror”, Joe Hill (Postscripts #3 Spr 2005)
- 23. “The Ice-Cream Man”, James Van Pelt (Asimov's Jun 2005)
- 24. “Is There Life After Rehab?”, Pat Cadigan (Sci Fiction 17 Aug 2005)
- 25. “Twilight States”, Albert E. Cowdrey (F&SF Jul 2005)
- 26. “Calypso in Berlin”, Elizabeth Hand (Sci Fiction 13 Jul 2005)
- 27. “A Case of Consilience”, Ken MacLeod (Nova Scotia: New Scottish Speculative Fiction)
- 28. “The Fate of Mice”, Susan Palwick (Asimov's Jan 2005)
- 2007
- Gaiman, Neil - Jak si na večírku povídat s děvčaty 66% / 17
- “How to Talk to Girls at Parties”, Neil Gaiman (Fragile Things)
- 2. “Nano Comes to Clifford Falls”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Jul 2006)
- 3. “Sob in the Silence”, Gene Wolfe (Strange Birds)
- 4. “In the Abyss of Time”, Stephen Baxter (Asimov's Aug 2006)
- 5. “Tin Marsh”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Aug 2006)
- 6. “The Way He Does It”, Jeffrey Ford (Electric Velocipede #10 Spr 2006)
- 7. “Impossible Dreams”, Tim Pratt (Asimov's Jul 2006)
- 8. “The American Dead”, Jay Lake (Interzone #203 Apr 2006)
- 9. “Eight Episodes”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Jun 2006)
- 10. “The Saffron Gatherers”, Elizabeth Hand (Saffron and Brimstone: Strange Stories)
- 11. “Another Word for Map Is Faith”, Christopher Rowe (F&SF Aug 2006)
- 12. “Killers”, Carol Emshwiller (F&SF Oct/Nov 2006)
- 13. “Chu and the Nants”, Rudy Rucker (Asimov's Jun 2006)
- 14. “The Secret Paths of Rajan Khanna”, Jeff VanderMeer (Paraspheres: Fabulist and New Wave Fabulist Stories)
- 15. “A Fine Magic”, Margo Lanagan (Eidolon 1)
- 16. “World of No Return”, Carol Emshwiller (Asimov's Jan 2006)
- 17. “The House Beyond Your Sky”, Benjamin Rosenbaum (Strange Horizons 4 Sep 2006)
- 18. “Preemption”, Charlie Rosenkranz (Analog Jun 2006)
- 19. “Taking Good Care of Myself”, Ian R. MacLeod (Nature 4 May 2006)
- 20. “Under Hell, Over Heaven”, Margo Lanagan (Red Spikes)
- 21. “The Age of Ice”, Liz Williams (Asimov's Apr/May 2006)
- 22. “Cup and Table”, Tim Pratt (Twenty Epics)
- 23. “Kyle Meets the River”, Ian McDonald (Forbidden Planets (Crowther))
- 24. “You Have Never Been Here”, M. Rickert (Feeling Very Strange: The Slipstream Anthology)
- 25. “Revelation”, Albert E. Cowdrey (F&SF Oct/Nov 2006)
- 26. “Kin”, Bruce McAllister (Asimov's Feb 2006)
- 27. “Winkie”, Margo Lanagan (Red Spikes)
- 28. “To Measure the Earth”, Jedediah Berry (Salon Fantastique)
- 29. “Lighthouse”, Michael Shara & Jack McDevitt (Analog Mar 2006)
- 30. “The Small Astral Object Genius”, James Van Pelt (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2006)
- 31. “The League of Last Girls”, Christopher Rowe (Aegri Somnia: The Apex Featured Writer Anthology)
- 32. “The Town on Blighted Sea”, A. M. Dellamonica (Strange Horizons 21 Aug 2006)
- 2008
- Michael Swanwick
- "A Small Room in Koboldtown", Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Apr/May 2007)
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Jeffrey Ford
- Mary Rickert
- Ford, Jeffrey - Kouzlo mantichory 71% / 7
- McDonald, Ian - Sandžív a roboti 76% / 26
- William Browning Spencer
- Marusek, David - Usámo, zavolej domů 70% / 10
- Theodora Goss
- Paul Park
- Bruce Sterling
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Stratený chlapec: Rozsiahla reportáž
- Greg van Eekhout
- Jay Lake
- Benjamin Rosenbaum
- Theodora Goss
- King, Stephen - Maturitní odpoledne 58% / 23
- Bruce Sterling
- Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Mary Rickert
- Baker, Kage - Nepřemožitelný rubín 49% / 8
- Terry Bisson
- Ford, Jeffrey - Snící vítr 72% / 10
- Kenneth MacLeod
- Kress, Nancy Anne - Umění války 68% / 16
- Andy Duncan
- Stephen Michael Baxter
- Bear, Elizabeth - Hranice odlivu 81% / 20
- MacLeod, Kenneth - Kdo se bojí Wolfu 359? 48% / 13
- Beagle, Peter S. - Tanec na Ladech 66% / 7
- Jeff VanderMeer
- McDonald, Ian - Verthandin prsten 62% / 19
- Ellen Klages
- Bear, Elizabeth - Orm Nádherný 67% / 27
- Pat Cadigan
- Robert Reed
- Tim Pratt
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Always 66% / 11
- Jeffrey Ford
- Peter S. Beagle
- 2. “The Last and Only, or, Mr. Moscowitz Becomes French”, Peter S. Beagle (Eclipse One: New Fantasy and Science Fiction)
- 3. “Who's Afraid of Wolf 359?”, Ken MacLeod (The New Space Opera)
- 4. “Tideline”, Elizabeth Bear (Asimov's Apr/May 2007)
- 5. “Last Contact”, Stephen Baxter (The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction)
- 6. “Unique Chicken Goes in Reverse”, Andy Duncan (Eclipse One: New Fantasy and Science Fiction)
- 7. “Art of War”, Nancy Kress (The New Space Opera)
- 8. “Jesus Christ, Reanimator”, Ken MacLeod (Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge)
- 9. “The Dreaming Wind”, Jeffrey Ford (The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales)
- 10. “Pirates of the Somali Coast”, Terry Bisson (Subterranean Oct 2007)
- 11. “Barrens Dancing”, Peter S. Beagle (Wizards)
- 12. “The Third Bear”, Jeff VanderMeer (Clarkesworld Magazine Apr 2007)
- 13. “The Drowned Life”, Jeffrey Ford (Eclipse One: New Fantasy and Science Fiction)
- 14. “Always”, Karen Joy Fowler (Asimov's Apr/May 2007)
- 15. “Artifice and Intelligence”, Tim Pratt (Strange Horizons 6 Aug 2007)
- 16. “Magic with Thirteen-Year-Old Boys”, Robert Reed (F&SF Mar 2007)
- 17. “Among Strangers”, Pat Cadigan (disLOCATIONS)
- 18. “Orm the Beautiful”, Elizabeth Bear (Clarkesworld Magazine Jan 2007)
- 19. “Mrs. Zeno's Paradox”, Ellen Klages (Eclipse One: New Fantasy and Science Fiction)
- 20. “Verthandi's Ring”, Ian McDonald (The New Space Opera)
- 21. “The Ruby Incomparable”, Kage Baker (Wizards)
- 22. “Memoir of a Deer Woman”, M. Rickert (F&SF Mar 2007)
- 23. “Osama Phone Home”, David Marusek (MIT Technology Review Mar/Apr 2007)
- 24. “Stone and the Librarian”, William Browning Spencer (F&SF Feb 2007)
- 25. “Sanjeev and Robotwallah”, Ian McDonald (Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge)
- 26. “The Manticore Spell”, Jeffrey Ford (Wizards)
- 27. “Holiday”, M. Rickert (Subterranean Oct 2007)
- 28. (tie): “The Lost Boy: A Reporter at Large”, Maureen F. McHugh (Eclipse One: New Fantasy and Science Fiction)
- 28. (tie): “Under the Bottom of the Lake”, Jeffrey Ford (Subterranean Oct 2007)
- 30. “Three Days of Rain”, Holly Phillips (Asimov's Jun 2007)
- 31. “Soul Case”, Nalo Hopkinson (Foundation Sum 2007)
- 32. “By Fools Like Me”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Sep 2007)
- 33. “Singing of Mount Abora”, Theodora Goss (Logorrhea)
- 34. “Fragrant Goddess”, Paul Park (F&SF Oct/Nov 2007)
- 35. “The Lustration”, Bruce Sterling (Eclipse One: New Fantasy and Science Fiction)
- 36. “Electric Rains”, Kathleen Ann Goonan (Eclipse One: New Fantasy and Science Fiction)
- 37. “A Plain Tale from Our Hills”, Bruce Sterling (Subterranean Oct 2007)
- 38. “Graduation Afternoon”, Stephen King (Postscripts Spr 2007)
- 39. “Clockmaker's Requiem”, Barth Anderson (Clarkesworld Magazine Mar 2007)
- 40. “Catherine and the Satyr”, Theodora Goss (Strange Horizons Oct 2007)
- 41. “Molly and the Red Hat”, Benjamin Rosenbaum (Interzone #212 Sep/Oct 2007)
- 42. “C-Rock City”, Jay Lake & Greg Van Eekhout (The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction)
- 2009
- Chiang, Ted - Výdech 82% / 37
- “Exhalation”, Ted Chiang (Eclipse Two)
- 2. “After the Coup”, John Scalzi ( Jul 2008)
- 3. “Boojim”, Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette (Fast Ships, Black Sails)
- 4. “The Kindness of Strangers”, Nancy Kress (Fast Forward 2)
- 5. “King Pelles the Sure”, Peter S. Beagle (Strange Roads)
- 6. “From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Feb 2008)
- 7. “Private Eye”, Terry Bisson (F&SF Oct/Nov 2008)
- 8. “26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss”, Kij Johnson (Asimov's Jul 2008)
- 9. “The Scarecrow's Boy”, Michael Swanwick (F&SF Oct/Nov 2008)
- 10. “Evil Robot Monkey”, Mary Robinette Kowal (The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Volume Two)
- 11. “A Buyer's Guide to Maps of Antarctica”, Catherynne M. Valente (Clarkesworld Magazine May 2008)
- 12. “The Thought War”, Paul McAuley (Postscripts Sum 2008)
- 13. “The Goosle”, Margo Lanagan (The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy)
- 14. “Fixing Hanover”, Jeff VanderMeer (Extraordinary Engines: The Definitive Steampunk Anthology)
- 15. “The Sky that Wraps the World Round, Past the Blue and Into the Black”, Jay Lake (Clarkesworld Magazine Mar 2008)
- 16. “Ass-Hat Magic Spider”, Scott Westerfeld (The Starry Rift)
- 17. “The Dream of Reason”, Jeffrey Ford (Extraordinary Engines: The Definitive Steampunk Anthology)
- 18. “Invisible Empire of Ascending Light”, Ken Scholes (Eclipse Two)
- 19. “The Film-makers of Mars”, Geoff Ryman ( Dec 2008)
- 20. “The House Left Empty”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Apr/May 2008)
- 21. “Reader's Guide”, Lisa Goldstein (F&SF Jul 2008)
- 22. “Fifty Dinosaurs”, Robert Reed (The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Volume Two)
- 23. “Goblin Music”, Joan Aiken (The Serial Garden: The Complete Armitage Family Stories)
- 24. “The Seventh Expression of the Robot General”, Jeffrey Ford (Eclipse Two)
- 25. “Snatch Me Another”, Mercurio D. Rivera (Abyss & Apex 1Q 2008)
- 2010
- Gaiman, Neil - Invokace nezvědavosti 70% / 11
- "An Invocation of Incuriosity", Neil Gaiman (Songs of the Dying Earth: Stories in Honor of Jack Vance)
- Kij Johnson
- Goss, Theodora - Dětská císařovna Marsu 66% / 28
- Genge, Sara - Když ženy bojují 60% / 21
- Holly Black
- Holly Black
- Margo Lanagan
- Steven C. Gould
- Delia Sherman
- Ellen Kushner
- Roberson, Chris - Edisonův Frankenstein 78% / 13
- Ellen Klages
- John Kessel
- Jo Walton
- Bruce Sterling
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Zbytečnosti 69% / 27
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Bar Pelikán 80% / 22
- Kelly, James Patrick - Ponor 56% / 9
- Robert Reed
- Gene Wolfe
- Cat Rambo
- Kelly Link
- Geoff Ryman
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Jo Walton
- Rudy Rucker
- Barron, Laird - Strappado 68% / 10
- 2. “Spar”, Kij Johnson (Clarkesworld Magazine Jul 2009)
- 3. “Useless Things”, Maureen F. McHugh (Eclipse Three)
- 4. “The Pelican Bar”, Karen Joy Fowler (Eclipse Three)
- 5. “Going Deep”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 2009)
- 6. “Before My Last Breath”, Robert Reed (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2009)
- 7. “Donovan Sent Us”, Gene Wolfe (Other Earths)
- 8. “Narrative of a Beast's Life”, Cat Rambo (Realms of Fantasy Dec 2009)
- 9. “The Cinderella Game”, Kelly Link (Troll's Eye View)
- 10. “Blocked”, Geoff Ryman (F&SF Oct/Nov 2009)
- 11. “The Radiant Car Thy Sparrows Drew”, Catherynne M. Valente (Clarkesworld Magazine Aug 2009)
- 12. “A Delicate Architecture”, Catherynne M. Valente (Troll's Eye View)
- 13. “Three Twilight Tales”, Jo Walton (Firebirds Soaring)
- 14. “Colliding Branes”, Rudy Rucker & Bruce Sterling (Asimov's Feb 2009)
- 15. “Escape to Other Worlds with Science Fiction”, Jo Walton ( 6 Feb 2009)
- 16. “The Motorman's Coat”, John Kessel (F&SF Jun/Jul 2009)
- 17. “Child-Empress of Mars”, Theodora Goss (Interfictions 2: An Anthology of Interstitial Writing)
- 18. (tie): “As Women Fight”, Sara Genge (Asimov's Dec 2009)
- 18. (tie): “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, Holly Black (Troll's Eye View)
- 20. “The Coldest Girl in Coldtown”, Holly Black (The Eternal Kiss)
- 21. “Ferryman”, Margo Lanagan (Firebirds Soaring)
- 22. “Strappado”, Laird Barron (Poe)
- 23. “A Story, With Beans”, Steven Gould (Analog May 2009)
- 24. “Wizard's Apprentice”, Delia Sherman (Troll's Eye View)
- 25. “Dulce Domum”, Ellen Kushner (Eclipse Three)
- 26. “Edison's Frankenstein”, Chris Roberson (Postscripts 20/21)
- 27. “Singing on a Star”, Ellen Klages (Firebirds Soaring)
- 2011
- Gaiman, Neil - Ta záležitost s Cassandrou 82% / 13
- "The Thing About Cassandra", Neil Gaiman (Songs of Love and Death)
- Watts, Peter - Věci 75% / 18
- Bruce McAllister
- Cat Rambo
- David Rowland Langford
- Nix, Garth - Příhodný dárek pro čarodějnou loutku 64% / 13
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Ellen Kushner
- Robert Reed
- Rachel Swirsky
- Goss, Theodora - Krásenky 76% / 11
- Cassandra Clare
- Nina Kiriki Hoffman
- Tidhar, Lavie - Noční vlak 53% / 8
- Kowal, Mary Robinette - Pro jedno kvítí 71% / 31
- Charles Yu
- Ford, Jeffrey - Puntíky a měsíční svit 53% / 12
- Rajaniemi, Hannu - Žalozpěv za mladého losa 65% / 36
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Karen Joy Fowler
- Johnson, Kij - Jména vody 58% / 12
- Michael Swanwick
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Joe Haldeman
- Steve Rasnic Tem
- Kushner, Ellen - Ten s noži 62% / 10
- Ian McDonald
- Sarah Monette
- Doctorow, Cory - Dodgersové a dobrodružné promítání na Leicester Square 71% / 10
- Cadigan, Pat - Chuť noci 46% / 9
- Sterling, Bruce - Hubitel hmyzu si dává inzerát 56% / 11
- McDonald, Sandra - Sedm umělých sexy kovbojů 60% / 13
- Holly Black
- Alaya Dawn Johnson
- 2. “The Things”, Peter Watts (Clarkesworld Jan 2010)
- 3. “Thirteen Ways of Look at Space/Time”, Catherynne M. Valente (Clarkesworld Aug 2010)
- 4. “Booth's Ghost”, Karen Joy Fowler (What I Didn't See and Other Stories)
- 5. “Names for Water”, Kij Johnson (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2010)
- 6. “Libertarian Russia”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Dec 2010)
- 7. “How to Become a Mars Overlord”, Catherynne M. Valente (Lightspeed Aug 2010)
- 8. “For Want of a Nail”, Mary Robinette Kowal (Asimov's Sep 2010)
- 9. “Sleeping Dogs”, Joe Haldeman (Gateways)
- 10. “A Letter from the Emperor”, Steve Rasnic Tem (Asimov's Jan 2010)
- 11. “The Green Book”, Amal El-Mohtar (Apex Nov 2010)
- 12. “The Man With the Knives”, Ellen Kushner (Temporary Culture)
- 13. “Tonight We Fly”, Ian McDonald (Masked)
- 14. “After the Dragon”, Sarah Monette (Fantasy Jan 2010)
- 15. “The Jammie Dodgers and the Adventure of the Leicester Square Screening”, Cory Doctorow (Shareable 25 May 2010)
- 16. “The Taste of Night”, Pat Cadigan (Is Anybody Out There?)
- 17. “The Exterminator's Want-Ad”, Bruce Sterling (Shareable 22 Jun 2010)
- 18. “Seven Sexy Cowboy Robots”, Sandra McDonald (Strange Horizons 4 Oct 2010)
- 19. “Sobek”, Holly Black (Wings of Fire)
- 20. “Elegy for a Young Elk”, Hannu Rajaniemi (Subterranean Spr 2010)
- 21. “Polka Dots and Moonbeams”, Jeffrey Ford (Stories)
- 22. “Blue Fire”, Bruce McAllister (F&SF Mar/Apr 2010)
- 23. “Clockwork Fairies”, Cat Rambo ( 20 Aug 2010)
- 24. “Graffiti in the Library of Babel”, David Langford (Is Anybody Out There?)
- 25. “A Suitable Present for a Sorcerous Puppet”, Garth Nix (Swords & Dark Magic)
- 26. “Flower, Mercy, Needle, Chain”, Yoon Ha Lee (Lightspeed Sep 2010)
- 27. “The Children of Cadmus”, Ellen Kushner (The Beastly Bride)
- 28. “The Cull”, Robert Reed (Clarkesworld Sep 2010)
- 29. “The Monster's Million Faces”, Rachel Swirsky ( 8 Sep 2010)
- 30. “The Fermi Paradox Is Our Business Model”, Charlie Jane Anders ( 11 Aug 2010)
- 31. “Standard Loneliness Package”, Charles Yu (Lightspeed Nov 2010)
- 32. “Fair Ladies”, Theodora Goss (Apex 2 Aug 2010)
- 33. “Cold Hands”, Cassandra Clare (Zombies vs. Unicorns)
- 34. “Futures in the Memories Market”, Nina Kiriki Hoffman (Clarkesworld Jun 2010)
- 35. “Love Will Tear Us Apart”, Alaya Dawn Johnson (Zombies vs. Unicorns)
- 36. “The Night Train”, Lavie Tidhar (Strange Horizons 14 Jun 2010)
- 2012
- Gaiman, Neil - Případ smrti a medu 76% / 22
- “The Case of Death and Honey”, Neil Gaiman (A Study In Sherlock)
- Fowler, Karen Joy - Mladší ženy 55% / 13
- Margo Lanagan
- Christopher Michael Barzak
- Rickert, Mary - Veledílo malíře mrtvol 57% / 10
- Rajaniemi, Hannu - Server a dračice 59% / 11
- Andy Duncan
- Genevieve Valentine
- Reed, Robert - Žena odchází z pokoje 46% / 10
- Fulda, Nancy - V pohybu 69% / 24
- John Crowley
- Ken Liu
- Swanwick, Michael - Lehl jsem si na kámen osamění a už se nevrátím 71% / 22
- Jeffrey Ford
- Alastair Reynolds
- Theodora Goss
- Liu, Ken - Papírový zvěřinec 89% / 14
- Lily Yu, E. - Vosy kartografky a včely anarchistky 59% / 15
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Peter S. Beagle
- Kiernan, Caitlín R. - Slapové síly 41% / 16
- Doctorow, Cory - Odvážný malý toaster 69% / 10
- Baxter, Stephen Michael - Invaze na Venuši 61% / 11
- Link, Kelly - V údolí dívek 56% / 9
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Po apokalypse 64% / 11
- Bear, Elizabeth - Dolly 60% / 21
- Kage Baker
- Klages, Ellen - Dobrou noc, měsíce 64% / 10
- Gaiman, Neil - „A plakat jako Alexandr“ 79% / 11
- 2. “The Paper Menagerie”, Ken Liu (F&SF Mar/Apr 2011)
- 3. “The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees”, E. Lily Yu (Clarkesworld Apr 2011)
- 4. “The Bread We Eat in Dreams”, Catherynne M. Valente (Apex Nov 2011)
- 5. “The Way It Works Out and All”, Peter S. Beagle (F&SF Jul/Aug 2011)
- 6. “And Weep Like Alexander”, Neil Gaiman (Fables from the Fountain)
- 7. “Tidal Forces”, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Eclipse Four)
- 8. “The Brave Little Toaster”, Cory Doctorow (TRSF)
- 9. “The Invasion of Venus”, Stephen Baxter (Engineering Infinity)
- 10. “Valley of the Girls”, Kelly Link (Subterranean Sum 2011)
- 11. “After the Apocalypse”, Maureen F. McHugh (After the Apocalypse)
- 12. “Dolly”, Elizabeth Bear (Asimov's Jan 2011)
- 13. “Attlee and the Long Walk”, Kage Baker (Life on Mars)
- 14. “For I Have Lain Me Down on the Stone of Loneliness and I’ll Not Be Back Again”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Aug 2011)
- 15. “Goodnight Moons”, Ellen Klages (Life on Mars)
- 16. “Pug”, Theodora Goss (Asimov's Jul 2011)
- 17. “Ascension Day”, Alastair Reynolds (Voices from the Past)
- 18. “Daddy Long Legs of the Evening”, Jeffrey Ford (Naked City)
- 19. “Younger Women”, Karen Joy Fowler (Subterranean Sum 2011)
- 20. “Mulberry Boys”, Margo Lanagan (Blood and Other Cravings)
- 21. “Smoke City”, Christopher Barzak (Asimov's Apr/May 2011)
- 22. “The Corpse Painter's Masterpiece”, M. Rickert (F&SF Sep/Oct 2011)
- 23. “The Server and the Dragon”, Hannu Rajaniemi (Engineering Infinity)
- 24. “Slow as a Bullet”, Andy Duncan (Eclipse Four)
- 25. “The Sandal-Bride”, Genevieve Valentine (Fantasy Mar 2011)
- 26. “Woman Leaves Room”, Robert Reed (Lightspeed Apr 2011)
- 27. “Movement”, Nancy Fulda (Asimov's Mar 2011)
- 28. “The Patrician”, Tansy Rayner Roberts (Love and Romanpunk)
- 29. “And Go Like This”, John Crowley (Naked City)
- 30. “Tying Knots”, Ken Liu (Clarkesworld Jan 2011)
- 2013
- Aliette de Bodard
- “Immersion”, Aliette de Bodard (Clarkesworld Jun 2012)
- Paul James McAuley
- Pat Murphy
- Ellen Klages
- Theodora Goss
- Sarah Monette
- Gwyneth Ann Jones
- Paul James McAuley
- M. John Harrison
- Lavie Tidhar
- Genevieve Valentine
- Liu, Ken - Mono no aware 77% / 23
- Maria Dahvana Headley
- Nagata, Linda - Na noční straně Callisto 58% / 13
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Alastair Reynolds
- Elizabeth Bear
- Kij Johnson
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Peter S. Beagle
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Jeffrey Ford
- N. K. Jemisin
- de Bodard, Aliette - Rozptýleni podél řeky nebes 68% / 19
- Link, Kelly - Dva domy 67% / 6
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
- Jeffrey Ford
- Hannu Rajaniemi
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Eleanor Arnason
- 2.“Mono No Aware”, Ken Liu (The Future Is Japanese)
- 3.“The Deeps of the Sky”, Elizabeth Bear (Edge of Infinity)
- 4.“Mantis Wives”, Kij Johnson (Clarkesworld Aug 2012)
- 5.“Elementals”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Tin House Fal 2012)
- 6.“Great-Grandmother in the Cellar”, Peter S. Beagle (Under My Hat)
- 7.“Coming of Age on Barsoom”, Catherynne M. Valente (Under the Moons of Mars)
- 8.“Blood Drive”, Jeffrey Ford (After)
- 9.“Valedictorian”, N. K. Jemisin (After)
- 10.“Scattered Along the River of Heaven”, Aliette de Bodard (Clarkesworld Jan 2012)
- 11.“Two Houses”, Kelly Link (Shadow Show)
- 12.“Goggles (c. 1910)”, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Steampunk III: Steampunk Revolution)
- 13.“A Natural History of Autumn”, Jeffrey Ford (F&SF Jul/Aug 2012)
- 14.“Tyche and the Ants”, Hannu Rajaniemi (Edge of Infinity)
- 15.“Reindeer Mountain”, Karin Tidbeck (Jagannath)
- 16.“One Breath, One Stroke”, Catherynne M. Valente (The Future Is Japanese)
- 17.“The Woman Who Fooled Death Five Times”, Eleanor Arnason (F&SF Jul/Aug 2012)
- 18.“Rebecka”, Karin Tidbeck (Jagannath)
- 19.“The Water Thief”, Alastair Reynolds (Arc 1.1)
- 20.“The Easthound”, Nalo Hopkinson (After)
- 21.“Antarctica Starts Here”, Paul McAuley (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2012)
- 22.“About Fairies”, Pat Murphy ( May 2012)
- 23.“The Education of a Witch”, Ellen Klages (Under My Hat)
- 24.“England Under the White Witch”, Theodora Goss (Clarkesworld Oct 2012)
- 25.“Give Her Honey When You Hear Her Scream”, Maria Dahvana Headley (Lightspeed Jul 2012)
- 26.“Blue Lace Agate”, Sarah Monette (Lightspeed Jan 2012)
- 27.“Bricks, Sticks, Straw”, Gwyneth Jones (Edge of Infinity)
- 28.“Nightside on Callisto”, Linda Nagata (Lightspeed May 2012)
- 29.“Macy Minnot's Last Christmas on Dione, Ring Racing, Fiddler's Green, the Potter's Garden”, Paul McAuley (Edge of Infinity)
- 30.“In Autotelia”, M. John Harrison (Arc 1.1)
- 31.“A Hundred Ghosts Parade Tonight”, Xia Jia, translated by Ken Liu (Clarkesworld Feb 2012)
- 32.“The Memcordist”, Lavie Tidhar (Eclipse Online 24 Dec 2012)
- 33.“A Bead of Jasper, Four Small Stones”, Genevieve Valentine (Clarkesworld Oct 2012)
- 2014
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
- “The Road of Needles”, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Once Upon a Time: New Fairy Tales)
- E. Lily Yu
- Nancy Anne Kress
- James Patrick Kelly
- Charlie Jane Anders
- Theodora Goss
- James Patrick Kelly
- Garth Nix
- Chu, John - Voda, která padá odnikud 50% / 28
- Abercrombie, Joe - Holka na zabití 67% / 12
- Sam J. Miller
- Alan DeNiro
- Kressel, Matthew - Zvuky staré Země 72% / 24
- Jeffrey Ford
- Ken Liu
- Karen Joy Fowler
- Howard Waldrop
- Robert Reed
- Michael Swanwick
- Gene Wolfe
- Rachel Swirsky
- David Gerrold
- Geoff Ryman
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Karin Tidbeck
- 2. “Some Desperado”, Joe Abercrombie (Dangerous Women)
- 3. “A Brief History of the Trans-Pacific Tunnel”, Ken Liu (F&SF Jan/Feb 2013)
- 4. “The Science of Herself”, Karen Joy Fowler (The Science of Herself)
- 5. “The Dead Sea-Bottom Scrolls”, Howard Waldrop (Old Mars)
- 6. “Among Us”, Robert Reed (F&SF Jan/Feb 2013)
- 7. “The She-Wolf's Hidden Grin”, Michael Swanwick (Shadows of the New Sun)
- 8. “Uncaged”, Gene Wolfe (Rags and Bones)
- 9. “If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love”, Rachel Swirsky (Apex Mar 2013)
- 10. “Night Train to Paris”, David Gerrold (F&SF Jan/Feb 2013)
- 11. “Rosary and Goldenstar”, Geoff Ryman (F&SF Sep/Oct 2013)
- 12. “The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere”, John Chu ( 20 Feb 2013)
- 13. “Effigy Nights”, Yoon Ha Lee (Clarkesworld Sep 2013)
- 14. “The Fairy Enterprise”, Jeffrey Ford (Queen Victoria's Book of Spells)
- 15. “The Sounds of Old Earth”, Matthew Kressel (Lightspeed Jan 2013)
- 16. “The Wildfires of Antarctica”, Alan DeNiro (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2013)
- 17. “Ilse, Who Saw Clearly”, E. Lily Yu (Apex May 2013)
- 18. “Sing”, Karin Tidbeck ( 17 Apr 2013)
- 19. “Pathways”, Nancy Kress (Twelve Tomorrows)
- 20. “The Promise of Space”, James Patrick Kelly (Clarkesworld Sep 2013)
- 21. “The Master Conjurer”, Charlie Jane Anders (Lightspeed Oct 2013)
- 22. “Estella Saves the Village”, Theodora Goss (Queen Victoria's Book of Spells)
- 23. “Soulcatcher”, James Patrick Kelly (Clarkesworld May 2013)
- 24. “Fire Above, Fire Below”, Garth Nix ( 8 May 2013)
- 25. “The Beasts We Want to Be”, Sam J. Miller (Electric Velocipede Win 2013)
- 26. “The Bees Her Heart, the Hive Her Belly”, Benjanun Sriduangkaew (Clockwork Phoenix 4)
- 2015
- “The Truth About Owls”, Amal El-Mohtar (Kaleidoscope)
- Elizabeth Bear
- Alexander Jablokov
- Robert Reed
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Karen Joy Fowler
- Aliette de Bodard
- Theodora Goss
- Lavie Tidhar
- Genevieve Valentine
- Maria Dahvana Headley
- Nix, Garth - Shay Corsham Loden 74% / 14
- Kelly, James Patrick - Jednou 63% / 11
- Sarah Pinsker
- Esaias, Timons - Smutek 72% / 10
- Eleanor Arnason
- Jeffrey Ford
- Ellen Klages
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Sofia Samatar
- Aliette de Bodard
- Alastair Reynolds
- Elizabeth Bear
- Jay Lake
- K. J. Parker
- Hannu Rajaniemi
- Swanwick, Michael - Zažít Zemi 78% / 21
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Charlie Jane Anders
- Sofia Samatar
- Ken Liu
- Paolo Bacigalupi
- Kelly Link
- Usman T. Malik
- 2. Covenant, Elizabeth Bear.
- 3. Ogres of East Africa, Sofia Samatar.
- 4. The Dust Queen, Aliette de Bodard.
- 5. In Babelsberg, Alastair Reynolds.
- 6. This Chance Planet, Elizabeth Bear.
- 7. West to East, Jay Lake.
- 8. I Met a Man Who Wasn't There, K. J. Parker.
- 9. Invisible Planets, Hannu Rajaniemi.
- 10. Passage of Earth, Michael Swanwick.
- 11. The Vaporization Enthalpy of a Peculiar Pakistani Family, Usman T. Malik.
- 12. Mothers, Lock Up Your Daughters Because They Are Terrifying, Alice Sola Kim.
- 13. Left Foot, Right, Nalo Hopkinson.
- 14. The Unfathomable Sisterhood of Ick, Charlie Jane Anders.
- 15. How to Get Back to the Forest, Sofia Samatar.
- 16. The Long Haul From the ANNALS OF TRANSPORTATION, The Pacific Monthly, May 2009, Ken Liu.
- 17. Moriabe's Children, Paolo Bacigalupi.
- 18. The Lady and the Fox, Kelly Link.
- 19. Someday, James Patrick Kelly.
- 20. The Contemporary Foxwife, Yoon Ha Lee.
- 21. Amicae Aeternum, Ellen Klages.
- 22. Hibbler's Minions,, Jeffrey Ford.
- 23. The Scrivener, Eleanor Arnason.
- 24. The Instructive Tale of the Archaeologist and His Wife, Alexander Jablokov.
- 25. Pernicious Romance, Robert Reed.
- 26. Combustion Hour, Yoon Ha Lee.
- 27. Shay Corsham Worsted, Garth Nix.
- 28. Nanny Anne and the Christmas Story, Karen Joy Fowler.
- 29. A Stretch of Highway Two Lanes Wide, Sarah Pinsker.
- 30. The Days of the War, as Red as Blood, as Dark as Bile, Aliette de Bodard.
- 31. The Tallest Doll in New York City, Maria Dahvana Headley.
- 32. Sadness, Timons Esaias.
- 33. Cimmeria: From the Journal of Imaginary Anthropology, Theodora Goss.
- 34. The Walking-Stick Forest, Anna Tambour.
- 35. Vladimir Chong Chooses To Die, Lavie Tidhar.
- 36. Aberration, Genevieve Valentine.
- 2016
- Kritzer, Naomi - Fotografie koček, prosím 80% / 22
- “Cat Pictures Please”, Naomi Kritzer (Clarkesworld Jan 2015)
- Aliette de Bodard
- John Chu
- Vonda N. McIntyre
- Paul James McAuley
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Sam J. Miller
- Geoff Ryman
- Yoachim, Caroline M. - Sedm divů dávného a budoucího světa 69% / 20
- Seth Dickinson
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
- Kelly Robson
- Kelly Robson
- Miller, Sam J. - Trhlina 63% / 14
- Robert Reed
- Shoemaker, Martin L. - Dneska jsem Paul 76% / 20
- Eleanor Arnason
- Wong, Alyssa - Hladové dcery lačných matek 62% / 27
- Miéville, China - Včelí vdova 73% / 6
- Kelly Link
- Ian McDonald
- Paolo Bacigalupi
- James S. A. Corey
- Aliette de Bodard
- Seanan McGuire
- Swanwick, Michael - Krakovská pyramida 59% / 8
- Jeffrey Ford
- Kij Johnson
- Alastair Reynolds
- John Kessel
- 2. “The Dowager of Bees”, China Miéville (Three Moments of an Explosion)
- 3. “Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers”, Alyssa Wong (Nightmare Oct 2015)
- 4. “Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight”, Aliette de Bodard (Clarkesworld Jan 2015)
- 5. “Madeleine”, Amal El-Mohtar (Lightspeed Jun 2015)
- 6. Seven Kill Tiger, Charles Shao.
- 7. Space Raptor Butt Invasion, Chuck Tingle.
- 8. The Game of Smash and Recovery, Kelly Link.
- 8. The Falls: A Luna Story, Ian McDonald.
- 10. City of Ash, Paolo Bacigalupi.
- 11. Rates of Change, James S. A. Corey.
- 12. Pocosin, Ursula Vernon.
- 13. If You Were an Award, My Love, Juan Tabo & S. Harris.
- 14. In Blue Lily's Wake, Aliette de Bodard.
- 15. Hello, Hello, Seanan McGuire.
- 16. The Pyramid of Krakow, Michael Swanwick.
- 16. The Winter Wraith, Jeffrey Ford.
- 18. The Apartment Dweller's Bestiary, Kij Johnson.
- 19. A Murmuration, Alastair Reynolds.
- 20. Telling Stories to the Sky, Eleanor Arnason.
- 21. The Commuter, Thomas A. Mays.
- 22. Today I Am Paul, Martin L. Shoemaker.
- 23. The Empress in Her Glory, Robert Reed.
- 24. Hold-Time Violations, John Chu.
- 25. Asymmetrical Warfare, S. R. Algernon.
- 26. Little Sisters, Vonda N. McIntyre.
- 27. Wild Honey, Paul McAuley.
- 28. The Lily and the Horn, Catherynne M. Valente.
- 29. When Your Child Strays From God, Sam J. Miller.
- 30. Capitalism in the 22nd Century or A.I.r., Geoff Ryman.
- 31. Seven Wonders of a Once and Future World, Caroline M. Yoachim.
- 32. Hairwork, Gemma Files.
- 33. Please Undo This Hurt, Seth Dickinson.
- 34. Dancy vs the Pterosaur, Caitlín R. Kiernan.
- 35. Two-Year Man, Kelly Robson.
- 36. The Three Resurrections of Jessica Churchill, Kelly Robson.
- 37. Calved, Sam J Miller.
- 38. Consolation , John Kessel.
- 2017
- “Seasons of Glass and Iron”, Amal El-Mohtar (The Starlit Wood)
- N. K. Jemisin
- Peter S. Beagle
- Aliette de Bodard
- Alyssa Wong
- Ken Liu
- Alastair Reynolds
- Vaughn, Carrie - Ta hra, co jsme ji hrávali za války 67% / 10
- Nnedi Okorafor
- 2. “Our Talons Can Crush Galaxies”, Brooke Bolander (Uncanny Nov/Dec 2016)
- 3. “The City Born Great”, N. K. Jemisin ( 28 Sep 2016)
- 4. “The Story of Kao Yu”, Peter S. Beagle ( 7 Dec 2016)
- 5. “A Salvaging of Ghosts”, Aliette de Bodard (Beneath Ceaseless Skies 17 Mar 2016)
- 6. “A Fist of Permutations in Lightning and Wildflowers”, Alyssa Wong ( 2 Mar 2016)
- 7. “Seven Birthdays”, Ken Liu (Bridging Infinity)
- 8. “Sixteen Questions for Kamala Chatterjee”, Alastair Reynolds (Bridging Infinity)
- 8. “That Game We Played During the War”, Carrie Vaughn ( 16 Mar 2016)
- 10. “Afrofuturist 419”, Nnedi Okorafor (Clarkesworld Nov 2016)
- 2018
- Nagata, Linda - Martský obelisk 74% / 17
- “The Martian Obelisk”, Linda Nagata ( 19 Jul 2017)
- Caroline M. Yoachim
- Elizabeth Hand
- Nancy Anne Kress
- Karen Joy Fowler
- Swanwick, Michael - Hvězdný expres 75% / 11
- Charlie Jane Anders
- Buckell, Tobias S. - Zen a umění údržby hvězdoletu 67% / 13
- Roanhorse, Rebecca - Vítejte v Autentickém indiánském zážitku™ 73% / 15
- Vina Jie-Min Prasad
- 2. “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian ExperienceTM”, Rebecca Roanhorse (Apex Aug 2017)
- 3. “Zen and the Art of Starship Maintenance”, Tobias S. Buckell (Cosmic Powers)
- 4. “Don't Press Charges and I Won't Sue”, Charlie Jane Anders (Global Dystopias)
- 5. “Fandom for Robots”, Vina Jie-Min Prasad (Uncanny Sep/Oct 2017)
- 6. “Starlight Express”, Michael Swanwick (F&SF Sep/Oct 2017)
- 7. “Persephone of the Crows”, Karen Joy Fowler (Asimov's May/Jun 2017)
- 8. “Dear Sarah”, Nancy Kress (Infinity Wars)
- 9. “Fire.”, Elizabeth Hand (Fire.)
- 10. “Carnival Nine”, Caroline M. Yoachim (Beneath Ceaseless Skies 11 May 2017)
- 2019
- Clark, Phenderson Djèlí - Tajný život devíti negerských zubů George Washingtona 62% / 10
- “The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington”, Phenderson Djèlí Clark (Fireside Feb 2018)
- Alix E. Harrow
- Nnedi Okorafor
- Sarah Pinsker
- Jeffrey Ford
- Yoon Ha Lee
- N. K. Jemisin
- N. K. Jemisin
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Sarah Gailey
- 2. “STET”, Sarah Gailey (Fireside Oct 2018)
- 3. “Firelight”, Ursula K. Le Guin (Paris Review Sum 2018)
- 4. “The Storyteller's Replacement”, N. K. Jemisin (How Long 'til Black Future Month?)
- 5. “Cuisine des Mémoires”, N. K. Jemisin (How Long 'til 7. Black Future Month?)
- 6. “A Witch's Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies”, Alix E. Harrow (Apex 6 Feb 2018)
- 7. “The Starship and the Temple Cat”, Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Ceaseless Skies 1 Feb 2018)
- 8. “The Bookcase Expedition”, Jeffrey Ford (Robots vs Fairies)
- 9. “The Court Magician”, Sarah Pinsker (Lightspeed Jan 2018)
- 10. “Mother of Invention”, Nnedi Okorafor (Future Tense)
- 2020
- Charlie Jane Anders
- “The Bookstore at the End of America”, Charlie Jane Anders (A People's Future of the United States)
- Ted Chiang
- Elizabeth Bear
- Rebecca Roanhorse
- Kelly Link
- Ken Liu
- Tobias S. Buckell
- Fonda Lee
- T. Kingfisher
- 2. “It's 2059, and the Rich Kids Are Still Winning”, Ted Chiang (New York Times 27 May 2019)
- 3. “Fisher-Bird”, T. Kingfisher (The Mythic Dream)
- 4. “Lest We Forget”, Elizabeth Bear (Uncanny May/Jun 2019)
- 5. “A Brief Lesson in Native American Astronomy”, Rebecca Roanhorse (The Mythic Dream)
- 6. “I (28M) created a deepfake girlfriend and now my parents think we’re getting married”, Fonda Lee (MIT Technology Review 27 Dec 2019)
- 7. “The Girl Who Did Not Know Fear”, Kelly Link (Tin House 2019)
- 8. “Thoughts and Prayers”, Ken Liu (Future Tense 26 Jan 2019)
- 9. “A Catalog of Storms”, Fran Wilde (Uncanny Jan/Feb 2019)
- 10. “The Galactic Tourist Industrial Complex”, Tobias S. Buckell (New Suns)
- 2021
- Naomi Kritzer
- “Little Free Library”, Naomi Kritzer ( 8 Apr 2020)
- Ken Liu
- Yoon Ha Lee
- Rae Carson
- Alix E. Harrow
- Maria Dahvana Headley
- Aliette de Bodard
- Stephen Graham Jones
- John Wiswell
- 2. “Open House on Haunted Hill”, John Wiswell (Diabolical Plots 15 Jun 2020)
- 3. “50 Things Every AI Working with Humans Should Know”, Ken Liu (Uncanny Nov/Dec 2020)
- 4. “The Mermaid Astronaut”, Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Ceaseless Skies 27 Feb 2020)
- 5. “Badass Moms in the Zombie Apocalypse”, Rae Carson (Uncanny Jan/Feb 2020)
- 6. “The Sycamore and the Sybil”, Alix E. Harrow (Uncanny Mar/Apr 2020)
- 7. “The Girlfriend's Guide to Gods”, Maria Dahvana Headley ( 23 Jan 2020)
- 8. “Dresses Like White Elephants”, Meg Elison (Uncanny May/Jun 2020)
- 9. “In the Lands of the Spill”, Aliette de Bodard (Avatars Inc)
- 10. “Wait for Night”, Stephen Graham Jones ( 2 Sep 2020)
- 2022
- Sarah Pinsker
- “Where Oaken Hearts Do Gather”, Sarah Pinsker (Uncanny Mar/Apr 2021)
- Alix E. Harrow
- Phenderson Djèlí Clark
- Catherynne M. Valente
- Miller, Sam J. - Nechte všechna děcka trsat 76% / 5
- Cat Rambo
- Michael Swanwick
- Iriarte, José Pablo - Důkaz indukcí 80% / 6
- John Wiswell
- 2. “Mr. Death”, Alix E. Harrow (Apex Feb 2021)
- 3. “If the Martians Have Magic”, P. Djèlí Clark (Uncanny Sep/Oct 2021)
- 4. “Proof by Induction”, José Pablo Iriarte (Uncanny May/Jun 2021)
- 5. “The Sin of America”, Catherynne M. Valente (Uncanny Mar/Apr 2021)
- 6. “Let All the Children Boogie”, Sam J. Miller ( 6 Jan 2021)
- 7. “For Lack of a Bed”, John Wiswell (Diabolical Plots Apr 2021)
- 8. “Crazy Beautiful”, Cat Rambo (F&SF Mar/Apr 2021)
- 9. “Huginn and Muninn -- and What Came After”, Michael Swanwick (Asimov's Jul/Aug 2021)
- 10. “An Arc of Electric Skin”, Wole Talabi (Asimov's Sep/Oct 2021)
- 2023
- Mills, Samantha - Králičí test 54% / 5
- “Rabbit Test”, Samantha Mills (Uncanny Nov/Dec 2022)
- John Wiswell
- John Wiswell
- McHugh, Maureen F. - Pan Zlatá rybka 72% / 6
- 2. “Master of Ceremonies”, Frances Ogamba (The Dark May 2022)
- 3. “Give Me English”, Ai Jiang (F&SF May/Jun 2022)
- 4. “D.I.Y”, John Wiswell ( 24 Aug 2022)
- 5. “Inheritance”, Hannah Yang (Analog Sep/Oct 2022)
- 6. “The Coward Who Stole Gold's Name”, John Wiswell (Uncanny May/Jun 2022)
- 7. “A Monster in the Shape of a Boy”, Hannah Yang (Apex May 2022)
- 8. (tie): “Dick Pig”, Ian Muneshwar (Nightmare Jan 2022)
- 8. (tie): “The Goldfish Man”, Maureen McHugh (Uncanny Mar/Apr 2022)
- 10. “Beginnings”, Kristina Ten (Fantasy Apr 2022)