Locus Award
WWW stránky ocenění: Locus Award
Cena Locus Award, nebo Locus, je každoročně od roku 1971 udělována čtenáři amerického časopisu Locus Magazine nejlepším dílům žánrů science fiction a fantasy uplynulého roku. Ceně je přikládán veliký význam především proto, že počet anketních lístků od čtenářů převyšuje počet hlasů u cen Hugo i Nebula dohromady a je tedy hodnocením širšího vzorku respondentů.
originální název: Magazine
- 1971
- F&SF
- 2. Analog
- 3. Galaxy
- 4. Amazing Stories
- 5. Fantastic
- 6. If
- 7. Vision of Tomorrow
- 8. Worlds of Fantasy
- 1972
- F&SF
- 2.Amazing Stories
- 3.Analog
- 4.Fantastic
- 5.Galaxy
- 6.If
- 1973
- F&SF
- 2. Analog
- 3. Amazing Stories
- 4. Galaxy
- 5. Fantastic
- 6. If
- 7. Orbit
- 8. Universe
- 9. New Dimensions
- 10. New Worlds Quarterly
- 11. Infinity (Lancer)
- 1974
- F&SF (Edward L. Ferman)
- 2. Analog (Ben Bova)
- 3. Galaxy (Ejler Jakobsson)
- 4. Amazing Stories (Ted White)
- 5. Vertex (Don Pfeil)
- 6. Fantastic (Ted White)
- 7. If (Ejler Jakobsson)
- 1975
- F&SF (Edward L. Ferman)
- 2. Analog (Ben Bova)
- 3. Galaxy (Jim Baen)
- 4. Amazing Stories (Ted White)
- 5. If (Jim Baen)
- 6. Vertex (Don Pfeil)
- 7. Fantastic (Ted White)
- 8. The Alien Critic (Dick Geis)
- 9. Algol (Andy Porter)
- 10. Universe (Terry Carr)
- 11. Orbit (Damon Knight)
- 12. New Dimensions (Robert Silverberg)
- 1976
- F&SF
- 2. Analog
- 3. Galaxy
- 4. Amazing Stories
- 5. Fantastic
- 6. New Dimensions
- 1978
- F&SF (Edward L. Ferman)
- 2. Locus (Charles N. Brown)
- 3. Analog (Ben Bova)
- 4. Asimov's (George H. Scithers)
- 5. Galaxy (James Baen, J.J. Pierce)
- 6. Science Fiction Review (Richard E. Geis)
- 7. Cosmos (David G. Hartwell)
- 8. Algol (Andrew Porter)
- 9. Galileo (Charles G. Ryan)
- 10. Starlog (Howard Zimmerman)
- 11. Amazing Stories (Ted White)
- 12. Unearth (Ostrowsky-Lantz & Landsberg)
- 13. Fantastic (Ted White)
- 14. Universe (Terry Carr)
- 15. Whispers (Stuart David Schiff)
- 16. Delap's F&SF Review (Richard Delap)
- 17. Cinefantastique (Frederick S. Clarke)
- 18. Orbit (Damon Knight)
- 19. SF Commentary (Bruce Gillespie)
- 1979
- F&SF (Edward L. Ferman)
- 2. Locus (Charles N. Brown)
- 3. Analog (Stanley Schmidt)
- 4. Asimov's (George Scithers)
- 5. Omni (Ben Bova)
- 6. Science Fiction Review (Richard E. Geis)
- 7. Algol/Starship (Andrew Porter)
- 8. Galileo (Charles C. Ryan)
- 9. Destinies (Ace) (James Baen)
- 10. Starlog (Howard Zimmerman)
- 11. Unearth (Ostrowsky-Lantz & Landsberg)
- 12. Galaxy (J.J. Pierce)
- 13. Asimov's SF Adventure (George Scithers)
- 14. (tie): Future Life (Naha & Nelson)
- 14. (tie): Whispers (Stuart David Schiff)
- 1980
- F&SF
- 2. Locus
- 3. Analog
- 4. Asimov's
- 5. Omni
- 6. Science Fiction Review
- 7. Destinies (Ace)
- 8. Galileo
- 9. Starship
- 10. Fantasy Newsletter
- 11. Asimov's SF Adventure
- 12. Thrust
- 13. Whispers
- 14. Starlog
- 15. Janus
- 1988
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Omni
- 5. Amazing Stories
- 6. Twilight Zone
- 7. Aboriginal SF
- 8. Interzone
- 9. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 10. Starlog
- 11. File 770
- 12. Thrust
- 13. Science Fiction Eye
- 1989
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Aboriginal SF
- 5. Omni
- 6. (tie): Amazing Stories
- 6. (tie): Interzone
- 8. Twilight Zone
- 9. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 10. Weird Tales
- 11. Thrust
- 12. The Horror Show
- 13. Science Fiction Eye
- 14. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 1990
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Aboriginal SF
- 5. Interzone
- 6. Omni
- 7. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 8. Weird Tales
- 9. Amazing Stories
- 10. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 11. Science Fiction Eye
- 12. Thrust
- 13. Midnight Graffiti
- 14. File 770
- 1991
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Interzone
- 5. Aboriginal SF
- 6. Omni
- 7. Weird Tales
- 8. Amazing Stories
- 9. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 10. Science Fiction Eye
- 11. Pulphouse
- 12. Quantum (formerly Thrust)
- 13. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 14. Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine
- 1994
- Asimov's
- 2.F&SF
- 3.Analog
- 4.Science Fiction Age
- 5.Interzone
- 6.Amazing Stories
- 7.Omni
- 8.Tomorrow Speculative Fiction
- 9.Science Fiction Chronicle
- 10.Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine
- 11.Aboriginal SF
- 12.Weird Tales
- 13.The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 14.Science Fiction Eye
- 15.Cemetery Dance
- 16.Pulphouse
- 1995
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Science Fiction Age
- 5. Interzone
- 6. Realms of Fantasy
- 7. Omni
- 8. Crank!
- 9. Tomorrow Speculative Fiction
- 10. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 11. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 12. Amazing Stories
- 1996
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Science Fiction Age
- 5. Interzone
- 6. Realms of Fantasy
- 7. Century
- 8. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 9. Omni
- 10. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 11. Crank!
- 12. Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine
- 13. Tomorrow Speculative Fiction
- 1997
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Science Fiction Age
- 5. Interzone
- 6. Realms of Fantasy
- 7. Century
- 1998
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Science Fiction Age
- 4. Analog
- 5. Interzone
- 6. Realms of Fantasy
- 7. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 8. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 1999
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Science Fiction Age
- 5. Interzone
- 6. Realms of Fantasy
- 7. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 8. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 2000
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Interzone
- 5. Science Fiction Age
- 6. Realms of Fantasy
- 7. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 8. Amazing Stories
- 9. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 10. Cemetery Dance
- 2001
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Analog
- 4. Interzone
- 5. Realms of Fantasy
- 6. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 7. Cemetery Dance
- 8. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 9. Science Fiction Age
- 10. Weird Tales
- 11. Science Fiction Weekly
- 12. Spectrum SF
- 13. Ansible
- 14. Century
- 15. Sci Fiction
- 16. Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine
- 17. Amazing Stories
- 18. Aboriginal SF
- 2002
- F&SF
- 2. Asimov's
- 3. Analog
- 4. Interzone
- 5. Sci Fiction
- 6. Realms of Fantasy
- 7. Science Fiction Weekly
- 8. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 9. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 10. Weird Tales
- 11. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 12. Ansible
- 13. Spectrum SF
- 14. Cemetery Dance
- 15. Black Gate
- 16. The Third Alternative
- 17. Strange Horizons
- 18. Talebones
- 19. Absolute Magnitude
- 2003
- F&SF
- 2. Asimov's
- 3. Analog
- 4. Interzone
- 5. Sci Fiction
- 6. Realms of Fantasy
- 7. The Third Alternative
- 8. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 9. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 10. Cemetery Dance
- 11. Strange Horizons
- 12. Spectrum SF
- 13. Black Gate
- 14. Science Fiction Weekly
- 15. Weird Tales
- 16. Science Fiction Chronicle
- 17. The Infinite Matrix
- 18. Ansible
- 2004
- F&SF
- 2. Asimov's
- 3. Analog
- 4. Sci Fiction
- 5. Interzone
- 6. The Third Alternative
- 7. Realms of Fantasy
- 8. Emerald City
- 9. Strange Horizons
- 10. SF Site
- 11. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 12. (tie): Ansible
- 12. (tie): The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 14. The Alien Online
- 15. Cemetery Dance
- 16. Black Gate
- 17. Science Fiction Weekly
- 18. Fantastic Metropolis
- 19. Infinity Plus
- 20. Weird Tales
- 21. Chronicle
- 22. Talebones
- 2005
- F&SF
- 2. Asimov's
- 3. Analog
- 4. Sci Fiction
- 5. Realms of Fantasy
- 6. Strange Horizons
- 7. Interzone
- 8. Emerald City
- 9. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 10. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 11. SF Site
- 12. Ansible
- 13. SF Weekly
- 14. The Third Alternative
- 15. Cemetery Dance
- 16. Weird Tales
- 17. Black Gate
- 18. Argosy
- 19. The Alien Online
- 20. Amazing Stories
- 21. Fantastic Metropolis
- 22. Infinity Plus
- 23. The Infinite Matrix
- 2006
- F&SF
- 2.Asimov's
- 3.Analog
- 4.Sci Fiction
- 5.Interzone
- 6.Realms of Fantasy
- 7.Emerald City
- 8.Strange Horizons
- 9.Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 10.The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 11.Ansible
- 12.SF Site
- 13.Black Gate
- 14.Postscripts
- 15.Subterranean
- 16.SF Weekly
- 17.Cemetery Dance
- 18.The Infinite Matrix
- 19.Weird Tales
- 20.The Third Alternative
- 21.Infinity Plus
- 22.Amazing Stories
- 2007
- F&SF
- 2. Asimov's
- 3. Analog
- 4. Strange Horizons
- 5. Interzone
- 6. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 7. Realms of Fantasy
- 8. Jim Baen's Universe
- 9. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 10. Subterranean
- 11. Fantasy Magazine
- 12. Emerald City
- 13. Ansible
- 14. SF Site
- 15. Weird Tales
- 16. SF Weekly
- 17. Cemetery Dance
- 18. Electric Velocipede
- 19. Postscripts
- 20. Clarkesworld Magazine
- 21. SciFiDimensions
- 22. Black Gate
- 23. Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
- 24. Internet Review of Science Fiction
- 25. SFRevu
- 26. Talebones
- 2008
- F&SF
- 2. Asimov's
- 3. Analog
- 4. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 5. Subterranean
- 6. Interzone
- 7. Realms of Fantasy
- 8. Jim Baen's Universe
- 9. Strange Horizons
- 10. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 11. Weird Tales
- 12. Postscripts
- 13. Ansible
- 14. Clarkesworld Magazine
- 15. SF Site
- 16. Fantasy Magazine
- 17. SF Weekly
- 18. Cemetery Dance
- 19. Electric Velocipede
- 20. Black Gate
- 21. SFRevu
- 22. Internet Review of Science Fiction
- 23. Talebones
- 2009
- F&SF
- 2. Asimov's
- 3. Analog
- 4. Subterranean
- 5. Realms of Fantasy
- 6. Interzone
- 7. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 8. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 9. Clarkesworld Magazine
- 10. Strange Horizons
- 11. Weird Tales
- 12. SF Site
- 13. Jim Baen's Universe
- 14. Ansible
- 15. Postscripts
- 16. SF Weekly
- 17. Electric Velocipede
- 18. Cemetery Dance
- 19. Fantasy Magazine
- 20. Black Gate
- 21. The Internet Review of Science Fiction
- 22. SFRevu
- 2010
- F&SF
- 2. Asimov's
- 3.
- 4. Clarkesworld Magazine
- 5. Analog
- 6. Strange Horizons
- 7. Subterranean
- 8. Realms of Fantasy
- 9. Interzone
- 10. Weird Tales
- 11. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 12. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 13. SF Site
- 14. Fantasy Magazine
- 15. Ansible
- 16. Postscripts
- 17. Cemetery Dance
- 18. Jim Baen's Universe
- 19. Electric Velocipede
- 20. Black Gate
- 21. SFRevu
- 2011
- Asimov's
- 2. F&SF
- 3.
- 4. Analog
- 5. Subterranean
- 6. Clarkesworld Magazine
- 7. Strange Horizons
- 8. Interzone
- 9. Lightspeed
- 10. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 11. Realms of Fantasy
- 12. Fantasy Magazine
- 13. Weird Tales
- 14. The New York Review of Science Fiction
- 15. SF Site
- 16. Ansible
- 17. Black Gate
- 18. Apex
- 19. Jim Baen's Universe
- 20. Cemetery Dance
- 21. Postscripts
- 22. Electric Velocipede
- 2013
- Asimov's
- 2.F&SF
- 4.Clarkesworld
- 5.Subterranean
- 6.Analog
- 7.Lightspeed
- 8.Strange Horizons
- 9.SF Signal
- 10.Interzone
- 11.Apex
- 12.The New York Review of SF
- 13.Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- 14.Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 15.Ansible
- 16.Cemetery Dance
- 17.Weird Tales
- 18.SF Site
- 2014
- Asimov's
- 2.
- 3. F&SF
- 4. Clarkesworld
- 5. Subterranean
- 6. Analog
- 7. Weird Tales
- 8. Lightspeed
- 9. Strange Horizons
- 10. Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- 11. Interzone
- 12. SF Signal Podcast
- 13. Apex
- 14. Cemetery Dance
- 15. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
- 16. The New York Review of SF
- 17. Electric Velocipede
- 18. The Coode Street Podcast
- 19. Ansible
- 20. Black Gate
- 21. Amazing
- 22. Galactic Suburbia
- 23. Nightmare Magazine
- 2015
- 2. Asimov's Science Fiction.
- 3. Clarkesworld Magazine, Neil Clarke, ed..
- 4. Fantasy & Science Fiction.
- 5. Lightspeed Magazine, John Joseph Adams, Stefan Rudnicki, Rich Horton, Wendy N. Wagner & Christie Yant, eds..
- 6. Subterranean.
- 7. Strange Horizons, Niall Harrison, ed..
- 8. Analog.
- 9. Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Scott H. Andrews, ed..
- 10. SF Signal, John DeNardo (ed).
- 11. Interzone, Andy Cox, ed..
- 12. The Coode Street Podcast, Jonathan Strahan & Gary K. Wolfe.
- 13. Ansible, Dave Langford, ed..
- 14. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet.
- 15. Apex Magazine, Lynne M. Thomas, Jason Sizemore & Michael Damian Thomas, eds..
- 16. Galactic Suburbia Podcast, Alisa Krasnostein, Alexandra Pierce, Tansy Rayner Roberts & Andrew Finch.
- 17. Daily SF.
- 18. The New York Review of Science Fiction.
- 19. File 770, Mike Glyer, ed..
- 20. Black Gate, John O'Neill, ed..
- 20. Amazing.
- 22. Cemetery Dance.
- 23. Shimmer.
- 24. SF Squeecast.
- 2016
- Asimov's, Sheila Williams, ed..
- 2.
- 3. Fantasy & Science Fiction, Gordon Van Gelder, ed..
- 4. Clarkesworld, Neil Clarke, ed..
- 5. File 770, Mike Glyer, ed..
- 6. Lightspeed Magazine, John Joseph Adams, ed..
- 7. Analog, Trevor Quachri, ed..
- 8. Black Gate, John O’Neill, ed..
- 9. Uncanny Magazine, Lynne M. Thomas, Michael Damian Thomas, Michi Trota, Erika Ensign & Steven Schapansky, eds..
- 10. Strange Horizons, Catherine Krahe, Julia Rios, A. J. Odasso, Vanessa Rose Phin, Maureen Kincaid Speller.
- 11. Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Scott H. Andrews, Nicole Lavigne & Kate Marshall, eds..
- 12. Interzone, Andy Cox, ed..
- 13. SF Signal, John DeNardo, ed..
- 14. Coode Street .
- 15. Sci Phi Journal, Jason Rennie, ed..
- 16. Subterranean .
- 17. Apex Magazine, Jason Sizemore, ed..
- 18. Cemetery Dance, Richard T. Chizmar, ed..
- 19. The New York Review of Science Fiction, David G. Hartwell & Kevin J. Maroney, eds..
- 20. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, Gavin J. Grant & Kelly Link, eds..
- 21. Daily Science Fiction, Michele-Lee Barasso & Jonathan Laden, eds..
- 22. Abyss & Apex, Wendy Delmater ed..
- 23. Ansible, Dave Langford, ed..
- 24. Nightmare Magazine, John Joseph Adams, ed..
- 25. Shimmer, E. Catherine Tobler, ed..
- 26. Galactic Suburbia .
- 27. Weird Tales .
- 2017
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Asimov's
- 4. Uncanny
- 5. Clarkesworld
- 6. Lightspeed
- 7. Analog
- 8. Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- 9. Strange Horizons
- 10. File 770
- 2018
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Uncanny
- 4. Asimov's
- 5. Clarkesworld
- 6. Lightspeed
- 7. Strange Horizons
- 8. Analog
- 9. Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- 10. File 770
- 2019
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Uncanny
- 4. Asimov's
- 5. Clarkesworld
- 6. Lightspeed
- 7. Analog
- 8. Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- 9. Strange Horizons
- 10. Fireside
- 2020
- 2. F&SF
- 3. Asimov's
- 4. Uncanny
- 5. Clarkesworld
- 6. Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- 7. Lightspeed
- 8. Strange Horizons
- 9. Analog
- 10. File 770
- 2021
- 2. Uncanny
- 3. F&SF
- 4. Fiyah
- 5. Asimov's
- 6. Clarkesworld
- 7. Strange Horizons
- 8. Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- 9. Lightspeed
- 10. Analog
- 2022
- 2. Uncanny
- 3. F&SF
- 4. FIYAH
- 5. Asiimov's
- 6. Clarkesworld
- 7. Strange Horizons
- 8. Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- 9. Analog
- 10. Lightspeed
- 2023
- 2. Uncanny
- 3. Clarkesworld
- 4. F&SF
- 5. Asimov's
- 6. FIYAH
- 7. Strange Horizons
- 8. Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- 9. Apex
- 10. Lightspeed
- 2024
- Uncanny
- 2. Clarkesworld
- 3.
- 4. Asimov's
- 5. FIYAH
- 6. F&SF
- 7. Strange Horizons
- 8. khoréo
- 9. Analog
- 10. Beneath Ceaseless Skies