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Gaylactic Spectrum Awards
Gaylactic Network Spectrum Awards
WWW stránky ocenění: Gaylactic Network Spectrum Awards
Gaylactic Network Spectrum Awards je udělována dílům sci- fi, fantasy a hororu, které obsahují gay, lesbické, bisexuální nebo transgender témata, postavy nebo motivy. Od Lambda Awards se liší tím, že se věnuje výslovně žánrovým dílům.
ročník: 7
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- Drawn Together, Various (Comedy Central)
- Shadows of the Night: Queer Tales of the Uncanny and Unusual, Greg Herren, ed. (Southern Tier)
- A Touch of Pink, Ian Iqbal Rashid (Sony Pictures Classics)
- With Her Body, Nicola Griffith (Aqueduct Press)
- Povídka
- “Country People”, Richard Hall (Shadows of the Night)
- Finlay, Charles Coleman - Zvrhlík 74% / 8
- “At the Roots of the World Tree”, Catherine Lundoff (Kenoma)
- “Hold Back the Night”, Colleen Anderson (Open Space: New Canadian Fantastic Fiction)
- “Kissing Frogs”, Jaye Lawrence (F&SF May 2004)
- “The Mask”, David McConnell (Shadows of the Night)
- “The Morning After”, Therese Szymanski (Shadows of the Night)
- “Rabbit Rerun”, Carol Rosenfeld (Shadows of the Night)
- “Song of Bullfrogs, Cry of Geese”, Nicola Griffith (With Her Body)
- Román
- Earth Logic, Laurie Marks (Tor)
- Huff, Tanya Sue - Kouř a stíny 64% / 5
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
- Murder of Angels, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Roc)
- Dog Warrior, Wen Spencer (Roc)
- The First Stone, Mark Anthony (Bantam Spectra)
- Offspring, Steven Harper (Roc)
- The Ordinary, Jim Grimsley (Tor)
- Reruns, Selina Rosen (Yard Dog)