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Retro Hugo
Retro Hugo Awards
Ceny Retro Hugo jsou nepravidelně udělovány v rámci cen Hugo. Jsou udělovány za díla vzniklá minimálně před 50 lety před daným World SF Convention. Postup hlasování je stejný jako u cen Hugo.
originální název: Novel
- 1996
- Isaac Asimov
- “The Mule”, Isaac Asimov (Astounding Nov,Dec 1945)
- Lewis, C. S. - Ta obludná síla 71% / 13
- van Vogt, Alfred Elton - Svět non-A 76% / 9
- Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Edmond Moore Hamilton
- “Destiny Times Three”, Fritz Leiber (Astounding Mar,Apr 1945)
- “Red Sun of Danger” (book title Danger Planet), Brett Sterling (aka: Edmond Hamilton)(Startling Stories Spring 1945)
- 2001
- Lewis, C. S. - Lev, čarodějnice a skříň 78% / 141
- Asimov, Isaac - Oblázek na obloze 81% / 89
- Jack Vance
- The Dying Earth, Jack Vance (Hillman)
- First Lensman, E. E. Smith (Fantasy Press)
- 2004
- Bradbury, Ray - 451 stupňů Fahrenheita 89% / 226
- Asimov, Isaac - Ocelové jeskyně 86% / 144
- Clarke, Arthur C. - Konec dětství 82% / 103
- Sturgeon, Theodore - Víc než člověk 82% / 25
- Clement, Hal - Těžká expedice 88% / 6
- 2014
- Lewis, C. S. - Návštěvníci z mlčící planety 74% / 25
- Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Jack Williamson
- “Carson of Venus”, Edgar Rice Burroughs (Argosy Feb 1938)
- The Legion of Time, Jack Williamson (Collins)
- “Galactic Patrol”, E. E. Smith (Astounding Science-Fiction Jul 1938)
- 2016
- van Vogt, Alfred Elton - Slan 65% / 25
- Boye, Karin - Kallocain 73% / 41
- Terence Hanbury White
- Jack Williamson
- The Ill-Made Knight, T. H. White (Putnam's)
- “The Reign of Wizardry”, Jack Williamson (Unknown Mar,Apr,May 1940)
- “Gray Lensman”, E. E. "Doc" Smith (Astounding Science-Fiction Oct,Nov,Dec 1939, Jan 1940)
- 2018
- Heinlein, Robert A. - Za tímto horizontem 53% / 14
- “Beyond This Horizon”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science Fiction Apr,May 1942) (as by Anson MacDonald)
- Olaf Stapledon
- Kurt Siodmak
- Austin Tappan Wright
- Darkness and the Light, Olaf Stapledon (Methuen/S.J.R. Saunders)
- “Donovan's Brain”, Curt Siodmak (Black Mask Sep,Oct,Nov 1942)
- Islandia, Austin Tappan Wright (Farrar & Rinehart)
- “Second Stage Lensman”, E. E. "Doc" Smith (Astounding Science Fiction Nov,Dec 1941 - Jan,Feb 1942)
- The Uninvited, Dorothy Macardle (Doubleday; Doran/S.J.R. Saunders)
- 2019
- Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Conjure Wife, Fritz Leiber (Unknown Worlds Apr 1943)
- Lewis, C. S. - Perelandra 69% / 15
- Hesse, Hermann - Hra se skleněnými perlami 95% / 4
- Catherine Lucille Moore
- Henry Kuttner
- Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Alfred Elton van Vogt
- Earth's Last Citadel, C. L. Moore & Henry Kuttner (Argosy Apr 1943)
- Gather, Darkness!, Fritz Leiber (Astounding Science Fiction May,Jun,Jul 1943)
- The Weapon Makers, A. E. van Vogt (Astounding Science Fiction Feb,Mar,Apr 1943)
- 2020
- Leigh Brackett
- “Shadow Over Mars”, Leigh Brackett (Startling Stories Fall 1944) (The Nemesis from Terra)
- van Vogt; Hull - Okřídlený muž 65% / 34
- Robert Ranke Graves
- Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Olaf Stapledon
- The Golden Fleece, Robert Graves (Cassell) (Hercules, My Shipmate)
- Land of Terror, Edgar Rice Burroughs (Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.)
- Sirius, Olaf Stapledon (Secker & Warburg)
- The Wind on the Moon, Eric Linklater (Macmillan)