Goodreads Choice Awards
WWW stránky ocenění: Goodreads Choice Awards
Goodreads Choice Awards je oceňování nejlepších knih na stránkách Tyto stránky každoročně vyhlašují soutěž o nejlepší knihy v celé řadě kategorií, které volí sami čtenáři.
ročník: 9
- Nejlepší fantasy
- Rowling, Joanne Kathleen - Fantastická zvířata a kde je najít* 70% / 3
- J.K. Rowling - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay
- Gaiman, Neil - Severská mytologie 74% / 26
- Arden, Katherine - Medvěd a slavík 90% / 2
- McClellan, Brian - Hříchy říše 87% / 21
- Eames, Nicholas - Králové Wyldu 76% / 27
- Lawrence, Mark - Červená sestra 68% / 6
- Schwab, Victoria - Zaklínání světla 75% / 2
- Sanderson, Brandon - Meč přísahy 78% / 21
- Jemisin, N. K. - Kamenné nebe 90% / 12
- Bennett, Robert Jackson - Město zázraků 86% / 18
- Michael J. Sullivan
- Briggs, Patricia - Dlouhé ticho 77% / 15
- Darynda Jones
- Anne Bishop
- Johansen, Erika - Osud Tearlingu 100% / 1
- Robin Hobb
- Karen Marie Moning
- Ilona Andrews
- Williams, Tad - Koruna z čarodřeva [1] 70% / 2
- 2. Neil Gaiman - Norse Mythology
- 3. V.E. Schwab - A Conjuring of Light
- 4. Katherine Arden - The Bear and the Nightingale
- 5. Brandon Sanderson - Oathbringer
- 6. Ilona Andrews - One Fell Sweep
- 7. Karen Marie Moning - Feversong
- 8. Robin Hobb - Assassin's Fate
- 9. N.K. Jemisin - The Stone Sky
- 10. Erika Johansen - The Fate of the Tearling
- 11. Anne Bishop - Etched in Bone
- 12. Mark Lawrence - Red Sister
- 13. Darynda Jones - Eleventh Grave in Moonlight
- 14. Patricia Briggs - Silence Fallen
- 15. Nicholas Eames - Kings of the Wyld
- 16. Tad Williams - The Witchwood Crown
- 17. Brian McClellan - Sins of Empire
- 18. Aleron Kong - The Land: Raiders
- 19. Michael J. Sullivan - Age of Swords
- 20. Robert Jackson Bennett - City of Miracles
- Nejlepší horor
- King; King - Růženky 78% / 8
- Stephen King a Owen King - Sleeping Beauties
- Anne Rice
- Riley Sager
- Christina Henry
- Carey, M. R. - Chlapec na mostě 90% / 4
- Richard Kadrey
- Charles Stross
- Hill, Joe - Divné počasí 76% / 9
- David Wong
- Seanan McGuire
- Amanda Stevens
- John Connolly
- Child, Lincoln - Úplněk vlka 45% / 2
- LaValle, Victor - Podvrženec 80% / 1
- 2. Riley Sager - Final Girls
- 3. Anne Rice - Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis
- 4. Edgar Cantero - Meddling Kids
- 5. M.R. Carey - The Boy on the Bridge
- 6. Christina Henry - Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook
- 7. Lincoln Child - Full Wolf Moon
- 8. Victor LaValle - The Changeling
- 9. Dot Hutchison - Roses of May
- 10. John Connolly - A Game of Ghosts
- 11. Amanda Stevens - The Awakening
- 12. Seanan McGuire - Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day
- 13. David Wong - What the Hell Did I Just Read
- 14. Hari Kunzru - White Tears
- 15. Joe Hill - Strange Weather
- 16. Charles Stross - The Delirium Brief
- 17. Richard Kadrey - The Kill Society
- 18. Jac Jemc - The Grip of It
- 19. J-F Dubeau - A God in the Shed
- 20. Ronald Malfi - Bone White
- Nejlepší kniha pro děti
- Riordan, Rick - Loď mrtvých 76% / 5
- Rick Riordan - The Ship of the Dead
- Riordan, Rick - Temné proroctví 73% / 3
- Chainani, Soman - Vzhůru za slávou
- Jonathan Stroud
- Tui T. Sutherland
- Katherine Alice Applegate
- Melissa de la Cruz
- Brandon Mull
- Donnelly, Jennifer - Kráska a zvíře
- Colfer, Chris - Srážka světů 70% / 1
- 2. Rick Riordan - The Dark Prophecy
- 3. Jennifer Donnelly - Beauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book
- 4. Chris Colfer - Worlds Collide
- 5. Hena Khan - Amina's Voice
- 6. Jack Cheng - See You in the Cosmos
- 7. Lauren Wolk - Beyond the Bright Sea
- 8. Brandon Mull - Dragonwatch
- 9. Barbara Dee - Star-Crossed
- 10. Melissa de la Cruz - Rise of the Isle of the Lost
- 11. Lisa Thompson - The Goldfish Boy
- 12. Ellen Oh - Flying Lessons & Other Stories
- 13. Soman Chainani - Quests for Glory
- 14. Katherine Applegate - Wishtree
- 15. Tui T. Sutherland - Talons of Power
- 16. Ali Standish - The Ethan I Was Before
- 17. Sally J. Pla - The Someday Birds
- 18. Jonathan Stroud - The Empty Grave
- 19. Kimberly Brubaker Bradley - The War I Finally Won
- 20. Lauren Baratz-Logsted - I Love You, Michael Collins
- Nejlepší kniha pro mládež v žánru fantasy a sci - fi
- Maas, Sarah J. - Dvůr křídel a zmaru 88% / 5
- Sarah J. Maas - A Court of Wings and Ruin
- Morgan Rhodes
- Sarah Rees Brennan
- Maas, Sarah J. - Věž úsvitu 80% / 8
- Taylor, Laini - Snílek Neznámý 90% / 1
- Bardugo, Leigh - Trnitá řeč 70% / 2
- Lu, Marie - Warcross 60% / 4
- Pullman, Philip - La Belle Sauvage 85% / 2
- Schwab, Victoria - Temný duet
- Maggie Stiefvater
- Shannon, Samantha - A zrodí se píseň 93% / 3
- Clare, Cassandra - Pán stínů 40% / 1
- Aveyard, Victoria - Králova klec 80% / 2
- Garber, Stephanie - Caraval
- Shusterman, Neal - Smrtka 79% / 21
- Roth, Veronica - Čáry života 72% / 9
- Jae-Jones, S. - Píseň zimy 75% / 2
- Renée Ahdieh
- Hamilton, Alwyn - Zrádce trůnu
- Forest, Laurie - Černá čarodějka 76% / 5
- 2. Cassandra Clare - Lord of Shadows
- 3. Victoria Aveyard - King's Cage
- 4. Laini Taylor - Strange the Dreamer
- 5. Stephanie Garber - Caraval
- 6. Sarah J. Maas - Tower of Dawn
- 7. Marie Lu - Warcross
- 8. Neal Shusterman - Scythe
- 9. Veronica Roth - Carve the Mark
- 10. Victoria Schwab - Our Dark Duet
- 11. S. Jae-Jones - Wintersong
- 12. Renee Ahdieh - Flame in the Mist
- 13. Philip Pullman - La Belle Sauvage
- 14. Leigh Bardugo - The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic
- 15. Alwyn Hamilton - Traitor to the Throne
- 16. Samantha Shannon - The Song Rising
- 17. Maggie Stiefvater - All the Crooked Saints
- 18. Morgan Rhodes - Crystal Storm
- 19. Sarah Rees Brennan - In Other Lands
- 20. Laurie Forest - The Black Witch
- Nejlepší komiks
- Sarah Andersen - Big Mushy Happy Lump
- Greg Rucka
- Marissa Meyer
- Shannon Hale
- G. Willow Wilson
- Scott Westerfeld
- 2. Greg Rucka (Writer), Liam Sharp (Artist), Jodi Wynne (Letterer), Matthew Clark (Penciller), Sean Parsons (Inker), Laura Martin (Colorist) a Jeremy Colwell (Colorist) - Wonder Woman, Volume 1: The Lies
- 3. Brian K. Vaughan (Writer) a Fiona Staples (Artist) - Saga, Vol. 7
- 4. Marissa Meyer (Goodreads Author) a Douglas Holgate (Illustrations) - Wires and Nerve (Wires and Nerve #1)
- 5. Marjorie M. Liu (Author) a Sana Takeda (Artist) - Monstress, Vol. 2: The Blood
- 6. Shannon Hale (Goodreads Author), LeUyen Pham (Illustrations) a Jane Poole (Color by) - Real Friends
- 7. G. Willow Wilson (Goodreads Author), Takeshi Miyazawa (Artist) a Adrian Alphona (Artist) - Ms. Marvel, Vol. 6: Civil War II
- 8. Jomny Sun - everyone's a aliebn when ur a aliebn too
- 9. Thi Bui - The Best We Could Do
- 10. Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang (Illustrator), Matt Wilson (Colorist) a Jared K. Fletcher (Letterer) - Paper Girls, Vol. 2
- 11. Noelle Stevenson, Shannon Watters, Carolyn Nowak (Illustrations), Grace Ellis a Brooke A. Allen (Illustrator) - Lumberjanes, Vol. 5: Band Together
- 12. Emil Ferris - My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, Vol. 1
- 13. Michael Dante DiMartino (Goodreads Author) a Irene Koh (Illustrations) - The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars Part One
- 14. Tom King (Writer), Michael Walsh (Artist), Gabriel Hernandez Walta (Artist), Jordie Bellaire (Colourist), Mike del Mundo (Cover Artist) a Clayton Cowles (Letterer) - The Vision, Volume 2: Little Better than a Beast
- 15. Jonathan Hickman (Writer), Tomm Coker (Artist), Michael Garland (Colourist) a Rus Wooton (Letterer) - The Black Monday Murders, Vol. 1: All Hail, God Mammon
- 16. Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston (Artist) a Dave Stewart (Colorist) - Black Hammer, Vol. 1: Secret Origins
- 17. Kelly Sue DeConnick (Writer), Taki Soma (Artist) a Valentine De Landro (Artist) - Bitch Planet, Vol. 2: President Bitch
- 18. Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie (Illustrator), Matt Wilson (Illustrator) a Kevin Wada (Illustrator) - The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 5: Imperial Phase I
- 19. Joe Sugg a Amrit Birdi (Illustrator) - Username: Uprising
- 20. Scott Westerfeld (Author) a Alex Puvilland (Illustrations) - Spill Zone
- Nejlepší románová prvotina
- Angie Thomas - The Hate U Give
- Garber, Stephanie - Caraval
- Mastai, Elan - Dnešek není naposled 59% / 8
- Arden, Katherine - Medvěd a slavík 90% / 2
- El Akkad, Omar - Americká válka 43% / 3
- Eames, Nicholas - Králové Wyldu 76% / 27
- 2. Stephanie Garber - Caraval
- 3. Katherine Arden - The Bear and the Nightingale
- 4. Georgia Hunter - We Were the Lucky Ones
- 5. Matthew J. Sullivan - Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore
- 6. Jane Harper - The Dry
- 7. Omar El Akkad - American War
- 8. Jennifer Ryan - The Chilbury Ladies' Choir
- 9. Gabriel Tallent - My Absolute Darling
- 10. Lisa Ko - The Leavers
- 11. Ayobami Adebayo - Stay with Me
- 12. Elan Mastai - All Our Wrong Todays
- 13. Rachel Khong - Goodbye, Vitamin
- 14. Kayla Rae Whitaker - The Animators
- 15. Abby Fabiaschi - I Liked My Life
- 16. Zinzi Clemmons - What We Lose
- 17. Nicholas Eames - Kings of the Wyld
- 18. Devney Perry - The Coppersmith Farmhouse
- 19. Robinne Lee - The Idea of You
- 20. Dan Moren - The Caledonian Gambit
- Nejlepší sci -fi
- Weir, Andy - Artemis 72% / 47
- Andy Weir - Artemis
- Nnedi Okorafor
- Mur Lafferty
- Zahn, Timothy - Thrawn 90% / 1
- Lee, Yoon Ha - Krkavčí lest 85% / 8
- VanderMeer, Jeff - Borne 80% / 12
- Wells, Martha - Výpadek systémů 69% / 21
- Stephenson; Galland - Vzestup a pád agentury DODO 77% / 16
- El Akkad, Omar - Americká válka 43% / 3
- Taylor, Dennis E. - Protože je nás mnoho 84% / 16
- Neuvel, Sylvain - Probuzení bohové 85% / 14
- Kameron Hurley
- Ann Leckie
- Scalzi, John - Zánik Impéria 77% / 14
- Mastai, Elan - Dnešek není naposled 59% / 8
- Corey, James S. A. - Popel Babylonu 74% / 30
- Kloos, Marko - Ohnivá pole 71% / 8
- 2. Sylvain Neuvel - Waking Gods
- 3. Timothy Zahn - Thrawn
- 4. Omar El Akkad - American War
- 5. Nnedi Okorafor - Home
- 6. Jeff VanderMeer - Borne
- 7. James S.A. Corey - Babylon's Ashes
- 8. Elan Mastai - All Our Wrong Todays
- 9. John Scalzi - The Collapsing Empire
- 10. Jodi Taylor - And the Rest is History
- 11. Dennis E. Taylor - For We Are Many
- 12. Martha Wells - All Systems Red
- 13. Ann Leckie - Provenance
- 14. Neal Stephenson a Nicole Galland - The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.
- 15. Yoon Ha Lee - Raven Stratagem
- 16. Mur Lafferty - Six Wakes
- 17. Marko Kloos - Fields of Fire
- 18. Kameron Hurley - The Stars Are Legion
- 19. Tal M. Klein - The Punch Escrow
- 20. Ada Palmer - Seven Surrenders