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Goodreads Choice Awards

WWW stránky ocenění: Goodreads Choice Awards

Goodreads Choice Awards je oceňování nejlepších knih na stránkách www.goodreads.com. Tyto stránky každoročně vyhlašují soutěž o nejlepší knihy v celé řadě kategorií, které volí sami čtenáři.

další rok - 2018předchozí rok - 2016


ročník: 9

Nejlepší fantasy



Nejlepší horor



Nejlepší kniha pro děti



Nejlepší kniha pro mládež v žánru fantasy a sci - fi



Nejlepší komiks


  • Sarah Andersen - Big Mushy Happy Lump


  • Greg Rucka
  • Marissa Meyer
  • Shannon Hale
  • G. Willow Wilson
  • Scott Westerfeld
  • 2. Greg Rucka (Writer), Liam Sharp (Artist), Jodi Wynne (Letterer), Matthew Clark (Penciller), Sean Parsons (Inker), Laura Martin (Colorist) a Jeremy Colwell (Colorist) - Wonder Woman, Volume 1: The Lies
  • 3. Brian K. Vaughan (Writer) a Fiona Staples (Artist) - Saga, Vol. 7
  • 4. Marissa Meyer (Goodreads Author) a Douglas Holgate (Illustrations) - Wires and Nerve (Wires and Nerve #1)
  • 5. Marjorie M. Liu (Author) a Sana Takeda (Artist) - Monstress, Vol. 2: The Blood
  • 6. Shannon Hale (Goodreads Author), LeUyen Pham (Illustrations) a Jane Poole (Color by) - Real Friends
  • 7. G. Willow Wilson (Goodreads Author), Takeshi Miyazawa (Artist) a Adrian Alphona (Artist) - Ms. Marvel, Vol. 6: Civil War II
  • 8. Jomny Sun - everyone's a aliebn when ur a aliebn too
  • 9. Thi Bui - The Best We Could Do
  • 10. Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang (Illustrator), Matt Wilson (Colorist) a Jared K. Fletcher (Letterer) - Paper Girls, Vol. 2
  • 11. Noelle Stevenson, Shannon Watters, Carolyn Nowak (Illustrations), Grace Ellis a Brooke A. Allen (Illustrator) - Lumberjanes, Vol. 5: Band Together
  • 12. Emil Ferris - My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, Vol. 1
  • 13. Michael Dante DiMartino (Goodreads Author) a Irene Koh (Illustrations) - The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars Part One
  • 14. Tom King (Writer), Michael Walsh (Artist), Gabriel Hernandez Walta (Artist), Jordie Bellaire (Colourist), Mike del Mundo (Cover Artist) a Clayton Cowles (Letterer) - The Vision, Volume 2: Little Better than a Beast
  • 15. Jonathan Hickman (Writer), Tomm Coker (Artist), Michael Garland (Colourist) a Rus Wooton (Letterer) - The Black Monday Murders, Vol. 1: All Hail, God Mammon
  • 16. Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston (Artist) a Dave Stewart (Colorist) - Black Hammer, Vol. 1: Secret Origins
  • 17. Kelly Sue DeConnick (Writer), Taki Soma (Artist) a Valentine De Landro (Artist) - Bitch Planet, Vol. 2: President Bitch
  • 18. Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie (Illustrator), Matt Wilson (Illustrator) a Kevin Wada (Illustrator) - The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 5: Imperial Phase I
  • 19. Joe Sugg a Amrit Birdi (Illustrator) - Username: Uprising
  • 20. Scott Westerfeld (Author) a Alex Puvilland (Illustrations) - Spill Zone
Nejlepší románová prvotina


  • Angie Thomas - The Hate U Give


  • Garber, Stephanie - Caraval
  • Mastai, Elan - Dnešek není naposled   59% / 8
  • Arden, Katherine - Medvěd a slavík   90% / 2
  • El Akkad, Omar - Americká válka   43% / 3
  • Eames, Nicholas - Králové Wyldu   76% / 27
  • 2. Stephanie Garber - Caraval
  • 3. Katherine Arden - The Bear and the Nightingale
  • 4. Georgia Hunter - We Were the Lucky Ones
  • 5. Matthew J. Sullivan - Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore
  • 6. Jane Harper - The Dry
  • 7. Omar El Akkad - American War
  • 8. Jennifer Ryan - The Chilbury Ladies' Choir
  • 9. Gabriel Tallent - My Absolute Darling
  • 10. Lisa Ko - The Leavers
  • 11. Ayobami Adebayo - Stay with Me
  • 12. Elan Mastai - All Our Wrong Todays
  • 13. Rachel Khong - Goodbye, Vitamin
  • 14. Kayla Rae Whitaker - The Animators
  • 15. Abby Fabiaschi - I Liked My Life
  • 16. Zinzi Clemmons - What We Lose
  • 17. Nicholas Eames - Kings of the Wyld
  • 18. Devney Perry - The Coppersmith Farmhouse
  • 19. Robinne Lee - The Idea of You
  • 20. Dan Moren - The Caledonian Gambit
Nejlepší sci -fi



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